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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9010746 No.9010746 [Reply] [Original]

Hey jp, I don't want to sound gay but why don't you marry another /jp/er? This may sound like trolling but I'd like to wake up every morning near a person who shares my interest, we would let the sun bath us before total awakening and then we would cook a good breakfast together and take it easy all day, there's no need for sex if you're fine with it, the company of another person is enough to light your life.

Before writing a couple lines about how upset you're and how much sucks my post think about it, most of us are lonely persons, disregarding if you can cope with it or not, and the company of other person may put a genuine and happy smile in your face every day. Please tell me I'm not alone.

>> No.9010757

i can see her panties lol

>> No.9010754

Most people here are better off alone.

I'm planning to marry a /jp/sie though

>> No.9010758

You seriously think your thread is so original you needed to devote half of it to qualifying/explaining yourself?

Did you get here last week or something?

Oh fuck it. This will get 200 replies and we all know it.

>> No.9010759

My boyfriend is a /jp/sie! He's the best!

>> No.9010760

Nope, just you.

>> No.9010761

Only because youre opinion is shit.

>> No.9010764


>> No.9010769

I'll marry you, OP.

>> No.9010773 [DELETED] 

You never get bored, OP, are you?

>> No.9010776

Let's have a cock-off.

>> No.9010780

I would rather date a girl then get married and have kids then marry one of you faggots.

>> No.9010786

Too far.

>> No.9010793

>I don't want to sound gay

you just did, gtfo faggot

>> No.9010792

I like this post, because it has a completely different meaning depending on whether you're a hardcore truNEET /jp/er, or some off-board subhuman lurking out of boredom.

>> No.9010803
File: 384 KB, 983x437, OldNew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9010813

Balls look so soft..

>> No.9010815

ur gay

>> No.9010818

neither and lurk more

>> No.9010826

I've been on /jp/ since about a year after the split, and the reason I actually stayed is because I run into a nice, long, civil thread about anal masturbation and crossdressing on my first visit.

Fuck you.

>> No.9010831

>implying he thinks new /jp/ is worse

>> No.9010833
File: 22 KB, 298x387, wahtatwist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9010840


>> No.9010834



I like it.

>> No.9010842

Keep on dreaming.

>> No.9010843


>> No.9010844


I absolutely agree

I have a causal relationship with a girl and honestly it's almost a chore dealing with it

I wish to be with someone with similar interests

>> No.9010851

I met my wife on /jp/

>> No.9010849

you fucking faggots should die in fire, fucking subhuman sacks of shit

>> No.9010850

Imagine you wake one morning, I'll be there waiting for you with a radiant smile and on the table: toasts, olives, fresh fruit, milk and cereals with cinnamon and vanilla.

We would take our time to eat, looking through the window wondering what to do with all our free time and a good friend near you, we could play something, tail a Touhou dress or maybe you feel like spending the day alone, it's fine, we both have lived most of our lives in loneliness so it's not like we can't live without talking every day, but the fact that the other person is still there and he will not leave would make our place cozy.

Just take it easy every day with you.

>> No.9010848

Me on the left, I want to fuck the one in the right.

>> No.9010861

>my girlfriend
feels pretty good now

>> No.9010855


>> No.9010859


>> No.9010864

Who wants to marry me? post age/gayness factor/location

I'm a 26 manly man with chest hair, I lift and play danmaku on normal
West of old world

>> No.9010865


>> No.9010866

I'll marry you
