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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 429x501, 1271523043562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8967085 No.8967085 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Japanese equivalent of 4chan?

>> No.8967094


>> No.8967095


>> No.8967096

dating sites for gay men

>> No.8967105


>> No.8967110


>> No.8967124


>> No.8967125


>> No.8967127

i think it was called futaba or soem shit like that idk man look it up for yourself or ask yahoo answers

>> No.8967130

get a lode of dis troll... fataba is the korean equivalent of ebaumsworld, you fugging want OP to get a virus or something?

>> No.8967139

i swear i am not a troll i seriously believed it was the japanese one.. please believe me

sorry op can't help ya

>> No.8967140
File: 1.14 MB, 1263x4993, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really not know about Moot and his other ADTRW pedo friends making an english futaba clone ?

Fucking newfags.

>> No.8967142
File: 152 KB, 1199x462, asdgasasdgasdgdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, the Japanese equivalent is Komica.


Now delete your shitty thread.

>> No.8967149


>> No.8967150

I swear you're just doing this to piss me off.

>> No.8967147


>> No.8967153


huh...Never noticed that before.

>> No.8967160

hey weebos, if ur so good at japanese, translate whats inside this image. i bet u can't

you're not allowed to say "please of coming" or whever you weebos always say

>> No.8967162


>> No.8967164

it says ur gay

>> No.8967173

Ah, wakachan. The only good *chan.

>> No.8967181

it's Japanese you fucking idiot, can't you tell the differents between Japans and Chinas?

Japanese uses a picture writing system much superior to that of our own. you fucking retard, go to school and learn some more, you obviously have empty brain

>> No.8967182

What about iiChan, nerd?

Although they're pretty much one and the same now.

>> No.8967188

what the fuck did you just call me? yoiu called me gay? let me tell you that in modern society we dnj't discurmiate against people with homosexual disabilities. it's incorrect and demeaning to do so, as it puts a group of people into marginalise. that is bad, marginalise. so dont do it.

>> No.8967194

Jesus moot, could you be any more stupid?

Next you'll be telling people you're supposed to sage threads to kill them faster, and that tripcodes are an opt-in identity that's cool to use.

>> No.8967204

back in 2002, moot was pretty dumb. I mean, he even thought that Japan had an amazing, wonderful society.

>> No.8967208

In a way, it's very unsurprising he largely outgrew anime and became a normalfriend.

Perhaps it was for the best.

>> No.8967209


> pretty dumb
> GNAA [...] (I quite like them actually)

>> No.8967210

how new are you?

>> No.8967230

is this a future for all of us as well?

>> No.8967256

>Although they're pretty much one and the same now.

So yeah, you answered your own question. I consider it a subset of wakachan.

>> No.8967257

2ch is a text board

2chan is an imageboard

But japanese Imageboards seem to be alot slower.

>> No.8967263

>became a Normal friend

seeing how he shits an /a/ from time to time i dont think so

>> No.8967278

>Next you'll be telling people you're supposed to sage threads to kill them faster

But.. that did used to be true, didn't it?

>> No.8967279

>2chan is an imageboard
u mena ``Futaba Channel''

2chan.net is just the URL, not the name of the site.

>> No.8967281

he shits on /a/ just to spite /a/

I mean, he changed the name of /a/ to "Infinite str/a/tos" at one point, and IS is a shitty anime

we all know he's a /b/tard

>> No.8967283

The only time I go to futaba is for livewatching anime. Those move pretty fast.

>> No.8967284


how and why is this a meme

>> No.8967285

No. If anything it's more likely to "kill threads faster" now because we have post limits instead of MARKED FOR DELETION (OLD).

>> No.8967286

You don't have to flex your knowledge every time 2chan is mentioned.

>> No.8967290

How did an intentionally shitty troll thread turn out to become genuine discussion?

>> No.8967296

But there's was some sort of autosage feature before marked for deletion was removed....

2chan.net is just the URL, not the name of the site.
I wonder sometimes if anyone calls this site "yotsuba" and not "fourchan"

>> No.8967298

One day on /prog/ someone said something that wasn't even about programming really and someone responded with ``U MENA HASKAL'' and it just kind of caught on through one person spamming it.

>> No.8967303

It's less shitty than all the other troll thread and real threads.

>> No.8967304

It's Archduke, just ignore him.

>> No.8967310

I sometimes cal it yotsuba.

>> No.8967311

Sorry, call*.
I am ashamed for not proofreading before submitting.

>> No.8967312

Fuck, the future is bleak. I don't want to normalize...

>> No.8967321

It's Chinese. Notice how the only kana is the name "Azuki" and "-chan".

>> No.8967322

since you seem very knowledgable, are you also able to explain the origin of these?
>X pls go
>X said so, don't bother him about it.
>post the "do you even lift" one

>> No.8967329

No I'm not.

Damn it, is this the fate of everyone who shows some elitismal e-penis?

Search the archives for ``2chan futaba'' or something. This used to be /jp/ 101.

>> No.8967339


don't argue with me, I'm an expert, since I lived in Japan and studied their culture.

Chinese: 目标在于建立一个完全相容于UNIX的自由软件环境。发展GNU系统的计划
Japanese: 目標在於建立一個完全相容於UNIX的自由軟體環境。發展GNU系統的計劃

>> No.8967340

I think I will have to point out the poster is making a mockery, he’s “ironically shitposting” if you will. He knows full well it is Chinese and not Japanese.

>> No.8967341

>X pls go
Wasn't this some Second Life troll? I think his name was Ralph, and while cybering two furries and/or teenagers said ralph pls go

>X said so, don't bother him about it.
No idea. I know it's usually moot and it goes back years, but I don't know where it comes from.

>post the "do you even lift" one
That was some bald guy from some TV show or something who says it. Fuck /fit/.

>> No.8967349

Shitposting ironically is still shitposting etc.

>> No.8967350
File: 182 KB, 913x590, Aradio_oh_wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967354

hahahahaha oh wow this is amazing

>> No.8967355

Above is simplified Chinese, the lower is traditional.

Fuck off.

>> No.8967358

Sure, but I was just trying to clear up confusion. I think you believed he was genuine so I felt I should clarify!

>> No.8967363


>> No.8967374
File: 118 KB, 822x712, 1186823947880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967381

And they are still made today although not in such quanitities like in 2007.

>> No.8967383
File: 237 KB, 780x502, 1 ko 1 ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967384

oh boy, imageboard history, I love these circlejerks

>> No.8967386

Then ur mum is a slut

>> No.8967389

We're all anonymous though, so any ego boost is temporary. It's nice to reminisce and share information and such. Also I JOINED SOMETHING AWFUL BEFORE THE PAYWALL AND I FOUND 4CHAN IN 2004 ANYONE REMEMBER /5/ I DO

>> No.8967394
File: 115 KB, 690x530, 1177591911469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my day, everything was better and mods weren't faggots!

>> No.8967397

fake and gay

>> No.8967402

It was a pretty famous event and in 2007 (which btw is late to me) dude

>> No.8967404


That's my favorite part of the circlejerk, its a handful/couple of pretend-oldfags from 2008 who read a few blogs/images and consider themselves imageboard historians. Sure you don't have to be as obnoxious as tokiko, but its still hilarious to watch.

>> No.8967408

Some of us were there though.

Do we have to prove ourselves to you or something? Because then you're kind of hypocritical.

Some people joined the website before 2006 (it was popular even then) and some of us stuck around. Hell, go to iiChan or !WAHa's board or wherever and you still get faggots complaining the site died in 2005 (yet they still apparently go there).

>> No.8967410

I liked moot when Code Geass R2 was airing

>> No.8967416


Remember when browsing /a/ was actually fun ?

>> No.8967422
File: 296 KB, 1260x2318, 1177592761220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything on the internet died in 2005, but there's no where else to go. You can't go back to forums after the freedom of an imageboard and browsing sites without interaction only goes so far.

pic unrelated.

>> No.8967425

I don't mind the actual oldfags so long as they aren't walking around with their "age" hanging out, its just the aforementioned imageboard "experts" that get to me.

and shouldn't this stuff be in /img/ or something.

>> No.8967433
File: 25 KB, 822x291, do you even lift 2002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do you even lift?" is some phrase from BodyBuilding forum that was paired with the Ironsports Gym guy's facial expression:

It's mostly a /fit/ meme.
His expression was duplicated with various other characters ad nauseum.

>> No.8967428

Get out with your /b/ shit, retard.

>> No.8967436

The Japanese net culture seems to stay strong, though. Besides, there are some actually quite good image/textboards nowadays, too. Not really any as fast as this one, though. I am kind of new, though (late 2008/early 2009), so my concepts of "good" might not be the same as yours.

>> No.8967438

you can't post images in /img/

also imageboard culture is otaku culture, because otakus use imageboards in japan

>> No.8967443

but why is it posted on /jp/ all the time?

everytime there is a "is it morning already?" thread. I don't get it

>> No.8967446

cuz its liek rely fnny n epick

>> No.8967448

If you want to share images, there's 3rd part websites for that if its absolutely necessary.

and by your logic this place could have baseball, trains, and a whole lot of bullshit people with that troll logic have tried to force thinking they were clever.

>> No.8967451


>> No.8967453


>> No.8967462


>> No.8967455
File: 342 KB, 1663x1069, 1279167038365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967457

just a thought. wou;d it be a good idea if moot made a few of the existing textboards into imageboards? for example, >>>/lang/ ? they would get more attention as imageboards, and we wouldn't have to have language threads on /jp/, /int/ and /a/ all the time.

>> No.8967458


>> No.8967460

We do have train threads sometimes, though.

>> No.8967464


>> No.8967474


>> No.8967468

They don't need images though. moot should just encourage people to actually use them other than /lounge/ trolls and COOL FREE RINGTONES spammers.

As for /lang/, it does have an image board equivalent (/int/).

>> No.8967469

script faggot?

>> No.8967470
File: 171 KB, 650x650, ookami wants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. Probably because the word "even" implies an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality of things.

And you know how much 4chan loves implying.

>> No.8967472
File: 123 KB, 666x720, autism32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thing is gaychan

>> No.8967480


>> No.8967476


>> No.8967481

thing is, nobody knows about them, apart from a few neckbeards from /g/ and /jp/

>> No.8967488

Dude the banned comment became a short-lived meme.
It was the default response to lucky star threads for a while.

>> No.8967485


>> No.8967490


>> No.8967497


>> No.8967493

the textboards are the only boards worth browsering


>> No.8967494

Then mods should promote them by adding links to w4ch next to the imageboard ones and making a sitewide sticky or shit like that.

>> No.8967499


>> No.8967502
File: 657 KB, 727x3340, 1163200125066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short-lived meme.
I think term "fad" fits much better. And yes this was probably on of the worst fads on /a/.

Sadly they're spammed.

>> No.8967505

>promote them by adding links to w4ch

You're not making any sense.

>> No.8967506


I chuckled.

Goddamn, the spam in those boards though.

>> No.8967508


>> No.8967509

/b/tards flock to them when the imageboards go down they can't be that obscure.

>> No.8967510


>> No.8967512

what is this fucking autism

i hope your entire isp gets-- oh wait rule 7 i almost forgot

>> No.8967513

Meme is the 4chan word for "fad". If you don't like the direction the word has taken, gb2/r/IHateReddit.

>> No.8967511


>> No.8967520


>> No.8967516


>> No.8967519

promote as in advocate, attempt to increase visibility
adding links as in using anchor tags to create hyperlinks in important places of the website

What's there to not understand?

>> No.8967523

So what, "Dully noted" is/was meme ?

>> No.8967525


>> No.8967526

I miss when Cirno and Kog were the only annoying thing

>> No.8967524


>> No.8967534


>> No.8967529


>> No.8967537

if you link to this post or quote it, you are a homo-lord ass-licking fart commander with a teeny tiny dick, so teeny tiny that you need a fucking microscope to see it

go on, i fucking dare you. shit-eating dick-hungry homo with aspergers

>> No.8967538


>> No.8967548

lol i got you there, ass muncher

\how does it feel to be EPICLY OWNED

>> No.8967550


>> No.8967573
File: 427 KB, 1025x3190, 1183034600226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>text boards

>> No.8967578


>> No.8967591


>> No.8967585
File: 380 KB, 1513x2181, 1163359539511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967587

everybody hates invisible sky magician

>> No.8967588


>> No.8967649

help me /jp/ im so alone

>> No.8967657


>> No.8967659

Create an imaginary friend.

>> No.8967662


>> No.8969579

Seeing all those images makes me wish I had saved the pages of all sorts of threads from back then.
