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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8929184 No.8929184 [Reply] [Original]

It's saturday night, /jp/, why aren't you getting drunk with your tulpa?

>> No.8929192
File: 87 KB, 608x456, 38 (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont drink or know what a tulpa is

>> No.8929198

Self-created hallucination. Imaginary friends on steroids.

>> No.8929210

How does one will a hallucination? At the moment I just rely upon sleep-deprivation and benadryl, but those are very surreal and terrifying. Can I get a cute hallucination somehow?

>> No.8929207

OP, you got a tulpa?

>> No.8929218


meditation, sitting in a dark room with white noise, etc.

>> No.8929216


>> No.8929228

It doesn't drink.

>> No.8929262

sounds scary :(

>> No.8929265


Tulpas doesn't real.

>> No.8929272

Well duh, they are hallucinations.

>> No.8929281

Buy a dog.

>> No.8929280

No shit sherlock.

>> No.8929291

My name isn't Sherlock. Wrong person?

>> No.8929300

I see you are a funny mothafucka. Wanna come to my house and fuck my sister?

>> No.8929369

kerrich doesnt eat

>> No.8929484

Tulpaforced for 2 hours today, will do another hour or two now.

She's finally starting to interact with me a bit now, to the point where I was very surprised today. Still no talking, but it'll be a week or more until that.
Also new: tulpa.info
It's like an alternate personality which runs in parallel to your own and which inhabits an imaginary or hallucinatory body that you created for it. It also tends to have some really impressive abilities such as higher intelligence (sometimes) and near perfect memory recall (reported by everyone that has one so far), along with very good access to your subconscious. Various other interesting as well, but it depends on the tulpa and your expectations for it.
Don't know about you, but I just feel like pure love when I'm thinking of my tulpa, I haven't felt like this in years. This is actually very cool because a tulpa shares your reward system with you, so any emotions it has will suddenly affect you - your tulpa can at a minimum share her emotions with you and at maximum - full thoughts.

>> No.8929500

I started the whole tulpa process a couple of weeks ago but as everything I try to achieve I lack motivation. I hate this shit I can't learn japanese, can't create a friend, can't work, can't play.

>> No.8929505

Skip a step then. If you fail at visualization, just go to the personality/narration stage directly, then you'll have a nagging incomplete tulpa that will help you complete it. You can get a talking tulpa with only 30-40 hours of effort, this is doable if you work on it a whole intense week or two.

I've been at it for more than a month now, but I'm taking it easy, just doing 30 minutes to a few hours per day, slow and steady progress.

>> No.8929523

Every time I decide to check this out, that very first link puts me off of the whole thing. I'm torn.

>> No.8929607

Dude was drunk when he wrote that warning. He wanted to get the warning off the site after that, but the site owner didn't want to remove the "guide".

The concept of making a tulpa is only slightly different from making an imaginary friend. You first imagine a personality and how it's supposed to work to some detail, mostly the traits you want. After that you may imagine a body for your tulpa in all the detail you want, learn to interact with it with your other senses (imaginary). Sometime after doing the personality part, you narrate to it like it was there - just change how your say your stream of thought a bit to be directed to your tulpa, but NEVER make responses for it, or else you end up with a regular imaginary friend which you puppet. Eventually it will talk to you back after enough days of narration (depends on person, but it's something between 40 to 100 hours), after that you go through the other stages a few more times until it's perfectly solid in your imagination. Optional step: making it into a hallucination by extending your (very active, now) imagination into your sensed reality.

There you go, you have a tulpa.

Or read those guides, but there are various misconceptions and deliberate lies/fabrications in some of them (none of them underwent any peer review: if you want a more complete picture, try to find other people who have a tulpa and talk with them, there are more than a dozen people on 4chan that have them and have answered questions). They're very good as far as the process is concerned, but you shouldn't base your expectations based on them. All you should expect is your tulpa to act like a normal person who might follow the traits you suggested to it in the personality stage, that's it!

>> No.8929636

Alright, thanks for the advice.
I'm definitely interested, it's just that my number one fear is fucking it up.

>> No.8929682

Fucking it up is pretty hard.

Things you shouldn't do:
1) Do not ever make responses from its perspective to yours. Don't imagine what your tulpa would say back, if you can. Doing this makes it into a regular imaginary friend (or as /x/ calls them, "servitors"). There are a few reports that it's possible to make such imaginary friends into tulpae, but it takes a very long time and talking with your tulpa is more draining mentally than if you do it properly from the start.
2) Don't impose (hallucinate) until it's actually sentient and can talk to you properly. Better yet, only do this once your tulpa agrees with it, it might not want to as some say the form becomes more "permanent".
3) Don't treat your tulpa as it's not "real". It's not physically real, but it's a process in your brain, just like "you" are. Does it act like a conscious being with memories and opinions and so on? Treat it like one. This also means the obvious: if you're making a waifu, don't go raping her (develop a normal relationship instead). Don't plan on killing your tulpa, don't make one if you think you'll want to do that.
4) When picking the personality, pick something you'd be compatible with for the rest of your life. This means you should spend a few days thinking things through.

There are a few other small details here and there that you might want to pay attention to.

A tulpa can have some special abilities, for example memory recall, and for some people entering your dreams and making you lucid. Look at some of the guides for details on how to do those (they can be done after you have a tulpa).

>> No.8929704

I have been curious about tulpae for a few months now. I think the next time I get a break from uni I'm going to start giving it a shot.

>> No.8929727

>Making the tulpa have the same body or visage as a known and fleshed out character out character is not good. This can lead to the tulpa having identity problems, feeling it has to live up to something its not, and the like. You could never make a tulpa be exactly the same as a character. They are their own being. Do not stifle them by applying the preconceived notions you have about a character to them.

Welp, no tulpa waifu if she comes from an anime or game.
Touhous aren't fleshed out at all, you guys with one as a waifu are lucky. I will stick with lucid dreaming.

>> No.8929738

99% people making tulpae are using characters from tv shows, VNs, anime, ...
You should be fine if you just use the appearance and some of the personality.
What you shouldn't do it think your tulpa is that character. Your tulpa is it's own being and you shouldn't force them into a character, but you could have them be similar enough that they have the same looks and similar personality.
The ID conflict is only if you genuinely believe that your tulpa is some random character that you've picked, instead of some variant of that character specific to you and you only (your ideal version).

I can't wait to have shared lucid dreams with my tulpa, if it turns out to be possible.

>> No.8929743

I don't get why people base their tulpae after some existing character. I mean, it can be LITERALLY ANYTHING, and they make it something boring like a character from a TV show. Seems kind of boring and uncreative to be honest. Of course, to each their own, and I don't mind people doing that. Just strikes me as odd.

>> No.8929752

What if you just really like the looks of a character and you couldn't think of anything better?

This doesn't matter much. A tulpa will change itself or will ask you to change it so it better reflect what you subconsciously want. You won't end up with a carbon copy of your character, not the appearance, nor the personality.

>> No.8929776

Fair enough. I just think it would be way more interesting to make something with a form that doesn't even exist in the real world. Some kind of ethereal floating body that changes shape and colour etc. or something. That's just what I came up with off the top of my head, it seems like there are so many possibilities.

>> No.8929797

I still have a lot of trouble believing any of this is real. If something like this was possible, wouldn't a psychology magazine have done an article on it by now? Why is the only place I ever hear about this 4chan?

I believe that some people out there are convinced they've created one, but whose to say they weren't crazy already? And even those claims are rare. I never see people making posts saying "My tulpa and I are getting along great etc etc", its always people new to or it or still in the process of making theirs. For something thats been so popular here as of late there sure aren't many success stories.

I dunno. Its interesting and all, but my bullshit alarm is going off big time.

>> No.8929798

Sure, whatever you want works. Or you can just make a shapeshifting tulpa and give it as many forms as you want.

I'm a bit weary of making anything too different as I think for tulpae actually having conscious experience (I don't want this thread derailed into arguing about this, it happens all the time; if it bothers you, ignore this paragraph), so I would want them to be able to experience the most of it. A body whose interactions with the world are imaginable by you means a body your tulpa can imagine what the interactions would be like. Anything too abstract would feel like I'm robbing my tulpa of possibilities.

>> No.8929804

>I believe that some people out there are convinced they've created one, but whose to say they weren't crazy already?
I'd be fine if this was the case. As long as I personally believe it, it doesn't matter.

>> No.8929824

Psychology researchers lumped tulpae in with imaginary friends. Others lump them with DID.
The thing is, a tulpa is an imaginary friend, but which works more closer to DID than a sock-puppet.

As for 4chan guys, there's at least 10 people who succeed in making a tulpa (some now are working on a second one). You can talk with them on the IRC channel (#tulpa) or in that /mlp/ board (they have regular general tulpa threads, up to 40+ threads now)

It's not exactly a new phenomena, it was known since ancient greeks, but they thought it was supernatural stuff. Tibetan Buddhists make tulpae through rather elaborate and long rituals (thousands of hours), but the process can be stripped of religious fluff to only contain the bare basics that are needed to make your mind create something like this.

There's also some boards a few years back with people dedicated to making something which is basically almost the same as tulpae, but without imposing.

This isn't new, it's just not well-known either, especially not in adults. Our society frowns to people having imaginary friends, so it's not even unusual that few people have made fully sentient tulpae.

>> No.8930743

How was your night out with your tulpa, OP?

>> No.8930757
File: 91 KB, 1309x711, list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tulpa list.

>> No.8930768

Don't post the vandalized version. Half of the stuff in "Extra notes" was vandalized.
Better post this instead:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlmHucQaUeJPdEpUQWhwVzV5U1lmeDNGcENJUHU5YXc#gid=0 tulpa list
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsBPJvsSnDl2dGo3ZmxLcjBtMFhld1ZDeENHaExnWFE#gid=0 quiz

List is also incomplete. Some of us /jp/sies are too shy to add ourselves to it.

>> No.8930773

And now comes the massive faggot that, fucks every entry up.

>> No.8930778

>Not Tulpae

>> No.8930775

Tulpas: worst /jp/ scam since Forex.

>> No.8930789

We didn't even have 5 serious threads on this topic.
Other boards have had up 40 and higher.

Scam? Judge for yourself, I'm having a lot of fun with my tulpa. She can't yet talk, but she interacted a bit with me today, it was very fun. I've been working on my tulpa for more than a month.

>> No.8930792

So, have anyone actually made cash on it?

>> No.8930794

I was very skeptical towards it at the start. But I've got more than enough proof to take it as valid.

Im starting the tulpaforcing in summer, since that's when Im done with all my kanji.

>> No.8930798
File: 195 KB, 1025x768, Tilapia_food_dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't intend to damage my liver, but my tilapia is defrosting.

It's also Sunday afternoon here.

>> No.8930802

>Not Tupac

>> No.8930847

>Not 2Pac

>> No.8930900

>Not 6pac

>> No.8930909

>Not 六Pac

>> No.8930916

>Not RokuPac

>> No.8930921

get out tulpa devs

>> No.8930935

Who the hell do you niggers think you are quoting?

>> No.8930938

Enjoy your foreveralone roneryness.
