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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8914899 No.8914899 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of productive things have you done today, /jp/?
I made my bed and change my wallpaper. What about you?

>> No.8914903
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I got out of bed.

>> No.8914902

I woke up before 13:00

>> No.8914908

My mom bought me a sausage biscuit :3

>> No.8914916

I drank a can of Monster and started a new FM2012 save.

>> No.8914913

Did she pee on herself?

>> No.8914914

Does clearing Kid Icarus count?

>> No.8914919

Filled some papers and went out to do various kinds of stuff related to it. Thats enough productivity for this week.

>> No.8914924


>> No.8914926

I play SkullGirls and formulated some NEET combos using Filia.

>> No.8914930

Piss in my bottle.

>> No.8914931

I woke up, ate, fapped to 2hu, asked my Monster Hunter group if they want to meet today and play and then opened /jp/ while waiting for one of them to come pick me up.

>> No.8914934

Called the nearby psychiatrist clinic, had to get my assburger certificate, they told me to call my house doctor, which I didn't know I even had one.
I think I got gently told to stop talking and get the fuck out.
Fuck you lady.

>> No.8914938

uploaded Ninja Gaiden 3 videos to youtube

>> No.8914939

Wait... Do you guys really do this?
Please respond.

>> No.8914983

I went outside today. I bought toilet paper and everything.

>> No.8914994

I folded my cloths.

>> No.8914998

Had a driving lesson. Panicked a bit when I couldn't see past a lorry at a roundabout, but it turned out okay since I was turning off.

>> No.8914999

Managed to get my dick hard for a full thirty seconds before losing interest again.

>> No.8915022

If you had a /jp/ anon to suck it for you, it would last a lot longer than 30 seconds, dude.

>> No.8915031

I'd rather suck it ;_;

>> No.8915047

no, she wants to fuck

>> No.8915043

I suggest you drop your medication

>> No.8915073

Nothing just yet, but I'm going to clean up my desk and sort through old Comiket music/doujinshi later on!

>> No.8915094

Suck your own? Sounds difficult. I'd rather be the one doing the sucking for someone else. They are more than welcome to do the same for me.

>> No.8915095
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I feel bad for everyone who pays for driving lessons. I got mine for free because my dad is an instructor, and I got my theory and practical tests paid for as my birthday present.

Speaking of driving lessons, I know a guy who failed his practical test (got a major fault) while pulling out of the test centre. And I know another guy who failed his test (major fault again) while pulling into the test centre at the end of his test. It must really suck to be them.

>> No.8915097

>I know a guy who failed his practical test

>> No.8915099

What did they do, run up the curb or something?

>> No.8915161


The guy who failed pulling out of the test centre pulled out in front of an oncoming vehicle and made it slow down. The guy who failed returning to the test centre just turned straight in without indicating.

>> No.8915227

I know someone who came up to a roundabout in a test, heard the instructor tell her to take the third exit, so around she went. Then he said that he actually told her to take the second exit, and she should turn the car around in a suitable place. She thought she'd failed, but she passed because she stayed calm and in control of the car for the whole thing.

>> No.8915235

I talked to a girl at college, she had a math exam

u mad weeaboos?

>> No.8915239

Does she want to fuck?

>> No.8915247

yea, she wants my cock for sure, she finds me attractive as hell

>> No.8915245
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I wrote about Satori cuddling with a dude. That creative enough for you?

>> No.8915258

I masturbated.

>> No.8915257
File: 340 KB, 600x458, 26561886_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of productive things as always!

>> No.8915260

I made lunch.

>> No.8915285

I went to my shit course. Because I can't really afford being kicked out of the house for NEETing.
I saw one guy and one girl with "reaction face" buttons (e.g. "FFFFUU", "Forever Alone", etc.) on their bags. It probably went: 4chan > Internet Tough Boys around the world > Reddit > Local Internet Tough Boys > Facebook > "Look, these pics are so funneh XDDDD" > Their bags.
I don't want to do productive things anymore.

>> No.8915343

woke up at 11am
had late breakfast with my 2hu GF's

>> No.8915361

Normal 9h day in an elevator factory. I hope you guys took it easy, all of us can't.

>> No.8915363

I just woke up.

>> No.8915401

I've seen people with those insipid pins, people SELLING them (annoying fuckers don't shut up.), and people wearing brony shirts.

Universities are full of scum.

>> No.8915425

Oh god I know how you feel. My course (computer science) had a lot of overlap with the computer games courses. As a result, every lecture had people shouting, "FAIL!" and drawing awesome faces and Triforces instead of doing the work. And these weren't the outcasts--they were the funny people who everyone liked.

Fortunately, the traditional games club had a lot of fa/tg/uys and they were really fun people. The club leader would get funny or interesting pictures and threads from /tg/, and put them on the projector before each session started. It was like a week in review of all the worthwhile /tg/ content, and it was surprisingly entertaining.

>> No.8915446
File: 45 KB, 384x221, 1269734150712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote 10 sentences in 2 hours.

I lack the ability to bullshit papers.

Its due in a few hours and I have 11 more pages to go.

>> No.8915468

I pretended I went to college to watch the class

>> No.8915469

Read this:

Then you will learn how to bullshit your way through hundreds of pages.

>> No.8915474

I went to a job interview. Who do I hand my /jp/ badge to?

>> No.8915488

Can't tell if you're sincerely trying to help me or just making fun of the writer

>> No.8915492

you do realize your posting on /jp/ right?

>> No.8915500

Thank you very, very much.
I appreciate you taking the time to give me that link.

>> No.8915517


>> No.8915529

I'm on the first page and it still doesn't tell me how to bullshit

>> No.8915552


He means imitate the author's pretentious and verbose writing style you braindead tit. Jesus, it's a wonder you managed to gather the intelligence to fill in a college application form.

>> No.8915571

You ruined my day

