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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3 KB, 64x128, Wanderer_Hat[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8888401 No.8888401 [Reply] [Original]

you guys should play Diablo 3 so you can be touhous

the Wizard may look scary american 3D to you but you can totally use many touhou magics

Here is a Sakuya:

Wizard also has Master Spark and can even collect many special Marisa hats only she can wear

>> No.8888408

>playing Diablo 3

Can't tell if trolling or retarded.

>> No.8888406
File: 68 KB, 311x258, 1332570838497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who HARDCORE here

>> No.8888426

Sup tryhard.

>> No.8888428

no silly hats = no touhous

>> No.8888434

Enjoy your disney shit.

>> No.8888431 [DELETED] 


>> No.8888444

but that's what I am saying they DO have silly hats

I mean everyone in Diablo 3 has many silly hats

But the Wizard actually gets special category of hats "Wizard Hats" that only Wizard can equip

>> No.8888450

Still trying hard, I see.

>> No.8888643

nobody will be my touhou friend in D3 then? :(

>> No.8888715

Barb is sort of like Meiling, sends shit flying high in the space. I already like the physics of the game.

>> No.8888721

>implying Meiling is not Monk

>> No.8888728

Wasted 2 hours of my life playing this shit.

>> No.8888748

Diablo or Touhou?

>> No.8888754

>i see you like greentext, i'm pretty much a greentext master myself :)

>> No.8888755

I forgot my jp manners forgive me onegai :(

>> No.8888759

dont mind ;)

>> No.8888808
File: 125 KB, 1200x734, homu23847126_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>disney-fied skills
>>item mall/auction with real money
>>entire game just feels dumbed down and streamlined in general, like Activision Blizzard saying "hey we know you can't handle too much going on in your games at once, so here have a disney baby version of Diablo 1 and 2".

So depressing dude. It can't be helped I guess. They just want to reel in the WoW players.

>> No.8888817

>>auction with real money
why do people complain about this
any online game where you can trade items will have people selling them for real money

>> No.8888822


You should stop expecting big game companies to release good products. There is a point where 99% of all big companies realize they can release multi-million sale games on franchise name alone.

>> No.8888832

>>entire game just feels dumbed down and streamlined in general

I hear this complaint about all big name sequels but only from autistic neckbeards and old people

>> No.8888843
File: 171 KB, 783x681, autism07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this shit even have cute girls?

>> No.8888860
File: 42 KB, 600x450, d2-loading-screen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even for an introduction level, this stuff is way too fucking easy. Where is the Butcher, mashing my skull in after 3 levels? Where is an actually intimidating boss? I sure hope this will improve in later content, otherwise there is no thrill whatsoever.

>> No.8888864

Yes, the Amazon, Assassin and Sorcerer are very cute.

>> No.8888907


>Where is an actually intimidating boss?

Why do they even need this these days? It's too videogamey.

>> No.8888911
File: 44 KB, 755x409, puga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to killing the same boss over and over again for items.

>> No.8888921

>>old people

Pretty much. It's like video games aren't really maturing along with us I guess. Just take a look at the FPS genre.

But really whatever I guess. It just means I buy less video games in the end. It's pretty interesting not being in the target audience for these games anymore. But maybe that's something that happens as you get older? Our parents probably experienced the same thing with music or movies back in the day.

>> No.8888927
File: 107 KB, 400x390, 1311562003440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then getting it stolen by niggers that click so fast they may as well be using auto-clickers.

>> No.8888929


At least Japan still makes games for old autists.

>> No.8888934
File: 108 KB, 268x265, 1334975698311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like to see those fuckers click faster than me

>> No.8888935

>It's like video games aren't really maturing along with us I guess.

This coming out of your mouth seems like a bad joke.

>> No.8888946

Loot drops don't work like that in Diablo 3. Before complaining about a game at least do some basic research into it first.

>> No.8888949

Thank god for that. Seriously.

A dungeon with 100 floors that literally takes a week of autism play to clear (sup Tactics Ogre) just doesn't happen in Western games anymore. If it were Diablo 3 you'd just TELEPORT to the final floor after paying 5 bucks for a scroll on the item mall or something.

>> No.8888957

you sure like talking out of your ass
did you even play the beta?

>> No.8888975

At least preWotLK, there was some really autismic grinding going on in blizz game. Nether Drake... then came 25$ flying transparent ponies and all autism-cred was lost

>> No.8888974

He's always like that.

>> No.8888995
File: 500 KB, 707x1237, 1334047826344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8888998

>Nether Drake
>not Swift Nether Drake
do you even autism

>> No.8889001
File: 772 KB, 1306x784, 1334047899711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889004

I'm exaggerating. I know the actual game doesn't work exactly like that.

Not sure what you're trying to insinuate here, ol' /jp/ Anon. Sounds like it might be funny though.

>> No.8889010

>Level 60 cap
>instanced dungeons
>Maximum 4 players
>No skill trees
>Tiered armor sets.
>2003 graphics
>WoW Themed Style, and art direction.
>Rated T for Teen.
>Explosive barrel sequences(rock cliffs, and bookshelves "Console shit") to kill waves of enemies
>Generic air cutting effects when attacing
>Barbarians casting Tornado(druid skill)
>Mages using Melee
>Cut and pasted skills from WoW
>No stat points
>Vanishing corpses
>Scripted events killing you instantly despite having full health
>Instantly respawning at boss fights
>3 passive skills only that you will be forced to juggle
>RMT'ing the AH. Double diming players for placing, and selling items on it
>legalizing chinese farmers
>Intrusive DRM
>Always Online
>No Offline mode
>No single player
>No opened world PVP
>Dumbed down for consoles
>auto learn skills
>epic gear at level 1
>u get that 1 guys angel wings at level 1
>drm you have to relogin and verify by phone every 10 minutes of gameplay with a ping over 100.

>> No.8889014

He's suggesting you're an awful person, and possibly that your tripcode reflects a shallow desire to notoriety and recognition.

Huh, I'm surprised you didn't catch that.

>> No.8889015

>Mages using Melee
it's like you didnt even play diablo 2

>> No.8889020


>> No.8889025

Except I talked with Anon about this before, and we already long agreed that the whole "tripfriend vs. Anon 4chan internet war" /b/ stuff doesn't really have a home here in /jp/.

Thanks for stopping by though!

>> No.8889029

>bothering to try diablo 3
I bet you're the faggot who gave Aion a try, gave Wow a try and gave Rift a try.
Get on my level, and know they're utter shit before beta gets out.

protip: Don't bother with GW2.

>> No.8889030

I don't recall ever coming to an agreement about it. If anything, we agreed that /jp/ would be an excellent place to ban tripcodes and the ilk who use them.

But since you're here, congratulations on the marriage.

>> No.8889045

those are MMO's, Diablo is an action-rpg. At least it used to be

>> No.8889059

How does it feel to be a tool?

>> No.8889065

Calm down.

>> No.8889071
File: 121 KB, 512x640, 21022595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Level 60 cap
Yes and?
>instanced dungeons
What? How? Obviously you don't know what an instance is.
>Maximum 4 players
You never played the fuckfest of 8player diablo. It's chaos and not playable.
>No skill trees
Personaol opinions on a system thats changed. Some might like it some not. You get this one.
>Tiered armor sets.
This is a good thing. It was Tiered in most other games you just never noticed it.
>2003 graphics
I like the D3 graphics a lot more then PoE or Crysis 2 for that matter. They know how to do it right. D3 won't look old and worn out 10 years from now. Just like D2 dosen't look like that now. Compared to 3D games from back then.
>WoW Themed Style, and art direction.
This is bullshit, you can say it's Tourchlight Styled or TF2 styled. It's not it has it's own style.
>Rated T for Teen.
Rated HURP for DURP.
>Explosive barrel sequences(rock cliffs, and bookshelves "Console shit") to kill waves of enemies
They don't kill them they only provide like 1 seconds of stun.
>Generic air cutting effects when attracting
If this is generic I'd like this kind of generic in every game.
>Barbarians casting Tornado(druid skill)
Trolls trolling troll. What now Energy Twister is a Wizard skill but TORNADOS are DRUID ONRY.
>Mages using Melee
Super positive.
>Cut and pasted skills from WoW
Show me. What skills? I want you to show me this. I'm stupid so I don't get it.
>No stat points
No enough for armor rest into VIT min/max builds?
>Vanishing corpses
>Scripted events killing you instantly despite having full health

>> No.8889072
File: 786 KB, 800x450, Victory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instantly respawning at boss fights
I just wrote how stupid and uninformed this was.
>3 passive skills only that you will be forced to juggle
Not sure how this is negative? How are your being forced?
>RMT'ing the AH. Double diming players for placing, and selling items on it
This isn't an competitive MMO or whatever. And players are making money not just the company. So in my book it's all positive. You can also play hardcore with no RMAH.
>legalizing chinese farmers
Again you don't play this with 500000 people on a server but a 4 player coop game with friends.
>Intrusive DRM
Online only MMO style server based game is intrusive? Actually it's the most non intrusive type of DRM. You run the game thats it.
>Always Online
Bad for hardcore, good for softcore and dupers.
>No Offline mode
2012 not living in the developed world you have to be an african cracknigger to care or a hardcore player and thats valid.
So you can't hook up a router when you get PCs in LAN?
>No single player
>No opened world PVP
Don't give a fuck, valid point.
>Dumbed down for consoles
Umm what?
>auto learn skills
It's called linear skill progression.

And fuck you.

>> No.8889077

it's funny because WoW is way more complex than Diablo

>> No.8889081

Last time I checked Aion was good.

WoW was good and Rift was pretty good too.

People don't play them because they're burned out on WoW or similar and these games have the same gamepaly elements but with a twist. That why they're not good.

Guild Wars 2 and Tera are trying to change up. And so far they're doing a good job on it

>> No.8889087

>says good five times in a post on /jp/
this can't be happening

>> No.8889088

Did you guys play the beta? Spell damage is based off weapon damage, which is why every competent wizard I've seen was running around with a huge 2-handed axe/sword.

>> No.8889094

Granted they don't melee because actibliz gave wizards a free, 0-mana spell slot in their mission to casualize their games.

>> No.8889096

Who gives a shit?

>> No.8889098

Reminds me of Lineage 2 when casters use dual swords.

>> No.8889104


Lighten up, he could be a foreigner or just "special."

>> No.8889105
File: 38 KB, 377x593, Stahn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe those are actually Swordians

>> No.8889110

And just to point out.

The beta is 1/3 of Act 1.

So in the 1/3 Act 1 you have 4 Quests. In the 4 quest you can find 1~3 events different each time you play. The events are scripted huge monster "spawns", a dungeon and a few other minor things. At the end you fight a boss with abilities, that has a big HP bar. You find scrolls with tons of lore around that is told to you by voice actors, You get an NPC escort type quest and you also get tons of unique elite or champion monsters that have cool abilites. You get to craft gear, you get to expand you stash. You have 5 classes and each class has 2 genders and each of the classes have unique looking armor for 3 tiers in the 1/3 of Act 1. Also skills 13 skills + about 5 or 6 runes.

In the 1/3 of Act 1.

Menwhile in Tourchlight. You get to fight an oversized more HP boss.

Menwhile in D2 you get Blood Raven.

Menwhile in Titan's Quest you fight a Cyclops he is kind of like the Litch king so thats okay I guess.

Menwhile in all the other ARPGs you get shit.

So yeah....

>> No.8889115

Except that at the level 13 beta cap, there is no such thing as a swordian.

>> No.8889118

>>TF2 style

AKA the disney style. Of course it has to be this these days.

Then again Diablo stopped being horror themed a long time ago I guess.

>> No.8889121

What happened in Afghanistan?

>> No.8889122

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8889126

You obviously know shitass about DPS and weapon speed. And you were casting slow ass 1000 dmg nuke spells on enemies that had 10 HP. So yeah, you just told me that theres variety to the spells you can use. You can use slow ass high damage weapons to nuke, you can use high speed lower damage weapons to kill shit fast combined with a shield for more damage or orb to more damage and wizard specific afixes.

So how is this bad?

>> No.8889130

>>maybe those are actually Swordians

That would be cool as HELL. Those things (guys?) were awesome.

>> No.8889132

Diablo 2 beta was up to blood raven

>> No.8889133

1/3 of act 1 we seen so far, nothing of the real horror of a demon invasion and whanot later in the game. So for me it's yet to be seen.

>> No.8889134
File: 36 KB, 225x221, autism38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would I like Diablo if I thought Torchlight was mind-numbingly boring

>> No.8889145
File: 8 KB, 200x230, 200px-Atwight_(ToD_PS2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some Swordians were female

damn now I feel like playing ps2 ToD

>> No.8889150

I'm only getting Diablo 3 because they forgot to take out hardcore mode and it also doesn't have RMAH

>> No.8889241

>"tripfriend vs. Anon 4chan internet war" /b/ stuff
>/b/ stuff

Yeah, no.

>> No.8889272

You probably still use the "-fag" suffix for everything unironically too.

You're lucky I ain't bumping this, Anon.

>> No.8889278



>> No.8889336

It's as /b/ shit as can be. You've been given the ability to filter annoying tripfags and mentally ignore the ones you don't mind, what else could you need.

It's really a shame that annoying anons can't be filtered.

>> No.8889348

If you have a huge turd in the middle of your room, are you just going to ignore it and the stink or will you clean it up.

Oh, wait, this is /jp/. Bad analogy.

>> No.8889352

Whatever I'm going to do, it's not to take a bigger one right next to it as these people are doing.

>> No.8889385

I don't see any Master Spark spells
