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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 130 KB, 1078x799, sailor339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8863160 No.8863160 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ has the highest % of sages of any board by a wide margin.

however, recently /jp/ is beginning to use less and less sage

have you noticed?

>> No.8863165


>> No.8863167

which sailor would u moon

>> No.8863170

I pay more attention to the comment that's posted than what the poster put in the email field.

>> No.8863168

It's because of /v/ and /a/ shitting up our board. /jp/ wouldn't be so shitty if you guys hadn't lose your elitism.

>> No.8863173
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>> No.8863176
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>> No.8863174

We went from ~50% to ~25% pretty fast.

I blame the nokosagers. If you're using sage the Wapanese way, then having sage visible is a good thing!

>> No.8863179


This is absolutely true. /jp/ has lost its elitism a little. Do you know what /jp/ had over all the other boards? It still had that "lurk moar" culture. Without it, we're just a shitty slow /a/ with a badly defined board topic.

>> No.8863185

This. I guess that's why a lot of impatient /a/ posters went back to posting non-anime threads on /a/, and why even now we have a reputation for being dicks.

Also, minor gripe: use "lurk more" outside of /b/. It's kind of sad that it's fallen out of use so much that the "old school" /b/ spelling is now more popular.

>> No.8863189

I'm terribly sorry for neglecting the sage ratio. From here onwards I will always sageru.

>> No.8863190
File: 1.03 MB, 897x753, reimu and marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which touhou's threads would you sage?

>> No.8863191
File: 332 KB, 1280x881, 1329552486661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime you bitch about "neo/jp/" or "/jp/2.0" I will personally put out a good word of this fucking place on other boards.
This is how much I hate you.

And with that, to >>>/v/

>> No.8863192

Only real niggas nokosage.

>> No.8863197

I am judging you poorly because when I saw this thread it was near the top of page 0 and I assumed you had aged it.

Where is your humility and Japanese spirit?

>> No.8863203

what is the point of saging threads you want to post in anyway?
don't you want to be able to continue the discussion?

>> No.8863200
File: 573 KB, 350x750, Green-Haired Maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would MOST DEFINITELY sage Sanae's threads.

>> No.8863204

Complaining about something trivial won't make the board 'better', OP.

>> No.8863205

but noko is a good thing.

it makes you return to the thread you're discussing instead of dumping you out of it into the main thread list for some retarded arbitrary reason.

it's like the board was designed for spamming by default. enter thread, post spam, auto-leave, enter another thread, repeat.

>> No.8863210

how was your first week of surfing 4chan?

>> No.8863207

I wish /jp/ had some sort of FAQ we could agree on. I like Suigin's FAQ and SAoVQ's Guide to Anonymous Boards, but people enjoy hating things and picking holes in them, and I'm sure a lot of people would object to a board FAQ or "spoonfeeding" useful information to newbies to begin with. Not to mention people would intentionally go against them. 4chan's counter-culture and meta tendencies are cool, but also kind of annoying.

>> No.8863214

don't remember, that was over 6 years ago when /jp/ didn't exist yet.

i will keep noko'ing whether you like it or not.

>> No.8863216


Then we have to deal with this shitty thread on the front page.

>> No.8863217

keep trying kid

>> No.8863218

If you want to use sage that means you're replying to a thread rather than making one, in which case just use your browser's back button. It's an extra step that takes a world of effort, but the opposite would be worse. Imagine 4chan ran some sort of Woxxy software that AJAXified everything and made 4chan "live". It would be a nightmare.

>> No.8863222

Why would you encourage spoon feeding? Having chart, faq and etc is detrimental to the cause. Adapt or get told to get out.

>> No.8863224

I try to sage as much as possible. I've been using nokosage though since it's not really important whether or not the sage is visible and nokosage is actually persistent.

>> No.8863226

There wouldn't be a need for some FAQ if people just lurked more before posting.

>> No.8863231
File: 200 KB, 370x370, 88qth87a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next one will go to /r9k/, I might actually link one of the blog threads there. Hordes of self loathing faggots will jump ships. Shit will get so real you'll wish you could go back to the good old /jp/ 2.0 days.

>> No.8863235


>> No.8863240

Saging for the sake of saging is stupid and is as much of a misuse as saging as an insult.

>> No.8863241

I don't mean, "Here is a list of everything you could want to know so you don't have to lurk. Now post." I mean a list of common guidelines and frequently asked questions. Usenet had the same "lurk before you post" philosophy, but FAQs were immensely useful.

Even if the 'FAQ' was just "YOU DON'T NEED AN FAQ. LURK THE FUCK MORE." in huge, angry letters, then that would prevent at least one idiot making another WHAT VN SHOULD I D/L??? thread.

>> No.8863247

Nobody cares. If you actually browsed this board on a regular basis you'd now that we get raid-like influx every now and again. They make shitty troll threads for 10 minutes and then leave when they get bored.

>> No.8863256

Hi everyone! I'm sorta new here so could you answer a question of mine? Why does this board exist? It's just /a/ lite with more sages, shitposts, and spam.
Unless this board suddenly gets a reason to exist, why not merge with /a/?

>> No.8863257
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some of them stay
like me :)

>> No.8863259

>nokosage is actually persistent

This is the main reason I noko+sage. No having to hit backspace after posting. No having to bump the thread. Just getting the best of both worlds. It's simply way more convenient

>> No.8863261
File: 301 KB, 532x307, u wot m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because things like constream threads aren't anime&manga related, they go here. This is the general board for stuff like that.

>> No.8863263

> it's not really important whether or not the sage is visible

Can of worms. If the argument is that sage is a sign of humility, then having it visible matters. If you nokosage then someone ages the thread afterwards, it looks like you bumped it too (and there's no way to tell). Perhaps I'm a bit pedantic for caring, but then what would be the point of sage to begin with? Especially on /jp/, which has threads that can last a very long time.

>> No.8863266

This board is for the stuff moot doesn't want to see on /a/.

>> No.8863272

almost everything here is "which 2hu wld u fuq and which one has the best ass??"

If /a/ and /jp/ merged, the rules would be fixed accordingly. I'mma bout to email moots about this.
But really, the boards have such similar interests and audience. It just makes sense to me.

>> No.8863280
File: 18 KB, 413x484, hig10048989a25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ = /a/'s garbage dump

>> No.8863281

Sage is simply to prevent your post from bumping a thread it shouldn't be important to anyone whether or not it's visible since it doesn't do anything anyway. I agree though that it attracts attention on other boards that don't understand it to begin with though.

>> No.8863284

Then use "sausage"! Fortunately Japs and/or thatdog suck at regular expressions, so this sort of thing works.

The only problem is that it makes you sort of identifiable. But if we encourage *everyone* to use "sausage", then that will no longer be an issue.

>> No.8863288

Incompatible userbase between /a/ and /jp/.
/a/ is like the hyper genki kids that over react to everything while being obnoxious about it while /jp/ is the total opposite.
Just compare the board speed.

>> No.8863291

board speed has to do with board population and nothing else you baka.

>> No.8863296
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I browse both.

>> No.8863298

Then why is it visible in the first place? Even on sites without IDs that use sage the 2channel way?

Being able to see that a poster saged is useful and convenient. Of course the main point of sage is to simply opt-out of ageing a thread, but it has secondary benefits.

>> No.8863303

why? nokosage is equal to sage, except it also returns you to the thread you posted in. it's convenient, but has the same effect sage does.

i ain't the one bumping it.

trying what? i was visiting /h/ for porn long before /jp/ was made.

>> No.8863304

I cant browse /a/ anymore, i dont feel at home, like they wouldn't understand me or something. Even here when the shitposters come here it feels like i dont belong. I miss old /jp/ when everybody here was like me.. It changed to much.

>> No.8863314

it's all the portal thread's fault.

all the good posters got portaled away and shitposters moved in to fill the empty spots.

>> No.8863317

"sage" shows you're a polite nihonjin who isn't afraid to hate himself a little. Even if you're not bumping the thread in the here-and-now, it's nice to see you used sage. These posts summed it up nicely:

>> No.8863319

you're the same as the fags from other boards who see sage as an insult.

>> No.8863323

This board is also for visual novels, but untranslated. I suppose that's a problem when half of /jp/ can't into nip tongue. I think the board is at its best during events like comiket, since that's something that all of /jp/ enjoys. Otherwise there's just not much to talk about.

>> No.8863326

Damn that thread got pummeled with spam. I forgot the discussion boards still have that problem.

>> No.8863327

No I'm not. sage isn't negative, nor is it neutral. sage is a (slightly) positive thing, and something the Western image board crowd would do well to understand.

>> No.8863328
File: 19 KB, 491x404, 1332814406820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nigga you dun it now. /r9k/ here I come!

>> No.8863332

The problem I have with nokosage is it makes people think that your post wasn't saged. As in, you thought your post was worthy of bumping.

And other, more new, and more eager to post users think, "wow, this guy said x, and didn't sage! That means I can say x and not sage either!"

When others see sages, they also see the posts that are saged, their quality, and develop an idea of what should be saged, and what doesn't need to be saged.

Nokosage hurts the board, and promotes the idea of sage being an attack on someone.

>> No.8863352


It's sad that 4chan will never recover from the stupid perversion of sage most posters believe in. It's a very useful feature, and one that all forums should have. However, "lol sage makes threads pruned faster if you sage a thread you hate it," and, "I am W.T. Snacks and if you sage my thread I will ban you >:(" have just led to it being used in the most retarded ways.

Fucking moot. The ONE TIME you should have listened to Shii's bullshit...

>> No.8863361

are you implying everyone should just sage most of the time

It only works in slow boards

>> No.8863374

/a/ seems to understand how to use sage, sometimes they get people that don't understand but most of them use it properly when they feel like it.

>> No.8863379

/jp/ is relatively slow by 4chan standards.
Besides, even with the Catalog and all this userscript wizardry, most people still use the front page. When you post, ask yourself, "Does everyone on /jp/ need to see this?" Most of the time, the answer is "no". If anything, this is *more* relevant on faster boards.

>> No.8863387


>> No.8863394

you should probably be heading back there soon.

>> No.8863403

age is an insult.

>> No.8863405

Already there.

>> No.8863406

I want /jp/ to be elitist and tell people to get out of /jp/ again

>> No.8863412


>> No.8863418


>> No.8863430

you can sageru all you want, but you will never crush my japanese spirit

>> No.8863432
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made you feel better, nerd?

>> No.8863444
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>> No.8867217
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I hope this is just a passing trend.

>> No.8867224

Stop associating /a/ with /v/. We don't want them but they won't fuck off.

>> No.8867248

Why do you still care about the state of /jp/? /jp/ was already lost long ago. Nothing to do now but sit back and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8867262

Same shit different smell

>> No.8867265

I blame the Hisoutensoku threads because they draw in subhumans from /v/ and /a/. Just take a look at all the idiots posting comments like "gg" without saging.

>> No.8867278

They're more like complete off-worlders.


>> No.8867282

What's with /jp/ acting superior when I see a bunch of threads with zero content other than threads with less than 3 words total, and then posted with a touhou image to make it "related?"

I literally saw a thread that just said Reimu. That's it, just Reimu. Amazing discussion there.

>> No.8867294

Reimu is too deep for you

>> No.8867312


Reimu's threads are pretty shitty.

>> No.8867322

It's not just Reimu. I see nothing but one line threads, and then some random Touhou image.

Why? Is that what you guys mean by shit posting, or is that the content you actually encourage here?

>> No.8867330

And I try to lurk, really I do, but it has taught me nothing about this board other than "create spam but make it touhou related"

>> No.8867771
File: 387 KB, 1362x1900, 79084 - Sailor_Moon usagi_tsukino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my cock dude

>> No.8867865

Well, suck on this. SAGE

>> No.8867885


>> No.8868228
File: 38 KB, 247x213, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use sage because it's pointless. My replies go on page 0.

>> No.8868936

Thank you for your interesting point. SAGE

>> No.8869799

It's shit. I assume people make those on purpose as a jab at the whole "only touhou allowed" thing.

>> No.8872037
File: 35 KB, 500x399, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872038

That fucking cat.

>> No.8872044

I sage 95% of my posts so I'm doing my part at keeping the ratio up.
Do you, anonymous?

>> No.8872045

I don't sage because I want people to see my posts. Everyone on the board, in fact. If I were a mod I would abuse their powers and type in bold red font.

>> No.8872057

Don't mind me, just felt like saging.

>> No.8872061

