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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 105 KB, 795x597, 1326082690698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8848091 No.8848091 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a sexy boy. You're a sexy boy. We're sexy boys.

Be proud of your genitals. Don't torture yourself by wishing for something that wasn't given to you at birth.

>> No.8848093

but im a little girl

>> No.8848095

wriggle niggerbug

>> No.8848102

I find it easier to identify with innocent and feminine personalities.

>> No.8848114
File: 26 KB, 500x375, The-Hunchback-of-Notre-Dame-the-hunchback-of-notre-dame-17188282-500-375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a sexy boy.




>> No.8848111

>Don't torture yourself by wishing for something that wasn't given to you at birth.

I was given a foreskin at birth and the kikes took it from me. I am disgusted by my unnatural penis. It's a revolting, mutilated organ that no one could find attractive. I will never have a beautiful, proud cock like natural men, and I have to live every day knowing that.

>> No.8848118


Why don't you work to regrow what the jews took from you?

If you want it that much then a few stretching exercises each day for a year is hardly much of a hurdle. Show those jews that not even their mutilation and torture could keep you down.

>> No.8848122

Because of my penis and testicles I can't even sit down properly.

I would give anything to be a woman.

>> No.8848129


no! i'm a girl!

>> No.8848138

Because it can never be regained. What was lost on "Dr." Rabbi Schlomostein's table when I was 3 days old can't be regrown. The nerves are gone forever. The scar tissue is still there. My scrotum is still in an unnatural position due to being pulled up from the lost skin and hair will still grow along my shaft. The sensitivity is gone. Growing useless, dry tissue can't fix that

I can never have a cock a /jp/sie would delight in fellating. Or anyone, for that matter.

>> No.8848141

Even if that did work, it still wouldn't restore the damage a lifetime of abrasion has done to his sensitive glans.

>> No.8848144
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>It's a revolting, mutilated organ that no one could find attractive.

I see mine as a battle scar. I see it every time I use the restroom, every time I shower, every time I masturbate. It's always there and when I look at my scarred and mutilated penis then I know who my enemies are. The kikes scarred me at birth to try to turn me into one of them, but all they did was create a warrior with a heart that fills with vengeance and blood that boils each time I look at my scars.

>> No.8848152

This disgusting fleshy casing I was born into adheres to male patterns. It is the ultimate prison, from which the only escape is death.

>> No.8848184
File: 16 KB, 293x274, Sirella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop babbling you old fool.

>> No.8848196
File: 74 KB, 600x600, 1334039669564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was I circumcised? I'm not even a fucking jew and neither are my parents. It makes no sense.

Why would a hospital suggest this to my parents? It's one thing for some crazy rabbi to do it, but a doctor mutilated me. Regular hospitals that aren't even associated with jews are violating the hippocratic oath on a daily basis and I can't figure out why. I can't believe that a doctor could be so ignorant that he would have no idea what kind of loss of sensitivity I would face from doing such a barbaric and primitive thing. I haven't even gone to college and I know that much, but a doctor who spent years in medical school doesn't? What the fuck?

>> No.8848217

>Why was I circumcised?

Because doctors get paid to do it.

Sometimes they don't even ask the parents, they just do it and tally it under "necessary medical procedures" when they charge the mother for her stay.

>> No.8848236


Every American medical school and college is run by jews and they teach them that it's ethical. Look into it, you won't find a single university that doesn't have someone with a jewish last name in a position of power within the school.

It's just one of the many wheels in the systematic enslavement and oppression of the goyim.

>> No.8848258

No religious tradition could ever justify mutilating a unknowing child's gentiles. It distorys the bridge of skin between the foreskin and and the head of the penis, the most sensitive part, the man's equivalent of the clitoris. I'd like to see a doctor try to cut that off a baby girl under "necessary medical procedures."

>> No.8848260

I was circumcised when I was 18 because I had kidney stones and the doctor suggested that a circumcision would make it easier to pass them.

Masturbation feels different, but there's no real loss in sensitivity as far as I can tell. I don't understand what the big deal is, aside from my dick looking kind of ugly now.

>> No.8848265

>the doctor suggested that a circumcision would make it easier to pass them.
That's fucking retarded.

>> No.8848276

Oh, but I'm proud. In fact, I love cocks.

>> No.8848282

>I'd like to see a doctor try to cut that off a baby girl under "necessary medical procedures."

Doctors don't do it because it's illegal, mothers don't do it because all women are inherently misandrist and only want to mutilate their sons.

The problem is that women are the ones who are asked what to do with a baby's genitals. That's the worst possible decision.

>> No.8848308

If my mom ever try to give me shit for all the kinky stuff I'm in to (mainly crossdressing) I think I'm going to treat my lack of manliness as some sort of divine consequence for trying to cut off my fucking penis.

>> No.8848314


Yeah, the doctor was probably retarded, but I mostly just agreed because I wanted to know what it felt like to be circumcised. I didn't really think it was a big deal and in the past years people had made fun of me or had been creeped out because I was one of the only uncut guys they've ever seen.

Visually I would say that it looks more appealing when flaccid now, but it looks much, much worse when erect. Looks all dry and scarred, definitely preferred how it looked before the circumcision. As far as sensitivity though, I really have not noticed any difference.

>> No.8848342

Says the guy who fantasizes about raping middle school children and faps to guro.

>> No.8848355


I don't do that sort of thing. I only masturbate to vanilla doujin that features true love or sometimes very mild yandere because I find the clinginess and devotion to be very endearing.

>> No.8848403

But a botched circumcision could make you the little girl, /jp/!


>> No.8848473

Sex change by surgery leave you with very little in the way of sensitivity and functionality (when I say functionality I mean it wont even be naturally moist) down there. Its a incomplete solution for the desperate (or the unfortunate in David's case).

>> No.8848498

I'm won't settle by being a tranny or a half-man half-woman beast like many on this board.
For me, it's either being reborn as a little girl in Gensokyo, or staying a sexy boy like I am now.

>> No.8848566

How do cutfags even fap?
I mean, there isn't even any foreskin to rub your dick with. Do you use onaholes or something?

>> No.8848577


Lubricants to make my hand soft and vagina-like.

>> No.8848598

But you'd need lube for that. Do you always need extra equipment to fap properly?

>> No.8848604
File: 31 KB, 276x250, 1331739881371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used what's left of the skin.

I don't masturbate anymore, though. I can't bring myself to do it knowing how it's barely a twentieth of how good it would feel if I were born somewhere that wasn't a 3rd world nation like the US. I have no interest in sex because of it.

>> No.8848607

Time to buy an onahole, bro.

>> No.8848613

Africans can fap better than you.

>> No.8848616

Same, although I'd be willing to settle with some advanced manipulation of nervous system input. On a basic level recording the signals sent up a women's spine as she orgasms and playing them back with some sort of interface attached to your spine. And on a more advanced level if you could monitor all output to the motor system and control all sensory input, you use a smart enough computer (like the ones used to run the holodeck) to simulate your own fantasy.

>> No.8848622

I feel like that wouldn't make much of a difference. The problem is that all the sensitivity is gone, not that I'm fapping wrong.

Oh well.

I know.

>> No.8848631
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>> No.8848642
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 1316357390515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying my foreskin as HELL.

I was a bit worried for a moment there when I was 13 because it was all phimotic....lol....but now it's okay

>> No.8848662
File: 2.94 MB, 1600x1322, 1325100985082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Mugen.
pic unrelated.....lol

>> No.8848660

I have bad phimosis, can't even see my penis head still deciding whether I should go see a doctor and get it circumcised or not...

>> No.8848666

I haven't faped in 4 months. I lost interest in it when my doctor put me on megestrol acetate (its the synthetic form of progesterone, a pregnancy hormone) as an appetite stimulant. I'v since stop taking it because it was fucking me up in more than a couple ways, couldn't even get a erection if I wanted to when on it. Still interest in masturbating has not yet returned.

>> No.8848673

It's not worth it.

Never mutilate yourself unless your life is in jeopardy.

>> No.8848678


I've heard of some cut people that can masturbate without lube, but personally I don't know how they do it. It feels like I'm rubbing my penis against sandpaper if I don't have some kind of lube, even regular hand lotion will do.

Just never soap. Never ever soap. I learned that the hard way when I used to masturbate in the shower as a kid, the soap gets into your urethra and it feels like you're pissing acid whenever you have to use the restroom.

>> No.8848679

Your life is over once you mutilate your penis.

>> No.8848682
File: 503 KB, 1286x1600, bernanke_cartoon_march_of_tyranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848687

Even if I wasn't circumcised my penis would still be small and I would still be unattractive so who cares.

>> No.8848690

>caring whether it's attractive or not.
Fucking normalfag, it's about pleasure.

>> No.8848696

Circumcision decreases the size of the penis.

Also women would rather have a small uncut penis than a large mutilated one. The only people who like cut dicks are Americans and that's because they rarely see uncut ones. But once they've had one, they'll never want a cut dick again.

>> No.8848709

Soap is a base, technically it even worse than acid

>> No.8848715
File: 15 KB, 372x297, hbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm cute
I know I'm sexy
I've got the looks,
that drives a girl wild
Ive got the moves,
that really move 'em
I send chills up and down their spines

I'm just a sexy boy (sexy boy)
I'm not your boy toy (boy toy)

>> No.8848720

Remember /jp/: you don't have to respond.

>> No.8848723

But he's right. No woman prefers cut dicks.

>> No.8848741

I don't even disagree. I just know this will lead to a flame war the fine folk of /jp/ should be above having.

Maybe you and I are starting that flame war right now. Who knows.

>> No.8848742

I wish I knew how to quit you shawn.

>> No.8848744

Why do uncircumcised types think that circumcision pulls all the skin on the shaft as taught as possible after cutting off the foreskin?

>> No.8848747

Because that's what it does?

>> No.8848752
File: 16 KB, 348x390, Shawn-Michaels-shawn-michaels-5381180-348-390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8848753

I don't think this. Do people think this? I don't think people think this.

>> No.8848763
File: 44 KB, 480x321, red-panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a boy is fine sometimes, but I want to be a girl too. I don't have to choose to always be one or the other. I can be whatever I want to be.

>> No.8848765

This was a good post and your image made it even better.

>> No.8848781
File: 16 KB, 358x243, kurt angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm cute
I've got gold medals
I've got the moves
That makes them all tap out
The Angle Slam
The Ankle Lock
Marty Jannetty,
still can't walk

I'm just a sexy Kurt (sexy Kurt)
I'll make your ankle hurt (ankle hurt)

>> No.8848791

Your medals aren't even real, gtfo

>> No.8848794

I cannot reconcile the idea of a sexy boy in reality. Only in 2D.

>> No.8848970

Why do I feel like a sexy boy when I take medicine and then I feel ugly when I don't have medicine.

I take my ADHD medicine and look in the mirror and it's like I'm the hottest guy around. Then I look at myself in the mirror when the medicine wears off and I look like a pale and ugly.

>> No.8851477

boys can't be sexy.

>> No.8851490

Our dad taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially since they are such of a good size and all.

>> No.8851519
File: 705 KB, 1147x895, Glitch_art_SOHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be proud of your genitals. Don't torture yourself by wishing for something that wasn't given to you at birth.

>> No.8851522
File: 508 KB, 705x500, yakui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8851545

Me too! I even went to three different doctors, two of them told me to do the surgery, but one said that it was completely normal and that I shouldn't bother with that. Such a great guy, he basically saved my life(from myself).

>> No.8852097

So 66% of doctors are Jewish? Grim odds...

>> No.8852106

2/3 is 66.666666...%, which rounds up to 67%, not 66%.

>> No.8852110

Is it now appropiate to bust out the told copypasta or is this just petty pedentry?

>> No.8852117

It's spelled "pedantry".

>> No.8852121

Just as planned
