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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8820456 No.8820456 [Reply] [Original]

- Based on Debian
- Based on Lain(?) or Touhou(?) or even original content we could ask on the drawthreads(?)
- Custom bootscreen
- Custom Login Manager
- Custom Desktop Environment
- Custom File Manager (based on pcmanfm(?))
- Custom browser theme (based on chromium)
- Preinstalled /jp/ shit (what exactly?)

We have tried to make our own OS many times, but failed due to the difficulty and time it would consume.
How about a lighter approach?
Anyone interested? I believe that, with ~5 people we can manage this in 1 month, roughly.

>> No.8820462

CirnOS attempt no. 51?

>> No.8820467


> We have tried to make our own OS many times, but failed due to the difficulty and time it would consume. How about a lighter approach?

It's basically taking Debian (netinst) and modifying its visuals, so it doesn't look like Debian at all. MUCH simpler than creating an OS from scratch

>> No.8820469
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We already have Cherimoya "GNU/"Linux which comes pre-installed with Wine and Touhou:

Now fuck off.

>> No.8820474

That's what all previous OS attempts were. Hell, Arch Linux has some BUILD UR OWN LEET DISTRO ^_^ program, and even then CirnOS and Cirn9 failed.

You might as well do something new. If you want to make a GTK+ theme or wallpaper, make a damn GTK+ theme or wallpaper.

Here's a sensible (but inactive) project:
It's basically sta.li but not (as) dead.

>> No.8820472


> hurr durr anunimus legion xDDDD LOIC h4x0r xDD

>> No.8820480
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Actually negro it's built by the text board/Wapanese crowd.

And it's still better than Cudder and Co.'s Anonix.

>> No.8820503


Bloated as fuck

>> No.8820512

What's the point?
Why are people making so many Linux distros? It's not that hard to just install everything that you want by yourself.

You're not "cooler" by ripping off some other distro or prepackaging some applications in some way and calling it "your OS".
When you've written an OS from scratch, that will be "your OS", otherwise you're just prepackaging some stuff that can be installed manually.

>> No.8820515

All modern operating systems carry cruft. Even the traditional UNIX-y ones like OpenBSD.
You'll just have to learn to deal with the fact that some parts of your hard drive are magnetized when they don't need to be. And if that bothers you, there is probably dust in your room, the door might not be locked, and you are now aware that you're breathing.

>> No.8820520

This, I'd understand if it's something new, and people are doing cool things. But Debian With A Theme or Arch Linux With Pre-installed Applications = a waste of time for everyone involved.

Get a read OS, like LoseThos:

>> No.8820532

Are you guys proposing doing an OS from scratch then?

>> No.8820559

botnet (:

>> No.8820563

No, because we wouldn't follow it through.

We're proposing you abandon the idea and feel ashamed for having ever thought it was worth considering.

>> No.8820658

Only if you have a reason for writing an OS from scratch.
There are such valid reasons, but I can't think of any reason which is /jp/-related or relevant to this thread.

>> No.8820662

Who are you and what did you do to Derek?

>> No.8820693

This. Shit is getting annoying.

>> No.8820718
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The real question is why, in 2012, is anyone still building an OS on the Linux kernel? Unless you have to support bullshit-"enterprise" hardware there's no point. OpenBSD is more secure (fact), less bloated (fact), and faster (fact).

Does the NSA use Linux? No, they use OpenBSD.

How many remote holes has Linux had in the last decade? 3000? OpenBSD had 2.

SBCL and Racket are great on OpenBSD. I don't know what you people are waiting for.

>> No.8820995

Make a useful themed/skinnable program or something instead.

>> No.8824571

I love GNU

>> No.8824588

I'm going to delete this because you guys are having fun!!!

>> No.8824629


>> No.8824681

Don't even joke OP.

>> No.8825995
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>> No.8826012
File: 63 KB, 640x300, cirnos_availability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I started the whole Plan9/CirnOS thing.

>> No.8826100

Post them all.

>> No.8826136
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>> No.8826143
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>> No.8826141
File: 77 KB, 640x300, cirnos_scalability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8826158

Your lack of GNU/Linux knowledge disgusts me.

>> No.8826163

>I can't believe my spamming of Plan9/CirnOS actually worked.

>> No.8826175

I'm kind of sad one of the CirnOS attempts died, as it actually had some genuinely good ideas. OpenSUSE-based, I think it was.

Also, it's confusing going to /jp/ from /g/ and encountering this thread. "Didn't I just leave /g/?"

>> No.8826184

I still can't see what good linux would have for the average user.

>> No.8826187

I use it if you can integrate toho clock and bad apple flash to the background somehow.

>> No.8826190
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i wanna write an os/2 clone.....

with win32 api

>> No.8826195

Borderless miniature browser pointed at toho clock's URL

>> No.8826205

lets make a touhou themed os/2 clone with win32 api for my 486!

>> No.8826215

Go finish the lain one

>> No.8828998
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>> No.8829994
File: 11 KB, 300x300, peanuts-sir.1297590562973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to access my programs and files using a 2D RPG interface, like FF6 or pokeymans. You should make that for me.

>> No.8830028


Sure is /g/ in here

>> No.8831391

You'll have to learn how to use the Shift key first.
