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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8792178 No.8792178 [Reply] [Original]

So, once we get to Gensokyo, I am thinking of trying to confess to a certain girl. Luckily she isn't one of the more famous/dangerous touhous, but she could still easily overpower me and I'd still have a lot of competition just based on the sheer volume of touhou fans.

How do I go about impressing my favorite touhou? How would YOU go about impressing yours?

>> No.8792194

If my favourite touhou was Ichirin or Hina I would do this

>> No.8792202

Make an axe in front of her.

Before the neolithic revolution, axemaking was considered a very effective form of courtship: you show your potential mates you have the know-how AND the strength to survive.

>> No.8792205

Finally someone understand that they will not be the first person in Gensokyo and get first dibs

>> No.8792230

Oh, by no means will I be the first. And I probably won't be the best either. I have a lot of love for Mystia, and my dream is to hear her sing or sing with her. My voice is merely okay, though, and I would most likely not be the most attractive guy there, though I am not hideous, I guess.
I just want her to notice me.

I am lucky, though. People who would want to confess to Reimu or Marisa have it much harder as far as competition goes, and people who want to confess to someone dangerous like Flan or picky like Yamaxanadu have a much harder time.

>> No.8792302

I wouldn't want to court my favorite touhou immediately, I would want to go around from place to place trying to make friends. Finding love would only be a secondary goal

>> No.8792314

After gathering courage and planning for weeks I will muster all of my strength and come out to her. With ears clogged from thunderous heartbeat, I would say the words to her, feeling my face burning all the way to my hair. The silence falls, I can hardly see and hear from all the nerves. As the silence continues the tension reaches the boiling point.


She laughs.
I fall to my knees. Crushed. I gathered all my courage and she laughs at it. No comfort, no softening. She starts walking away.
I'm devastated. Tears start running from my eyes. She stops, turning her head, smiling.
Is that a jest? Will you accept me?
"Have you truly thought that someone like you can be a match to me? I doubt that anyone here will accept you ha-ha-ha~"
It's over. Nothing matters anymore.
Everything becomes white, her shadowy silhouette slowly pushed away from my eyes.
I feel the burning flame rising and gathering at my belly.
I will kill you.

Gon is not Gon anymore!

>> No.8792319

I don't see why you'd bother if already decided it would kill you, though.

>> No.8792331

I don't have much going for me except that I'm pretty good looking and also athletic. Perhaps it's time to learn some cool craft or skill so I can impress her more easily.

>> No.8792342

I don't even know where I would start. I have no skills to speak of and I hate a bunch of bugs. Maybe it's just not meant to be...

>> No.8792377
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I'd try to get myself hired at her mansion, and then see how that would turn out.

While I'm there, I'd learn some martial arts from Meiling and magic from Patchouli so I'd be worthy of her if a relationship does develop in the future.

Of course, before doing all that, I'd get some shady drug from Eirin that would turn me into a girl.

>> No.8792565
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I give her a shotgun.
Bitches love shotguns.

>> No.8792644

It would be a lot easier to manipulate all my fellow touhou fans into killing each other, therefore literally killing all my competition, than it would be to stand out among them. Then I could get my harem because I love all touhou equally.

>> No.8792677

If there is competition in the form of dozens or hundreds of other guys from the modern outside world when I go to Gensokyo, I'll be pretty much screwed if I ever have any intention of finding love and/or sex. Even if these other guys were all /jp/ers.

I'm short, skinny, have an ugly face, masculine-in-all-the-wrong-places body type, and a boring personality. Basically the outsider novelty coupled with science / tech / engineering knowledge would be the only thing I have going for me.

My best and probably only chance would be falling in the graces of some peasant human girl from the human village.

>> No.8792709
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This thread is fucking stupid and pathetic. You will never get to Gensokyo, stop deluding yourselves. Or, at least, if you're going to delude yourself, at least have some shred of self-dignity instead of recoursing to the mindless drivel of resting all your self-worth upon impressing a particular someone.

When I get to Gensokyo, I will become a 2hu myself

>> No.8792720


Deluding ourselves is the only thing keeping most of us from killing ourselves or pulling a VTech. Don't you dare take that away from us.

>> No.8792723

Been a while since anyone's made that reference.

>> No.8792736

Now that you mention it, I wonder if that dude who shot up this Christian university today was a /jp/er.

>> No.8792738

We will see about that, faggot.

>> No.8792743


Which is why I don't delude myself depracatingly. When I get to Gensokyo, all of you will aim to impress and/or worship me, because I will be a 2hu.

>> No.8792751

Wait for April Fools to come around, then confess my love to her. If she rejects me, I will play it off as a holiday prank and state that I wish to remain friends. If she agrees, I make a fancy dinner and confess to her properly.

>> No.8792753

No, because you will be the worst 2hu.

>> No.8792781


Okay, srls now. I don't think anyone does that often. Most times I fantasize I'm the only person from the modern outside world in Gensokyo (except for Renko and Maribel, running into them would be nice) and that at least some of them would be interested in me. Plus for some miraculous reason supernatural or superhuman powers wouldn't work on me and all Touhous would be as harmless as little girls to me.

That said, even pleasant fantasies can get boring. Sometimes it's nice to fantasize in a more realistic way for a change. If that ever makes sense, but whatever.

>> No.8792785

1. ambush Kaguya and eat her liver.
2. hone assassination skills.
3. kill any competition, i.e. any other /jp/ers that got to gensokyo.
4. live the dream, while periodically killing anyone who makes it into gensokyo

if you kill yourself into gensokyo, what happens when someone kills you out of it?

>> No.8792998

And I'll be doing my best to impress you into falling in love with me. I love you, Anonymous.

>> No.8793003


will we finally get a trap touhou then?
