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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8763291 No.8763291 [Reply] [Original]

>Who are you quoting?

Keep this shit to yourself


>> No.8763298

Keep your users to yourself.

>> No.8763303
File: 14 KB, 317x367, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is mad he's a useless weeaboo

>> No.8763301

As if someone from /jp/ would willingly browse /v/.

>> No.8763307
File: 16 KB, 160x120, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do
Its just your retarded userbase comes to /jp/ and picks it up.

>> No.8763310
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>> No.8763317


>> No.8763321

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8763325

This shitty board

>> No.8763331

Why are you still here? We explained how our ``meme'' ended up in your board, so leave.

>> No.8763336

post this link OP whenever someone says this. The shame of posting /jp/ related shit will make them commit suppuku.

>> No.8763334


>> No.8763345


whooptidoo what a surprise

>> No.8763346
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>commit suppuku.

>> No.8763343

Don't you mean Sudoku?

>> No.8763347
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>> No.8763353

/v/ here.

Has your board turned to shit in the past year? We, on /v/ have been having a XBOX HUEG influx of newfags that are destroying our board.

Please respond.

>> No.8763354



>> No.8763358

You've been having that since 2008.

>> No.8763364

I know, but now its even more evident than before.


Look at him, he doesn't even know what a spoiler is. Jesuschrist.

>> No.8763367

wuts that?

>> No.8763370

Everyone knows the only good board left on 4chan is /x/

>> No.8763372

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8763375
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>> No.8763381 [DELETED] 


>> No.8763376

Your board was always bad. The creation of /vg/ (a board that is actually about videogames) solidified that. Also, please learn to use correct grammar.

>> No.8763377

didn't they leave due to /vg/?

>> No.8763378

What's /x/?

>> No.8763387

When I first looking through /vg/ a few days ago, I thought it looked pretty neat.

Then I noticed the threads read worse than tripe I could witness at places like Reddit or Gamefaqs. Sometimes the threads even reminded me of the ancient troll pictures with choice posts cropped from Gaia threads. The threads were full of people using avatars, posting with names and trips, and generally acting like obnoxious 12-year-olds who wandered onto 4chan at the library during lunch break. More posts were directed at non-Anonymous users about non-related subjects, than were directed at the thread topic.

I was so disgusted I threw up on my keyboard and then couldn't use my computer for a couple days while my keyboard dried after cleaning it.

It was the worst thing that happened to me this year.

>> No.8763390 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8763391

Don't you mean /m/?

>> No.8763398

>The threads were full of people using avatars, posting with names and trips, and generally acting like obnoxious 12-year-olds who wandered onto 4chan at the library during lunch break. More posts were directed at non-Anonymous users about non-related subjects, than were directed at the thread topic.

That's pretty much a perfect description of /jp/.

>> No.8763402

Just like /jp/!

>> No.8763394

>didn't they leave due to /vg/?
People that actually played videogames left, newfags are still on /v/.

>> No.8763429

fuck off

>> No.8763457

he mad that our meme is spreading to other boards

deal /w it nerd

>> No.8763471

Now guess what, all those bullshit memes that ruin my daily 4chan experience such as MFW, 2012, U MAD, and greentext stories, pretty much all originated from /v/. You god-damned assholes. Hope you choke on a million dicks.

>> No.8763484

Don't blame us, blame your retarded userbase for coming here and then going to /v/ to force it.
Seriously these people are fucking stupid.
There is a difference between the misuse of greentext on /jp/ and on /v/.

/jp/ does it basicly only to be able to tell outsiders apart, using greentext on /jp/ will make you look like an idiot while on /v/ "who are you quoting?" makes you look like one

>> No.8763485

>choking on dicks

>> No.8763492

>using greentext on /jp/ will make you look like a jew
Sup Jones.

>> No.8763491

there are other imageboards out there not plagued by such bottom-feeding scum.

>> No.8763498

Yeah and they have two posts per hour.

>> No.8763504

That's pretty fast compared to the ones I've been on.

>> No.8763523


>> No.8763533

your userbase, after visiting our heavenly shrine-board, were filled with awe and, in the throes of revelatory delirium, glimpsed a vision of a possible future for /v/.
a new /v/ without greentext, that wasn't complete shit
they then went back to the promised land to realize the prophecy

>> No.8763550

there are boards faster than /jp/ with none of that shit, you just need to look harder.

>> No.8763559

Why are you still here then?

>> No.8763567

because i don't care about it as much as others and i enjoy a diverse range of internet websites?
