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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8731219 No.8731219 [Reply] [Original]

Loda.jp farewell thread(TDCG/MMD thread). Info and links in the following posts.

>> No.8731223
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>> No.8731256
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What 3DCG is: 3d custom girl, a program for creating a character and posing it. Has a light sex sim. Using MMD(mikumikudance) you can create your own animations as well as simply expand creative potential.

Consider all mods and hardsaves in this thread to be of Japanese origin unless stated otherwise.

I'm sorry, but there's no install package(megaupload). Please look on Hongfire until something can be done about it(see the wiki's Western category under Community for links).
MOD TORRENT(also contains game): http://www.mediafire.com/?6rrxdgx8ka1stkt
Mod Catalog(0.31; any help is appreciated): http://www.mediafire.com/?8h28zb7a220vs1q
Preview of someone's hard save folder(does not contain actual hard saves):
Wiki: http://3dcg.info.tm/wiki/Main_Page
TROUBLESHOOTING(READ before posting your problem here): http://3dcg.info.tm/wiki/Category:Troubleshooting
Torrent with some newer(no old) mods:

Mods go in the "arcs" folder inside the 3DCG game folder. Saves go inside My Documents/TechArts3D/TDCG/. Poses go inside /TDCG/pose/.

If you're looking for something, please use ctrl+f and search before asking. If your request has been discussed already, you may be ignored as a troll.

Old thread(links to older threads found in OP): http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8632630/

Please avoid posting the full URL when linking to Japanese uploaders or files in uploaders. Just remove the "h" in "http://"(as shown above). Also, avoid directly posting the password to the 3ch site; if they find it is distributed openly, they will change it(and possibly the url, apparently). A hint or alternative method of sharing is fine.

>> No.8731259
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Looking for a mod? Read these before asking and see if you can't find it yourself, it will help you in the long run if you use this program:


Body mod pack. Contains many different kinds of bodies.

TMOProportion, a program which allows you change your character to almost any shape and size you want.

An anon's pose collection(~1,000 poses):

An anon's .cs file collection, for use with TMOProportion:

Someone's TAHHair folder(contains a program which lets you add hundreds(2-3) of hair colors to invidiual hair models):

MMD content(some sample motions motions and some effects, a link to tso2pmd). For use with MikuMikuDance.

If you are searching for a specific character, it's often faster than asking to simply find their Japanese name on Wikipedia and search the mods reference site or one of the uploaders linked below.

Japanese Uploaders:

If you are looking for general hard saves, try browsing the hard save preview folder linked in the OP. Remember that the files contained are only images and not hard saves, but at least one person on /jp/ has every hard save contained in the folder, so if you see one you like, request it by asking for the full file name you see there.

>> No.8731265

Fell asleep without meaning to last night. No updates this time.

Loda's dead in around 10 days, although there's not much of a point in mentioning it now.

>> No.8732019

Thanks for the advice on using pointlight last thread!

>> No.8734249

It's no problem. I just hope you can make something out of it. Just ask if there's anything else you need help with.

>> No.8734255

Thanks again for your threads OP

RIP Loda

>> No.8735186

Oh wow, where's a download link for this R5?

>> No.8735193

What was the picture in the OP made with? It looks way too good to be from TDCG, but I haven't been keeping up with the mods.

>> No.8735582


Sorry, I don't remember. It should be in the catalog, it was definitely from XPC and not very new.

>> No.8737851
File: 1.87 MB, 128x256, tim2890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8737861
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All those Yume Nikki fangames.
May you rest in peace, loda.

>> No.8737886

Wait, did Loda die or something? I've been sleeping pretty much the last three days.

>> No.8737905
File: 402 KB, 1424x842, 1331189675014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit. How do you get graphics like that in 3DCG?

>> No.8737939

With mods you can.

Go watch some MMD videos or something. Some of them are amazing.

>> No.8737968

They're going to close their services on March 31.
>» LODA.JP 3月31日サービス終了のお知らせ «

>> No.8738129

here is a digest of the recent motions i think are worth having.

spring shower


tricolor airline, this time with lip sync

mehyou ni natte, more than a good dance i'd say this one is full of adorable little animations

senbon sakura, not as good as http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16934552 though

breast massage. if you want the motion, select the video comment's text.

in terms of motion quality, spring shower is probably the best of them. maybe it's because of the models he used, but i think it looks much better in MMD than it does in the distribution video. it's definitely not a style you see much in mmd.

>> No.8739723


>> No.8739732

What is Loda?

>> No.8739756
File: 102 KB, 128x256, tim2883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fairly popular Japanese uploader going the way of FileSonic in a few days.

>> No.8739881
File: 921 KB, 1402x786, 3646363463463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone remembers http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17104616, he released the motion.

I am hiding my happiness. I was worried he would never distribute it. This motion as just as well or better made than any of the motions in >>8738129.

>> No.8742288
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crack picture

>> No.8742292
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Does this count as thread shitting

>> No.8742666
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Close, but you only get the cigar if it catches on.

This, on the other hand, is shitposting. Shikachuu is unfortunately not related.

>> No.8743958


>> No.8745419

Did anybody get tim2909.png?

>> No.8745812
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>> No.8745994

With the end of Loda, the main pmd loader site maybe will be Bolw Roll and getuploader.

The first one is no problem but the getuploader is slow as fuck if you access internet in some countries. Like br for example

If you can't even access the getuploader, use Tor Bundle.

>> No.8747587

Thank you.

>> No.8748357

Is this also a 3dcm thread?
Is it possible to mod bodies in 3dcm like 3dcg does with nxja?
The normal bodies are not very special

>> No.8748450

While I feel a little sorry for the 3DCM guys, if we started allowing more things this would eventually turn into 3D General. If TDCG or MMD and 3DCM were somehow compatible(beyond brute forcing with 3D software) it might be a different story. I'd say in the end it would be up to other people reading the thread, though.

And I have no idea as to the answer to your question. I kind of doubt you can get it to look like the NJXA because the NJXA only looks the way it does because of special graphic techniques that were modded into TDCG, but I imagine 3DCM has its share of interesting things.

>> No.8749631
File: 47 KB, 512x384, tda-append-hatsune-miku-040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm late to the party here / don't have the full story, but what is the deal with the TDA Miku Append model?

The TL;DR as I've heard it is:
-Guy releases TDA Miku as a paid download
-Crypton gets pissed, shuts him down

Is she just gone now? Has some kind anon decided to share, or is it just going to become vaporware now?

I'd quite like to get a hold of her, but I was lazy and never got around to figuring out Melonbooks DL.

>> No.8749832

If you look in the archive, you should find a download link somewhere.

>> No.8750127

As >>8749832 said, look in the archive.

As to the reasons for it being pulled down, the modeller pulled it down on his own due to a public announcement Crypton made, but it's true that Crypton did deny him permission to sell it when he asked. But he will still distribute the model for free when it is finished.

>> No.8751336


Yeah, I found it. Got distracted for a bit- I meant to thank you.

And it's not even finished yet? Dang, it's like the most absurdly full-featured MMD model I've seen yet.

>> No.8753775

mod0940: Collection of 16 (mostly cartoonish) mouths for niis
mod0941: Heavy saves of nii versions of Tewi and Reisen Udonge from Touhou; replaces mod0936
mod0942: 2 different styles of peace/victory signs for nii hands
mod0943: Cosplay set for Lily from Mahou Senshi Symphonic Knights; both outfits; identical content to XPC03707
mod0946: Heavy saves of props for a quiz/game show
mod0947: Cosplay set for Lemmtear Theta from the Sweet Knights series
mod0948: Jar of instant coffee, spoon and coffee cup
mod0950: Reupload of toonshader2 2011-08-06 version; identical content to XPC03713
mod0951: Adds 6 short gravure motions, including a handjob
mod0952: Heavy saves of sci-fi/fantasy armor

>> No.8753778

XPC03705: Mqo2TsoGUI; needs Mqo2Tso from XPC01361; "Mainly to easily create color variations"
XPC03706: Maid outfit with dog ears and tails; has heavy saves of whips and collars
XPC03707: Cosplay set for Lily from Mahou Senshi Symphonic Knights; both outfits; identical content to mod0943
XPC03708: Beer set ver2: Bottles, cans, mugs and glasses
XPC03712: Cosplay set for Yuzuki Yukari from Vocaloid3
XPC03713: Reupload of toonshader2 2011-08-06 version; identical content to mod0950
XPC03714: Bikini armor based on Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile; comes with 2 poses
XPC03715: Background: Small courtroom
XPC03716: TSOWeight ver 0.0.8
XPC03717: 8 front hairs and 3 back hairs
XPC03718: Heavy saves of some of the outfits from the Strike Witches movie
XPC03719: Chukaman / nikuman / pork buns

>> No.8753784


Either mod0950 or XPC03713 should be marked, for those who haven't updated toonshader2.

>> No.8754510

This was kind of interesting.
This model is the Nanoha HT model, of Miku's racing outfit. It's distributed on the Nanoha fan community, and in order to find that you have to do some hunting. And then they have a password which only people who understand Japanese well enough to do some google searching are going to get.

It's the first time I've ever heard anyone say they outright don't want foreigners to get the model.

On http://com.nicovideo.jp/bbs/co287305
post 1760 by GouseiP(合成P)
From the fact that people who can't solve the password can't get the model, isn't it clear that this model is for 'Japanese people only?'
And, how many foreign MMDers do you know?
There are good MMDers even outside Japan, of course, but there are also people who ignore the terms of use and trade models.
I've had some experience with being involved in this kind of trouble, so having learned from that I do things like this community-only distribution and making passwords that you can't solve if you don't understand Japanese."

I'm interested to see if DA gets their hands on this. Not that it's really that great.

>> No.8756275
File: 2.78 MB, 128x256, tim2915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8756300

Why? What's the point in caring if someone "trades" your model? It's not like you're making money off it, so why want to keep your models only for your "secret club"?

>> No.8756344


Xenophobia more so than any real reason.

To be fair though, we've all run into those youtube videos where some sugar-addled 12 year old girl gets a hold of MMD, plugs in some well made model, and whips up some shitty flailing motion data that looks like a puppet on strings having a seizure. They then set it to their favorite song from some AMV, and paste in some sort of epileptic filter / camera effect.

I'd think it's not completely far out to think the author of the model might be upset to see it.

>> No.8757720

They also do shitty edits of them as well.
I remember finding this one kid's deviantart a couple months ago.
>i know im not suppose 2 b editing models XD but fuk u all >:3

If I were to make something, I'd be more annoyed if someone turned it into an emo furry than if it showed up in a retarded video.

>> No.8757965

We've had this discussion before, so I won't say much. I can't say there is much that would bother me personally, but it seems most content producers don't share my philosophy. I think it's foolish to care, and only inconveniences others, but I won't go into it. There are a few things regarding editing that would make me sad, but that's about the extent of it.

This seems like more of a case of power tripping than xenophobia. Either that or concern over view counts/download counts, which is reasonable to me, but limiting distribution is ultimately counterproductive if you're interested in making your work popular/used.
