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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8692432 No.8692432 [Reply] [Original]

I know there is a lot of negative /jp/ lifestyle stuff around here but how about the positive people?

Every day I watch anime and I sit in my room plastered with anime posters and figures scattered around the place, manga and eroge lining the shelves plus lots of Japanese handheld games and their limited edition packs. I listen to denpa on repeat spending my life in the 2D world, I'm looking soon to try and move to Akihabara in hopes of being able to surround myself further in my hobbies and tonight I will be sleeping with my dakimakura.

Let's hear some nice stories and appreciation of your otaku lifestyle, even if it isn't much just tell us how much you're enjoying yourself right now. I also want to know if there are any of you out there who go this far with your hobbies, too.

>> No.8692447

I'd be perfectly happy if I wasn't extremely poor, I reckon.

>> No.8692442

I have pictures of my wife hanging in my room and I regularly write stories about her. Maybe some day I'll be good enough to make a comic.

>> No.8692441

Taking it easy!

>> No.8692452

Why do you buy eroge?

>> No.8692456


That's Nemu Guy, dude. He's one of our friends.


>> No.8692461


It's just something I saved off the internet, default file name. I don't know this guy though.


There's no feeling like a fresh box of eroge, it really is like it's described in the Ore no Imouto anime, the package provides something a digital copy cannot.

>> No.8692467

I assume you order straight from Japan?

>> No.8692469


I get a friend to send it to me.

>> No.8692472
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I know that feel. If I inherited a shitton of money and had no obligations, I think I might be able to be truly happy. I'd spend each day getting drunk, masturbating,watching anime, and eating cheeseburgers until I died.

>> No.8692475

I affectionately look at picture of touhous all day, and I smile warmly every time I do it.

I don't have much money and my situation doesn't allow me to have things such as dakimakuras and figs, so I can't dedicate to this lifestyle as much as I'd like.

>> No.8692485
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If you're fat, have a weird face and thin hair, going bald and getting a tan really does wonders.

>> No.8692494

Do you have any tricks to feeling happy, OP? I find that even if I do everything I want to do, I don't always feel happy. I don't think I have depression or anything, I'm generally more happy than I am unhappy, but it's been a long time since I could jump out of bed and say "fuck yes, today I'm going to play some eroge and talk about it with the awesome people on /jp/!".

>> No.8692502

I'm a positive person. Most days I wake up in the late afternoon and browse 4chan while drinking tea until the sun starts to goes down and I start to get hungry, then I make dinner and eat. After I eat I go back to 4chan until around 1AM, when I either go out to the gas station for a snack or start getting ready for sleep (masturbate, bathe, ect). I end up going to bed around 6 or 7AM. Then I wake up and repeat.

I don't know how anyone could feel negative or depressed living a life like this. I don't want to sound like a hippy or anything, but I feel really free living like this. If I want to do something, I do it. If I can't do what I want, then I find a way to do it. There are no friends to hold me back, no job or school either. Just spending my days quietly by myself doing most whatever I please.

For the last week especially, I've felt great. When I look outside, I can't help but smile. When you slow down and enjoy the little things everything seems so much pleasant.

>> No.8692525
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Well, honestly I don't post much on /jp/, I only come here for information and try not to get caught in the drama.

The night before you have to set your alarm early with a ringtone you really like and tell yourself to have fun. I think waking up early to some good food with good music is so important.

Being a pale hideaway NEET was fun but I got bored of it - I'm still pale and an ugly otaku, but I feel better inside just by changing my outlook of life, I feel prouder and more bold about my hobbies and it feels better to indulge in them rather than make them feel like an escape or the only good thing in my life.

or to put it simply: start your day like an anime OP as if you're the main character in an otaku comedy.

>> No.8692548
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I think being happy is an art. Two people, presented with the exact same living conditions, could have completely different reactions to it. Not just because of preference, but because one of them is more capable of being happy than the other.

So let's share some tips on being more happy regardless of your living situation. I find that I generally feel much better if I've been exercising regularly. Not because I particularly enjoy exercising, I just find that it consistently elevates my mood to otherwise inconceivable levels.

There's also stuff like thought patterns. I often limit my happiness constantly telling myself there's other things I should be doing when I'm trying to enjoy myself. But this stuff is complicated, I can't figure out how to stop it.

>> No.8692553


I agree, perspective is the most important thing, even before money. Having a goal is good too, you need constant direction in your life while enjoying the present too.

>> No.8692574

Get a lot of good sleep, get some fresh air every now and then (I keep my window open with a fan blowing in all the time), eat a lot of different tasty food and lots of different drinks. That's pretty much all I do.

I've never found exercising to affect my happiness.

>> No.8693856
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>> No.8693894
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>> No.8693915
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>> No.8693944
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>> No.8694055


>> No.8694684

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8694710

Grown up men with anime pillows, sex dolls, masturbation toys, perverts obssesed with underage women and school girls, sexless couples (even the younger ones), "hervibore" men, etc...

Seriously, what the hell is up with these people?

That's why I'm gonna go to Japan as soon as I can. If those pussies can't handle their women then I'm gonna take care of them myself.

>> No.8696742
File: 19 KB, 313x223, getthefuckoutofjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
