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8628307 No.8628307 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou would be completely forgotten if not for the pornography produced by it's fans.

>> No.8628313

So you think you pervert.

>> No.8628314

The porn only makes about 18% so no
It wouldn't be as popular, but yeah

Personally I hate how some "fans" obsess about the porn, it's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8628321

u mad bro XD

>> No.8628319

Fuck off, normal.

>> No.8628318

Not our fault they're so desirable.

>> No.8628332

Yeah, it's not as if the music, games, normal doujins do not have a following of their own.

The more I think about it, the more Touhou seems like a religion. One day, it will become one.

>> No.8628330

"Your" fault you fucking scumbag. YOU, RAPE everything beautiful.

>> No.8628336

Sorry if I offended you, you mad religious nutjob.

>> No.8628333

Keep making shitty excuses you maggot. Grow some willpower. Everyone has a sex drive, that's natural, but sexualizing every last thing is just sick and abnormal.

I wish we could sometimes have Touhou threads that didn't turn out into some kind of perverse fetish fest where everyone wags around their fat filthy dicks. It sickens me to my very core.

>> No.8628341

You ain't even from here

>> No.8628345

Fuck you. I am communist and i believe in beauty.

>> No.8628350
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I never understood how a person could be lewd 100% of the time. I suppose some people are just wired differently

>> No.8628356

I am. But I feel like I am the only decent Touhou fan left on /jp/ most of these days.

Now there's only "2hu" faggots and spammers who make text-less threads and "which Touhou would you X" threads, giving the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.8628374

Sorry then, it read like someone trying to stir shit insincerely.

>> No.8628376

Wrong OP, its the music

THEN its the porn

>> No.8628387

I have yet to see Gundam or Eva become one.

>> No.8628390

I sometimes have anger management problems, though I am usually harmless. However, the current situation with /jp/ makes me very frustrated and causes many triggers.

>> No.8628391

Touhou has like the lowest porn ratio of any series. It's remembered because of stupid music videos.

>> No.8628460

You're not a woman I hope.

>> No.8631811

I got into 2hu through porn so yeah!

>> No.8631821

Just 14% of Touhou doujins are porn.

I think it's even less amongst pixiv fanarts.

>> No.8631830

>I wish we could sometimes have Touhou threads that didn't turn out into some kind of perverse fetish fest where everyone wags around their fat filthy dicks. It sickens me to my very core.

Sorry, I'm actually the one who makes those comments on imagedumps to make them more interesting. like cumming in Iku's panties and then she has to wear them because it's not laundry day until next week and she's out of clean pairs. Then she has to walk around all day with a wet squelching sound of my cum bubbling on her crotch, until it's dry and crusty.

>> No.8631833


I hope. Or we could all just start practicing shinto, and it'd end up rather similar I'm sure.

>> No.8631898



fujoshi pls go

>> No.8631901

Does it make me a bad person if I rage fap to a Touhou after game overing to her thousands of times?

Most specifically, Remilia and her random spellcards on Lunatic. I spend hours grinding that shit out with save states and she still manages to fuck me over with that Scarlet Meister. I have the reflexes of a brain dead ape, so I can only rely on muscle memory and memory in general to bring me through shit, randomness just murders me.

>> No.8631987

Oh look a secondary who has not played not even one game and doesn't realize how fun they are and that people would still like it if the fanon died

>> No.8631990
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Porn is a large part of my touhou attraction. I've played the games a bit, I can 1CC all 6-13 on normal or hard and my playlist tends to have plenty of touhou remixes. But the porn is the best thing since I like elegantly dressed, nubile girls and rape.

I enjoy and support erotic touhou threads because I tend to browse /jp/ during my free time, meaning the time I also fap. I can't really get into fapping in school or at work.

>> No.8631994

>save states

Why even play.

>> No.8631998

Oh fuck off to asylum you deprived sex fiend...

>> No.8632026

How do you play Touhou with save states? I think it'd be really useful to practice certain spellcards.

>> No.8632060

To practice for a full run. You think it's effective practice playing through the entire game just to get a shot at practicing that spellcard ONCE? Wasting 30 minutes playing a full run, only to have 30 seconds at practicing Remilia is a waste of time. A very huge waste of time which could be better used practicing the final boss, rather than doing a full run in which everything else in the game is trivial except for the final boss. Also useful for practicing scoring techniques. It's not arcade authentic in the slightest, but it's a far more effective method of practice than just doing one credit and restarting whenever you run out of lives.

http://code.google.com/p/hourglass-win32/ It's a pain in the ass to get working, but it's worth it to practice stuff deep into the game.

>> No.8632096


>> No.8632138

Even if you say so, final bosses are usually not that strong, compared to previous stage's bosses. Say, Sakuya and Patchouli trouble me more than Remilia, same for Byakuren and Shou, may be some others examples (like Reimu and Eirin in IN).

>> No.8632193

A good run for me is one where I manage to bomb (or border, or trance) my way through the hard cards since I don't die to arrogance.

Is it generally considered faggotry to do this?

>> No.8632206

ITT secondaries.

>> No.8632283

Wow another one of those anti sex/porn yaoifag that draw female like boy or man.

>> No.8632325

The amount of original and creative works that derive from Touhou ranging from music to comics vastly outnumber any other modern franchise ever made with the possible, but unlikely, exception of Vocaloid when it comes to music.

Porn is just a small slice of the pie.

>> No.8632349


>You think it's effective practice playing through the entire game just to get a shot at practicing that spellcard ONCE?

There is a feature called Stage Practice, you should use it instead of cheating your game. And don't give me bullshit claiming you can't unlock them, if you aren't even able to complete the game abusing continues then you shouldn't even be playing on that difficulty level.

>> No.8632366


While I might agree with your theory when I consider Youmu/Yuyuko, no way in hell is Byakuren easier than Shou, as annoying as curved laser may be and especially on hard/lunatic.

>> No.8632425
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worst 2hus

>> No.8632605

>then you shouldn't even be playing on that difficulty level.

But I play on easy.

>> No.8632668

Save states are pretty much the same as stage practice, you aren't any better than him, you dumb fuck. Both save states and stage practice are for spineless wussies and you should only play using full runs because it is the most efficient method of practice.

Also lol at continues. I don't think being a limp wristed credit feeder is good even if it's to unlock stage practice. I do agree with you on the part where you say he shouldn't be allowed to play the game if he can't unlock it with credit feeding, though. But odds are if he's using continues, he should probably just kill himself anyway.

>> No.8632677

You guys speak of this as if it was a religion or a matter of life or death...


>> No.8632709

You think these giant robot loli shooting games are a joke, son? Around these parts, we take these games very seriously. Inserting more than one credit per session is very sinful, you may not use any more than one continue per play because it is cheating.

Stage practice and spell practice break the rules of STGs, they're supposed to be played in one sitting, all at once! Not in each different stage separately.

>> No.8633028
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>should only play using full runs because it is the most efficient method of practice.


Back 3 years ago when I first started playing EoSD it wasn't Cirno nor Meiling that gave me problems, it was Stage 4 where the difficulty traditionally spikes up. Doing constant practice runs on the stage taught me positioning, streaming, patterns, etc while in a regular run I'd be bombing my way through because the priority would have been to stay alive, thus I wouldn't be barely learning anything from it.

It's a lot less efficient. Harder stages require more practice, which isn't what happens in full run training.
