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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8621649 No.8621649 [Reply] [Original]

Stop lazying around and come work with me.
It will be fun, I promise!

>> No.8621654

Work on this *grabs dick*

>> No.8621656
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>> No.8621665
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>get job as janitor
>first day
>they are showing me around
>reach bathrooms
>"Oh there are Mexicans that work here. They stand up when they take a shit. Sometimes it doesn't land in the toilet."

I didn't show up on day 2.

>> No.8621683

When I worked, it wasn't all that bad. I was liked by the managers and I did good work without complaining or slacking. Never got to know any of my co-workers. I don't even remember their faces or their names. I worked either opening the store or closing it, and always on Friday nights. I also did all the odd jobs around the store. I was working towards a goal and when I reached it I quit.

Whenever I go back to that place to eat I still get a working employee discount.

>> No.8622127

Are you sure it wasn't a cool initiation prank?

>> No.8622130

I'll work when I become good enough to work on programming and web related things from my bedroom. That or improve my art. Furries and perverts still buy shitty art for dozens of dollars, right?

>> No.8622138

I have a job that pays $120k, but it's such a soul crushing job, that I don't even know why I do it. Well, I do know; it's so I can afford entertainment to make me forget I work there. Endless cycle of consumerism.

>> No.8622143

>I don't even know why I do it.
>pays $120k
That's why. At least, for me, as long as it wasn't sucking dicks or wiping up wastes I'd do almost any job that payed that.

>> No.8622149
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>as long as it wasn't sucking dicks

I'd do that for free~

>> No.8622170

In this anime, they don't even work.

>> No.8622186

Where do you work? What do you do?

I imagine that the amount of responsibility and stress that come with that paycheck are not worth it.

>> No.8622199

Tell us more. You want to tell us more.

>> No.8622226

Can't say where I work for legal reasons, but the job title is analytic programmer. Basically I get to spend all day staring at legacy-as-fuck code base with hundreds of edge-case shitty business logic and try to work around it.

Guess it's better than cleaning toilets.

>> No.8622260

What are the hours like and what do you have to know to get a job like that?

>> No.8622268

I like my job, but I hate actually going to it simply because it takes up about 11.5 - 12 hours of my day. I don't do things I enjoy for that long and I certainly don't want to be stuck doing work. I don't see why society thought it was a good idea to make work days so long. I really believe I would be just as productive working shorter hours and not being burnt out everyday and hating to go back.

>> No.8622290

Jesus I know Chinatsu is gay!

>> No.8622287

>I don't do things I enjoy for that long
So what do you do? If I could convert my daily 4chan time into work hours, I'd be rich at minimum wage.

But then I don't have a problem with working long, I just have a problem with working early. Whose idea was it to start EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD at the buttcrack of dawn when everyone is so fucking tired they can't even stand? I wouldn't mind having to 12 hours too if it was from 3pm to 3am.

>> No.8622305

I tend to break things up and switch what I'm doing fairly often. It is pretty rare for me to play a game or something for more than an hour and a half at a time.

>> No.8622323

are you me?

>> No.8622333

9-5, monday to friday, and you just have to have an awesome, awesome resume with years of proven programming experience in the field, as well as being able to talk to people freely.

>> No.8622366

and get dub-trips?
Seriously though, are you old or something? What are some jobs you did before? I'm just a newbie programmer who realizes he isn't math-smart enough to go beyond a BS in CS so I could use some programming job direction.

>> No.8622367

That must suck. How do you get anything done or beat any games?

>> No.8622379

Turning 25 this year. 5 years of hard coding, started out as a part timer programmer for some shady guy for $10/hr, lower than minimum wage here, no benefits, and he fired me after three years.

Dropped out of uni; nobody cares about degrees once you have years in actual work done.

>> No.8622381
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I work 8 to 5 every day save for the weekends. I wish some rich guy would just make me his heir and let me stay home all day.

>> No.8622383

Lately I tend to have a lot of games and projects unfinished. I get excited about something and put work into it and then get excited about something else and move on. Eventually I get back to things, but unless I really put in effort, things take a long time.
