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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8611494 No.8611494 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ I frequent /a/ but have been lurking in /jp/ for about 3 months now. In honesty I am considering switching from /a/ to this board in regards to where I contribute. Any reasons why I should come here or is it easier for you all to just post lewd offensive things?

>> No.8611497 [DELETED] 

Actually you want to go to 4-ch.

>> No.8611502

Why would you switch? Content in here is totally different than /a/.

>> No.8611507

Trust me, you want to go back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8611508

If you like to talk about your dick-sucking escapades, then come on in!

>> No.8611509

Just stay on /a/.

>> No.8611513 [DELETED] 

Is that fucking Zoboomafoo?

>> No.8611514 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up you don't have to announce this.

>> No.8611524
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Yes. Did you know he is a Sifaka Lemur?

>> No.8611517

I do like dick sucking escapades.

>> No.8611526 [DELETED] 

Seems like your ready to make the switch my brother, there's just one thing you must do be for its official. Before coming to /jp/ hold alt+f4,its what all us cool kids do on /jp/ do trust me.

>> No.8611525

So when did you suck your first dick, OP?

>> No.8611527

we got cookies. please stay...

>> No.8611528

Seems like your ready to make the switch my brother, there's just one thing you must do before its official. Before coming to /jp/ hold alt+f4,its what all us cool kids do on /jp/ do trust me.

>> No.8611533
File: 64 KB, 400x450, .,,sjdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a newfag dibshit.

My first bf when i was in highschool.

>> No.8611537 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8611539

You can stay here, now delete this thread.

>> No.8611542

Reported for being a slut.

>> No.8611547

Normalfag get out.

>> No.8611550 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8611553

I'm a female. >>8611537

>> No.8611551

This. And never stop lurking.

>> No.8611555


>> No.8611559

I smell a misogyny thread.

>> No.8611560
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Well that was predictable. >>8611550 was meant for you, but what can ya do.

>> No.8611568

Do you literally have nothing better to do than F5 /jp/ all day and whine about alleged "misogyny"? Fuck off back to >>>/adv/ already, please. They eat that gender wars garbage right up.

>> No.8611571


Seriously, why /jp/? >>8611502 got it right. From time to time I browse through /a/ and I don't feel like posting or reading any threads in it. Is there some topic in particular that /jp/ delivers that would make you throw away /a/?

Perhaps the glory hole threads?

>> No.8611575

This isn't a war. It's slaughter.

And why would I whine about it?

>> No.8611578 [DELETED] 

I am going to see how long it takes to get banned for shitposting on /jp/

>> No.8611583

He wants you to answer both.

>> No.8611582 [DELETED] 


Who wants to join me? I

>> No.8611588

i browse le redditer, come at me /jp/

>> No.8611597
File: 50 KB, 437x400, 1325815453294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For /jp/

>> No.8611596

Which side is getting "slaughtered"? Males I would presume based on modern societies, but I'm sure you have some messed up conspiracy theory about 'the patriarchy'.

And I don't know why you'd whine about it. You tell me. Apparently not even /jp/ is safe from the "women are victims ;_;" drivel now.

>> No.8611605

You appear to be getting the word misogyny mixed up with something else. Perhaps ``feminism''?

>> No.8611621

I thought I might be. Most of the people that use the term are indeed feminists bitching about men though.

My apologies if my responses were misguided.

>> No.8611624

It's all good. I can see how you could get confused.
