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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8565461 No.8565461 [Reply] [Original]

>Visual novels no longer allowed on /v/

Well, alright then. You guys a fan of the Kyle Hyde saga?


I just finished Last Window, myself. I have to admit it got a tear or two out of me, it's depressing to think that Cing went under right after the game was finished, I loved the series even if it was only two VNs long. I'm going to miss Kyle.

This is exciting, /v/ is full of shitposters and it will be refreshing to get some opinions from you guys.

>> No.8565464

get out of jp

>> No.8565477
File: 97 KB, 500x373, tumblr_lkv6ntMzmM1qjzfqpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god- It's me, anonymous.

>> No.8565479

It sucks that Cing went bankrupt, since I really enjoyed the Hotel Dusk (as well as the Another Code) series. The first Hotel Dusk is one of my favorite DS games.

>> No.8565485

Hotel Dusk is an adventure game, not a VN.

I did love it though.

>> No.8565489


english, do you speak

>> No.8565497

Wish Room is horrible. I don't understand why so many people recommended it.

>> No.8565498

If you're coming here to get away from the shitposters, you're out of luck, dude.

>> No.8565508

no, thats why were on /jp/ dummy.

>> No.8565512


I've seen it classified as both. What's your opinion on the Ace Attorney series? As far as I know, even Capcom has classified those as VNs. Anyway, I think I enjoyed Last Window a bit more. It picks up faster and tended to have more emotional moments and music. Fucking PROMISE, man.

The music box puzzle was retarded, though.


Sorry, still used to /v/. Won't happen again, I promise!

>> No.8565534

It's a shame Cing went bankrupt but oh well can't do anything about it. Both games were fun.

>This is exciting, /v/ is full of shitposters
Well... I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.8565535

Since when does being "used" to a specific board change how you type? Did you even think before posting that?

>> No.8565539


AA plays exactly like a traditional adventure game. Walk to different areas, pick up stuff, use stuff at specific places...

There are basically no VNs released on consoles in English officially.

>> No.8565554



It's 2012. Learn the fucking difference already.

>> No.8565559

Pretty sure since he said it was /v/ he is used to posting like a retard just like everyone else from there. Being a retard is contagious, believe it or not.

>> No.8565572


Typically, when we want to get a discussion rolling about a game on /v/, we start off posts like that. Again, apologies.


Not even 999? I wonder how companies go about classifying their games. They've all been officially described as novels but apparently they aren't within the correct definition.

>> No.8565587

Wow, what the fuck, moot?

Did ANYONE actually want this? I for one was perfectly happy with /jp/ being untranslated or newly translated VNs, /a/ being other translated VNs, and /v/ being babby's VN training camp. Why fuck with it?

>> No.8565601

999 is a "graphic adventure"

>> No.8565604 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 429x381, 1320688304147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg wats with all the sages????

>> No.8565606

Because moot's spatial thinking is faulty.

>> No.8565620

This still makes no sense to me. People really don't type the same way wherever they post?

Do you visit any other boards? What are some other ways you type when visiting elsewhere?

>> No.8565621


I just wanted a goddamn /vn/, but he had to make the whole situation even WORSE. God damn it.


999 is an adventure game, same as AA.

>> No.8565645

Yeah, same here. Makes me regret even asking for /vn/ in the first place if this is what it comes down to.

>> No.8565650
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Forgive my ignorance, but would you mind explaining what that specific genre entails? I have a basic understanding between a VN and an Adventure game based on your definitions, but that sounds like some sort of middle ground or gray area.

>> No.8565678


Adventure games have gameplay, which usually involves picking up objects in the environment and solving puzzles with them. VNs have no gameplay at all.

>> No.8565714

Visual novels have very little interaction.

Now an adventure game on the other hand would normally consist of something like solving puzzles or something of the sort.

>> No.8565722

Because ksfags wanted /vn/.

>> No.8565739


No, the people who hated KSfags wanted a /vn/ to get rid of them.

Whatever though, if /jp/ can get cleaned up and we can have relatively cordial threads like this one I won't care either way.

>> No.8565772
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I see. So the general rule is that "Gameplay!=VN" which leads to the next question: where do games like MGQ line up? Would that still be considered a non-VN? If so, I'm just going to go ahead and warn you to be prepared for those threads, it's a really popular thing on /v/. Almost won our Game of the Year.

>> No.8565786

It's funny because visual novels are called AVD's in Japan!

>> No.8565791

I don't give a shit about KS, and I wanted a /vn/. /jp/ sucks for talking about anything besides untranslated or newly translated VNs.

>> No.8565824

How active would a /vn/ board be though? It'd be slower than /po/. It looks like /jp/ will just have to adjust.

>> No.8565860

The problem is going to be threads like these where if it has more text than gameplay it's automatically considered a VN in most people's eyes.

>> No.8565883

Monmusu is an RPG adventure

>> No.8565888

It might be a little bit slow, but long term slow discussions about visual novels would be great in my eyes. And it's not like there isn't a significant fanbase out there, most of them are on /a/ now though, and only come out for the frequent VN generals.
People are just doing that because they're pissed that moot did this.

>> No.8565919

What would be the difference? As in, please tell me what would be discussed on /vn/ that isn't EXACTLY what you just said about /jp/? KS? MGQ? moot's already making some other board that's going to house KS in it.

As for MGQ, I don't know, that could be construed as an RPG, and I don't think /v/ mods (of all people) would give a shit either way.

>> No.8565935
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I see. Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, like I said, it really is quite popular on /v/. I hope you guys won't need to deal with trying to move everyone back.


If it makes you feel any better I was being legitimate. I just finished The Last Window and was going to make a thread on /v/ about it but was afraid of the constant "TAKE THIS SHIT TO /jp/" I figured I was going to receive.

Anyway, thanks for being patient with me and answering my dumb questions. I'll make another Kyle Hyde thread on /v/ and see where it takes me. You guys still might call yourself shitposters, but for the most part you're still nicer than /v/. It's been a pleasure talking with you, however short the time span.

>> No.8565987

>Leaving after being corrected

I seriously wish all of /v/ was like you. Even if this shit isn't a VN, you're still a pretty cool guy.

>> No.8566057

I'd rather you stayed and the rest of the fucks left

>> No.8566070

>Visual novels no longer allowed on /v/
I know it was explictly stated to not be /v/ in the past due to not being "enough of a game" considering the extremely limited or even non-existent gameplay elements.

When did this change?
Seriously, VNs was deemed to not be anime or manga enough, and was banished from /a/. People had already made clear that it didn't belong in /v/ either.
And so it was dumped into /jp/, to take care of everything that was posted in /a/ but not deemed to be anime or manga enough.

But now you have people from about every other board all of a sudden go "What?? It's NOT related -anymore-!? What da fuk? X_X"
I say this once more. Moot didn't change anything. What he declared have been the rules for over 4 years.

>> No.8566088

I'm almost certain VN's are still allowed on /v/

>> No.8566098

A mod said a while back that they were, but moot just reversed that decision.

>> No.8566124

>The discussion of visual novels belongs on /jp/.

New rule.

>> No.8566129

Since When? I can see a 400+ ks thread in the catalog right now.

>> No.8566160



>> No.8566172
File: 57 KB, 384x256, Confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods don't really exist on /v/ so threads that are against the rules tend to stick around for a long while. Chances are, the KSGenerals will continue to be made on there until a sticky post and consistent bans happen.

Which isn't likely, really.

>> No.8566180

Actually yeah I just checked the rules.
Eh fuck all will change really. You'll just have to deal with like 2 or 3 new people.

>> No.8566205

>Posting images related to the thread

You stupid fucks are worse than /v/.
