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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8554671 No.8554671 [Reply] [Original]

tell me about that girl who stalked you, anon

>> No.8554680

I like to think I had one but she was so good at keeping it a secret that I had no idea

>> No.8554681
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>> No.8554688

Haha, I wish.

>> No.8554690

She weighed at least 300 pounds and I'm pretty sure she went to gaia.

>> No.8554691

yuno is so cute.

>> No.8554698

I have one at the moment. She's only 19. I don't know how or why it happened. People think I look like some guy from Sons of Anarchy, and said something about that. Should I accept her stalker lover although I am 6 years her senior?

>> No.8554705

Yes yes yes yes yes one thousand times yes. She loves you. You should totally do it.

>> No.8554708


>> No.8554718
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>> No.8554715

I'm really ugly but I had 2 stalkers in high school.

>> No.8554716

Stalker love is best love. If you don't, you will always regret it.

>> No.8554730

What happened to the guy who gave the NEET girl cookies or whatever? Did he leave /jp/ because they love each other now? I fucking bet that's what happened.

Anyway, on the advice of /jp/ I will have sex with my teenage stalker.

>> No.8554733

Oh god my dick just went inside my body for a second.

>> No.8554734

who gives shit

>> No.8554781

Someone stalking me would have to have cameras in my house or something. I'm very weary of windows and I never really leave my house.

>> No.8555287

I had one once. A 15 year old. Never stopped going on about Visual Novels, her love of Saber and Kotonoha and never left me alone. When I caught her stalking me. I dated her.
A few months later I dumped her. She attempted to kill me and now constantly stalks my facebook, my house and keeps asking my friends how I am.
Can't shake her off.

>> No.8555295


Get a load of this nerd

>> No.8555300

No one ever stalked me and had me realize it anyway. I had a tsundere once but I wasn't into anime back then so I didn't know she was being tsundere and not just tsun. I really regret this fact since I love tsundere ero.

Nowadays this >>8554781

>> No.8555298

I had a girl who called everyone with my last name in the phone book until she successfully called me. Somehow, I didn't find this creepy at all at the time.

I ended up dumping her for reasons unrelated to stalking, though.

>> No.8555301

it's wary you dumbfuck or foreignfuck.

>> No.8555314
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>about that girl who stalked you
i wish....

>> No.8555315

>She attempted to kill me
How did this happen, if I may ask?

>> No.8555323


Strangled me.
About an hour in a over long dump talk to her. She flipped when I said I didn't love her as much as she did.
Jumped at me and strangled. Like an animal.

>> No.8555325 [DELETED] 
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she should stalk me....

>> No.8555327

Did you proceed to have rough, angry sex?

>> No.8555328 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 600x450, 1297295680948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was extremely short and twice my age. It was terrifying.

>> No.8555335

That's the last thing you want to do to a stalker. If you're going to dump them, you need to make them feel like it is something they can fix. Otherwise, they will lash out at you.

>> No.8555339
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i'd tap that!

>> No.8555356

Pfft. I wish
Hey, I'd seen school days. Never thought Yanderes would be real.

>> No.8555362

Well, they're based off an actual recognized mental illness, so...

>> No.8555374

I turned her down for valentine's day drinks a few hours ago because I'm spending the day here with you guys

>> No.8555404
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〒ぇYアレゆっ//\\//\\ン <= uber 1337 speak (uncrackable)
they are yummy

>> No.8555405
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I am mentally Ill
because my culture uber clashes with NORTH LOUISIANA

>> No.8555414

Don't do it. It left a bad taste in my mouth when I did something similar. I didn't even have sex with her, just a blowjob and some dry humping, but she wants to come over all the time now.

>> No.8555421

I already called her after I posted that. Oh well, I might deck my room out with /jp/ stuff and stream her reaction when she walks in.

>> No.8555429

There was this. once.
She was mentally ill, and not a cute way.

>> No.8555433

Well, if you give in, good luck. It feels good to have such devotion but it is terrible to be so stifled by it.

>> No.8555438

Go for it anon

>> No.8555909
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Had a girl stalk me once.

Unfortunately she wasn't a virgin. Wouldn't have cared if she was 300lbs, but I won't do lewd

>> No.8555934

but you're not 2,500 years old...

>> No.8555961

did she look her age or younger though?

>> No.8555967

She got my phone number from my female friend, at the time.

Then she kept texting me asking why I wasn't replying. I was just trying to play some video games. I was trolling the entire server, ragequitting the noobs, owning everyone hard like a boss. Eventually I texted her and told her she was annoying me because I didn't text back after an hour or two.

She was gross, anyway. Even by 3DPD standards.

>> No.8555970

She stole my hat, /jp/. She stole it, and do you know what she did with it? She masturbated with it, then saved up her menstrual blood and poured it into my favorite hat as a part of a love spell.

Menstrual blood in my favorite hat. My favorite hat, /jp/.

>> No.8555976

If you are going to 3DPD you had to go for the grossest you can find.

That feeling of disgust after you cum inside a fat, freckly piece of filth is amazing.

>> No.8555974

Do you still have the hat?

>> No.8555981

Heavens no. Worst part is that she stole it from a girl that stole it from me, that I actually liked back in the day.

Of course they were both batshit, in retrospect. One telling me that they were drunk and wouldn't remember the next day after one shot of vodka, and saying I could totally take advantage of her. The other stabbed, choked, and beat/verbally degraded me pretty frequently.

I'll leave it to you to sort out which one I liked and which repulsed me.

>> No.8555984

What kind of hat was it?

>> No.8555987

one time I thought yukkuri were stalking me. Turns out my flatmates had just been spiking the mountain dew with acid

>> No.8555991

It was a fedora. Looking back I looked goofy as shit in the thing, but nobody else seemed to say so to my face, and even now people still say they think I looked good with it. A black fedora, to be precise. I wore it with a trenchcoat and purple-tinted sunglasses. God I looked like such a tool 6 years ago...

>> No.8556004

And trip pants, oh god. Those goofy bondage pants. My fashion sense may be shit, but man... Somebody shoulda beat me with a nailbat back then. Then, I guess some of what I went through wasn't too far off from that, and I still didn't learn my lesson.

>> No.8556007

>now people still say they think I looked good with it
Those people are liars or fat idiots, probably both.

>> No.8556008

Not really high tier stalking, but I had some girl I had never seen before suddenly start eating lunch with me out of the blue and start talking to me like we were friends or some shit. I didn't even know her name but she was using mine all over the place and all I could think was "Jesus christ who is this person"

then she started sitting next to me in class and kept trying to talk to me while I was reading. I tried to be polite and all but fuck damn, I was reading! She kept showing up wherever I went for like two weeks and I started taking different routes to class and skipping lunch to avoid her.

Eventually she tried to get me to move to the back of the class with her because she "could concentrate better in the back" and I gave her the polite equivalent of "Go fuck yourself". She sat back there for the rest of the semester and never talked to me again. Still never learned her name.

Good times.

>> No.8556012

I don't doubt it.

>> No.8556027

Never existed.

Perhaps I should do something about my facial expression.
Apparently I look like I'm about to kill someone. All day.

>> No.8556037

Are you actually angry all day?

>> No.8556052

Shit, Stalkers are not nearly as awesome as the cute lookin yandere/tsundere types of yore.

Real stalkers are fucking creepy. My freshman year of college had me getting stalked by a 4-5/10 that lived on the 2nd floor of the freshman dorms, I was on the first. She followed me everywhere after I helped her out one day.

She would sit outside my classroooms, tell people we were married/a couple. Get insanely jealous when i spoke to others. Followed me to my dorms, when I ate, and even tried to....well....basically rape me by forcing her birthday suit on me.

Thankfully I didnt need the police. I just did what I do best and tore her down to nothing with asshole logic and cynical cruelty.

<Enjoy the read

>> No.8556054



There's so much stuff people do to piss me off, that my expression turned into that.

>> No.8556063

you should've brutally raped her in the ass without any lube.

>> No.8556070

I worked in a restaurant. Some guy came in, I served him, he talked a lot. Later he showed up at my house. How he found my house? I still don't know. All my coworkers claim they didn't give him my address. The only other way he could have found it is if he followed me home from work. I would sometimes come home and he would be waiting in his car for me to show up. It got so fucking creepy that I literally had to move and EVEN THEN he kept showing up where I worked. It got so bad the manager threatened to prosecute him if he kept stalking me. This whole ordeal lasted over 4 months.

Why couldn't I have been stalked by a straight girl and not some gay weirdo?

>> No.8556077

Samefag here, I forgot to mention that she actually did assault me once. I ended up having to deal with a bit of shit, because she dropped out and called her old man to try to fuck with me. Long story short the school got involved, claims of rape were made and school camera's and my asshat roomate along with friends who saw her following me proved my case.

That and she had some sort of mental deficiency. Not so much to be considered crazy, but enough to use as an "excuse" for improper behaviour.
Also, she was a total turn off. One of those girls that waxed-gelled her hair. Made it look like a greasy pile of ass and butter. Fucking sick. Thats worse than the little revurse bush shit girls put on now.

>> No.8556085

not entirely related, but I had a grandparent try to tell me how stalking a girl is a proper first step to a relationship

I don't know if that was "I feel sorry for you" advice or if she was trying to be genuinely helpful, it was still creepy as fuck.

>> No.8556100

Oh god, I'd almost forgotten about the yandere I dated. We were a couple for about 5-6 months before she broke up with me to date some other guy. Then it turns out she was nuts when she went BATSHIT INSANE when her new boyfriend dumped her to the point where she tried to push his new girlfriend to suicide (her roommate, yes the guy was that much of an asshole to dump her for her roommate. Seriously what is wrong with girls falling for assholes? She even admitted to me that the reason she loved him so much is he just needed someone to understand him and he'd be such a great guy! I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?)

I'm so glad she broke up with me when she did, I avoided a lifetime of pain.

>> No.8556106

Anyone ever had a female friend who stalked you for emotional comfort?

Last year was super fucking terrible, particularly because she was my only friend in nearly 7 years.

>> No.8556150

I feel bad for you, Anonymous.

>> No.8556190

We played RO together. She convinced me to start playing iRO again to WoE for her guild. She started sending me pictures. She got more and more attached. She eventually asked me to come move out with her. I said no. She asked to fly out to meet me. I said no. She threatened to do so anyways. I stopped talking to her. She was chubby, but could have been attractive with some work. She was nice, and honestly was pretty fun to spend time with but was a bit too strong-willed for my tastes otherwise I may have welcomed her advances.

>> No.8556206

I had two, they were both crazy. One in the dangerous way, the other in the annoying way.

The first one happened in secondary school, and I was too autistic to even notice what exactly was going on back then.

>> No.8556218

I never had a stalker. I feel like I'm missing out. It would at least be something to distract me from all these other problems.

I almost started stalking someone else once, but I managed to talk myself out of it. I wonder what would have happened if I did. He probably doesn't even remember me now.

>> No.8556230

I started stalking a girl about a year and a half ago and it took me over a year to work up the courage to finally talk to her.

We're dating now and when I told her I stalked her she said it was romantic, creepy, and adorable.

>> No.8556236

I stalked a middle aged guy for about three months.

I wasn't obsessed with him or anything, it was just people watching that got out of hand.

I was awestruck with how repetitive some people's lives are, it took me years to actually process it

>> No.8556244

I stalked someone once.

Looking back on it, my actions would have terrified her.

>> No.8556292

It would've been for the best, Anonymous.

>> No.8556332

You guys who had stalkers must have been lovable dreamboats...

I envy you.

>> No.8556367
File: 85 KB, 1867x293, momentofglory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why I'm a complete shut in now.

>> No.8556385

I stalk a couple of friends on twitter. Got to love an age where talking about yourself publicly is so easy. It's not even love or sexual interest or anything like that, I just like watching how their lives unfold, the phases they go through, feeling bad when they're in deep shit, feeling happy when they write feels good man shit.
I'm probably making up for my boring life, I guess. I've sort of come to understand people who like playing the sims.

>> No.8556389

I wonder if this could work with cum....

Anyways, there is this /jp/er who I have in msn and I spend most of my day staring at the chat window and waiting for him to talk to me and I check that one imageboard he frequents to see if he posted something new and sometimes I post something there in hope to get his attention.

Does this count as stalking?

>> No.8556395

Doing things online simply doesn't stack up against true stalking. There's no real risk, and the gain is minimal.

Finding where he lives, raising the funds to go there, and breaking in just to steal some of his underwear, now that's stalking.

>> No.8556399

Funny, that exact same story is on 9gαg.

>> No.8556403


>> No.8556405

What exactly were you doing there?


>> No.8556737

Once in high school a Jehovah's witness (and a well known weirdo) started to have an interest in me. Then I talked with her and then she stopped the pestering.

>> No.8556754

With the unexpected death of my parents I was forced to inherit a family estate which contained a number of girls of various hair colours and personalities all of whom competed for my affection and wacky hijinks ensued

>> No.8556780

I had a girl who sort of stalked me. She would always join me whenever I played TF2 without my consent.

I did like her though. She was my last 3D affection.

>> No.8556782

I told Anonymous once to suck my cock dude. He replied that he wants to suck my cock dude.

I'm still fucking terrified.

>> No.8556792

Back in the time I was in highschool me and my brother always went swimming after classes ended, in a club near the school. One day a girl walked by and said a friend of hers wanted me to read something, then she handed me a seled letter.

When I came home I opened it and the content of it was 5 pages back and front of "I love you!". Was pretty scary actually. Unfortunally my yandere was a little bit too dumb and forgot to put her name, number or anything to help track her down...

>> No.8556821

A friend of hers, means herself
I know, I received some love letters.

>> No.8556846

I want to lose my virginity now.

>> No.8556896

No one ever stalked me (that I know of) but I stalked this girl in highschool. I saw her drawing really amazing pictures of bodies in her notebook and idk, i just became really attracted to her. I didn't to her much because i din't want to creep her out, but i did follow her home many times. Sometimes i would park outside her house and watch her in her room with binoculars. I just watched her read and stuff, never anything lewd.
I wasn't even in love with her, I was just really curious and wanted to watch her do things by herself.

>> No.8556994

I met a girl on the internet a long time ago (5 or 6 years ago) and she recently told me that one of the biggest folder in her computer was about me, don't know if it counts as stalking but I'm afraid to see what's in it.

>> No.8557034

I have a friend that watches my MSN status. She's not creepy though. She's asked me some generic questions like if I'd date her (not would I) but I think it's just because she wants a guy's point of view. Her boyfriend doesn't pay much attention to her so my guess is she asks me this stuff to see if she's doing something wrong.

>> No.8557077

There's this one girl...she's sorta cute, but I've noticed her staring at me in lectures. I helped her to fill out a job survey for class once, and ever since then I can't get rid of her. She peeked in my house through my mail slit today...creepy...

>> No.8557094

Hey, I've had some pretty shitty experiences here, guys. Srs. Once, this one bitch was walking into the grocery store that I was working at, right? She handed me a "Sweet n' Low" sugar packet, and I freaked the fuck out, mang. Later on, I flipped it over, and she had her telephone number on there. So I texted her, thinking "ohey, dis is ez". Long story short, we had a LOLdate, and it turned out terrible. She was boring as fuck. Normalfag x10000000+! Anyways, skip a week, bitch is still texting me. I stopped responding to her. Bitch is still stalking me at work.

>> No.8557100

I didn't believe you, but the dubs don't lie.

>> No.8557125

I have been following my elder sister online for some time, since late 2010. She noticed this just few weeks ago and made a comment about it.
I don't think she recognises me.

>> No.8557127

The sweet and low packet thing is true, I know the guy IRl.
Regarding creepy womenz, I had a girl in highschool go around telling people I was dating her and she was weird as shit, like she would stick leaves and shit up her sleeves and smell them during class. Still didn't get laid even with a fake girlfriend.

>> No.8557174

I wish I had a stalker.

How do I make someone stalk me? Act kind towards girls who no one likes?

>> No.8557210

I got mine by being an asshole to everyone, and causing scenes with the teaching staff.

As an adult I think a suitable analogue would be going to a store knocking things over and getting in the way, and then going outside and screaming at a police man.

Do this and you'll have all the stalkers you can handle.

>> No.8557217

Those aren't stalkers, anon, those are the authorities.

>> No.8557229

Well, this might put your mind slightly at ease: it would be kind of tough to collect an entire glass full of blood from your period. Even on "heavy" days (even when it feels like you're an extra in a Kurosawa film), it doesn't come out that fast. So she would probably have to have spent several hours if not a day, to collect that much (especially since the blood that was already outside her system would be coagulating and drying the longer it took) -- remember that most people utilize tampons and sanitary napkins, which would be pretty close to non-functional if the rate of flow was that high. While I'm certainly not saying it's impossible for someone to be that dedicated, it's pretty far along the spectrum of "unlikely".

>> No.8557247

I actually had my ex-girlfriend stalk me. I ended it because she wasn't a cute anime girl and she kept coming to my door, and I had to have my mother tell her I wasn't home. And she kept texting stuff like "I'm gonna kill myself" and sending me letters with her tears on it and stuff.
Freaked me the fuck out.

We're best buds nowadays though.

>> No.8557267

>We're best buds nowadays though.
the fuck

>> No.8557273

When reading this post, all that I could think of was "That was the night that my grandmother tried to teach me how to masturbate."

>> No.8557280

I called her one day and we talked things over, after about a year, because I was sick of it. Then another year later we met up and had a great time. Don't ask me, man. She's in a healthy relationship and I'm a celebate by choice. So we're like bros now. We play Persona together and watch Doctor Who.

>> No.8557282

Damn, I want a bro like you.

>> No.8557293

That's how she met your grandfather. You'd best surrender to it, stalking's in your blood.

I used to be disgusted by the fact that my father would stalk girls old enough to be my sister, but before I knew it, I was walking past the houses of girls I liked, calling their numbers constantly and hanging up, sending them mail with cryptic messages, and so on. I guess how it works is you start doing it when they're your age, but then you never grow out of it and so you end up like him.

>> No.8557297

Girls think I'm scary, even the scary girls.

>> No.8557302

I meant young enough to be my sister.

>> No.8557325

I wish my dad was a loser pervert. As long as he remained disgusting enough to never actually bring someone home, that is.

Instead he's just a burnout, and we'll never have even the most tenuous common ground.

>> No.8557338

>So we're like bros now. We play Persona together and watch Doctor Who.
Th....that sounds so good...I don't even need it to be a girl, I just want someone to share my interests with. You're a lucky anon, anon. And I hope you realise that.

>> No.8557358
File: 56 KB, 200x200, homu74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never happened IRL because I'm ugly as HELL.

>> No.8557364

Whoops, wrong trip.

>> No.8557408

Obviously a lie, ZUN is very cute in his pictures.

>> No.8557423

Isn't ZUN a tringaporean gook?

>> No.8557432
File: 46 KB, 315x475, 3(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like scary girls.
Pic related.

>> No.8557442

A guy once stalked me. Then he beat me up, took my keys and robbed my house, taking everything I had. It was so romantic.

>> No.8557459

When I was in middle school a girl was obsessing over me, but I pretended to be oblivious because she wasn't my type. She sat across from me in one of my classes (it was an odd setup since the two halves of the room sat facing each other and we had to look to the side to see the chalkboard). Well, to make a long story short, I noticed her masturbating one day while looking at me. She was trying to hide it by putting her arm over her mouth, but I noticed that her hand was between her legs and moving in that way and she was making little sounds. I didn't know what to think because I'd never seen it before, and when I looked at her she didn't even stop or try to look away so I awkwardly looked away and tried to pretend like I didn't notice. After class the girl who sat next to her came up to me and asked if I'd noticed that her neighbor had been masturbating to me, with a kind of conspiratory tone that they always used back then when talking about each other behind their backs. I laughed along with it and everything and played it cool, but in reality I was so shocked to have my suspicions confirmed by a third party. So I wasn't just seeing things.

>> No.8557476

There were two, they were practically twins but weren't related and never left eachothers side which was often near mine.

>> No.8557482

Blonde and had like 5ft long long hair.
Ugly face though.

>> No.8557492
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I would stalk a man if he seemed like I could get close to him and he wouldn't ever hurt me, but I'm too afraid to leave my house ;_;

>> No.8557506

That's why we have online stalking!

>> No.8557514

How do you people get stalkers. This is /jp/. I don't get it. No one even speaks to me, let alone stalks me.

Oh well...

>> No.8557526

We are making it up.

>> No.8557540
File: 747 KB, 1300x921, 174831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder the same thing Anon. I'm a girl and no one ever talks to me, but I rarely leave my house. And I'm too shy to talk to them.

>> No.8557549

If only this weren't /jp/ and we weren't shut ins. Then we could be shy and stalkerless together.

>> No.8557550

You want to get stalked?Hope you enjoy rape.

>> No.8557558

I think a lot of stories here are from the past, where we all had less control over how much time we spent outside / in the presence of other human beings.

>> No.8557568

Just filter "I'm a girl".

>> No.8557564

I hold a very special hate for you, as you're much harder to filter than the average shitposter.

I hope something unpleasant happens to you, or your internet access is revoked. Reported.

>> No.8557577

Don't be an attention whore and mention your gender. Fucking cancer.

>> No.8557582

I actually thought I already did, and that post only got through becuase of the spoiler.

Yours proves otherwise. Even with that out of the way though, I'm still going to be subjected to the handful of posts that asshole makes that fall outside of my instanced filters.

>> No.8557599

But if she just left her gender out, we would assume it's a guy and no one would really question why he doesn't have a stalker. But when it's a girl, it's a true mystery why she doesn't get stalked, since girls are so special.

>> No.8557611

I am the stalker. I'm not a girl but I'm in love with my best friend. He knows everything about me. I know he does because I told him everything, even the secret things I'd never even voiced aloud to myself before, all the things he knows and he stays my friend. I confessed to him a couple of years ago. He doesn't like me the same way as I like him but he lets me cuddle him and we sleep in the same bed together a lot. It's the best thing ever. Sometimes people try to be friends with him, thankfully only online, and I make sure they don't succeed. I follow every profile he has on every site he visits religiously so I know what he's up to all the time. Once a girl left a single comment on his Youtube channel and I got so worked up about it I was shaking and couldn't sleep so I went to his house while he was asleep and woke him up by throwing things at his window. I've done this more than once. Whenever I do it he always says how insane I'm acting. I can't bear the thought of losing him or of him being friends with someone who isn't me. And I absolutely won't let anybody try to make him fall in love with him. I asked him if he wanted to stop being my friend because I'm crazy and he said no, he said he'd always be my friend. He's amazing. I never used to like other guys but I think he's so cute. Someday we're going to get our own place together. I can't wait. He only lives a short walk away at the moment but I can only truly relax when I'm resting my head in his lap while he holds my hand. I hate being apart from him.

>> No.8557628

That sounds wonderful. If only i could be as lucky as you.

>> No.8557629

Cute as hell in 2D, annoying and kinda scary in 3D.

>> No.8557648

Trolls, trolls everywhere.

>> No.8557658

Me being stalked by a girl would imply that I am likable, which I am not.

>> No.8557677
File: 40 KB, 704x396, SLAUGHTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish. Insanity is one of my favorite fetishes... especially when we look through the eyes of madness together.

>> No.8557678

Good job ruining his life.

>> No.8557689


Without me he'd be a drug addicted mess. He'd still be wracked with depression. I don't want to think about where he'd be without me.

>> No.8557696
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That's not what I meant. I meant that people tend to approach females more than males, I guess. Sorry.

>> No.8557693

Not necessarily. Stalkers are crazy in more way than one -- they often see in you that aren't necessarily there.

>> No.8557699

You sound edgy. Wanna come over to my place and listen to black metal while cut ourselves?

>> No.8557711

Okay /jp/. How do I make a stalker begin stalking me. I don't care anymore. I can't find anyone to love me IRL, every time I try and find a relationship online it falls through in a month, and I can't even commit to a 2d waifu. I just...It's this or something more drastic. Please reply.

>> No.8557719

I think that's essentially what the other anon was saying, just with a displeased slant.

I'm more mad about the fact that you're a girl posting pictures of vocaloids, but that could just be because I'm a girl.

>> No.8557736
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I always post Gumi, she is my waifu~ I'm sorry if I've offended you Anons.

>> No.8557745

In 6-8th grade some slightly-chubby chick in glasses would stalk me and my brother in school and on our way home. She was into culture club and other ur-hipster shit and likely had baggage out the wazoo.

>> No.8557758

I don't want to chastise you or anything, because I can really empathize with you, but this sort of thinking can be dangerous. It's fine to be dependent on him, but don't try to force him to be dependent on you.

>> No.8557775

To your credit, gender is actually somewhat relevant in this thread. Maleanons are specifying their gender when they mention stalking males or being stalked by males.

>> No.8557772
File: 41 KB, 640x359, justlikeinmyamericancartoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways, there is this /jp/er who I have in msn and I spend most of my day staring at the chat window and waiting for him to talk to me and I check that one imageboard he frequents to see if he posted something new and sometimes I post something there in hope to get his attention.

I think I'm that /jp/'er. I do the same thing to you so I'm perfectly fine with it, please get online.

>> No.8557781

Guy with a 19 year old stalker from the start of the thread here.

She is coming around in an hour or so. See, /jp/ you guys told me to do this, not that I am passing the buck because I still called her. But she has been stalking me, and I've ignored her for so many months now, then called her, so the first time she is coming around is fucking Valentines day I learned when I woke up.

This isn't going to make things bad is it or am I totally fucked?

>> No.8557792


I understand. But I'm sure you understand what people today are like. I wouldn't want anybody I cared about keeping that sort of company. With him it's even more important because I think he may be a little naive - he still believes the drug dealer who gave him a free hit of heroin was just being friendly. I've got to protect him from that sort of thing.

>> No.8557793

A word will be invented for how fucked you are.

>> No.8557805

Yuno is moe, dude. You should go for it.

>> No.8557813

The latter.
You asked advice from /jp/, afterall.

>> No.8557826

Alright, I chuckled. Nothing beats You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter by shekel.

But you know, now that I think about it, I remember a time back in highschool when I was in my orchestra class... There was this one girl named "Elizabetha" who dressed and acted like a tool, different colored strands of hair, piercings, etc. My teacher told me to sit next to her, and when I did, I tried to talk with her. Her initial response was "I don't talk to people". Seriously. Since I was a stubborn punk back then (still am, to a certain extent), I kept at it, only to be consistently met with rejection. Which was strange, cause she didn't mind talking to the classmates around me. Anyways, after that we spent the semester arguing with eachother, with me telling her increasingly cruel things. But in the end, I got tired (and started feeling guilty) of all of it, so I stopped.

The second semester started with her chastising me for not shaving, telling me it's "unattractive" and won't get me laid (which is ironic, because it did), so I called her out on it and said some more stupid shit you should never tell a girl, no matter how old. After that she started asking my friends if they thought she was attractive, and when they responded with shrugs, she went away. Came back later and told me to forget what she said to me.

After that, my friend pointed out to me that she kept stealing glances at me. I realized then that she liked me, but I didn't reciprocate her feelings so I decided not to pursue her. Although in hindsight, it was probably a missed opportunity. She wasn't particularly unattractive, even for a tool. But you know, it's Valentines Day tomorrow...

>> No.8557838

I stalked a 13 year old girl until a while ago. It was kinda funny watching her play with her schoolmates and stuff, I wish I could be one of them.

>> No.8557842

I'm pretty sure someone did that to me once, and it did scare me quite a bit when I realized it, the same way I imagine it feels when you realize someone is stalking you. I wouldn't really call it stalking. It's not like he directly invaded my privacy in any way, I just disliked the feeling because of the paranoia when you're just given a small hint that someone might be stalking you, and you're left to guess the extent of their behavior yourself.

>> No.8557840
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>totally fucked
That depends what you mean by "totally fucked."

>> No.8557843

I wish you well, Anon. I was just throwing in my advice from the peanut gallery. Please do what's right.

As for my situation, I took the feelings of the one I loved for granted, and I did something terrible to him. I still regret it to this day, but maybe it was for the best. Honestly, he doesn't deserve somebody like me.

>> No.8557863

Have you tried asking them if they're stalking you? Don't make things more complicated than they need to be.

>> No.8557866

If someone asked if I was stalking them I would lie.

Most stalkers stalk becuase they don't want to approach the object of their attention. Whether it's becuase of shyness over someone they love, or morbid fascination of someone they followed to their home.

>> No.8557873

I only ``stalk'' a girl I know in real life, online. I'm the only one who knows the real person behind her internet persona and it makes me feel important. The stalking is only out of wanting to know more about her and her interests, however. I would never stalk someone in real life, and I don't even really consider that as stalking.

>> No.8557874

13 year old girls still play? I thouht they were already having alcohol fueled orgies at this age.

>> No.8557875

First world problems everywhere ITT.

>> No.8557883

When I think about it, I realized I had one back when I was 9 to 11 y/o.
She was 3 years younger than me, little sister of one of my friend at this time.
At first I didn't pay attention to her, but when I met her at my friend house, she was all over me after that, and I never understood why, couldn't give a fuck about it.
When she entered in the primary school, the kid was always after me during breaks, sticking me, but I disregarded her and played videogamrs.
I blew it, I don't even remember her first name, guess I deserve my 20y/o virginty.

I'm even more ashamed because of the fact that she was cute, but I looked forward for the attention whores in my class.

>> No.8557888

I live in a small village in the country, here the alcohol fueled orgies only happen from 14-15 onwards.

>> No.8557921

I don't think I need to ask. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I noticed he seemed somewhat emotionally dependent on me when we still kept in contact. If I didn't already know his personality, I would probably just be confused rather than creeped out.

Not all stalkers are motivated by their unwillingness to directly confront their love interests. Some are just so obsessed that their desire to see you overrides their desire to follow socially acceptable behavior. Others just don't know how act socially acceptable, possibly due to some mental condition.

Think of the cliche of a girl leaving hundreds of messages on your answering machine when you don't return her calls for a few minutes. She's directly trying to get your attention, and even doing it in a way that most people understand would creep you out, but her obsession is so strong that she follows it over reason.

>> No.8557967

Why does this thread smell like a bunch of lies.

>> No.8557969
File: 3 KB, 50x29, PEACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was this girl on formspring, she came all the way to new york to my town from somewhere from europe...she was 2 blocks away and she wanted to meet up in real life and i said that was weird and dangerous as HELL but she didn't think so...she left cuz vacations were over...i think she blocked me

>> No.8557973

After reading this thread I really wish I had a stalker.

Why don't girls masturbate to me while staring at me across the room?

>> No.8557978

Well. I didn't pay much attention to her since she was just average looking stupid semi blond. She'd go ask all around school "where is he" "have you seen him" from my friends. She would leave pretty soon once i've had smalltalk with her.
Then on one day. I got pretty horny and didn't know any fine girl that would do a quickie. So i called her, fucked her and traumatized of how low i had gone i needed to have 1 week seclusion. Then i got horny again and called her. Turns out that she wants to break my neck. So she became yandere. Such is life.

>> No.8557981

Because if we repeat these lies enough maybe we'll believe them.
The person I follow isn't even online right now and I'm breaking out in tears.

>> No.8557988

Same here, they were best friends too, both were one year older than me. One time they showed up at my house and we just chilled all three of us. I still can't believe I didn't make a move on the cute blonde one.

>> No.8557992
File: 105 KB, 686x711, SneakySaten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there are plenty of love crazy girls out there stalking all the cute Anon's on /jp/.
They are just very shy and very good at hiding.

She may even be outside your window right now!
Keep vigilant and you may spot her one day.

>> No.8557994


I...I'll try my best to find you Stalker-chan!

>> No.8557997

But if she's watching me post on /jp/, she'd know that I would be completely okay with inviting her in on tea. It must be really cold out there.

>> No.8557999

If such a person really cared, they would tell just by looking at me that I would want to be contacted. Why would they only watch? What kind of person gets off on my suffering?

>> No.8558004

My window is two stories high is she using a ladder? If thats the case then I feel loved

>> No.8558009

Haven't you ever wanted to try tearing someone down?
See if they come out like you?

>> No.8558010
File: 194 KB, 600x478, SatenTrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be a bit embarrassing to be invited inside after having stal..Protected you for so many years.

You should all remember to thank your friendly shadow from time to time for keeping you safe!

Stal..Protectors work in mysterious ways.

>> No.8558023

I have somebody I sort of stalk. I was contacted by only on person in a thread I didn't expect anything from. A pleasant surprise to make a friend like that. I've grown so dependent I'm not sure what I would do if they just stopped logging in. This person has become the highlight of my bleak days. I think they might feel the same way about me too, but it's hard to tell by being roundabout.

>> No.8558029

It would be nice to have a person like that. I'm not that fond of depending on others, but I like being depended on.

>> No.8558030

>I've grown so dependent I'm not sure what I would do if they just stopped logging in.
What if that's what they want?
What if that's what they are planning to do?

>> No.8558044

I don't care, I'm happy if they want me to like them that much.

>> No.8558052

That's some pretty warped logic right there.
Good luck though anon, you won't be the first here to have someone build up a relationship online and disappear one day though.

>> No.8558062

you mean bun?

>> No.8558067

She was really obvious about her stalking and even stalked me online, sending me a bunch of unwanted e-mails (she got my e-mail address from an acquaintance). I eventually talked to her and it turned out we had pretty similar interests (she even liked Touhou). She wasn't fat or anything but her face was ugly so I told her I didn't like her, and she stopped stalking me after that.

>> No.8558075

I have absolutely nothing to look forward to at that point, but I'll jump for that one when I get there.

>> No.8558080

I wish I knew where you lived so I could "protect" you.


>> No.8558093

A fat girl and her fat black friend whom we gave the moniker Magilla Gorilla often came to my house to pester my brother and I when I was in middle school. They had known us from school and had followed us home or something (???). My brother, being an alpha male, promptly told them to fuck off. Instead, they came only to bother myself. Many attempts were made to get me out of the house, to sidestep my mother and get INTO the house, and I think once they even tried to climb the fence while my parents were gone (luckily my brother came to my rescue with the hose). Even my dogs began to growl at them at one point. Then one day they just gave up. All I know now is that the non-black lost a lot of weight, became kind of cute, and promptly destroyed her image by getting several piercings and eventually getting pregnant. So it goes.

>> No.8558117

>magilla gorilla
I chuckled.

>> No.8558271

>I've grown so dependent I'm not sure what I would do if they just stopped logging in. This person has become the highlight of my bleak days. I think they might feel the same way about me too, but it's hard to tell by being roundabout.

I know this feeling too well.

>> No.8558295

The best years of my life began with a girl watching my forum posts from afar. Thank you, FFXI.

>> No.8558304

Tomorrow is valentines you know.

>> No.8558306

If anybody's afraid of friends never logging in again, it's highly unlikely I'll ever stop logging in, at least for the far foreseeable future.

>> No.8558343

Depending on someone is a bad idea. I was very obsessed with my best friend and she did lead me on, spending nights spooning etc. Then she really came onto me and I sort of backed out because I thought it could make our friendship awkward. Anyway now I've lost one of my only friends. It also turns out she is probably more unstable than your average /jp/edo.

Anyway, moral of the story try not to get attached to anyone to the extent you rely on that person to stabilize your own happiness. It can end pretty badly.

>> No.8558357

That's not the moral of the story at all.

>> No.8558370

Well, you could say it is to avoid 3D. But these things happen from time to time.

>> No.8558385


That doesn't really help, he already knows how I feel. I don't how he feels though....

I'm going to send him an email and just hope he doesn't hate me for it or think it's too weird. Maybe he will send one back and I can stop worrying so much.

>> No.8558553

I thought it was me but I didn't get any mail.
That expectant and hurt feel.

>> No.8558597

>Friendszoning her
you're as bad as a female.

>> No.8558684

I didn't think so, but I looked anyways.

>> No.8558699

I'll look again just to be sure...

>> No.8559216


I fell asleep without sending anything anyway, writing it up and then falling alseep before I decide if I should send it....
Thinking about it a bit more, it's probably a good thing I didn't send anything. I need to make it a little more cheerful first.

Maybe I should just not reply here either. I know I would be sad if I didn't have someone sending me emails and checking every time someone says something like that. It was never fun. And it still isn't when the only emails I get are replies to only a few of the ones I send.

>> No.8559884
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>> No.8559889

Jesus Christ that's one fat hand.

>> No.8559903

it's called perspective dumbass

>> No.8559914

Your're still fat

>> No.8559916


It's a pretty fat perspective.

>> No.8559950

It was more complex than that. I was already friendzoned, we were both very drunk and because we have always been affectionate I didn't want to push anything and make things awkward between us, although I should have known better (but what does someone expect from someone from here). I accidently friendzoned her. It was a fucked situation, we'd go somewhere and she'd hold me hand and say she loved me and shit but it was just, uhg. /jp/ doesn't want to hear about this shit anyway so I'll report myself.

>> No.8560049

Make sure to sent it to the right email. Not the one I used for the account, but the one listed on my profile page.

>> No.8560081

I'd love to be stalked. Stalking is flattering, I would be blushing all day if I knew someone cared about me so much to the point of obsession. But you can't tell someone you want to be stalked, they might just take pity and decide to pretend-stalk you because of that. So posting this is just useless.

>> No.8560094

It was never useless! the fact that you posted it tells all the stalkers out there you have a open spot outside your window.

Who would not want to stalk a nice /jp/er after all?

>> No.8560229

>you won't be the first here to have someone build up a relationship online and disappear one day though.
Where are they. Where. They just disappeared, I don't think there was even the slightest hint. Why would they do this to me? I didn't even know them for a month and yet got so attached.

>> No.8560245

They probably died, or you got clingy and annoying.

>> No.8560324


This post makes me feel bad. I can send you emails too if you want me to....

>> No.8560351

Please do if I'm a friend of yours. This is a shitty day overall...

>> No.8560467


Sorry, but I probably don't know you. I hardly have anyone I ever emailed. I meant if you needed someone to talk to or just liked getting emails I could email you too.

This day is just reminding me and a ton of other people how lonely they already feel every day. Having another friend couldn't hurt, but I doubt you would want to talk to me after a while anyway. I tend to complain too much and make people around me even more depressed so they stop talking to me. Being lonely really does make me push people away accidentally most of the time....

>> No.8560472
File: 250 KB, 1600x1200, Valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant send you a email but i still hope your day gets better Anon-kun!

I would gladly have shared a few pieces of my homemade choco-cake or pizza i plan to make in a few hours with you.

>> No.8560477

I knew this girl since middle school who had a similar name as mine "Alexandria" and when I'm at random places like the the clinic or library and hear someone yell "Alex" shes always there nearby. Last time that happened was at a hospital 4 years ago, she was feeling suicidal so I guess thats the end of that.

>> No.8560574

I made home made pizza and an orange butter cake with lemon cream cheese frosting before. ;_;

I will be an Internet friend to people from /jp/ if they like. I've hard a rich history of Internet friends. I've even met 4-5 of them. 2 are staying at my place for a week in June.

>> No.8560593

You can be my Internet friend if you like. ( ・ω・)

>> No.8560589

>orange butter cake with lemon cream cheese frosting
That sounds amazing. I'm so obsessed with my health that I've never made anything less healthy than blueberry muffins, but I'd really like to try making something like that someday...

>> No.8560611

thanks to her, I'm still in bronze league.

>> No.8560617

God damn it, Tokiko.

>> No.8560647

I've made some terrible decisions in regards to my health. I'm trying to be better though. Cake and such is more of an odd occasion thing. I bake all my own bread and I'd say 95% of everything I eat I make from scratch. It is quite a nice cake though. I mentioned I saw you on /ck/ a few days ago actually. But anyways.

>> No.8560648



>> No.8560655

Thanks for contributing to /jp/ with a post of such quality it surpasses anything posted in this thread so far.

>> No.8560660




>> No.8560751

I have known a few crazy females over the years, none of them were stalker material though.

I did have a male friend who stalked me on the other hand, he was always around all the time and followed me around even when i did not ask for it.

I even found him in my house a few times having invited himself by going through the windows.

..I miss him.

>> No.8560755

What happened?

>> No.8560762
File: 53 KB, 442x640, athrun rose .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on

>> No.8560772

A drunk driver crashed into his family's car and he died from the injuries, the rest of his family got away with minor bruises.

Just plain old bad luck took my one friend away.

>> No.8560778



>> No.8560807
File: 238 KB, 912x912, 12321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to take it easy.

>> No.8560887


Every time i thought someone might be interested in me, turned out to be an elaborate joke set up by others.

I really fucking hate other people, it's a good thing I keep myself isolated from them.

There's no telling what could happen!

>> No.8560897

he's polish. that's why.

>> No.8561395

I hear Polan is too poor to afford any chocolate. Maybe to-day is the only time he can afford it.
Makes me wonder what it is that he has eaten to become so fat.

>> No.8562137

burgers. mcdonalds is everywhere in eurofagland, it's not just an usa fat factory.

>> No.8562173
File: 137 KB, 811x754, Here I go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I still went to school there was this pale skinny girl who would always forget her notes and ask to borrow mine. She would also sit at my dining hall table uninvited, when I usually ate/read alone. I don't remember her name, but I guess I feel bad for her in retrospect. She didn't seem very happy.

>> No.8562192
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>> No.8562196
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Duplicate file entry detected

>> No.8562201

I guess that'll stop that /a/ spammer for now. Good thinking anon.

>> No.8562202


>> No.8562204


I am /jp/sie to the core and I won't stop until I get an answer

>> No.8562211

You are so visibly upset, that you need to create shitpost on our glorious board in an attempt to raise your self worth.

Come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a luxury vehicle. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average /a/ browser. There are many who far surpass me.

Of course, knowing this, you figure the only way to attack me is the only way you know how, using words of which the meaning escapes you, insult some genre of game no one on this board plays, and using our own image macros to mock yourself.

You forgot your "My face when" by the way, the text suits you perfectly.

Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point to such an extent that you might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.

>> No.8562219

I don't think you've ever have a full erection before.

I bet you've never experienced how truely hard and thick one's own penis can become. The head absolutely full and firm to the touch. Taking one's shaft with both hands and imagining yourself pounding deep into a prepubescent girl. The feeling of releasing on facial emotions or just the right formation of lines and shapes that truly bring a guy to the height of ecstasy. Then feeling you must not only find your own pleasure but continue to violate this image. To be turned on by the pleasure of what you focus your sexual desires on being mortified by you. The feeling that they must both suffer and take you in as a whole. To take this image, and make yourself whole within it. Then you continue, again and again. Now you find but nothing comes out but near clear fluids.
You feast. Protein, carbohydrates. Whatever you can get you devour. You must build up your stamina and nutrients to waste them yet again.
20 times a day not enough? You clearly are not a man of science nor a man of poetry.

Just because you don't know how to do it, doesn't mean it can't be done. It just means you lack something very fundamental to continue.

You are easy to please. Just a few moments of bliss a day enough for you? You'll never understand what it feels like to continue to deepen your own pleasures.
Then again you could just simply lack vitality and sexual drive.

I'm going to take a stab in the dark, but people that masturbate 10+ times a day subconsciously drink quite a bit of fluids.

>> No.8562216

Well keep it in this thread, as it is clearly off-topic. Maybe you'll get this one deleted too if you try hard enough.

>> No.8562255
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>> No.8562266

>Every time i thought someone might be interested in me, turned out to be an elaborate joke set up by others.
It's the same with me. They must think they're being so clever and original, but it's what I expect by default. The only reason they get me is because I hope beyond all reason that someone cares. It's not as if my hideous appearance has anything to do with my personality.

>> No.8564270

I had to change my address after the bitch sent me a bloody bull's cock in the mail.

>> No.8564295

I'm envious.
I go through life with an unflinching belief that no one could possibly care about me.
The only time a girl was ever interested in me it took me something like 3 years to realize that was what was happening, and it was much too late by then.

>> No.8564351

wtf is wrong with people who do this? I've only had this happen a couple times, one was mean but pretty harmless, the other was so mentally traumatizing I basically have a complex about dating still 10 years later. (I was asked out on a date by a very attractive girl on a prank and they fell over themselves in laughter when I said yes.)

Anyway, I have had three stalkers. One was a receptionist at a Dr. office I had been chatting with for a while while I had to go in regularly for PT for my broken leg. She used her access to the medical records computer to steal all my contact information and I started getting all sorts of communications from her. Eventually we went out a couple times, but she was not my type. I had another one back in HS that was like psycho attracted, I don't even know how she knew me I didn't know who she was. She was on the student gov and started like sending requests to me through the office to attend certain school functions and help with stuff.

>> No.8564363

I'm here, actually.

We're friends now

>> No.8564366

You guys must be pretty good looking in order to get all these stalkers. I'm jeally.

>> No.8564372

This thread got me to watch Mirai Nikki.

>> No.8564399

I remember I was pretty sure this was happening when I was in middle school, and I was pretty mean and blunt to the girl as a result. When I think back on it, what if she was serious? If so I was a real asshole...

>> No.8564404

I stalked my boyfriend before we went out. Even though we're together now, i still have some odd tendencies. I know more about his old friends, his old crushes, and some of his family than he does.
He doesn't have to know.

>> No.8564406

You better be male or I'll be angry.

>> No.8564413

why angry?

>> No.8564416
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