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File: 545 KB, 636x502, Child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8525750 No.8525750 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever want children /jp/?

>> No.8525755

Even if we want, it's not like we will be able too.

Also, this thread will have a lot of trolls.

>> No.8525754

If I was stinking rich I would adopt, otherwise I'm not really interested.

>> No.8525777

I would have one child, preferably a boy so I could make him my shota slave

>> No.8526027

I can't have kids because of HRT

>> No.8526032

Argh, no, why would I? No, seriously? What would I gain out of it? I don't see a single positive to counteract the vast sea of negatives.

>> No.8526033

I can't have kids because I'm a guy.

I wish I was a girl so I could have kids.

>> No.8526034

let me guess you're 16

>> No.8526035

I want to travel to Vietnam and impregnate dozens of pure Vietnamese maidens.

>> No.8526037

Yes, I want to have like four.
However I know that I would make for a shitty father, and an even worse lover so I have pretty much given up hope.

>> No.8526038


>> No.8526039

we all know you mean underage when you say pure

>> No.8526040

Get out of /jp/, normalfriend.

>> No.8526041


>> No.8526052


Not in this generation. The girls grow up to be sluts who lose their virginity at the age of 12, the guys end up retarded jocks who get in all kinds of trouble, get addicted to smoking and drinking.

On top of me being a firm believer of 3DPD, I'm never going to have children.

>> No.8526055

Welcome to every western civilization ever.

>> No.8526069

Traps don't have a uterus.
Liberal use of asspussy still doesn't help

>> No.8526071
File: 194 KB, 600x478, SatenTrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my future danna-sama Anon-san wants to have a child or two i would be okay with that~

>> No.8526084

Yes. Ideally, 2-3 with a wife and 1-2 with my mistress.

But i'll never have enough money, a wife, or a misrtress.

Maybe i'll meet the love of my life only for her to due during childbirth and i'll go super dad mode and raise our child with so much passion fueled by the memory of my past love. That'd be a good route too.

>> No.8526086

Basically this.

>> No.8526102

Moar like; "meet the virgin."

>> No.8526113


>> No.8526123

You know who's really responsible for this right?

>> No.8526128


>> No.8526131

I'm warmly waiting for my little sister to start having children so I don't have to bother with getting my own. I'd be happy to have a niece or a nephew I could spoil.

>> No.8526132

Most guys here including me would probably be a really aloof father

>> No.8526135


>> No.8526137

This. And by rich, I mean not having to bother at all, receiving only the privileges of an heir. And I wouldn't want a child of my own either, I'd rather adopt since there's more than enough people out there already.

>> No.8526145

I guess I kinda wanted a daughter when I was a teen. Now I'm happy just by playing pretend father with princess maker or something.

>> No.8526146

No wonder you will be a virgin forever.

>> No.8526149

I'm already having trouble supporting myself. I don't need another leech into my bank account.

>> No.8526152

It's the only way to have a pure little girl love you in a non lewd way.
I will have children.

>> No.8526164

>firm believer of 3DPD
Way to show you are a normalfag. I will be a virgin forever because I want to.

>> No.8526167

Apparently, '3DPD' is some sort of a belief now.

>> No.8526173

>I will be a virgin forever because I want to.
I'm in the same boat as you, but you should learn to stop lying to yourself.

>> No.8526175

Isn't Aselia some super doom god bitch? Why would she care about that?

Fucking stupid nips.

>> No.8526180


No, you will be a virgin forever because you are an (too) egocentric and snobbish person.

>> No.8526186

I hope within the next several years we master alternate reality games (is that what they're called?)
And I can create my own ideal world where I can live. Sitting in my house living a fake perfect life.

>> No.8526194
File: 200 KB, 413x327, youmu eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this generation? Hell no.
Being a human, especially an American, is suffering.
Besides, I'm broke.

>> No.8526195

I see it as the easiest way to say I am disgusted by 3D.

No, I'm quite serious. If I really wanted to not be a virgin, or even if I wanted a wife with how rich I am I could buy it.

Thank you, I find my overwhelming arrogance to be one of my best traits actually.

>> No.8526204


>> No.8526240

to raise a child is to form the foundations of someone elses entire life.

small things can end up huge things, efforts can be ignored, or even resisted and the effect completely reversed.

the weight of that responsibility is far too much for a bitter loser like me. what kind of an example would i set?

>> No.8526248

If I had a kid I would need to find a suitable female mate that fit a criteria to make it possible that we might have a superior child. I'd condition and train it artificial newtype style to be the second coming of Hitler.

>> No.8526258

You have to give them skills, fighting, weapon usage, infiltration, etc.

>> No.8526263

Yes, I always wanted to have a child.

And I would be a much better father than my shitty dad.

>> No.8526442

You have to stop being self-absorbed when you have kids. Don't do it.

>> No.8527050

I thought about adopting a daughter just to spoil her and have her get into cosplay, but then thought of her having the wrong boyfriend or teenage influences from school effecting her education. Then there is bullying and the fact that girl children need their mothers like boys need their fathers. And then it all boils down to snapping back into reality knowing that children aren't anime characters.

>> No.8527071

I'd probably be as bad, if not worse, father than my own was.

>> No.8527076

I want to raise a kid but I'm scared of him ending like me or inheriting my karma. Also I don't have family and kids need it to grow properly.
