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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8509463 No.8509463 [Reply] [Original]

You are inside a room and there are two buttons in front of you.

If you press one, you kill all people in the world except you.

If you press the other, you die but everyone else will be left unharmed.

There are labels so you know which is which.

Should you leave the room without pressing any, everyone in the world dies including you.

What do?

>> No.8509466

I never leave the room.

>> No.8509465

Stay inside the room forever.

>> No.8509472
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how do I know the buttons are correctly labeled?

Humanity needs to die, and if the only way to make it happens is to martyr oneself, so be it.

>> No.8509470

I get my own room?

>> No.8509477

B, because I'm not a faggot

>> No.8509474


>> No.8509482

I leave the room

>> No.8509487
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>If you press one, you kill all people in the world except you.

Will they be vaporized or will I have to deal with the bodies? I wouldn't mind having the world to myself. I'm assuming animals also survive so I could own dogs and cats and basically turn the entire world into my own personal adventure playground.

The only downside to this is if they just drop over and the bodies are left every where. Cities are going to smell like rotting flesh and I'll have to wait months for the animals to clean all of that up.

>> No.8509490

Never change, /jp/.

>> No.8509493

I kill everyone else. I'm sure there are...ovum banks in the world. Maybe.
Then I can be a NEET in peace. I wouldn't even need the internet or electricity any more. I could just drive to people's computers with a generator. That would be fun.

>> No.8509500

Option A is alright as long as it only kills the humans. I can't handle the thought of harming cute innocent animals.

It's really not that immoral of a decision if you think about it. Earth will be far better off, far more animals will survive without humans running around and killing them for sport, and in about 30-40 years nature will start to overtake the disgusting cities and turn them back into beautiful forests.

>> No.8509503

Hoover dam should provide Las Vegas with power for another eleventy billion years or something with eleventy being used for 'so long you won't care anymore'.

Hit button 1. I'm going to Vegas bitches!

>> No.8509504

but the internet wont exist anymore without anyone to run the servers
can you live with that?

>> No.8509505

Jesus fuck. Go back to the PETA forums or whatever shithole you crawled from.

>> No.8509509

B, because I'll go to Gensokyo

Actually, I don't know. I'd probably die thinking about it

>> No.8509510

I'd have a panic attack, not think about it, then run out the room screaming.

Sorry, Earth.

>> No.8509511


Definitely. The internet is really just a distraction because going outside is too scary with all of those murderous people roaming the streets.

Imagine walking through the open wilderness and exploring all of the beautiful areas of earth with your faithful animal companions. That's so much better than eroge and internet browsing, it's just hard to do with all of the evil things humans will do to you if you go outside.

>> No.8509513
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If I slay ZUN I slay a God

>> No.8509520

B. My waifu would hate me if I pressed A.

>> No.8509523

I would press the kill everyone but me.
Then go around collecting all the loli-type bodies.
Have my way with one of them, and freeze the rest.
Put them in a mass refrigerating unit, and un-thaw them one by one after each corpse starts decomposing.

>> No.8509525

Kill all humans and start fucking cats and any other form of feline to produce little neko lolis.
While farfefetched an idea, so is a magical button room so it should work out.

Without Juden poisoning the foodstuff and water I should live a good 500 years too.

>> No.8509526

I press one of the useless buttons behind me and walk out of the room.
Give me a challenge next time OP.

>> No.8509535
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It feels very disturbing to realize that choosing option A wouldn't really be that big of a problem for me. I would take no pleasure in it, but I don't think it would really bother me too much either.

How did I become so disconnected with my own species? It's just not right.

>> No.8509542

>Should you leave the room without pressing any, everyone in the world dies including you.
Without pressing any what? I'll press one of the floor tiles and leave.

>> No.8509543

>That's so much better than eroge and internet browsing
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8509544

>dat Majisuka Gakuen reference
The staff working on Milky Holmes anime really seems to like AKB don't they.

>> No.8509632

Is Majisuka Gakuen good?

>> No.8509638

Press B since I don't want to live like a caveman for the rest of my existence

>> No.8509641

I pick A. Being alone in the world is my dream in life.

>> No.8509648

if you aren't already living as a caveman you don't belong on /jp/

>> No.8509665

Yeah, I totally hunt for meat everyday, wear bear skin and hide from the predators in my dirty cave somewhere in the mountains

>> No.8509668

this is otaku culture
not "hikki exclusively"

>> No.8509675

How's the internet service in that cave?

>> No.8509690

Unfortunately, there is none, but I somehow still mange to post here due to magic, while still being a caveman, like this guy:
and everyone who belong on /jp/, for that matter!

>> No.8509704
File: 1020 KB, 1632x1224, eientei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am not a caveman, but I am leeching off the wifi from Eientei.
-hermit from Gensokyo

>> No.8509717

we obviously leech from the surrounding working class cavemen with a wifi connection.

>> No.8509759


me just stay inside cave all day playing games with rocks and sending smoke signals to other TRUCAVEMEN
the tribeschief comes to cave to give me meat and fur, so me can play with rocks and send signals everyday

tribe does not like me, but what can me do

>> No.8509782

You kill all humans and you will die too

once there aren't any people to take care of nuclear powerplants it's only a matter of 2-3 years until meltdown

>> No.8509789


>> No.8509793

Meltdowns are dangerous, yes, it certainly wouldn't destroy the world or anything. 200 miles from any nuclear power plant and you would avoid all effects.

I'd personally just flip a coin, the glory of ignoring all responsibility to become the only one to survive, or in the other scenario, ignoring all responsibility to save the world... fucking awesome

>> No.8509795

If all of them have a meltdown then you WILL be affected

>> No.8509797

nuclear plants going meltdown mode won't do much save make the local water table crap, you'd be fine living on a mountain.

sure, you won't have power, not much past that. There isn't going to be fallout or anything like that. Try and remember that we aren't using graphit and that the uranium is not weaponized.

>> No.8509799

Avoiding all effect is simple, except the effects on the economy and such, which don't exist because everyone is fucking dead.

>> No.8509991

Why don't you guys just move into the mountains now? Basically will be living the dream, nobody has to die, and you won't have to get a job.

>> No.8510011

Is the death painless? I'd pick B either way but it would make it easier if it wouldn't hurt.

>> No.8510025

Button one
Rape everything
Kill self

>> No.8510027


It's not even morality, it's mostly because the world without me would be a shithole to live anyways. If everyone died, nobody would appreciate my glory and tell tales of how awesome I was and why the world feels like shit after I died.

So I prefer pressing the "I die" button.

>> No.8510028

Tie string to door, so the moment I leave the room both buttons are pressed.

I'll hit a double down and we'd go into sudden death.
Real world in sudden death would be like everyone being Youmu.

>> No.8510058

I have a huge messiah complex, so it's not really a hard choice.
Even though being alone on the entire planet is a ridiculously compelling alternative.

>> No.8510065

A world without people would be novel for about the first month maybe, maybe extend it to a year once the power goes out and I get busy with the primitive way of life.

Wouldn't last much past that, things would get boring and there's only so long I could escape the full weight of what I did..

>> No.8510075


How would it be any different from the average /jp/ poster's life? The only difference I can see is that I wouldn't have to worry about money anymore, I would be able to go outside without feeling terrified, and things would be more peaceful.

>> No.8510079

Well, power for starters.

>> No.8510211

I would leave the room. Then we could all be in Gensokyo and there would be no more sadness or suffering.

>> No.8510212

but then all the sadness and suffering would be taken to gensokyo, not to mention we'd be shoulder to shoulder.

>> No.8510217

Press both.

>> No.8510224

If only there was a way for all of humanity to die and not end up in Gensokyo, maybe even just vanish forever. Then the sadness and suffering would truly end, while Gensokyo could remain a place of happiness and peace.

>> No.8510226

Live in the room forever, have people bring me food and internet

>> No.8510227

because then there's not source of humans to keep gensokyo in balance? Think things through man.

>> No.8510229

>Gensokyo Gensokyo Gensokyo

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up already.
Touhou is overrated as fuck.

>> No.8510232

welcome to /jp/, now get out.

>> No.8510236

No YOU 2hufag.
Why don't you go back to


>> No.8510240
File: 31 KB, 436x304, capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems rather familiar..

>> No.8510239

lol ur fucking funny n ironic because bitchg about tuhu here is like shiting ur pants when you get chinese food and chinese palce xD

>> No.8510242

Trolling is so 1993 dude.

>> No.8510243

tsk tsk tsk, no need to get so angry. If you don't like it, hide it.

>> No.8510245

No it isn't.

/jp/ is far more than Touhoushit. lol touhou hijack XDDD epic /jp/ was made for le touhou because le tohou hijack EPIC fukeeeeen epic epic for the win LOLCATS CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN

>> No.8510246

I think the ideal solution is to round up all the happy people and execute them so they can populate cities in Gensokyo. That way Gensokyo could have its own supply of humans independent from the outside world while misery could be erased from existence.

Too bad happy people don't exist.

>> No.8510247

no U go back to

>> No.8510248
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>> No.8510252

lies and slander, I'm happy for the most part

Anxiety syndromes pretty much prevent any sort of long term depression.

>> No.8510254

dis nigga mad as HELL

>> No.8510255

Oooooh babby got mad? babby got mad mad?

I don't give a fuck.

You think I am trolling? Look at the way you tards are talking in this thread

>nuuuuu gensokyo so pafecto ;----; y r u not real

>> No.8510256

Kill everyone.
Rape the bodies
Kill myself

>> No.8510257

rofl so mad xD

u should slid on over to /a/ u cheeky /b/astard wher u can dicsuss about ur animus and fates/nites kid

>> No.8510258

I leave the room.
I'm sick of this goddamn planet and everything on it.

>> No.8510260

So edgy.

>> No.8510263

go back to your plastic autotune whores and obsess over them, stop bothering good /jp/ers

>> No.8510266



>> No.8510271

Perhaps he's not trying to be edgy.
Maybe he's really sick of this goddamn planet and everything living on it?
Being a pessimistic shut-in as most of us are, I could imagine this view being quite common.

>> No.8510269

What makes you think I am one of the idoltards?

Is it because I said 2hu? Does it offend you when I say 2hu?

>> No.8510270
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Smelly dumb, shitposting scum

>> No.8510273

If I were offended, it would pale in comparison to the rage you must feel day in and day out seeing things you don't like being posted.

>> No.8510274

only one analfended here is u because you say ``why so much 2hu'' ``why so much 2hu'' ``why so much 2hu'' BAWW

sounds like dirty mexican xD

>> No.8510277

Excuse me but I have a LIFE.

I am not going to accept getting killed along with every other person in this world just because some self-centered high school dropout isn't happy with his current situation.

You brought this on yourself.

I have a family, friends, girlfriends and things I still want to do in this world.

>> No.8510279

learn 2 quote 2hufag

>> No.8510281

I'm a self-centered highschool dropout and I'd still choose B, because A is just so full on retarded.

>> No.8510282

I'm sorry man but here's a sad fact: I'm going to a better university than you ever could hope to go to, I'm making more money now in a crappy summer internship than you will make salaried, and the probability is extremely high that my IQ is significantly higher than yours. And if anything, compared to you, I am in a better position to decide what happens to humanity.

>> No.8510283
File: 51 KB, 406x480, Hurt_feelings_and_butt_ranged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back2 ur BUTT DOCTOR becaus u seem to hav a serius case of anal soreness

>> No.8510285

Yeah, sure.


>> No.8510287

>imad cuz ibad at 2hu and cant 1cc

>> No.8510289

Coming from someone who will snap at the drop of hat screaming FUCKING NORMALS

I don't know what you could possibly find redeeming on this planet but whatever that's your opinion.

>> No.8510293

I think you should get out of this place while you still can.

Caring about everybody else is a sign of normal, you know?

>> No.8510294

Seriously, come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a luxury vehicle. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average /jp/ browser. There are many who far surpass me.

>> No.8510295

So I'm being given the choice between a single insignificant loss and the loss of an entire species just for my personal benefit.

What's sad is that I'd still hesitate, I hate that part of human nature, but I'd still choose the second option.

>> No.8510297

You should care at least about your parents because when they die you are fucked NEETboy

>> No.8510312


>> No.8510314
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I leave the room after having a monologue something like this

"I might not know where you guys are now, but one thing is for certain. We will be stuck here forever, even if the place no longer exists. And I'm completely fine with that. Let's argue again some time"

"See you space cowboys"

Humanity needs to die. It's a shame you all would be caught in the crossfire as well, but it is for the best. Maybe you all could go to Gensokyo.
