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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8497916 No.8497916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Meido realises he will never escape his fatness or America.
>Decides to go take it out on /jp/ by deleting /jp/ related threads.

How do you guys live here? So tyrannical, even the Japanese wouldn't comply.

>> No.8497919

Given up, faggot?

>> No.8497920

The new Janitor is a faggot

>> No.8497923

>bawww I'm going to waste my time because people are making threads about a western game on the board for western games bawwww

Go to bed, OP.

>> No.8497922
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>> No.8497925

Delicious tear

>> No.8497926

Japanese names, Japanese art style, Japanese setting.

Man, you're so retarded you don't even know what board you're on.

>> No.8497928

I think KS fits the "otaku culture" heading pretty well. Geography is arbitrary, this is the internet.

>> No.8497930

I actually don't like KS, but the new Janitor is still a faggot

>> No.8497931

The community does not receve it well. That's the reason that KS threads are getting deleted. If you want to talk about it, you have two boards that receive it well. It just doesn't work here.

>> No.8497934

No-one likes KS.
Except /v/ and /a/.

>> No.8497936

i go to /jp/ for the proper use of sage
everything else that happens matters little

>> No.8497937

Who cares, it wasn't made in Japan. Mario takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom, but we don't have a mushroom kingdom board.

>> No.8497938

The reason this shit is here is because you fags brought it to /v/.

Take it back.

>> No.8497939
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>> No.8497940

He's still trying to prove it's not a game in the /v/ thread too

>> No.8497941

>we delete threads not because they're against any kind of rule, but because we don't like it

>> No.8497944

You've never left America, have you?

>> No.8497945

Hahaha. Is that seriously why you're attemting to spam /jp/?
Pfffthahaha! how cute

>> No.8497943
File: 134 KB, 639x2001, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I made this.

>> No.8497946

That's one of the dumbest things I've read in /jp/, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.8497947

/v/ made KS. It was never affilated with /jp/.

>> No.8497949

No. It's a video game, it wasn't made in Japan, keep it there. You have lots of other Japanese video games, take it too.

You're just one person, why should everyone else care what you think? You think you can police the traffic between boards?

>> No.8497950

Total War: Shogun 2 confirmed for /jp/

Your logic is astoundingly bad

>> No.8497951


Either take it back or have your fatty Meido apologize.

>> No.8497952

In case you don't know, /jp/ doesn't have anything to do with the influx of KS fans on /v/. The board who created the game was /a/. You should know that.
What's the point of letting KS threads slide it in if they just end with people offending each other? Understand this. KS threads do not generate content or quality. They just end bad. Now for /a/ and /v/, they generate discussion. They end up as good threads. And in case you don't know, we HAD KS threads. But look at your approach. Posting with an image of a guy with a /v/ T-shirt saying "Take this shit and leave it back here." Do you think you'll be well received? No, you won't.

>> No.8497953


You know, there's this fancy new thing called a "dictionary". Maybe you should check it out, all the kids are into it.

>> No.8497957

It'd be great if we could discuss Shogun 2 on /jp/.

Anyone else pre-order Fall of the Samurai?

>> No.8497958

The board is about Japanese culture.
The game is about Japanese culture.

So, for example, are we not allowed to talk about a TV show set in Japan if it was produced by an American company?

>> No.8497959

I stopped reading at "...they generate discussion".

>> No.8497961

Op is mad cause KS is pretty well known in /v/. But it's not mad about the success of traps threads in /v/.

>> No.8497968

Actually I'm fairly certain it's one of the games you can discuss on /v/ with almost no shitposting.

>> No.8497967 [DELETED] 

>The game is about Japanese culture.

Christ, what? Is cripple fuckin

>> No.8497966
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>> No.8497970

Like traps threads.

>> No.8497971

Exactly. Now piss off, go to your shit board and discuss your shit games instead of embarrassing yourself over here.

>> No.8497980

MLP is a cartoon

KS is not japanese

>> No.8497973

That's incredibly flimsy. /co/ has to deal with ponies, why shouldn't /jp/ deal with japan bullshit.

>> No.8497974

Look, if you guys want to talk about KS, create a pacific thread about it, stating the topic. It won't get deleted that way as long as it maintains a good discussion. End.

>> No.8497977

a tv show would be discussed in /tv/

face it, you don't know what this board is

>> No.8497979

There are so many threads being posted on /v/ at such a high rate. Why are their users even concerned about a couple of KS threads? I can understand it for us, where even 4 or 5 duplicate threads is enough to push other decent threads off the first few pages, but on /v/ all they have to do is hit refresh a few times and they'll keep getting a selection of new, non-KS threads.

>> No.8497981

I would call obsessing over a country you'll always be too poor to visit embarrassing, not enjoying a gentlemen's medium.

You rustled?

>> No.8497982

I like the game but it is too much work. Takes so long to do anything.

>> No.8497984

Starving kids in Africa have to deal with starvation and poverty, why shouldn't /v/ have to deal with KS?

>> No.8497986

I am going there this summer on a study scholarship.

>> No.8497987
File: 111 KB, 600x448, buttaid_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP forgot to take his anus medicine.

It's kind of sad that he's some kid freaking out, pretending that /v/ hates KS, when it's actually their official game of the month.

>> No.8497988

ks is so popular on /v/ that it seems there's a thread about it on the front at all times

>> No.8497990

>obsessed over japan
you've been on 4chan for.. 8 months, perhaps?

>> No.8497989

The problem isn't that. In /v/ you can discuss KS with almost no trolls (except OP). OP is just mad for some stupid reason.

>> No.8497992

It's set in japan, it has japanese characters, who have japanese names and talk japanese. The art style is japanese. The name of the game is japanese.

The fact it was not made in japan doesn't invalidate that theverything about it is japanese.

>> No.8497993
File: 188 KB, 512x512, db00343d6143621d038d56b6310d881e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks /jp/ers want to visit Japan or obsess over it

Go back to your Call of Halo, you shouldn't be visiting other boards.

>> No.8497994

Less than that, or he would have gotten over KS by now

Judging from his posts, probably one of the many normalfags flooding /v/

>> No.8497999
File: 22 KB, 370x295, 1327977332822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a faggot

>> No.8497996

shit /jp/ you're as easily trolled as the rest of the boards.

Hide and report, you're giving the troll exactly what he wants.

>> No.8498000

>It's set in japan, it has japanese characters, who have japanese names and talk japanese. The art style is japanese. The name of the game is japanese.
Yet it was not made in Japan.

Call of Duty: World at War is an American game, in spite of the fact that more than half the game (including the finale) is about Russians in Germany.

>> No.8498002

>The name of the game is japanese.
so it's a video game
qed it belongs on /v/

>> No.8498011
File: 43 KB, 432x742, meido-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares, it's still not /jp/.

Look at yourself. /v/ is fine with having KS, we're fine with not having it. You're the only one who is buttflustered. You're the one in wrong.

Meido, delete this thread, we discussed this long enough.

>> No.8498012

>that terrible mspaint job

look at those hands

did a person with downs draw this

>> No.8498006

>a board made for one specific culture
>not obsessing

Yeah. OK.

>> No.8498007

The name of the game is in Japanese. It is related.

>> No.8498013

>Yet it was not made in Japan.

>The fact it was not made in japan doesn't invalidate that theverything about it is japanese.


>> No.8498014

So ironic XDD

>> No.8498016

Meido~ What are you doing?
