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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 206 KB, 723x1279, animechrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8493054 No.8493054 [Reply] [Original]

Otakus are all good religious Christians here right?

>> No.8493065

Of course! Since when could atheists ever take it easy?

>> No.8493064

I'll rape you.

>> No.8493074

Gensokist reporting in.

Enjoy your lame made up religion Christians.

>> No.8493085

well...I mean the whole not believing you'll go to hell for bad deeds would defiantly make you "take it easy" nb.

>> No.8493086

>is obnoxious about it
>insults other religions
>has a hypocritical satan t-shirt

Sounds like your average teenage REBELIOUS retard from 4chan.

You guys should really start to tolerate what others believe in, it's not your fucking business. And yes, I'm an atheist if you were wondering.

>> No.8493100


I doubt you have any respect for batshit conspiracy theorists, why people who worship invisible sky wizards?

>> No.8493104
File: 61 KB, 400x283, touhou komeiji koishi praying anime wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to say our prayers /jp/

>> No.8493109

Not him, but I have more respect for those types than the average religious person who only believes when it suits them.

>> No.8493107

>is obnoxious about it
>insults people who don't practice religion
>has a hypocritical Jesus t-shirt

Sounds like your average middle-aged ORTHODOX retard from church.

You guys should really start to tolerate what others believe in, it's not your fucking business. And yes, I'm a Christian if you were wondering.

>> No.8493110

I worship the sun, just like my ancestors.

>> No.8493111

Because there is nothing wrong with a /jp/ guy worshipping God.

>> No.8493117

> oh here comes the shit storm
> iPads can't post pictures

>> No.8493115

It's a troll thread...and I have yet to meet an atheist that is like the stereotype.

>> No.8493114

not really, to a certain degree it's merely wanting to correct people, if someone came up and told you that gravity was invented by Ben Franklin would you agree or otherwise say nothing?

>> No.8493121

>Otakus are all good religious Christians here right?

No, but most of them are all T-Total virgins who look forward to going to their afterlife.
So they are pretty similar.

>> No.8493129
File: 348 KB, 640x1440, 1325403334078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 reddit

>> No.8493132

I wouldn't say anything. Why the fuck would you bother?

>> No.8493134

le upvoted

>> No.8493135

Fuck off the comic mades valid points..

>> No.8493138

How this is a religious thread /v/ wouldn't even be discussing that stuff...

>> No.8493137

I think you tried to click /v/ and ended up here somehow.

>> No.8493139

You're thinking about /sci/.

Idiotic religion threads are the butter to their bread.

>> No.8493144


Like what? That atheists can't comprehend metaphors to save their lives?

>> No.8493142
File: 425 KB, 640x1200, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG I LOOOOOVE reddit memefaces!!!!

Let me show you one I made the otter day! (lol get it?)

>> No.8493149
File: 172 KB, 1016x2332, Irrefutable Tier List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493151


>> No.8493156
File: 18 KB, 128x235, 1269219873957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irrefutable Tier List.jpg

>> No.8493160

No Judas, shit list.

>> No.8493161

The majority of religious people don't see that as metaphorical at all. Only the highly educated types who try to justify their beliefs by turning them into something they're not, rather than simply dropping them. Get a bit too metaphorical and you're simply being a heretic to most Christian sects.

>> No.8493162

When you think about it, the average /jp/ user would have probably been a monk in the olden days, we're all obsessed with purity, feel a complete devotion to beings of questionable existence, refrain from sex and other earthly pleasures, lead a life of solitude, ect.

>> No.8493165

I was converted to 2huism a long time ago.

>> No.8493169

Yeah, except I believe behind the monk is that their chastity is actually a sacrifice. I don't view it as that. It'd be a sacrifice if I went out and became a normal for some cause I believed in.

>> No.8493168

I have a feeling in the olden times /jp/ would have been stoned to death

>> No.8493173

This. It's an stereotype invented by Christians themselves. All atheists I know have experienced a deep realization and are not retards about it.

>> No.8493182

I dont think so, I think most monks see it as saving themselves for god, which is pretty much what most of us our doing. I'll often find myself swearing or thinking about sex and say to myself "What would my waifu think if she saw me like this? Could I even love the kind of person that would love me after seeing me in such a state?".

Also, its nice to think to myself about how, in any time then now, I would have been considered special for my devotion towards escapism and self sacrifice.

>> No.8493188

It's like I can smell the Autism.

>> No.8493187
File: 90 KB, 800x600, my religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only worship one God, and it's called wealth. Wealth can buy you wine, should you only have water. Wealth can feed as many people as your wealth can provide. Wealth needs you not to stay idle under a fucking tree for enlightenment, only that you call up the guy who had become enlightened (again, through use of wealth) and pay him to enlighten you as well. Though there are many denominations of wealth, there is a constant appreciation of wealth. Wealth is generated by the "faithful", that is, the upper class, which can be used to suppress the dissent of the "unfaithful", that is, the lower class. Wealth does not reside in heaven, or anything, it is here, it exists, and it is omnipresent but to the most "unfaithful".

I scoff at your petty religions who worship average tier literature at best, when in mine, should you be "faithful" enough, you can hire a prolific writer and come up with a masterpiece and hell, you can make money off of it.

>> No.8493189
File: 681 KB, 841x900, 8f0808df12d33b1c985724e206c575c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we taoist now

>> No.8493201

I was leafing through a book on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and there was a section about how some priests molested children due to their inability to live up to a standard of "perfect celibate clerical masculinity" which left them isolated from normal social interactions and consequently deprived of any emotional option for intimacy with adults.

Canon Law (thank you, Wikipedia) states that clerics should be celibate so that they may better administer to their flock with an undivided heart. Of course, clerics and monks are different since clerics work with parishioners and monks live in isolation, but it's fairly related.

And of course none of this is related to /jp/ in the slightest.

>> No.8493229

>Molesting children
>Not /jp/ related

Although the "inability to live up to a standard of "perfect celibate clerical masculinity which left them isolated from normal social interactions and consequently deprived of any emotional option for intimacy with adults" sounds like 3DPD trying to push themselves as healthier.

>> No.8493240


That's interesting stuff but why do Catholics have a higher rate of abusing boys specifically? It seems those priests were gay before they entered the clergy.

>> No.8493251

I doubt the author of this four hundred page tome had selling 3DPD to asocial shut-ins on his mind when he was writing. Anyway, here's a third-party semi-summary.

>That is not to say that clerical sexual abuse should be ignored. For example, in recent times Dr Marie Keenan has published an important work, Child Sexual Abuse And the Catholic Church – Gender, Power and Organizational Culture . . . Keenan treads a careful path between these extremes, and says that a particular model of being a priest or religious, that of “perfect celibate clerical masculinity” is at fault. According to Keenan, vulnerable young men, some of whom had experienced sexual abuse themselves, entered seminaries or other places of formation where an unrealistic, rigid view of human perfection and sexuality prevailed. It was impossible to discuss difficulties, “particular friendships” were discouraged and celibacy was seen as a “gift”. . . .One priest says that he entered a seminary at 18, and left at 25, still aged 18 on an emotional level. Ironically, men who could keep some distance from this model . . . could cope with it much better. The perfectionist, rigid, rule keeper was much more likely to try and conceal any difficulties or lapses, and ironically, in some circumstances, later commit far greater crimes as a sexual offender against children . . . describing it as “negligent” to allow these young men to enter ministry with only the rulebook of moral theology as guidance . . . It is not that celibacy is impossible, though for some it may be, but that the expectations were so unrealistic, the preparation so inadequate, the ongoing support so non-existent . . . As Keenan says, the wonder is not that some clerical men are in trouble, but why more are not. The pity is that so many who managed to emerge humane and sane still have to deal with the public perception that so many of them are abusers.
