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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8486299 No.8486299 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do when /jp/ is gone and all the torrent sites have been shut down?

>> No.8486307

By that time I will be living in Japan already.
Or dead.

>> No.8486306

i have a huge backlog of stuff for when the internet gets shut down

>> No.8486312


>> No.8486314

I'll do something useful with my life.

>> No.8486319
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Portal to gensokyo
Will anyone join me?

>> No.8486328

iwould buy a dreamcast and surf 4 manga from c67 till whatevar the fuciwant

>> No.8486329

samefag threads and spam images and copypasta on other image boards by myself like I already do. I really don't care if other people participate, I make myself laugh and that's all that matters to me.

>> No.8486336

Get PD, learn Japanese, import manga/VN/LN, work.

>> No.8486345

You just made me more depressed

>> No.8486351

Move to a better country that still has internet while America collapses in in itself.

>> No.8486360
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Shutdown my computer and live.

>> No.8486359

Ten years ago there was no /jp/ and no torrents. There was Newgrounds and Kazaa.
In another ten years there is going to be something else.

>> No.8486362

please don't tell me this is right to left.

>> No.8486369

why it is. Author is weeaboo.

>> No.8486375


/a/ -> reddit -> /jp/

>> No.8486400

Yeah, something highly monitored by the governments.

Well, I'll be enjoying the thousands of games I've downloaded and yet have to play.

>> No.8486440


I rather hope for a future where people will realise that maybe voting in a government that they think intends to destroy them isn't the smartest way to go, but I have low expectations.

>> No.8486444

Portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.8486453

I don't care about the government shutting down download sites, I've been on the internet long enough to know how to get things in different ways. However, losing /jp/ would be the finishing blow to my life. I wouldn't know what to do with all those dead hours.

>> No.8486456
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Go play some more Mars Matrix

>> No.8486459

Every day I wake up and I'm not the little girl I cry and want to die. /jp/ going away will probably ease my delusions.

>> No.8486471

I'll cut off all contact with society, go live in a shack in the mountains, and die.

>> No.8486497


I would probably do the same. Although I would attempt to live off the land first and then most likely die during the 1st winter.

>> No.8488033


>> No.8488036

I don't think PD or share will ever be shut down.

>> No.8488034

i don't think i've used a torrent since 4chantracker went down

fuck deadfrog

>> No.8488037

I'll go back to what I was doing before 4chan and torrents.
I don't see the problem. Although, I guess it is a problem for you 90s children who haven't known an internet life without 4chan and torrents.

Because that's what this panic about DDL and torrent sites is. It's 90s children who have known nothing else.

>> No.8488046
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wonder why you can't just respect others holding things important to them rather than lording over us with boring elitism just because you're old

@OP i would cry very much then maybe try to make a new place for /jp/ but i am bad with computer so maybe failure.

>> No.8488050

No you stupid faggot it's a reassurance. That there's internet piracy and shitposting about stupid crap with like minded people beyond torrents, DDL and 4chan.

>> No.8488057

oh boy, a usenet elitist. all methods of piracy have been discussed on 4chan forever. just because /jp/ is a shithole filled with retarded children doesn't mean the rest of the real 4chan is as stupid.

>> No.8488055

I'll set up a bbs and you guys can come download commander keen and oregon trail

>> No.8488059
File: 248 KB, 1069x906, 1332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you misunderstand

of course there are more places than 4chan. doesn't matter. it's important websight for countless peoples, actually more than a website it's part of their life.

you can discard it easy, well good for you! however, propping up replacement after replacement will never recreate the original, for some people.

it's the sad time (ノ_・。)

>> No.8488069

Usenet is great for TV shows, but it's pretty lacking with weeaboo shit. If everything else falls, that'll probably change though. Also, those of you extolling the benefits of Share and PD should know they've already been compromised (security through obscurity is a horrible policy), though you probably don't need to worry about Nips coming after you unless you live in Moonland, but you never know with the whole fucking world going crazy lately.

Personally I'm hoping for the eventual collapse of the standard Internet and either a new infrastructure built with real anonymity in mind, or everybody just telling business to fuck off and setting up meshnets across the world.

>> No.8488073

I think there's a good chance that DDLs and torrents get shitcanned but why would /jp/ of all places be destroyed?

Fucking C81 threads? Get real.

If this shit doesn't blow over you know what we're gonna have trouble not paying for? Shitty Western movies and music. Oh well.

I mean, it sucks because the implications and infringement on our personal freedoms are quite terrifying but ultimately this is about the powers that be making us pay money to watch shitty Hollywood movies and listen to terrible fucking music that we don't listen to or watch anyway.

You think the man is going to give two fucks about us downloading the latest Alstroemeria Records release at Comiket? I mean, does anyone actually think that?

>> No.8488097

Grab my nugget and make a beeline for a civilized country. Unfortunately I think mexico is more likely to be a successful launching pad into the rest of the world than Canada, and I really don't want to even know how to speak spanish.

Why haven't you exercised your second amendment rights and applied for a passport yet /jp/? If you wait much longer, you might never get the chance for either.

>> No.8488113

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, I just loaded up Share for the first time in a while and I'm getting the "Disconnected Due To Port Error" message. My firewall is set to allow Share and I've tried a bunch of ports.

I've also Googled the shit out of this and the hits all tell me to do the shit I already did.

>> No.8488117

As long as IRC and the textboards hang around, I won't be too depressed.

>> No.8488118

There's too much infrastructure in place to just overhaul it all and replace it. You're talking about connecting more than 2^32 = 4 billion devices in a completely new fashion. Plus, the internet itself has some good networking ideas, and you'd just be rebuilding a lower-quality copy of what's already in place.

I think a better solution is a software solution that can be applied on the client-end over current hardware.

>> No.8488119

I'm not having any issues with it, and I only recently (approx. 1 week after C81) setup Share. Assuming you're behind a router, try checking to ensure that you're properly forwarded, and if you are, try rebooting the router. Some models/firmware are notorious for being bad about dropping connections and overally performing badly over extended periods of time.

All else failing, try uninstalling, running a registry cleaner (ccleaner coming to mind), deleting only entries related to share that come up, then reinstalling.
