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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 500x338, pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8444191 No.8444191 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you are too scared to join IRC or traditional Western forums because you're worried about having an identity and everything you say being logged and recorded permanently?

>> No.8444195

I am.

>> No.8444199


>> No.8444201


What kind of irony are you trying to play here?

I don't like forums because 4chan conditioned me to dislike them. I honestly don't regret it either.

>> No.8444202
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>no credit cards, no facebook, cash only, not part of online communities, perma incognito mode on ff, no using google botnets, using neighbour's wireless and so on...
I don't even know why, I do nothing illegal, except a torrent here and there.

>> No.8444200

Your mother is.

>> No.8444203

He's lying.

I'm a member of many pseudonymous communites, and I'm currently in 58 IRC channels.

>> No.8444204
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>> No.8444208

Do you own a phone?
Because phones can and are used to track you.

>> No.8444211

Your ISP can see what you're doing if you don't use SSH or TOR for everything, like I do.

>> No.8444210

>google botnets

oh boy here we go.

The rest is fine. If you're intrepid you can get prepaid cellphones too, if I recall correctly you don't even have to associate it with yourself, and its easier to just throw away at any time.

>> No.8444220
File: 53 KB, 411x402, puchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i herd fagglet hackers can backtrace stuff in IRC

holy HELL i also permanently deleted my real life self off the internet

>> No.8444221


Have fun on those watchlists bud, and good luck ever having an unbanned exit node for 4chan.

>> No.8444216

> I don't like forums
You're on one right now.

>> No.8444217

I have a phone at home yes, I don't carry one with me.
I knew this already.

>> No.8444222

Reported. Using Tor (even legitimately) is against site policy.
Plus you're ban evading.

>> No.8444225

Google can track you through captcha. Google is too big.

>> No.8444226

Not really, but ever since I found 4chan I find forums inadequate..
I don't mind IRC, though there's no reason for me to join.

>> No.8444231

I fell umconfortable when chatting to more than one person at a time. That's why I stick to /jp/.

>> No.8444229

> permanently deleted
No such thing.

I fucked myself over doing this though. Deleted my accounts for everything--including my email addresses--and now I can't access things I actually need, nor can I even prove my identity. Like £150 of Steam games gone too. But I guess that's okay because I'm anti-Steam to begin with.

>> No.8444234

> Not really, but ever since I found 4chan I find forums inadequate.
Then why are you still on one?

>> No.8444232

You post on 4chan, you type captchas all day, you're being tracked. Congratulations.

>> No.8444239

Okay we kid it guy, 4chan is a god damned forum

You don't have to register for it though, don't even have to have a name. That's what I've been conditioned to.

>> No.8444243

forums that require a persistent identity*.

>> No.8444244

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8444241

There are easy outs of letting the CAPTCHA track you though. All the site API actually checks is the verification code, so you can just get those elsewhere. e.g. buy them with Bitcoin or type a whole bunch in advance using a proxy and obfuscated user agent.

>> No.8444242

>>8444221 >>8444222
My Tor node's not an exit node, and I don't use Tor to visit 4chan. I use SSH for that.

>> No.8444249

It's the identity part that I'm scared of most.

I'm no good around people, and as soon as I have an identity, I get paranoid about what people think of me. It's even worse on the internet because I can't try to analyze their face or tone of speech. I absolutely hate using e-mail because of this. It feels too "intimate".

>> No.8444253

Only if you have shit they can link you to. If I had gmail/youtube/etc. account which they could use for cross reference they'd know exactly who I am. For the moment it's just random gibberish coming from a random IP.

>> No.8444256

­>>8444210 was quoting >>8444202
­>>8444216 was quoting >>8444201
­>>8444221 was quoting >>8444211
­>>8444229 was quoting >>8444220
­>>8444234 was quoting >>8444226

>> No.8444261

Google actually create an "anonymous profile" around you if you don't have any accounts but use their services. For example right now you're using reCAPTCHA and Google Analytics. The latter is especially dangerous since it's on so many sites and tracks which ones you visit, then creates a unique profile around that with your interests and such.

>> No.8444260

Email is less personal than IRC or messaging clients. With email you aren't obligated to answer right that moment. That encourages messages to be more well thought out too.

>> No.8444275

This is why I use email but nothing else. In real life people used to ask me for my MySpace or Facebook or number or whatever, then I had to explain why I didn't use any of them without coming off like a paranoid git. The second I say, "Oh but my email address is..." they seem to lose interest.
I don't understand why. Is email really that inconvenient? Everyone in the Western world has an email address, and that shit takes like two seconds. This is why I wish we were more like Japan. I honestly don't see why SMS took over email to begin with. You can send a like 100 character message with a subset of ASCII and pay unreal amounts for it, or you can send emails with rich media for free.

Unfortunately email is too complicated. Like all the specifications and such are fine, it's just a bitch to set up a mail server. A Web server is as easy as installing and running a daemon. For a mail server you have to do all this shit:

>> No.8444271

It greatly disturbs me that somewhere out there, on a machine owned by google, there's a log with thousands of weird searches made by me, showing them everything from my health problems to my taste in porn.

>> No.8444272

>With email you aren't obligated to answer right that moment. That encourages messages to be more well thought out too.
That's true. But because of this, I obsess over what I write to the point that I will try to indefinitely postpone a reply if I can. I waited a year before contacting a professor at my college about my grades after dropping out. It was absolutely terrifying despite being nothing more than a simple question. I figure this is due to my anxiety disorder.

>> No.8444273

Propably, but what can one do? It's likely unavoidable at this stage, just trying to apply damage control.
It's not like they can come and drop GoogleAds down my (physical) mailbox, because as things stand, I don't legally own an internet access. Not paranoid enough to go about changing MAC addresses -- yet.

>> No.8444277

I'm not sure which of these two people are most autistic.

>> No.8444280

Use ghostery

>> No.8444285

Take comfort in the fact that you have strength in numbers.

> It's not like they can come and drop GoogleAds down my (physical) mailbox,
They probably would if it turned out to be cost-effective (though obviously it isn't). Google are trying to take over our real lives after all. Just look at Google Wallet and Shweeb. They seem to want control over everything. It's quite reassuring to think this is just because they're another company that wants to expand and make money, but they do have a documented history of being, well, evil.
I'm sure they have plenty of people's addresses anyway. Plenty of idiots Google their own addresses or enter them into various profiles. Don't Gmail and YouTube ask for your mobile number now?

>> No.8444292

Not to mention you're somewhat limited on sending emails from it unless you're running the email server on an actual server in a datacenter rather than your home, if I recall it correctly.

I use email almost exclusively (this being the only other than that), and I like that it makes people think about what they're going to say.

>> No.8444299

> Not to mention you're somewhat limited on sending emails from it unless you're running the email server on an actual server in a datacenter rather than your home, if I recall it correctly.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Obviously there are free Web mail services but they're very...limited. It annoys me that we have such a simple and effective protocol, but companies always find some way to make it more stupid. e.g. restricting you to use their Web client. Plus there are privacy and security issues. For example Google has no policy saying they will not read your email, and several employees have been caught reading other people's mail before (which led to a pretty awesome but dickish internal video by Microsoft).
Also I'd like my own domain. But the only free service that lets me set up an MX record for their mailserver is--you guessed it--Gmail.

>> No.8444298

>Don't Gmail and YouTube ask for your mobile number now?
Yes. It's very annoying when I don't have a cell phone and wouldn't give it to them even if I did.

There's no reason for a person to be so "connected" online. Google knows enough about me as is.

>> No.8444304

I think its possible to receive email and just use your own server and client, but sending it is the problem due to spam concerns.

>> No.8444303

>Yes. It's very annoying when I don't have a cell phone and wouldn't give it to them even if I did.
I don't own a mobile phone you faggots. Are you going to ask me for my "Tablet ID" and "e-reader Number" next?

>> No.8444309

Huh? How so?
Unless free email providers are implementing some sort of whitelist, but that would be impossible.

>> No.8444312
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Which is worse: thinking you're paranoid, or knowing you should be?

>> No.8444318

Well I figured it'd be possible to have people just send to your server (like name@domain.ext (or IP address)

Or do they screw with that too? I can't honestly see why they would.

I sometimes think of getting a domain name, but it'd be a wast of money (albeit a tiny waste per year) since I'd rather not have my personal computer that open to the outside world. Maybe if I just got a dusty old hull to run a server on, but even then what would I use it for, or let others use it for.

>> No.8444316
File: 23 KB, 600x550, yama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots somehow track me down using the archive and look at past posts with whatever image and manage to pin an identity to me even when I'm fully anonymous, so no.

Hell, it'd be nice to have a forced name for a change so I could say with absolute certainty that some faggot pretending to be me isn't me. It'd also be nice to not have autistic stalkers trying to figure out JUST who I am every time I post.

Fuck whoever you are that stalks me. I'm not even interesting. Go away.

>> No.8444337

>Fuck whoever you are that stalks me. I'm not even interesting. Go away.
I don't believe you're serious. Normal people are taught in elementary school that that's not how you get what you want.

What, are you expecting me to really believe you think that this supposed stalker will say "Oh, he said "fuck you." I guess rather than being angry, spiteful, or resentful about that I'll listen to what he says and just stop." or something?

>> No.8444333

As someone who worries a lot about whether the person I'm communicating with takes any kind of joy in communicating with me or if I'm just boring them, I can't stand how emails force you to write a long message and then wait hours or even days before getting any kind of reaction to it. With IMs, you get at least some input once in a while, and that input is extremely precious to me in determining how I should proceed.

And with email, it's much more common that the person you're communicating with just suddenly disappears completely and you never hear from them again. Which is what I hate most of all when talking to people online, because the two first explanations that come to mind is that I either did something horribly wrong to make them hate me, or that I'm an immensely dull person to talk to.

>> No.8444346
File: 8 KB, 213x237, attentive_cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe calling him out in public like this and acknowledging him will make him nervous and back the fuck off?

Or maybe it'll make it worse. I don't know!

The point is I am a terrible decision maker and have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.8444347

I like 4chan for its fleeting contact, I don't mind falling in and out of contact with people, knowing someone so well and fearing loss of contact with them is a little too stressful. I only really exchange emails with maybe 2 people at the moment, which is more than 2 years ago.

>> No.8444348

Yeah, that and I'm no good at thinking of names.

>> No.8444353

I feel like I'm being lured into paying attention next time someone posts low resolution Cirno images with custom filenames. If you really were worried about being stalked, you wouldn't keep such an obvious theme.

>> No.8444352

I want everyone in the world to know that if you have a number in your name, I am judging you very poorly and ten times more likely to block you.

>> No.8444359
File: 73 KB, 530x580, taking_it_easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to lure them out.

>> No.8444363

I'm fine with my "internet identity" on some forums and social networks.
I just like to be Anonymous here, seems like a little secret garden.

>> No.8444371

Browsing 4chan buys you the illusion that your usefulness as an individual can be hidden beneath your anonymity. On IRC or "western forums" you'll be chewed out/ignored if you provide nothing and you'll benefit nothing by being nobody.

And the thing about being logged is just as true for all sites seeing as internet activity is always recorded unless you're consciously bypassing it.

>> No.8444378

> it's much more common that the person you're communicating with just suddenly disappears completely and you never hear from them again.
This is what I'm most afraid of. I hate this so much. I always end up thinking I fucked up somehow. When I used to have a cell, I hated how some people wouldn't answer texts right away, or would outright not respond.

>> No.8444387

> Browsing 4chan buys you the illusion that your usefulness as an individual can be hidden beneath your anonymity.
I don't see how that's an "illusion". In fact I think it kind of works the opposite way. Perhaps not on 4chan because people like to flame and such, but on boards like 4-ch it always surprises me how many people make interesting, detailed posts and nobody responds. But it's not because they're bad posters or whatever--often their posts are amazing. It's just because everyone has read it and there's no more to say. The person who wrote it knows that, and everyone else knows that. It's just a very refreshing experience knowing that people can type these witty and intelligent things and not only not want credit for it, but also be perfectly content that nobody says so much as, "Lol, well done."

>> No.8444390

and you aren't alone, in fact almost everyone who uses a cellphone to text are that way. I have the unique experience of never using a cellphone but ended up with someone else's when they left it on the bus.

People sent texts to it some uncountable number of times over the course of the day and to ridiculous hours of the night. When I gave it back to the person, they said that half the people that texted him thought he was pissed off at them.

I would never want to live a life like that.

>> No.8444399

What's really fucked up is that people will do that shit on purpose. I know girls do that shit all the time.

>> No.8444407

So, who else can sit for hours trying to think up a new name when entering IRC or registering for some website? I especially hate it when it's a community I'm not even planning to participate in and I just have to register to download something. And then I have to be careful not to use a name I've used before, because I don't want the account I registered somewhere to download music to be associated with the account I registered somewhere to download porn.

>> No.8444420

What do they get out of it? Some kind of satisfaction from knowing people care about you enough to dislike it when you ignore them?

>> No.8444415

I just look around and find two things and put them together to get a name.

>> No.8444416

My new thing is combining random words, e.g. "Slowbeef". Names like those are never taken.

>> No.8444424

It's very strange of me to say on this board, but I almost strictly voice chat with my internet friends. No matter how awkward a voice chat might be, IMing like a drone then never hearing from the guy again is worse.

>> No.8444425

Oh fuck you, >>8444415

>> No.8444426

Do what? Ignore texts?

I'm not really surprised.

>> No.8444428
File: 19 KB, 216x315, Gen-Urobuchi-216x315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having an identity makes you retarded

>> No.8444434
File: 119 KB, 520x390, 1222492683211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hipster,

is your name not unique enough for you now that you need to think up a new and original naming convention?

>> No.8444453

I only join forums to use the search feature and being able to see pictures.

I never join online chats that have been up for a while. There is always this camaraderie between the users because they've been chatting with eachother every day for the last 5 years. If you want to assimilate you're stuck trying to learn all the inside jokes and shit for weeks. It's like being a new kid in school all over again.

Not to mention I have a hard time getting along with moderators.

>> No.8444458

They probably aren't as content about it as you think, but maybe they are.

Everybody... well, everybody reasonable, likes feedback.

>> No.8444457

It's not a case of being hipster. It's a case of other people using the same naming convention so the next time I try to pick a name using this method, it will be taken ;_;

>> No.8444468

Just because the same naming conventions are used doesn't mean the names you think of get chosen.

>> No.8444474

I kinda want to get into voice chatting, since I'm sick of having so rusty verbal communication skills and thus being awkward whenever I have to communicate offline.

But I find it impossible to actually work up the courage to actually find someone to voice chat with. And as a bonus, I've barely ever spoken in English before, meaning I'll probably not find the words fast enough (being used to thinking at IM conversation speed), and sound like a retard with a gay accent and shitty pronunciations.

>> No.8444475

I just use different names for different purposes. I have a name I use for porn sites, for gaming, and I keep both of these as separate as possible from real life.

I have no idea why anyone would think it would matter if you use the same screenname for two different things(and are otherwise anonymous). As it's even been stated, names are often taken between sites; doesn't that indicate to you that simply having the same name on two unrelated sites can't be used to deduce anything?

>> No.8444481

That's what I'd call too intimate.

>> No.8444500

I can live with feeling like an outsider for a little while, but what bothers me is when it's nearly always meta-discussion, and I never have any idea what they're talking about. If they were just discussing what the channel is supposed to be about, I would have no problems fitting in. But no, they always have to talk about each other.

>> No.8444506

I do this sometimes on my teamspeak channel

It really is harder to make jokes when you're actually forced to say them. After 4 or so seconds your window has closed. It's good practice.

>> No.8444520

They like toying with people's emotions, I guess. I remember seeing a girl doing that shit to a guy she liked. Needless to say, 3DPD.

Yes. Or they purposefully wait to respond.

>> No.8444524
File: 373 KB, 681x720, 1325368774313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not scared. IRC is a social shithole. The concept is nice, but actual IRC room community is pig disgusting.

I do post on some traditional Western forums that focus on a specific topic, ie. not for "hanging out" and talking about anything. I prefer anonymous boards for that sort of thing.

>> No.8444531

personally i think 4chans anonymity is refreshing because it brings out more truth in people because they can say want they want without the fear of being looked down upon by the community,

i used to lurk around on demonoids forums which were pretty easy going until some retard mod thought it was a good idea to implant a karma system which instantly turned a large part of the people into some incestuous asskissing clusterfuck just to rack up the karma points.
they did remove it in the end but the damage was already done.

>> No.8444534

Yes, I should have differentiated between forums that engage a large target audience and smaller, niche forums where posts can be traced back decades. The illusion I'm proposing is really just inter-group competition. Larger groups seem to have a ricochet-communication dynamic. What you described with 4-ch is also how I found 4chan to be like at and a few year after its conception.

People fear going public out of fear of ostracization, on those smaller boards people are quicker to naturalize and accustom themselves to the resident culture because the pressure to do so is greater. So people lurk until they can contribute something they can feel reasonably proud of.

>> No.8444559

I hate IRC it's the exact same thing as an awkward silence,
sometimes people try to create a discussion but it usually goes nowhere

>> No.8444561

> traditional Western forums
Its either normalfags or angsty wannabe teen hackers

Don't know of any chatrooms to talk in. #/jp/ isn't /jp/ and is just filled with tripjerking faggots from /a/.

>> No.8444578

I am afraid of my own personal history and anything that can be tracked to me. I hate photos and documents relating to my past. I try to leave as little a trace as I can before I die. I'm probably this way because I live a life of constant regret. Fuck it though. I'm fine with being like this and wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.8444589

IRC would only be necessary in situations where you NEED instant group communication. Most of these rooms would be better served by a message board, not an IRC room.

>> No.8444595

IRC channels take less time to create and maintain.

>> No.8444601

I'm a regular on a Japanese IRC with some people I consider to be fairly talented, and it has led me to confidence in saying that IRC in general is not bad, but there is probably always going to be one sour apple who is very outspoken to ruin the entire experience as long as he's talking.

I'm talking about people who are somehow racist, bigoted/nationalist, or try to bully another users out of the chatroom. Even if they're just trolls, if they're persistent it can make things quite sour if they don't do anything to get kicked.

>> No.8444603

I don't allow pictures of myself to be taken. There are maybe one from highschool in existence that I wasn't aware was being taken. The last yearbook photo I had done was in 7th grade, eventually they just stopped putting my name down. Other than those my other pictures are either too young to even look like me or are in my possession. I've gone as far as combing relatives facebooks and going through cellphones to make sure it stays that way.

>> No.8444609

Better yet, when the sour apples are moderators.

>> No.8444622

It kinda scares me that family members might have posted pictures with me in them on facebook without me knowing.

>> No.8444654

Regular forums have so much extraneous shit that I can't go back.

-Post counts: Your opinion doesn't mean anything if it's low. A lot of value placed on join date as well.
-Voting system: Discourages diversity of opinion. And when you know you're going to get thumbed down for going against the grain, you're not even going to bother putting effort into your post (instead of typing a fifty page essay on why the general opinion is wrong, you'll just say something like "shit sucks" - no difference, retards who can't handle different opinions are going to have it hidden anyway). Some of the worst offenders have moderators that can "de-emphasize" all future posts by you if you disagree with something (in Kotaku's case, it's called "un-starring," which generally happens if you don't have extreme left political values, which should be irrelevant on a supposed gaming blog).
-Obnoxious signatures and avatars that get repetitive. On some sites the signatures can take up more screen than the posts.
-Getting past the circlejerk barrier for smaller, older forums. This completely closes off the site for new users who don't want to bother learning the in-jokes and personal lives of everyone.
-Of course, the registering process itself, and having to re-register for a new account AND e-mail address if you are banned.

Really, aside from the easily ignorable spam and occasional renegade retard moderator censoring words or banning entire boards for not feeling bad over the death of some unknown normalfag musician, 4chan isn't that bad.

>> No.8444680

That's what happens when you go to sites for children and/or manchildren.

>> No.8444683

What about textboards? All of the benefits of imageboards with none of imageboard culture.

>> No.8444687


>> No.8444691

A little bothered by needing an identity. But the real problem is that I'm completely disgusted by the types of people who frequent such places.

I was only a regular (lurker) in one community before 4chan, so I guess I'm spoiled.

As for IRC, nothing good will ever happen there. Unless you're only there to pick up some files, don't even bother.

>> No.8444694

I have a confession, /jp/. I've been registering to social networking sites (like online dating sites) to try and get someone to talk to and share intimacy with.
However, to get the the point of the thread, I sign up and then never use the damn thing because I don't want to put any photos, personal information, or anything up there.

>> No.8444705

In the majority of IRCs, that sour apple is ALWAYS the OPs.

That's why they don't work, unless you happen to find one of the gems that have good people in them.

>> No.8444710

This is exactly why I stopped using traditional forums for the most part.

>> No.8444766

Is it just me, or do many people care less about putting effort into their posts when they have an identity?

As an anon, the content of my post is all that matters, so I feel a certain pressure to make my posts worth reading, since that's the only thing (other than people having nothing better to do than reading my posts) that could attract someone to read them.

But when I browse through the archives, looking at all the posts made by certain tripfags, I see so many half-assed posts adding nothing to the discussion, and they really seem loving to go to meta threads and throwing around a few random facts about themselves.

I'm just wondering if something about having an identity that makes you put less effort into your posts. Maybe they think having a name makes them unique, so they don't have to put any more effort into making their posts stand out. Or maybe they're convinced that the way to recognition is quantity before quality, so they should focus on posting whenever they can think of anything to say, rather than waiting for when they have something good to say.

If any of this is true, it would be a much better explanation for why forums sucks. I'm not convinced that post counts and signatures can so thoroughly corrupt a community.

>> No.8444777

It's not the format, it's the details.

Even a forum with no registration, shows no post counts, no avatars, no signatures is good. The format would still be traditional western forum. But without all the garbage attached to it.

>> No.8444781

I see what you mean and I agree with you. Those kind of people assume that others have read all of their posts. They are writing with themselves in mind and not the reader.

>> No.8444786

That's an illogical explanation. How exactly does the format negatively affect the content?

>> No.8444798

A textboard is basically an imageboard focused on long-term, serious discussion rather than the sharing of images.

>> No.8444812

I get anxious when I post my opinions anonymously on 4chan that may not be completely in tune with mainstream thought here. Conflict really stresses me out. I'm getting nervous even just posting this.

>> No.8444821

I can't speak for the rest, but I accept you for who you are.

>> No.8444828

That's some reading mis-comprehension, you've got there. The devil is in the details, NOT the format.

Not all image boards are 4chan, where threads fall off the board after a couple days. All your image board experience is 4chan only, how naive.

>> No.8444841

How long a discussion is depends on how slow a board moves though.

>> No.8444843

Idling in 38 channels, whereas im active in 2.

>> No.8444866

Oh, I somehow skipped over several words that gave your post a completely different meaning. Sorry about that.

>> No.8444874

The diversity of opinions and background are part of what makes this place so good.
I mean, I'm sure there's people here who like rap, people who love classical music, people who play soccer, people who hate sports, people who can program, people that can barely turn a computer on.
There's all kinds of invisible personalities at work.
And that is an incredibly good way of encouraging constructive criticism and interesting arguments.
In other words, although I'm rather sure this is easier said than done, don't worry too much. We're here to know about what different people think about our opinions, not to have you telling us we're right until we have a social orgasm.
Or, at the very least, that's how I think.

>> No.8444878

It can be seen as too intimate if you really are terrified and/or hate speaking to people. Even anonymously you are communicating with people here, so it's not like you've thrown away socializing and live on your own in the forest. I only have a few people I speak to and it's a very unique atmosphere. The biggest thing I've noticed is I've gotten happier and I can more easily connect to someone I speak with.

Someone who wants to be an IM friend is seemingly 10 times more likely to vanish into thin air because really, I am just disposable "entertainment" for a lot of these people when they feel bored.

A lot of posters on /jp/ strike me as people who might write much better than they speak. When you hide your identity (and voice) from a person you are not their friend at all in my eyes. You're more like a pen pal.

>> No.8444884

It bothers me when people drastically diferent than the native userbase stick around.

I don't understand why they don't go something better suited to them when it just causes problems for everybody when they stay.

>> No.8444885

Lualdi, is it true that your real name is Joseph?

>> No.8444899

>and everything you say being logged and recorded permanently?
Because 4chan totally isn't being archived right now.

>> No.8444946
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, zero-raws-mayoi-neko-overrun-01-mxtv-1280x720-x264-aac-mp4_snapshot_22-47_2010-04-10_09-33-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's always the sockpuppeting when someone saves your image, even gives it the same filename at all...

>> No.8445243
File: 65 KB, 206x220, humm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if people save my shitty images, nobody else uses them. Well, aside from a few screencaps I took from the touhou fanime.

>> No.8445271
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 10 [720p][9ACB242B].mkv_snapshot_05.22_[2010.07.23_02.18.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and why do you give a shit?
why can't you just take it easy?

>> No.8445280
File: 60 KB, 183x250, miao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking it very easy! I'm just posting these things because they come to mind. Is that bad? I don't think I should have to worry about what I'm posting -- that's not taking it easy.

>> No.8445300

These misunderstandings come from different filters in your communication system. I suppose that you don't want to read what I'm thinking about, so I don't post it; in turn, you expect someone else to do the same and vice-versa.

>> No.8445544

I think it's more personal because it's like a letter. A text message (or the equivalents, IMs) is much, much less personal than a handwritten letter. See, when people write long messages to people they care about, and the writing focuses on themselves or things they care about, the writing's really an embodiment of your mind's state at the time of writing. Say what you will, but I love getting emails, and I love hand-written letters. I actually sent five or six Christmas letters to /jp/sies this year, not sure if you were around for that. I had a lot of fun writing them and drawing pictures, and I'm sure that most of the people really appreciated them even if they were from, you know, Tokiko. Letters are intensely personal, and sometimes TOO personal. But you wouldn't understand that at all, would you? ;__; Letters dying is truly sad, and email following suit truly speaks for the decline of Western civilization... there's nothing more enjoyable than reading letters in the afternoon with a few cups of tea. I used to have quite a few penpals in the past.

>> No.8445580

I can always tell who you are lualdi, because you are that fucking obnoxious. Nothing to do with your retarded pictures.

>> No.8445607

I stopped using any kind of named or pseudonymous communications a while after I stopped using 4chan. It always felt weird when I had to sign up for something using a pseudonym, because I didn't want to be associated with my pre-4chan pseudonym and I hadn't created a new persistent one. As a result, all of my game accounts have completely different names because I never settled on a new pseudonym.

I'm not really comfortable with getting a new persistent pseudonym either. Part of the reason I haven't used IRC in years is because I don't like having an identity (the other part is that it seems like IRC is full of circlejerking and and attention whoring).

>> No.8445617
File: 8 KB, 281x180, sato4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was beautiful, Tokiko.

>> No.8445915

If you cleaned up your act more often and speak more heartly and tame like so, Tokiko, more people would like you.

>> No.8445924

Nobody will ever like Tokiko after his shitpost spam marathon. Even seeing the character fills me with disgust.

>> No.8445942

"Our law prohibits capital punishment. We believe even the gravest offenders have the chance to redeem themselves."
—Torian Sha, soul warden

>> No.8445989


>Even seeing the character fills me with disgust

How does it feel to have someone tell you what you're allowed to enjoy? If you think about it, you're empowering the bastard more than any number of replies could. You are acknowledging that he has the ability to change your mind.

>> No.8446280

You could have condensed your entire post to a simple "Don't feed the trolls"

>> No.8446308

He gave reasonable explanation as to why one shouldn't in this specific case, though, I think he made some fair points.

>> No.8448272

Not me.

The only illegal thing I do is software piracy for personal uses, and here 97% of the population does it. (the other 3% doesn't have a computer), so no one cares.

Also I'm apolitical, so the government doesn't give a fuck about me.
