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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 418x349, 1324933864872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8439524 No.8439524 [Reply] [Original]


Wow, what the fuck.

I'm switching to Foolz. Fuck those Jews at Warosu.

>> No.8439531

I hope this means I can post an archive link from Fools without Warosu devs derailing the thread.

>> No.8439536

I think Jones knows our meido.

>> No.8439538
File: 69 KB, 626x348, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs trolling thread?


>> No.8439545

Welcome to the master race, OP.

Foolz is a lot faster and actually archives images.
Honestly, what's the point of an IMAGE board archive if it doesn't archive images?
There's also less /bun/ drama and better ghosts.

>> No.8439548

I prefer warosu, but easymodo is easier i guess.

>> No.8439552

> easymodo

It's dead, Jim.

>> No.8439556

>actually archives images.
Implying woxxy will be able to keep the images forever.

>> No.8439565
File: 166 KB, 1366x768, fpAtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ≖‿≖)

>> No.8439567

>I see more ghost posts on foolz than warosu.

/b/ has more posts than the rest of 4chan so does that make it the best board?

>> No.8439579

Warosu niggas got OWNED by GitHub notifications.

Keep it up though Mayhem. I'm glad you're sticking with Foolz--anyone who claims to not like/use it is a Warosu dev (or Tokiko, but he's probably one of the guys running it).

Your cheque's in the mail.

>> No.8439587

No, but Foolz has the better ghost community.
Warosu's /ghost/ is pretty much
> lol, ne1 post here?
or Tokiko complaining about being banned.

>> No.8439589
File: 51 KB, 400x388, sad_frenchman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayhemme devs get out

>> No.8439590

Can't you just hack the script to go to whichever archive you want? Also, Woxxy sucks, but foolz is the lesser of two evils.

>> No.8439599


Save and edit, nothing difficult

and what's with these bumblasted foolz fellatists making these threads, stop continuing this non-existent drama.

>> No.8439604

Warosu is better but if some faggot has to use a Web 2.0 script with JavaScript everywhere to browse 4chan, I don't want you posting on my archive. So Foolz is a necessary evil, really.

>> No.8439616


>> No.8439617

Isn't it possible to use javascript to source github's master file and just replace the redirect function? That'd give you automatic updates. I'm no javascript wizard though so I don't really know.

>> No.8439628

Nope. You have to edit the file manually each time you update.

>> No.8439638

I find the Warosu ghost board to be very similar to Secret Area and 4-ch, both of which I greatly enjoy posting on.

>> No.8439641
File: 35 KB, 178x178, 1286328157631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you it was a loud minority.

>git clone
>edit file
>git commit your changes
>git pull everytime if you want to update

>> No.8439649

Actually I think he's onto something. You can fetch files with JavaScript, and you can modify text streams with JavaScript. I just think "saving" it would be the problem (I have no idea how userscripts work).

It would be better for someone to make a 4chanx-warosu fork.

>> No.8439668

>I just think "saving" it would be the problem
You can create a "blob" file, and open it. I doubt that it would force the download/install though.

>> No.8439671

Can't you use jQuery's getScript or something? I don't know if javascript supports replacing already defined functions though. I mean something kind of like this (semipseudocode):
#include "mayhem-site.com/4chan-x.js"
/* in this file there is already a redirect definition */
string oldredirect=redirect;
string redirect(string board) {
if(board==jp) return warosu;
else oldredirect(board);

>> No.8439673

>Told you it was a loud minority.
It's not even a minority, it's a one man trolling job.

Still, having an alternative archive is a good thing, especially when admins tend to be incompetent script kiddies.

>> No.8439693
File: 237 KB, 348x443, 1325850754641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the sages

>> No.8439700

If it was me, I'd write a small shell script to automate that and install the script locally with Scriptish, setting it to autoupdate.
#scheduled daily with cron
wget https://github.com/MayhemYDG/4chan-x/blob/master/4chan_x.user.js -O - | sed 's/archive\.foolz\.us/fuuka\.warosu\.org/g' > ~/.4chanx.js

>> No.8439718

Foolz is much better. Anyone who says otherwise is a troll.

>> No.8439726

Nice poisoning the well there.

I agree though. Haha or whatever the fuck he's called should just shut Warosu down.

>> No.8439738

>Haha or whatever the fuck he's called should just shut Warosu down.

>having an alternative archive is a good thing, especially when admins tend to be incompetent script kiddies.

Woxxy. Please. Seriously.

>> No.8439756

Funny how these posts contradict each other.
Also funny how that's Woxxy's image and he has posted it a few times before (or at least the Yotsuba B/reply variant).

>> No.8439761

ITT: Warosu devs pretending to be Foolz devs pretending to be Warosu devs.

>> No.8439772

So I have autistic disorder and I'd appreciate someone spelling this out for me:
Who is making these posts, and which archive is it a smear campaign against? There are too many layers here and I don't understand what's going on. Which archive do I use?

>> No.8439777

I actually think this was on purpose by Woxxy or one of his butt buddies trying to make Warosu supporters look bad.

Maybe I'm just being all tinfoil hat though.

>> No.8439784

Compare the two and choose for yourself. Personally I like Warosu because the devs are quiet, they don't mess with the board, and the ghost board is not filled with /a/ posters because there is no /a/ archive on Warosu.

>> No.8439785

This would actually be very clever, because now if anyone does genuinely want this (and plenty of people do), Foolz devs can just say, "Lol, well look at what you fags tried last time."

I doubt Mayhem would change it anyway though. That'd mean doing work himself rather than stealing someone else's.

>> No.8439789

Or trolls being trolls, like I said. People making drama where there is none. Anyone who actually gives a shit has brain damage.

speaking of 4chanX, sometimes I'll type in captcha only to have it tell me I forgot to, is this 4chanx or captcha being shitty? and am I the only one getting it?

>> No.8439790

Sup Tokiko?
> the ghost board is not filled with /a/ posters because there is no /a/ archive on Warosu.
No. The ghost board is not filled with /a/ posters because there ARE no ghost posters. Take your FUD elsewhere, faggot.

>> No.8439791

It's just a matter of moving a line.

Whatever pleases you.

>> No.8439797

>speaking of 4chanX, sometimes I'll type in captcha only to have it tell me I forgot to, is this 4chanx or captcha being shitty? and am I the only one getting it?
You're not alone.
I believe this is because the captcha now lasts only 30 minutes, so it can expire before you post.

>> No.8439798

Foolz devs have a flashy attitude which annoys many /jp/ers.

>> No.8439803

I post there, a few other people post there. That's enough for me and apparently enough for them. I don't know what /a/'s problem with slow boards is.

>> No.8439806

Clearly every post you don't agree with is the doing of /a/.

>> No.8439808

Foolz devs don't know what they are doing.

It took Woxxy 1 month of damage control and backpedalling to finally calm down the situation and implement the default fuuka theme.

>> No.8439814

Clearly every post you don't agree with are warosu devs samefagging

>> No.8439810

That's right. Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.8439812 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 1366x768, 2012-01-19 21:31:49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, oh woaw.
I'll let you speculate on that one.

>> No.8439827

Warosu devs impersonating Foolz devs impersonating Warosu devs.

>> No.8439833

Holy fuck, I'm switching to Foolz is what they want they want you to think.

>> No.8439845
File: 53 KB, 250x250, autism_pride_yuuka_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why /jp/ is the best board on 4chan.

You should come more often.

>> No.8439850

I like Mayhem but he's an /a///g/ type. Don't encourage such people to overstay their welcome.

>> No.8439869

Warosu doesn't look like shit, the /ghost/ board is quieter sure, but I can live with that.

I'll be sticking with them, nice try woxxy.

>> No.8439868

Wait, who's this guy?
What happened to aeosmyth and userscripts.org?

>> No.8439883
File: 594 KB, 600x1710, 1295521848338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to browse /jp/ quite often. Not so much since last winter. I still lurk the /fig/ threads though.
Maus > IS7.

He moved on.

>> No.8439890

Foolz looks exactly the same.

>> No.8439910

>Maus > IS7.
Shit dude, I just played with someone called CptnMAYHEM, driving a Type59.

>> No.8439926

Last time I was at foolz it was still using it's facebook layout, I don't know if they've fixed that since then. I have no plans on returning.

>> No.8439936

Why so stubborn, faggot?
Don't you want a faster server that archives images and has a better ghost community? Are you seriously going to refuse all that just because Woxxy fucked up the layout for a few days?

>> No.8439941

Warosu is what the long-term /jp/ers use.
Foolz is what the trendy, userscript-using /a/ migrants use.

Simple as that.

>> No.8439948


Take your insults like "faggot" back to /a/.

>> No.8439944
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 131022457414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost community
Have fun shitposting on foolz during downtime.

>> No.8439945

Why are you so mad? You aren't taking it easy, so why should anyone listen to you?

>> No.8439949

I'm not mad at all. I just hate faggots like >>8439926 who refuse to use something objectively better for no good reason.

>> No.8439952

Welcome to 4chan, faggot.

>> No.8439955
File: 305 KB, 900x700, 1286947269957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. I stopped playing after the US/EU server split last year. It was fun playing with /jp/, I kinda miss that time.

>> No.8439960

Yeah man we're so above standard 4chan jargon here on /jp/.
> "faggot"
U MENA ``faggot''.
Get back to >>>/a/, poser.

>> No.8439956

Start being elitist about the stuff you like or get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.8439962

I don't want to use a site that looks like facebook and has devs who hassle me here about it. Just give it up. woxxy.

Warosu is unintrusive to my /jp/ experience.

>> No.8439975

>U MENA ``faggot''.


>> No.8439970

Every single one of these tens of thousands of posters are obviously off-board scum, right?

Seriously, I'm all for elitism, but you can't really complain about someone saying "faggot" on 4chan.

>> No.8439977

Foolz looks exactly like Fuuka.
In fact it's better because it uses standard markup rather than LOLTABLES straight from the 90s. It's very possible that you'll start to see Warosu's layout breaking in the next few years as browser vendors obsolete their old code.

>> No.8439985
File: 122 KB, 600x481, 1272179592723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that "U MENA" or ``faggot quotes'' are somehow /a/-related, you need to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.8439984

Why "fix" something that's not broken?

>> No.8439986


>> No.8439994

You're one of those people who buy new phones every three months becuase your old one is obsolete, aren't you?

Warosu looks like easymodo. foolz looks like facebook. I don't understand where your confusion on this point comes from.

>> No.8439992

>LOLTABLES straight from the 90s
How does it affect you, the end user?

Protip: people don't give a shit about markup
PHP script kiddies status: told

>> No.8439998

> foolz looks like facebook.
The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8439995

Except it does. Don't be so naive. Google "tables layout", this has been discussed to death.

>> No.8440005

Why do people give a shit about what archive others use?

Is it because the devs of one of the archives are getting desperate and want more /jp/ers to use their site so they can track their searches and e-stalk them?

>> No.8440002
File: 4 KB, 183x37, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8440008
File: 225 KB, 1497x762, rip_woxxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woxxy likes to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.8440010

So they finally fixed it? That's great. I'm still not going to use them as there are better options, such as sites that didn't go the facebook route in the first place.

>> No.8440022

They fixed it ages ago.

Did you boycott easymodo after they were fucking with the Fuuka themes too?

>> No.8440027

Easymodo IS fuuka you fucking retard.

>> No.8440033

I switched to Warosu as soon as it came back on because woxxy is a faggot from /a/. And the site looked like complete ass.

>> No.8440046

I never said it wasn't. I'm saying there was a period of time when they were fucking with the green theme and a few people were pissed off until they settled on what fuuka has now.
Doesn't mean people were all, "WAAHHH! THEY CHANGED IT ONCE FOR A FEW DAYS!!!! FUCK EASYMODO!!!!!! ;_;"

>> No.8440057

The difference then and now is now there's an alternative.

>> No.8440064

Great, except the alternative is aesthetically identical. However Foolz is also faster and better.

>> No.8440074

Take it to the ghost boards already

>> No.8440075

I wonder where that image showing load response times went, someone happen to have it?

>> No.8440078

Foolz vs Warosu thread #152

>> No.8440087

Ping them yourself, and record the search performance times (you can use whatever Web developer/console features you have in your browser to record this accurately).

>> No.8440086

more simply put

trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolls

>> No.8440094

why would a true /jp/er want outsiders to use his archive

>> No.8440107

Try to remember the resources available.

Foolz has multiple servers of their own and that people let them use. Warosu used to have trouble with the boards they had to begin with.

>> No.8440108

They both do, which is why they host other boards.
Hell, even easymodo did.


>> No.8440112
File: 85 KB, 1514x529, foolz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See for yourself.

>HURRR many many php fcgi processes much better than Perl DURRR

>> No.8440130
File: 68 KB, 1513x465, warosu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And their servers are on the other side of the ocean.

>> No.8440138

Do you really think that just because you samefagged a few posts on /jp/, people will just stop using foolz and move to your shitty site?

Give up. Just because Foolz had an ugly design for a few weeks ages ago doesn't mean suddenly people will start liking that shitty archive of yours that can't even store images.

The most you will achieve is tricking a few newcomers from a/v/b into believing that hating foolz is the hip and trendy thing to do, but they switch to Foolz the moment a image they want 404s.

>> No.8440151

>your site

Do you really think whoever hosts warosu gives a shit? Seems like the foolz kids care though, else these threads wouldn't be showing up all the time.

>> No.8440163

Tell that to your friend Tokiko.

>> No.8440176

With each post further you make yourself sound more and more retarded.

I honestly couldn't give less of a shit, foolz randomly going down is one reason i like there being more than one archive. Past that I have no preference. This all strikes me as silly that people manage to make any sort of issue out of it.

>> No.8440177

The host probably does, otherwise we wouldn't be seeing all this PLEASE USE MY ARCHIVE!!! REMEMBER FOOLZ LOOKED UGLY AGES AGO!!! spam

If there was just one legitimate reason for why anyone would want to switch to warosu, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

>> No.8440175


Holy fuck.
If there's any reason to switch to Foolz, it's right here.
What a faggot.

>> No.8440181
File: 62 KB, 250x252, woxxy_in_charge_of_spawning_fcgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8440182
File: 93 KB, 415x310, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwaka is the best archive.

>> No.8440185

I thought so... Then it disappeared as quickly as it came.

>> No.8440184

The funny thing is that these threads always start with foolz fellatists being obvious. You've got it a bit backwards, you know.

>> No.8440202

> Then it disappeared as quickly as it came.

>> No.8440218

eh it lasted for a while but hackers and shit, who knows.

>> No.8440223

Wasn't the host complaining of DDoS attacks somewhere along the way?

>> No.8440473

>member since Jan 19, 2012

The fact that you'd bother to post such a blatantly obvious fake shows that you're gullible in addition to your display of complete unwillingness to listen to reason. Not a good combination.

>> No.8441580
File: 195 KB, 472x670, ZUN being moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's 4chan-x, one of those useless 4chan enhancement scripts that doesn't actually do anything useful and doubles load times?
