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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 1067x800, patchy tastes remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8409753 No.8409753 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like yuri, /jp/? If not, why? And If so, why? I'm very curious about this.

>> No.8409755

this is how I feel about Yuri

*grabs your dick*

>> No.8409758

Not enough cocks for my taste, OP.

>> No.8409763

I don't like it because it feels boring.

>> No.8409764

I don't actually know why I don't, something about it turns me away from it. I'm more of an ecchi man myself.

>> No.8409769
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I like it. Futa, yuri, traps, I like them all the same.

>> No.8409773 [SPOILER] 
File: 390 KB, 1181x1748, 29597cbdc37555209b9095732272b9f167ee8b99..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we only discuss cocks on /jp/. it's named /jp/ - Just Penis for a reason

>> No.8409774
File: 538 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2011.09.19_21.26.26].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm a fan of the pure love between two little girls.

>> No.8409776

I am fan of well written pairs.

Deduce from that.

>> No.8409777

Nothing particularly exciting about it. I don't mind yuri itself, its just its fans are some of the most delusional I've seen.

>> No.8409782


>> No.8409789

>its just its fans are some of the most delusional I've seen.

How so? I'm not familiar at all with yuri fandom.

>> No.8409791

Yuri hurts my male pride.

>> No.8409794
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They see potential lesbianism in just about FUCKING EVERYTHING. Oh, and they're obnoxious about it.

>> No.8409795

look at this idiots post >>8409774 pure love my ass hair. these kind of people have no pride as men or humans. they're like some kind of feminist scum.

>> No.8409797


>> No.8409798

it has untapped potential. I wish there was more erotic lesbian h material. licking and fingering is too tame. I nearly fell asleep trying to fap to shoujo sect.

>> No.8409799

Just go to /u/, feminazis everywhere.

>> No.8409806

I hate this too. It's pretty much the same in 3D lesbian porn as well. Fingering, eating eachother out, etc. but no actual SEX. I want to at least see some scissoring or something, fuck.

>> No.8409811

You make that sound like it's unique to just the yuri fandom.

>> No.8409813

Not unique but certainly the most prevalent.

>> No.8409815
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You seem offended.

>> No.8409818
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I'd rather not talk about it, though.

>> No.8409822

i do, because i'm lesbian, so it's relevant to my interests.

>> No.8409833

why do lesbians have no concept of showmanship when it comes to sex?

>> No.8409839

Are you also a little girl?

>> No.8409841

I like it.

I don't really like people who talk a lot about it. It kind of ruins it. It's like voice overs for nature documentaries.

>> No.8409843
File: 659 KB, 1404x2000, THE_SUN_AND_THE_MOON_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri doesn't bother me. Sometimes it can be hot, but the often abysmal writing turns me off.

Off the top of my head, there's a couple Touhou yuri doujins I enjoyed. Bi-chromatic Butterfly is more amusing than erotic, and The Sun and The Moon is soft and very well done in my opinion. Along with a few others, it's my preferred venue of Touhou porn. Definitely superior to faceless men and omg you have a dick! that makes no sens--oh whatever let's fuck.

I don't interact with yuri fandom ever, so it can't really bother me.

>> No.8409857
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Are those Aniki and Darhholme?


>> No.8409873

>that makes no sens--

Gensokyo, common sense... you know the drill.

Magical penises and yuri are pretty much equal in my book. It's solely the faceless man I cannot stand.

>> No.8409874

I feel intimidated when the guy gets the girl

>> No.8409883
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Thats an odd question. Thats like asking, so I like water, or do I like gravity.

If you dont like Yuri, /jp/ really isnt the place for you. As its founded on a Yuri concept.

>> No.8409892

That ep in resort boin when the brown chick fucked the hot blond chick always gets me off. I only like yuri when they actually fuck each other. Also you know what i hate? The only thing the media talks about when gay comes up are gay men. Also gay men have those naked gay parades. the question, why lesbians out of the media? why dont they go around naked around the street? why do only gay men do that shit? I would rather have women walking around naked than huys. i really dont get it.

>> No.8409901

Oh wow, speak for yourself. I like my touhou without yuri. And this is why I hate yuri fandom.

>> No.8409904

Yuri is pretty much the only thing I can get off to, so what do you think?

Sadly there is very little actual touhou yuri to be found.

>> No.8409912

Lesbians seam to get more hate than gay men. I mean, gay men are men and much more intimidating than women. Its a little harder to persecute them. This is true on the streets and in the media. Plus most of the lesbians you do see in the media are bi and probably faking. You will almost never see a guy faking being gay, unless hes trying to fuck a girl.

>> No.8409915

GTFO of Touhou secondary.

>> No.8409917


The irony is almost painful

>> No.8409924

Take your faceless men back to /a/.

>> No.8409926

Im not him but i would say the yaoi fandom is a billion times worse.

Why would they get more hate, i think they would be liked more than naked gay men? Also why can women not be full gay but men can? I just dont really get it. Why are there no lesbian naked gay parades? also i fucking hate gay men because just because they are gay they think they can just go walking around naked when a normal person would go to jail.

>> No.8409930

I hate faceless men as much as you, if I HAVE to choose a porn, I'll choose futa

I don't even like hentai/porn to begin with.

>> No.8409937

Why are you still here? You and your faceless gay harem should be fucking off back to /a/.

>> No.8409933

Whenever there's a yuri thread there's always Fags vs Dyke debate. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8409944

I personally find futa even worse, as it took something cute and made it into a man.

>> No.8409939

The fuck? Take your dykes to /u/
Same shit, at least yaoi fandom isn't
>You hate yuri? Then you aren't a heterosexual man.
or feminazi bullshit.

>> No.8409946


Great, exactly the kind of fag everyone complained about how they ruin yuri showed up.

>> No.8409948

Not really i am just interested on why the media/streets rather talk about gay men than lesbians or why gay men are more prone to being bought up in anything gay related. like tv shows, movies,etc. you almost never see lesbians when it comes to gay shit.

>> No.8409949

Take your bleeding vagina back to /u/.

>> No.8409950


Did you even read my post? I think you're the one who needs to get out.

>> No.8409954

Oh shit, this thread just went into real quality overdrive. You might want to hang onto your bloomers, folks, because shit is about to get seriously awesome in here.

>> No.8409956

futa is hot because you dont need a man in it, it just hotter.

>> No.8409958

Why the fuck do you care about 3DPD? Are you a real dyke? Fuck off

>> No.8409963

Futa is creepy and natural. If you need a cock and a female body, fap to traps.

>> No.8409966


>> No.8409968

If it's got a dick, it's a man. Full stop.

Porn with a man (or just floating dicks with invisible bodies) is utterly worthless.

>> No.8409969

I cant hear you over the sound of all those cocks spooging on you. You back to /a/ and give me a call when you are free.

>> No.8409971

>creepy any natural

made me smirk

and I don't see how its creepy, unless you're female or something.

>> No.8409973
File: 1.69 MB, 250x188, 1309219457010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like this thread got filed with dykes from /u/. someone probably linked it to /u/ so they can invade /jp/. go back to /u/ you dickless faggots and dykes.

>> No.8409975

Its a cock growing out of a vagina. If thats not creepy and unatural, I suggest you go back to mars, fucking alien scum.

>> No.8409978

More like reverse trolls,

Not fooling anyone~

>> No.8409982

I can jerk off to anything. Makes my life really easy, actually.

>> No.8409984

Could both of you kindly take your discussion of who needs to get out somewhere else?

>> No.8409985

I think you just got a problem, most people like futa because its because two females and one with a dick.
Also no traps dont have huge asses and huge tits/thighs.

>> No.8409987

How natural something is has little to no bearing on how attractive it is here, get with the times or get back to /u/

>> No.8409989

no one has to reverse troll the crowd who go around saying their porn is "pure love" and everything else isn't. you retards troll yourselves enough.

>> No.8409994

I would hardly call you, to be "most".

>> No.8409997

if you saw the amount of futa and also how people react to it on 4chan then yeah, most dont mind it.

>> No.8410006

Actually I dont see much of it outside of /u/. Its unattractive. Why look at futa when I can look at vaginas? You gay or something?

>> No.8410010

Very much so.

>> No.8410016

Take a wild guess, they need to be looking at dicks to get off.

>> No.8410018

do you even know how popular bible black is? Also its fucking two women most of the time one wiith the dick. thats like yuri but better because they dont need a dildo.

>> No.8410024

I've jerked off to plenty of men, it's no biggie, really.

>> No.8410032

No idea, that is some really ugly shit. I saw pictures of it once. Its mostly downloaded by normals that dont even know the difference between anime and hentai. So your example is pretty weak.

>> No.8410030

I thats just your fucking taste, asshole.

>> No.8410033

I got news for you, goy. If it's got a dick, it's not a woman.

You're watching a dude fuck a woman. It's nothing like yuri.

>> No.8410039

you are just a moron. Sorry i dont jerk off to men with pussies. now thats gay.

>> No.8410041

I think you should leave.

>> No.8410044

Keep telling that to yourself, goy.

>> No.8410045

So you dont download futa? Why are you getting so angry for then?

>> No.8410046

Wait wait, you've never jerked off to a man with a pussy? Fucking small time.

>> No.8410057

Hebes are not welcome here.

>> No.8410058

I dont get hard with male bodies, not that gay.

>> No.8410063

Do you even know how to fucking spell?

>> No.8410066

I seriously have to ask, what are you even doing on /jp/?

>> No.8410073

Sure is a lot of disrespect for other people's sexual orientation in here, it's painful to read.

>> No.8410074

Sorry i only know English and dont follow the steam group/shitposter inside joke shit.

>> No.8410075

I don't know who's trolling anymore. Well that's it... I have nothing against yuri but the fanbase is so fucking awful.

>> No.8410085

your on a fucking board that only talks about women and mostly yuri, really dont know what your getting at.

>> No.8410084

Its all fun and games until some homo shows up and claims to not like Yuri on /jp/. Its the same thing as saying it on /u/. May as well say you dont like Touhou, its the same thing.

>> No.8410087

Its the same person EVERY time too. He fucking must make these threads just to troll.

>> No.8410089

I think you may have it backwards

or just one-sided. Its simple to troll yaoi and yuri fans.

I'll just be over here enjoying all sorts because fuck preference.

>> No.8410092

Stop being retarded already, the thread was calm until you showed up.

>> No.8410094

This. Probably the same guy who posters the frontpage in dick threads becuase her wants to make sure he's not the only one who faps to them.

Coming to /jp/ to insult yuri is like a troll training course.

>> No.8410095

Actually, it was calm until you started to hate on Touhou. This board is founded on Touhou, if you dont like, get out. its that simple.

>> No.8410096

I wish we had a fucking janitor.

>> No.8410097

I choose to believe its reverse trolling, I really doubt a person that narrow-minded can exist on 4chan let alone /jp/ for very long.

>> No.8410101

It's okay to be gay, goy.

Just don't expect everyone to jump on the man train with you.

>> No.8410103

I actually don't like Touhou at all.

I just come to /jp/ for the Raiden threads.

Either way, I still like yuri.

>> No.8410105

I don't think so, they are THAT obnoxious.

>> No.8410108

You're still sweet and naive, I like that.

>> No.8410110

Alright, not him but you are over doing it. i think you should leave now and go back to /b/.

>> No.8410112

The only saving grace of these threads is the entertaining replies by the reverse trolls or somehow rectumblasted yurifags

>> No.8410113

Your opinion is like real fascinating, and stuff, goy.

>> No.8410114

Well he is right. Its better for you to be gay on /a/. They have plenty of trap threads there.

If you want to be pedogay, /jp/ is cool with that.

>> No.8410120

I said i think he fucking over doing it, as in trolling to hard like an ass. He should just fucking go back to /b/.

>> No.8410122

I hope this thread answered your question

>> No.8410125

This thread was actually nice and pleasant, until a couple gay guys came in and shit any everything claiming you can only fap to dicks and nothing else.

If anything, it's proof the gays are the more obnoxious here.

>> No.8410129

I'll be sure to write that down in my diary, any other insight you'd like to share with the rest of us?

>> No.8410131

I really have to wonder which thread you've been looking at.

>> No.8410132

So when does it devolve in to spamming of genital diseases? That one was the most hilarious I've seen yet.

>> No.8410134

You should read this thread once again then.

>> No.8410138
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>100+ replies later

>> No.8410141

I stand by what I said. The only reason this thread turned to shit is a couple of whiners came in complaining that not everyone in the world fapped to guys.

If that hadn't happened this thread would be like any of other porn/sexual preferences thread.

>> No.8410147

It takes two sides to derail a thread.

>> No.8410148

>like any of other porn/sexual preferences thread.

this is how they generally go, its always a matter of "my opinion > your opinion"

>> No.8410151

Nah, it only takes one really devoted person. But in this case he had help.

>> No.8410157

it's a yuri thread. it's always shit. the fact that yurifags started fighting with futafags wasn't even the worst part. the worst part was just reading what yurifags even wrote since their thoughts are pure like lesbian love, meaning feces covered rotten meat.

>> No.8410161

They're the ones who derailed this thread.
Reverse trolls or real yurifags? No idea.

>> No.8410163

Yuri isnt pure. Loli yuri is the only pure love. Unfortunately I am not a loli.

>> No.8410170

>loli yuri pure
Yeah shut up you're just as bad as the yuri fanboys.

>> No.8410172

yuri in any form being pure is a weird way to put things, are you saying that deviation from what nature (or god if you're religious) intended is pure?

>> No.8410173

"Purest form of love" is just a joke from Marimite, The only people who use it nowadays are reverse trolls.

>> No.8410179

I know this is a trollthread, and you're probably fishing for an easy attack, but yuri isn't really about the sex. It's about the FEELINGS, and those feelings aren't reliant on animal instinct or the desire to conquer and impale on a dick. That's mostly where the yuri=pure thing is coming from. Not that trolls won't claim otherwise.

>> No.8410177

Animals are the biggest sluts.

Loli yuri has the lowest lust count of all forms of love. Which is why its the purest. Lesbians over 13 are whores.

>> No.8410188

so gay shotas are also pure, by this logic.

>> No.8410197


>> No.8410200

By that logic? Where did I say cock was okay? Men are sluts in all forms and ages.

>> No.8410204

Get back to your board please. I can't stand you narrow-minded kids.

>> No.8410206

H-H-Here we go again! Stop reverse trolling, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.8410219

But he's right. You can deny that and stir up this shitstorm again, or just ignore it.

>> No.8410223

Didn't I tell you to go back to your board?

>> No.8410231

No you haven't told me to yet. And doing so would be rather redundant, /jp/ has always been for yuri love and touhous. You're the outsider here.

>> No.8410233

Huh? Did you mean to hit the /a/ button and miss, because this is still /jp/ bro. You can go back to /a/ anytime you want.

>> No.8410235

No, he's not right. Feminazi? Outside /u/? I don't think so.
Are you really yurifag? If you're really a yurifag... you're a disgrace then.

>> No.8410239
File: 118 KB, 572x472, 1320383426426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, yurifags deny their own. your fanbase is so bad you're like a lizard trying to get rid of the tail. every single one these retards were yelling about how pure yuri was and now they're saying only people reverse trolling say it?

yurifag=money same

>> No.8410241

With closed-minded idiots you can only go around in circles, just drop it already and let this abomination of a thread fall from the board.

>> No.8410252

Im not him but the guy he agreed with. First and foremost I am a reformed pedophile who wishes to be the little girl. Manchildren /jp/ anonymous magically or scientifically turned in to lolis is the purest form of love. No just kidding, thats probably the biggest couple of sluts ever.

No really, loli yuri is really the only pure form of love. I cant stand sluts over the age of 13 and they arnt pure.

>> No.8410265

Here we go again. Queers claiming you can only fap to men.

Why can't you just accept some people like pure women better? Everyone's got their own tastes, there's no need to shit all over everything that doesn't cater to your need for dicks.

>> No.8410267

Again you are full of shit. Purity doesn't come into anything with sex, it's fucking sex. It can be fun yes.

Personally I find my favourite kind of fun comes from happy consensual heterosex involving two people. Sometimes futa. Occasionally yuri or yaoi.

>> No.8410275

You've got it a bit backwards, its the yurifags who keep forcing their opinions

>> No.8410276

Fapping to something pure to me, is a yuri series where they don't fuck. Or do once at the end. Watching their feelings and relationship grow and how they overcome various challenges together is the appeal for me.

>> No.8410279

I don't care about your opinion on that, sorry.
I'm worried about this
>Men are sluts in all forms and ages.
Are you a woman? Or a feminazi? Or a reverse troll?
Excuse me? Reverse trolls. Not yurifags.

>> No.8410281

if anyone writes material a sick fuck like you can masturbate to then it isn't pure. it's smut and the author is hack. you make me sick just reading what you said. art is pure and beautiful. what you read is disgusting sinful smut written to pander for pedophile homosexuals.

>> No.8410283

It has everything to do with sex. How long have you been on 4chan, since Christmas vacation?

>> No.8410284

This was a thread about yuri, right?

So the only reason people who hate yrui would come here is to troll, sling shit, and stomp on other people's opinions. All the while moaning how people who like yuri are terrible people.

>> No.8410290

>Do you like yuri, /jp/? If not, why?
when will yurifags stop looking so fucking retarded? this isn't /u/ and you didn't even read what the author said you mongoloid.

>> No.8410293

I thought the yuri-hater-kun died.

It's good to see that this /jp/ institution is still around.

>> No.8410299

This is something I'll agree with, except it can also apply just as well to yaoi or heterosex.

At least I don't delude myself with "purity" while rubbing one out.

>> No.8410304 [DELETED] 

yuri fans denying their own fan base
yuri fans calming everyone who a fan is the same person
yuri fans don't read the opening post and think this is a "yuri lover only thread"
yuri fans claiming their bread and butter meme is actually reverse trolling
yuri fans proving they're subhumans in every respect possible

go get some help at the nearest mental hospital.

>> No.8410308

Being a guy, I can't delude myself into thinking anything done by a man can be done for pure reasons.

More power to you, if you can though.

>> No.8410313

yuri fans denying their own fan base
yuri fans calming everyone who isn't a fan is the same person
yuri fans don't read the opening post and think this is a "yuri lover only thread"
yuri fans claiming their bread and butter meme is actually reverse trolling
yuri fans proving they're subhumans in every respect possible

go get some help at the nearest mental hospital.

>> No.8410315

That's not a nice thing to say to somebody who was happy to see you.

>> No.8410316

>their bread and butter meme is actually reverse trolling
"Purest form of love"? Yes, it is just a joke. No one takes it seriously until you... yuri haters.. used it to reverse trolling.

>> No.8410318

Your perceived "purity" is nothing but delusion.

>> No.8410319

suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8410324

I completely agree. Everything I did in my youth was driven by impure thoughts. Only women think otherwise.

>> No.8410322

I like yuri because I'm heterosexual male who identifies with female characters.

>> No.8410327

Much of my life is delusion. Makes my escapism all the more effective.

>> No.8410343

Wow, holy shit. Are we talking about 3DPD here? And are you implying 3D lesbian women are pure?

That's it. I'm out. Enjoy your trolling and reverse trolling guys.

>> No.8410349

What a desperate asspull.

But I know you better than this yurihater kun.

You'll never leave, you'll just say that you will so it looks like someone agrees with you when you start back up again.

>> No.8412676

Actual homosexuality disgusts me.

As long as it's fantasy I don't care.
