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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 432x612, ron paul the first NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8390824 No.8390824 [Reply] [Original]

Have you voted for Paul-kun today, /jp/?

>> No.8390835

you paul guys are really desperate huh.
No one here even goes outside.

Elections are in november are they not? Not even time to vote

>> No.8390871

Today is the New Hampshire caucus, anon-kun. Please do your best to vote for Paul-kun today.

>> No.8390895

Why would I vote for someone who wants to take away my SSI money?

>> No.8390897

Nobody here is going to vote for that faggot. He's an enemy of our interests and no one who deserves to be on this board goes outside in the first place.

>> No.8390911

I'm going to apply for an absentee ballot so I can vote for Barack "the Islamic Shock" Obama.

>> No.8390917
File: 140 KB, 650x976, types_of_libertarian1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their idealistic viewpoints may appeal to the typical delusional hikikomori NEET.

>> No.8390921

All the candidates and current presidential and congressional incumbents are trying to do that anyway. Why not try to fix the world for a better NEET future?

>> No.8390931
File: 164 KB, 960x1280, K-ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave americunts

>> No.8390950

The other candidates are just paying lip service. Also, take this normalfaggotry back to /b/ or /pol/. No one here is going to vote, but they would never vote for some libertarian fuck who wants to take away our autism bux.

>> No.8390957
File: 105 KB, 553x546, 24242342431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another hack like Obama who refuses to do shit about enacting strict senatorial term limits to cut down on cronyism.

I can't wait to spit on him if he ever walks into my apartment.

>> No.8390963

Politics on /jp/ is a bad idea. There are so few of us here, on /jp/, that I'm sure they track us.

>> No.8390971

I'll vote for the candidate with the most socialist policies.


>> No.8390987

I'll just continue not voting at all as per usual, then.

>> No.8391093

Voting means absolutely nothing, especially at a national level. Your time is better spent masturbating or defecating than waiting to cast a ballot.
