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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8377750 No.8377750 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]You've probably read about the light novel magazine idea, which seems to be having some problems. So here's an idea that could work better than that light novel magazine: A visual novel magazine.

People are free to submit short stories to it (1000-5000 words like the light novel magazine, no other restrictions), which will be posted publicly so other posters can comment on it so they can be improved. A deadline is set, and after that deadline the stories are left as is, and posters will vote on which stories they like best, with the X highest rated stories getting illustrations, music, sound and scripting. These stories are then released together as a 'magazine' in visual novel form.

This would solve the problem of a single person deciding what's 'good enough' and what isn't, while maintaining a high level of quality and allowing for feedback on the stories. I'm not sure how we'd do the illustrations/music/sound, though. Do we have enough interested artists/musicians to work on random short stories? Apparently the light novel magazine has an artist, so I guess it's not impossible.

Is this idea any good? What parts do you think should be changed? And how many stories should we accept per 'volume'?</spoiler>

>> No.8377773

[spoiler]Sounds like a lot of work and something a lot of people wouldn't be bothered to do.
Honestly how would a magazine work as a visual novel, it's preposterous.</spoiler>

>> No.8377775

[spoiler]I like the open, democratic nature of this idea way more than relying on some random pretentious faggot with delusions of grandeur, but I'm not sure whether limiting the output to just visual novels is a good idea.
I know you're trying to distance yourself from the other project, but I don't think it's necessary.</spoiler>

>> No.8377805

The 'visual novel' part was more because it's more interesting (I haven't seen it done before), more fitting for /jp/ (I mean, how often does /jp/ discuss light novels? I know I at least don't read any, and from the magazine threads it seems a lot of other people don't, either), and because it's easier to write for (art and music can fix a lot of what you don't do properly in narration, whereas fuck-ups in light novel writing can really disrupt the story).</spoiler>

>> No.8377815

Saying writing is unimportant is irrelevant. I haven't been able to feel much at all in KS because the writing for most routes is pretty bland and emotionless, for example at least.
The idea of it is good, though like everything magazine that's ever been done on 4chan, its not really a bought into idea. (Though, I remember the /lit/ short story magazine did quite well about a year ago, no idea if it's still ongoing.)</spoiler>

>> No.8377839

I'm not saying writing is unimportant at all, in fact writing is the most important part of a VN. I'm saying that it's less important than with a light novel story. In a VN, minor flaws in the writing don't draw much attention because the art and the music can make up for it, but the same flaws in a light novel will always grab your attention.</spoiler>

>> No.8379407

[spoiler]Can they be about 2hus? I'd write about the adventures of some 2hus.</spoiler>

>> No.8379467

[spoiler]This would be like a compilation game, not a 'magazine', OP.</spoiler>

>> No.8379715

It can even be a Twilight fanfic if you want. If people don't like it, it just won't get enough votes to get in. That's the idea I had, anyways. If anybody else has any ideas, please do speak up.</spoiler>

>> No.8379733
File: 575 KB, 1355x1807, fcm_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Just make a general /jp/ magazine that covers everything.</spoiler>

>> No.8379737

[spoiler]>So here's an idea that could work better than that light novel magazine: A visual novel magazine.

For dat ya gitz need more boyz. Ya need dem artsy gits and tekboyz.</spoiler>

>> No.8379749

I can't properly express how much I want a /jp/ magazine with /jp/-related news, stories written by /jp/ers and general Touhou inane nonsense I love so much. Too bad most of /jp/ will hate this idea. I can't do this by myself.


>> No.8379756

Why not just make an online news site and write articles on it.</spoiler>

>> No.8379757

Make one then.
/a/ and /lit/ did.</spoiler>

>> No.8379762

[spoiler]People won't make decent-quality stuff because if they're going to put time and effort into something they probably want to be paid for it, so they continue on with their lives. Wouldn't it be better to just have character generator + generic background VNs with music from anywhere? With the goal being to make it enjoyable despite the simplicity? Of course, I suppose this isn't much different from the ren'py stuff, but I do remember a VN named summer house or something posted here being enjoyable enough to be used as an example.</spoiler>

>> No.8379784
File: 316 KB, 800x600, ss02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer House was great. But it didn't use a character generator, did it? It used silhouettes for character sprites, which added a lot to the atmosphere. Anyways, actual time and effort was put into the writing there. We could use filtered photos as backgrounds, but the writing still needs to be good.</spoiler>

>> No.8379816

>People won't make decent-quality stuff because if they're going to put time and effort into something they probably want to be paid for it, so they continue on with their lives.
Yeah, that would make sense normally, however reality's different. People love to do things to be simply repsected by others. Money is often not a motive. Most /jp/ers will put their heart into it just to entertain some other /jp/ers. It's similar to the Linux community, people all over the world contribute stuff just because they want to contribute and help somehow. We can actually get decent writers if enough people participate and we democratically elect what's best.</spoiler>

>> No.8379820
File: 457 KB, 800x600, Capture-A_RenPy_Game-3__.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on, like it can be worse than shit like this.</spoiler>

>> No.8379841

This. /jp/ has less original content (but more interesting discussion) than other forums because we're anonymous and not getting anything out of it, but it's still there. Obviously people are happy to create content just to share it, so getting a little credit in a more "permanent" medium is like a step up.</spoiler>

>> No.8379848

Yeah, you're right, if we were a conventional forum we would most likely be much more productive, well, it can't be helped really.</spoiler>

>> No.8379893

Yes, I thought about the open-source guys as a counterargument, but I'm not sure it's as valid. The open-source movement gives a sense of purpose, has many programmers involved who are likely a bit talented to begin with, and presents interesting problems on a fairly regular basis. This on the other hand, with our relatively small user base we would be hard-pressed to find purpose for proper motivation, also not everyone in the board will have something to bring to the table from the beginning.

I could be wrong, I don't know. The main problem here might be the feeling of a lack of direction. It's possible that people are interested but aren't really sure if the project is serious/where to begin, and if they should spend their time on it. This is all speculation though.</spoiler>

>> No.8379901
File: 160 KB, 632x310, guten morgen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Right now I'm going to try and create a tiny pamphlet about some random subject I find interesting, merely to test out my skills.

I am quite proficient in image editing and make shit all the time, but if a project like this ever comes up I want to have definite evidence that I can participate.

See, how will you ever do anything if you just pick your nose and fiddle your navel instead of honing your skills? Experience is golden.</spoiler>

>> No.8379904

Well, let's just make a thread where everyone can widly bring up concepts of stories and people can decide whether they write a story for one of them or start from scratch.</spoiler>

>> No.8379986

>. It's possible that people are interested but aren't really sure if the project is serious/where to begin, and if they should spend their time on it.

That's how it is with every so-called "Failed /jp/ project".</spoiler>

>> No.8380035

[spoiler]What if I just make a wiki where people can just post their stories and comment on other people's stories and go from there?</spoiler>

>> No.8380069

[spoiler]maybe you could start something by doing something instead of talking about it. just sayin</spoiler>

>> No.8380117

[spoiler]OP, why don't you take the stories posted in the last thread and try to work with them?


there might have been other stuff posted, all I did was ctrl + f pastebin.
if I missed anything please post it here.</spoiler>

>> No.8380138

[spoiler]I'll make whatever music Anon wants.

Just need some sort of writing or artwork to work from.</spoiler>

>> No.8380465

What a wonderful idea! Now let's all do nothing together and wait as another idea never gets anywhere!</spoiler>

>> No.8380514

[spoiler]I'll do some brainstorming and see if I come up with a good idea for a very short VN, but I have to say that I don't think the medium is particularly suited for short stories. I also have some concerns with everyone reading the stories during the voting process because then when people go to play the VN it will be a story they've already read. Ideally stories should still be good when you reread them but the experience is still a different one.</spoiler>

>> No.8380521


Have any samples?</spoiler>

>> No.8380529
File: 79 KB, 540x720, 1326081832279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a song out of wave theory.</spoiler>

>> No.8380594

ZUN!Bar is ZUN himself.

Didn't you know?</spoiler>

>> No.8381695

[spoiler]So what kind of submission method do people want? Apparently the 'send by e-mail, one person decides what gets in' is no good, but I haven't heard any support for the 'post on wiki, people vote after deadline' idea either.</spoiler>

>> No.8381715 [DELETED] 
File: 727 KB, 1024x1246, 118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a song about a beautiful bird, zune bear.

>> No.8381724

Make a song about Tokiko the shitposter, ZUNny</spoiler>

>> No.8382633


Best might just be a small blog type thing. Ideas are posed in batches and either a poll is included or comments just mention priority order.</spoiler>

>> No.8382667

Ideas are worthless and have been given plenty of times in previous projects with no result whatsoever. People seem to have sent in actual stories to the magazine guy, on the other hand, without any ideas being posted beforehand. If people are going to do this they shouldn't spend ages on thinking up ideas but just directly submit stories.</spoiler>

>> No.8382670

[spoiler]>This would solve the problem of a single person deciding what's 'good enough' and what isn't, while maintaining a high level of quality and allowing for feedback on the stories.

Or it would allow some circlejerk to take over the voting process and scare other people from ever taking their time to contribute something to the project in the process.

No matter how you look at it, single person deciding things is better. Sure, it will not satisfy everyone, but it's better for someone to take the responsibility than to create the illusion of objectivity that'll sooner or later get abused.

No collaborative content raises over the lowest common denominator without either strict editorial control or nazi inclusion policies.</spoiler>

>> No.8383519

[spoiler]Back from page six!

Don't lose interest, OP</spoiler>

>> No.8383753

I haven't lost interest, I'm just clueless as to what kind of submission process /jp/ will accept. I could randomly set some stuff up, but it's no use if nobody will contribute anything at that point. I've heard complaints about both the 'single person collects submissions and picks the ones he likes' model and the 'submissions are public and people vote on them' model, with only a single post of support for the single person model.</spoiler>

>> No.8383799

Well, people have already contributed some stuff.

You could just skip to step two and have people vote on which ones they liked more, or pick the one you like.</spoiler>

>> No.8383848

Are you referring to >>8380117? I'd need the writers' permission before I even could do anything with them. I'd also like to ask the writers to make any changes they deem necessary to fit better in a VN style (writing style differs between separate short stories, light novel stories, ADV stories and NVL stories).

More importantly, though, is that it's not meant as a project to take a single story and turn that into a full VN, but rather as a collection of multiple such stories in VN-style. This way there would be more content (who'd download something for less than 5 minutes of story?).

For art, rather than drawing complete super-detailed CGs, I was thinking of more sketchy stuff. Sort of like manga; although it still takes plenty of effort to draw the panels, they're not drawing in such details as they would on separate pictures, if you understand what I mean.

The entire idea is to simply have a collection of simple stories with simple drawings, making each story a quick, short and simple collaboration rather than having an entire project like /jp/ usually tries to go for.</spoiler>

>> No.8384074

ok, I understand. I hope you find a solution soon</spoiler>

>> No.8384094

If you want to, you can use my short story. I could also spend some time cleaning it up and improving it.</spoiler>

>> No.8384175

[spoiler]Dude, concentrate on the light novel magazine first. It's pointless to try something even less marketable and more of a hassle to deal with if you can't even do the light novel one and see its reception and generated income.</spoiler>

>> No.8384223

I really think a 5 minute long VN would be a better idea.
If we can't even get that done then we shouldn't try something more elaborate.

We could always expand it into a full game if it turns out ok. Like a demo</spoiler>

>> No.8384423

I think he gave up on that.</spoiler>

>> No.8384719

It's not my magazine. The guy behind the light novel magazine still has hopes for it despite not getting any submissions anymore.</spoiler>

>> No.8384757


>> No.8384763

[spoiler]al|together 2012</spoiler>

>> No.8384786

[spoiler]If it's going to be so democratic and the rule is that what's voted gets into the magazine, what's the point in the magazine? Who's going to read it besides the people who vote on things? It's directed at /jp/ers, right?

Or do you mean you'd just put up small samples for people to vote on?</spoiler>

>> No.8384809

I expect that in the same way some people play partial translation patches while the majority waits until the final translation is released, the people willing to read the raw text stories are only a part of the audience for the eventual magazine.</spoiler>

>> No.8384853

Yeah, I suppose if you do it on your own site it probably would end up like that, although I suspect a large portion of interested readers would also be still be voters. For some reason I sort of assumed you'd be making threads.

Either way, I would support it if it gets more production out of /jp/.</spoiler>

>> No.8384868

I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here and say I hate this whole "democratic media" thing we have going on. There's no reason to have people vote on what they like the most. Having one person or a team of people handle everything is the only right way to do it. The more people you introduce into the equation, the more drama and unnecessary bickering there is going to be. This is why KS took so long; if they had the same team for the entire development, it would have been finished a lot faster.
It's even worse when you do things like "crowd sourcing". There's a reason Wikipedia is forever a work-in-progress (real world advances notwithstanding) whereas John Smith can put out a much higher quality book in under a year. People now have this stupid mentality that everything has to be "open source" in that they can contribute whatever they want to it even if they're stupid. People are stupid. That's why the best comments on YouTube make you want to punch things. You can argue that /jp/ has a slightly (slightly) better userbase than YouTube, but the whole idea is just dumb to begin with.
I don't want what the masses want. I don't even want what I want, as paradoxical as that sounds. I would much rather have a magazine made by a team of people who want to put out a quality magazine. I like to see articles I disagree with once in a while, or read something I previously thought I didn't care about. I might even discover something new about VNs/LNs/whatever, or about myself. And if something really bugs me, I'll fire off an email to the editor rather than whining on some stupid comments system or angrily hitting a "dislike" button on all that author's articles.

tl;dr: Don't do the voting thing.</spoiler>

>> No.8384876

It's for short stories, not articles. If I get OP right.</spoiler>

>> No.8384906

Holy fuck, you are retarded beyond all belief.</spoiler>

>> No.8384919

Fuck you.</spoiler>

>> No.8384963

I think you're taking a good idea and running a little too far with it, or getting ahead of yourself.

The basic content of what gets into the magazine would be determined by /jp/ers. There would still be plenty left to control to the writers and the staff, to my understanding, such as editing, the overall story, and to a lesser extent writing style. Depends on the execution.

I don't think it's a bad idea. If anything, having such a voting system may keep people interested, which is really what is most needed(as if people don't keep up their interest no one is going to care enough to keep up with the project).

Plus it would be interesting to see what it is /jp/ really likes and wants.</spoiler>

>> No.8385000
File: 693 KB, 1024x768, 1325849959357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read</spoiler>

>> No.8385034

This image gets me every time.</spoiler>

>> No.8385076 [DELETED] 


Is anyone else jealous of his outfit?

>> No.8385095 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 400x473, Parsee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8385311

[spoiler]Wait, wait. So let me get this right. You are going to have people submit stories and then use something like Renpy so that each issue would be in a visual novel format?

Well this sounds way better than the light novel project. However I'm not liking the public voting and editing. Part of what I think will make this successful is the anticipation of what stories we will be reading. If I already read the story on /jp/, I honestly wouldn't care to read it again. But I think both the democratic route, and the single editor route can result in only certain types of stories being seen.

One thing I'm confused about is if they're going to be turned into visual novels, would it be best to submit our stories in a script format so its really easy to make the actual visual novel?</spoiler>

>> No.8385325
File: 464 KB, 2048x1536, 1303177478928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hungry moe~</spoiler>

>> No.8385393

Link to this game:

Despite this being written like a 12-year-old girl wrote it, its not really all that bad. Its straight to the point, clearly in good fun, and the art is nice. I would imagine op would want to have a bunch of short visual novels like this one, format wise (minus the choices/multiple endings), combined into one issue. So I think it's actually a good example.</spoiler>

>> No.8385404

­>>8379820 here, perhaps I was unfair.
I'll admit I only looked at it but never played it. Maybe I will.</spoiler>

>> No.8385427

Well its clearly far from being a masterpiece, but its just not that bad for what its trying to be. It's really short, but I wouldn't waste the time reading it. I was just curious.</spoiler>

>> No.8386181

[spoiler]I just tried that old LN group. They flamed & kicked me when I tried showing my story. ffs...</spoiler>

>> No.8386213 [DELETED] 

You mean you didn't know already that it's just a troll thread?
Next time, you'll be more careful.

>> No.8386229

But. It still was bad.</spoiler>

>> No.8387256


>> No.8387337

[spoiler]Something I think would be good is to get a project site going, a forum works, anything works, just a place that you could direct people to have sustained work/thought on this might be a start.

The methodology seems a bit rough. You're basically doing double work in writing a full narrative of 1k - 5k words, which needs to introduce characters and setting, reveal a premise, and then conclude. 5k is about 30 pages in word. If it's going to stand a chance at getting user support, it will also need to be technically well written.

Then, that work will be broken down and turned into a script. Which will largely involve taking all of that work, copy pasting narrative, copy pasting dialogue, and then setting it to image, music, and possibly sprites.

The problem here is that VNs are presented in their immediacy. The language, pictures, and images are all fresh and even if you've read a summary, the use of language in it can be surprising. However, anyone who has read the narrative will largely be getting hit with old text, dulling the impact.

An idea might be to have submissions all be partials or to reveal submissions to the voting public as partials (i.e. they get the first 1k words, but not the rest). That way there's enough to judge the technical abilities of the writer and get the premise, but the resolution itself is hidden. This way the people who vote actually do have something on the line, in that they want to see how the story they voted on turns out.</spoiler>

>> No.8387515
File: 763 KB, 2800x1748, 1249242509699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Well, here goes nothing: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/
Submissions are now being accepted.

For people too lazy to follow links:
>Writers will submit short stories, which are then voted on by the community. The highest rated stories are then scripted into visual novel style, and artists and musicians create art and music for them. These mini-VNs are then released together as a single visual novel.
>The aim of the project is to create short and simple VN content. The plot does not need to be unique, the writing does not need to be brilliant, and the art and music do not need to be really pretty and detailed - just try your best to produce something. If people like it enough, it'll be included, and if not, at least you've made something and you'll probably learn from the process and criticism given.


>> No.8387522

> * Submissions can be 1000-5000 words, written in a style that would fit a visual novel. Please specify whether the story is in ADV style (text box at the bottom of the screen, such as Clannad) or NVL style (text overlaid on entire screen, such as Fate/stay night). The upper limit is intended to encourage short and simple stories rather than overly large projects.
> * Any genre or subject matter is allowed.
> * Stories can be placed on the wiki or sent to incompetentleader@yahoo.com to have them placed on the wiki for you. You can choose to have your name attached to the story or contribute anonymously. (Note that your IP is still visible when anonymously editing the wiki.)
> * Criticism is strongly encouraged. Please post comments on people's stories in the relevant threads or on the wiki discussion pages.
> * Submissions can be edited for improvement until the deadline. To edit them, just edit their wiki pages or send the updated version to incompetentleader@yahoo.com.
> * The deadline is January 31st, 2012, 12:00 PM GMT. Submissions and edits after this time are ignored. Voting will then start to see which stories are liked best.
> * The 5 highest rated stories will be included in the resulting visual novel.

If there is any disagreement about these guidelines, please post about it here.

Also a general question: What VN engine should we use? ONScripter? Kirikiri? Ren'Py?</spoiler>

>> No.8387527 [DELETED] 

Ren'Py will do just fine.

>> No.8387545

She's using Awesome. What a slut. She should be using DWM.</spoiler>

>> No.8387561

Not sure about kirikiri or onscripter but you can use ADV and NVL simultaneously with ren'py.

Each character has a different 'mode', specified when you present them at the start of the script. I like using ADV for dialog and NVL for narration, I think it looks prettier and it makes infodumps easier to digest.</spoiler>

>> No.8387608

forgot the rest of my post...

the only difference between ADV and NVL is that ADV only displays one line of text at a time. When a new one is displayed the old one is cleared. In ADV the programmer has to specify when the the textbox is cleared of all the old text.

the texboxes can have any size you want, by the way.
You could for example make a character called cellphone, set him to ADV mode and give him a tiny little textbox that appears on top of his sprite, and you could use it to display incoming text messages like in Steins;gate.

Just leaving this here in case one of the writers is interested.</spoiler>

>> No.8387636

>In ADV the programmer has to specify when the the textbox is cleared of all the old text.
You mean 'In NVL the scripter has to specify when the textbox is cleared of all the old text.'

ADV-style is not limited to displaying single blocks of text [saying 'lines' is confusing since you can use multiple sentences and multiple lines in a single block] either, though - you can have the text stop at some point and wait for user input to continue, without clearing the text box. Usually the text box is cleared, though.</spoiler>

>> No.8387652

Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry, I'm very tired.

And I didn't know you could display more than one text block on ADV mode, when did they change this?

anyway, I'm going to bed. Might submit something later.</spoiler>

>> No.8387665

No idea what it's like in Ren'Py, but at least commercial games have performed all kinds of trickery. The PS3 Umineko port even uses an ADV text box where text just scrolls out of the box if there's too much text.</spoiler>

>> No.8387669

[spoiler]Warehouse 2.0</spoiler>

>> No.8390144

[spoiler]The first story has been submitted, you can read it at http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/The_Girl .</spoiler>

>> No.8390166

[spoiler]What was wrong with the existing writing project? Are they alive?</spoiler>

>> No.8390405

I think you just answered your own question.</spoiler>

>> No.8390403


I wonder too
I was doing my ilustration...</spoiler>

>> No.8390426

[spoiler]I'm gonna submit my worlds fanfic. I hope you don't mind.</spoiler>

>> No.8390463

[spoiler]I'm working on a Fate fanfic, should be done in two months.</spoiler>

>> No.8390490

Last I checked it's alive. Just filled with people diligently working on submissions before the February deadline.</spoiler>

>> No.8390503

[spoiler]Just stop calling it a "magazine," and you'll be fine. If you're putting something on the internet, just use internet terminology. I respect your ambitions and all, but calling it a "magazine" makes you sound like a faggot.</spoiler>

>> No.8390501

I submitted my short story a few days ago. I'm guessing there's quite a few people still working on theirs.

I haven't seen much on the artists aside from the one that the guy putting the project together posted.</spoiler>

>> No.8390578
File: 72 KB, 801x587, nnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would gladly write something too but my english isnt much great...I will send this picture...If I finish it...Its nice to know is not dead yet</spoiler>

>> No.8390601

[spoiler]New submission received per e-mail: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/Untitled_story

What should it be called, then?</spoiler>

>> No.8390608


Anthology? Collection? Gate of Baby's First Stories lon?</spoiler>

>> No.8390799

4chan E-zine</spoiler>

>> No.8391522


>> No.8391539

Surly Hermits' Intriguing Tales</spoiler>

>> No.8391867

So obviously meta even this acronym

>> No.8392448


"Japanese board writing spaghetti"</spoiler>

>> No.8392890

[spoiler]the light novel magazine idea failed because /jp/ is full of uncreative fucks</spoiler>

>> No.8392896

Speaking of which, we still need a name for it. Any suggestions?</spoiler>

>> No.8392921

Pedophile Monthly</spoiler>

>> No.8392977

That's not very nice...

I think I'm kind of creative...</spoiler>

>> No.8393656


>> No.8393689

Since it's a visual novel thing, wouldn't it be more like "Surly Hermits' Illustrated Tales"?</spoiler>

>> No.8394521

[spoiler]Jumbled Plots and Varied Narratives
Jumble! JPVN Digest
Unreal Deal: A VN Digest</spoiler>

>> No.8394640

>Jumbled Plots and Varied Narratives
I'm sold.</spoiler>

>> No.8395592

[spoiler]Received another submission per e-mail: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/Murderball</spoiler>

>> No.8397610

[spoiler]Page 13 bump.</spoiler>

>> No.8398429

[spoiler]/jp/ sure is quick to lose interest.</spoiler>

>> No.8398441

Haven't lost interest, have just been too busy to contribute anything.</spoiler>

>> No.8398795

[spoiler]Just gonna bump.</spoiler>

>> No.8398827

[spoiler]Just give it up.</spoiler>

>> No.8398924

[spoiler]Just confirming because I might be mistaken.
The writing should be in VN script like right?
Or should it be like a novel's?</spoiler>

>> No.8398934

I was wondering that as well. I had a story idea but I'm not entirely clear as to what format the submission should be in.</spoiler>

>> No.8399451


I'm submitting mine in novel form. It seems that both formats have been submitted thus far. But I think that writing it in VN form makes it less accessible to voters rather than more.

Writing so far has really made me aware of how useful having visuals would be, especially in very strange settings.</spoiler>

>> No.8399646

After the deadline, all submitted stories will be used AS IS, not only for voting but also for use in the actual resulting VN. The usual style used for novels is very different from the usual style of a visual novel, so it can't simply be converted by an unrelated person - the author would have to rewrite parts of it (how much depends on the specific writing style) to fit in a visual novel style. This causes unnecessary complications in the process, as well as having the problem that the original submission is not representative of the resulting story.

I would like to stress that this is not some professional multi-stage novel writing competition. Please just try to contribute something without worrying too much about having to change many things or otherwise being obligated to do things after submission - as the aim is mainly to get people from /jp/ to produce original content, I'm trying to keep the entry barrier as low as possible. If you just want to anonymously submit that one story you wrote recently and vanish back into anonymity, that's fine too.</spoiler>

>> No.8400030

[spoiler]I'd recommend changing that methodology for a lot of reasons.

The VN isn't just going to make itself, if not the author of the work, who is going to pick 1) where music is needed. 2) where art is needed. Decisions need to be made for each story and often the author is the person who can clarify questions that might arise from the art talent. The conversion process for each story will require someone making decisions.

Just copy pasting the raw text is going to make projects inferior.Some things may break down into a VN really easily but the author would be the best person to just do the minor edits required to make the conversion.

My advice: allow authors to volunteer to work on the next phase and request that other people volunteer when the author is unable to do so. That way the author can be involved if they like, or they can pass the football and see what someone else does with it.</spoiler>

>> No.8400954

That was exactly the plan.
>My advice: allow authors to volunteer to work on the next phase and request that other people volunteer when the author is unable to do so.
Authors are free to help with the rest of the process, pointing out how they imagine it should be as well as giving feedback on how things work out. I'm just saying it's not mandatory.

>The conversion process for each story will require someone making decisions.
>Just copy pasting the raw text is going to make projects inferior.Some things may break down into a VN really easily but the author would be the best person to just do the minor edits required to make the conversion.
I guess I was a bit unclear with my last post. I meant that all contributions should be written in a way that can be copypasted into a visual novel. In other words, already 'converted' to VN style (or originally written like that). You are free to submit in novel-style, but keep in mind it will be used as you submit it, and it might not fit in a VN if you haven't 'converted' it enough after writing it in novel-style.

Simply put: Make the edits NOW, you won't get to make them after the deadline, and nobody will be rewriting anything for you. Or better yet, try writing in VN style to begin with, as that makes the writing feel more natural and eliminates the need for any 'conversion' work.</spoiler>

>> No.8401000

[spoiler]Converting a short story to VN format isn't as difficult as you make it sound... It takes a long evening at most. All you have to do is break up the text into different scenes, declare bg changes, sound effects, transitions, etc.

Of course, writing the actual ren'py script takes much longer and it can be very tiring. But the author can't help with that.

In my opinion Prinny's story would be the easiest to turn into a VN, since it takes place in just one location and only has a couple of characters, putting less of a strain on the artist and making him less likely to quit. You can replace a coder or a writer easily, artists not so much</spoiler>

>> No.8401347

>All you have to do is break up the text into different scenes, declare bg changes, sound effects, transitions, etc.
That's where you're wrong. It's not just 'breaking up the text', the text itself is different when you're writing a visual novel.
>I had finally arrived at the school gate. The gate was old and traditional-looking; simple vertical metal bars connected together through a simple horizontal bar at the top and the bottom. Before me stood a tall girl, with long, brown hair. As her beautiful long brown hair swayed in the wind, I noticed she was wearing a school uniform -- white with red, buttons neatly arranged from top to bottom and a long, green skirt. But more noticeable than anything else was the logo on the uniform - a yellow lion between two curvy letters, an 'H' and an 'S'. Yes, it was the uniform all girls in our school wore. This girl was standing in front of the gate, her arms folded and her expression bored. It was clear she was waiting for someone.
If a writer puts this in a visual novel script, I become violent. The proper way to do this is:
>(Background: School gate. Character sprite: The girl in question (pose: waiting))
>Before me stood a tall girl wearing our school's uniform. Her beautiful long brown hair was swaying in the wind as she waited for someone to arrive.
You'd bore the reader to death if you used the same descriptiveness you use in print novels in visual novels.</spoiler>

>> No.8401352

It's not just about graphical descriptions, it's about any elements which can be told visually or through audio (including timing issues, as you can't play as freely with time without breaking the flow, indication of who is performing a certain action or speaking (use the graphics for that, dammit) and actions that can be implied rather than described (which often end up pulling the reader in even more; think of moments such as a punching sound followed by a shocked sprite rather than the dull "His fist flew at his ally's face in a furious strike. Leonard stumbled backwards in shock, not in the least expecting such a display of violence.'))</spoiler>

>> No.8403495


>> No.8405380

[spoiler]No posts and no contributions (or OP isn't adding them). Is this project still going anywhere?</spoiler>

>> No.8405387

of course not</spoiler>

>> No.8405463

It's kind of demotivating. If there's such a lack of interest in this project, I doubt we'll be able to get any artists...</spoiler>

>> No.8405529



I'm just working on it a bit more. I plan to just write out a good intro chapter and try to turn that into part of this project.

Song Needed:

Horror Remix of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXD1gpMsp8E&feature=related</spoiler>

>> No.8405655

if you're the leader, you can't say things like this even if you want to.

it hasn't even been a week yet and it looks to me like you've got some contributions, even if nothing's come in the past two days or so. it's okay even if you can't make it into a regular-issue magazine, as long as you're getting contributions every so often you can make something.

tl;dr don't expect a biblical flood, contributions take time. good stories are rarely written in a week, especially not by amateurs like us.

getting people to make art is probably going to be the hard part. if that's what you meant then i can see why you would feel that way. you'll be hard pressed to find someone willing to make art for a story they don't love for no charge unless you find a very dedicated artist looking to practice.</spoiler>

>> No.8406152


Agree. But I didn't read your TL;DR. Because it was too long. So I didn't read it.</spoiler>

>> No.8406185

I second this anon.</spoiler>

>> No.8408052


>> No.8410909

[spoiler]Nobody's given any criticism yet? I've been too busy this past week, but I'd expected at least some other people would've given criticism.

My first impression of it is that it's very novel-like. Personally, I hate novel-like writing (the reason I stopped reading novels once I found other kinds of written fiction), but I guess the overly elaborate yet inefficient wording is a plus for some.

In general, the story was very hard to get into, having a very slow and boring start, but it does get a lot better when you push on and finish it. The twist at the end was great, and the story is pretty memorable.

As for the slow start, the story starts with a long and boring description of the town 'Port Pleasant'. At the moment I start reading the story, I have no reason whatsoever to care about this Port Pleasant. I don't find it interesting in any way, and it gives a terrible first impression. An introduction like this is similar to a tutorial in a video game; I understand that it can be necessary, but please, don't bore the reader/player to death with it before they can start to enjoy it. In video games, the advice is generally to integrate the tutorial into the gameplay; rather than giving a boring explanation at the start, just have level 1 require only the simplest controls, then add new functionality in level 2, etc. I think the same can be said about writing; don't infodump about the town at the very start of the story, explain things as they become relevant (or even better, just imply them). It felt like a chore to get through the introduction because the story itself didn't start until 4 paragraphs in (after which the story continues to start very slowly, until it finally becomes something more tangible in the second part in italics).

>> No.8410976

[spoiler](Continued from >>8410909)
The worst part of this long setting introduction is that MOST OF IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. We never hear anything about Port Pleasant after that, only about the woods that make up less than 25% of the description. Even after reading the story, I have no reason to care about Port Pleasant.

The writing is sometimes overly descriptive, especially for a visual novel.
>Deep in the woods where not even the children or teenagers went, was a small clearing with a wooden shack. The small wooden structure was left untouched by even nature. An invisible umbrella kept snow and rain off of the clearing and invisible walls kept everyone and everything out. Proudly, the ten-by-thirteen shack sat on its carpet of autumn leaves. Two windows on every wall of the house gave the sole inhabitant of the shack a perfect view of the scenery.
Almost all of this could be explained with a single picture. I don't really care what it looks like in detail, how big it is, what kind of leaves surround it, or how many windows there are or where. Just say it's small and she can see the entire surroundings through the windows, and the picture (in the visual novel) or my imagination (in a normal novel) can do the rest. Then again, this is extremely common in novels, and might just be something that only bothers me.
(Continued...4chan post length is too short)</spoiler>

>> No.8410988

[spoiler](Continued from >>8410976)

>When the girl’s father was exiled from their village and forced her and her ten year old sister to move out to the middle of nowhere to start a new life, she was optimistic.
When a sentence is overly long, especially one which describes complicated actions which, in creative writing, tend to require a lot of thinking to process clearly into a mental image, the kind that is necessary for a reader to enjoy a story properly, you don't want the most important part to be at the end of it. The main information of the sentence just now is 'when a sentence is overly long you don't want the most important part to be at the end of it'. The reader wants to know WHAT HAPPENS when the condition is fulfilled first, before wanting to hear all about the condition that make this result true. Try to put it earlier in the sentence, or break up the sentence into multiple sentences. 'When a sentence is overly long, you don't want the most important part to be at the end of it. This goes especially for sentences which describe complicated actions. In creative thinking, such sentences require a lot of thinking to form a clear mental image, and such a mental image is required for a reader to enjoy a story properly.'

Plot-wise, there were two other things that bothered me:
-[spoiler]Why was the girl suddenly bound to the house rather than the clearing? Her sister being excluded from the clearing, but no explanation is given as to why the spell suddenly bound the reader to a smaller area.[/spoiler]
-[spoiler]What the hell's up with the father, and why did the reader have no idea about it before the grand reveal? He quite clearly has some mental problems, but there weren't even any subtle hints towards that before the twist. This is what people generally call an 'asspull'; a twist coming out of the blue with no foreshadowing whatsoever.[/spoiler]


>> No.8411010

[spoiler](Continued from >>8410988)

Finally, some issues that seem to be spelling/grammar issues:
>The girl debated retracing her steps back home and finding her sister than home.
I'm not a native English speaker, but dictionaries also seem to suggest this usage of 'than' is invalid. Is this just some really obscure usage I don't know about, or...?
>[spoiler]Any world outside of the common man’s vocabulary would be sufficient when it comes to making up diseases.[/spoiler]
I think you meant 'any word'?
>[spoiler]One the soul is released from the body[/spoiler]
Pretty sure you meant 'once' instead of 'one'.
>[spoiler]The area I bound you two is the clearing that surrounds our house.[/spoiler]
You probably meant either [spoiler]the area I bound you to[/spoiler] or [spoiler]the area I bound you two to[/spoiler].
>[spoiler]looking out of its new cage as its sisters flew free[/spoiler]
There's only one sister, so that one should be singular, not plural, unless I'm missing something.

Definitely an interesting story, just very hard to start - the start of the story had me distracted by more interesting things multiple times.</spoiler>

>> No.8411238


>> No.8412150

Thanks for the feedback! I will make the necessary changes right away.</spoiler>

>> No.8414562


>> No.8414715

[spoiler]Seems interesting, mind to make a list of vacants?
I'll may be able to help somehow and someone could be interested.</spoiler>

>> No.8417972

[spoiler]This needs an IRC channel.
Incompetent Leader, go start an IRC channel. On Rizon.

Also, why the short deadline?
That doesn't exactly leave much time for the ever-important editing procees.</spoiler>

>> No.8418058

>Also, why the short deadline?
>That doesn't exactly leave much time for the ever-important editing procees.
To lower the entry barrier and prevent people from trying too make something too big. I could make this a 'submit an entire VN, deadline is in half a year' contest, but then there'd be no submissions. This is /jp/, and /jp/ has been proven fully capable of completing minor submissions, yet incapable of finishing anything larger. I want people to submit something short and simple now, not something amazing they've worked on for weeks in two months.

There will be no organized 'editing process' with a specifically appointed editor telling you what's right and what's wrong about your story. The only suggestions you get are the criticism offered by other users, such as >>8410909. You are free to modify your submission for improvement at any time until the deadline.

What do you mean by a 'list of vacants'?</spoiler>

>> No.8418076

Makes sense, though I think the word limit should cover that well enough anyway.
I wasn't thinking of appointing editors or anything though. I was just thinking of the part where the writer goes over his text again and again and iterate over it to make it less bad.
A first draft tends to have lots of room for improvement, regardless of its length.

Anyway, I might submit a piece for this. Depends on if I'll have enough time to get it edited and going (what with uni starting up again... tomorrow.)
So, how 'bout that IRC channel? If anything, the people putting together the resulting VN could have lots of use for it.
Real-time chat tends to be awesome.</spoiler>

>> No.8418093

Trying to make it, taking a while. Sorry, not too used to IRC.</spoiler>

>> No.8419025

[spoiler]IRC channel should be up now, the name is #jpvn (we still don't have a name) at the Rizon server.</spoiler>

>> No.8419375

And for those without an IRC client, here's a link to Rizon's webclient. Just type in #jpvn and you're good to go.


>> No.8420484


>> No.8420960

[spoiler]Received another submission: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/Untitled_story_2</spoiler>

>> No.8421957

Why not just call it JPVN?</spoiler>

>> No.8423619

[spoiler]Received another submission: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/Untitled_story_3

People really should name their stories when they submit it per e-mail. "Untitled story" generally doesn't grab many readers' attention.</spoiler>

>> No.8423698
File: 1 KB, 139x87, rainy soul miasma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitter Zephyrs ride black alleys
>That distorts a grey moons gaze.
>Pondering round corners,
>Searching, seeking for
>ways out of labyrinths
>Of stone, and glass, and metal.
>The bridges rust and the black-bricks
>Crumble, the miasma thickens
>Round the paths, showered
>In sickly red rays that swarms
>From ancient touches that bleed out
>Crimson tainted rays.</spoiler>

>> No.8423795

[spoiler]Sorry Incom, as stated: Haven't thought of a proper name for it yet. call it "Codename: It's so wonderful" for now.</spoiler>

>> No.8423802

[spoiler]I'll take that as a complement (I think)

>> No.8423854

If you were going for cheesy cliched emo poetry, I guess.</spoiler>

>> No.8423873

Eh, his writing was pretty solid in my opinion. Poem is nothing revolutionary, but it's illustrative. His descriptive language for the narrative is evocative and his diction is solid. I only see small grammar and spelling problems. I enjoyed the read.

This could make a pretty interesting short. I'd vote for it.</spoiler>

>> No.8424238

Mixed feelings on this one. The story is interesting enough, but the writing needs some serious work.

In general, the story just lacks...feeling, I guess. The information (what happens) is conveyed clearly, but the emotion (what it feels like) is missing. For example...
>They stop a few feet from me and form a circle around me. The number of them seems to blur, three becoming five and five becoming ten then twenty. Its stifling. Its hard to breathe just with them looking at me, though that is the least of my worries. They close in and I collapse to my knees, covering my head and weeping. They hit me with their tiny balled-up fists and kick me in the gut, each fist weighing hundreds of pounds, each kick breaking ribs and striking organs.
I can envision the scene in my head, but it just happens. It sounds like something emotionally heavy, but I'm just observing it from a distance. Especially the last sentence doesn't do the scene justice; apparently he's taking quite a beating, but it's told in one quick informative sentence. It lets me know that he's being beat up, but I can't feel his pain.
>A fist pounds against my body, and I start to feel pain from my stomach. Then, another one, and my arm starts hurting. Another one. And another one. My entire body starts hurting. But they keep pounding my body, and they even start kicking. It hurts. It hurts, but I can't defend myself against them. They keep hitting and kicking me. Pain. I feel my ribs breaking. Won't somebody...please help me...?
Try to make the reader imagine how the protagonist is feeling. I can tell he got beat up by just reading it, but you need to get me more involved to make me understand how terrible an experience it was to him. This goes for the entire story; I read about what the protagonist is doing, but I never feel like I'm there, seeing it actually happen.


>> No.8424252

[spoiler](Continued from >>8424238)

After waking up, the setting is completely unclear for a while. The mention of a classroom made me think he just fell asleep at school, but that doesn't match up with some of the things that come after it. It isn't until we get to his explanation on what he's doing that we know he's in an elementary school classroom. This makes the dialogue that comes before it difficult to follow (what do you mean by 'letting me in'??) and hides the fact that Miki is actually a cute loli (at least, she is, right? You never even confirm that; she could even just be a young teacher).

Speaking of the loli, she seems quite mature for a loli. Not saying that's a bad thing (is done on purpose often enough), but it is peculiar.

It's unclear at first who the protagonist after the protagonist switch. Context suggests it had switched to the loli, but there never was any indication the story had switched protagonists, and there is no strong evidence to confirm that the loli is currently the protagonist until later on.

The suspenseful situation that follows is interesting and builds up well, but has a terrible anticlimax. [spoiler]Guy steps out of classroom. I see metal arm. Guy punches teacher. I run.[/spoiler] And that's it! It's not just how easily it went, it just lacks any feeling! It didn't feel like she [spoiler]absolutely needed to be rescued at that point[/spoiler], it didn't feel like she was genuinely surprised by his appearance, it didn't feel like [spoiler]punching the teacher[/spoiler] was an emotional thing for both characters, it didn't feel exciting at all!


>> No.8424262

[spoiler](Continued from >>8424252)

[spoiler]Am I going to be raped...?
"Somebody...save me..."
A clicking noise.
Suddenly, I see nothing but a bright light.
Blinded by the light, the teacher removes his hands from my skirt to cover his eyes.
What's going on...??
In the bright light, a familiar silhouette appears.
A thin boy. Average height. Scruffy hair.
"I will put this memory to rest."
The silhouette speaks in a familiar voice.
"I can't go back to those days, to that place. But I can make things right, here and now!"
I can see him a bit clearer now. What is that...thing? I see some huge, metallic, shining object. That shape...is it an arm?
That couldn't possible be an arm. But yet, it's attached to the boy's arm. Am I dreaming...?
I hear a sickening crunch.
The boy's metallic arm had struck the teacher in the face, and the teacher flew backwards and smashed into the wall.
What's going on, what's going on?
The boy just punched the teacher...! Isn't this bad...?!
I start running, running, running until I leave the school, running until I can't run anymore.[/spoiler]
Make the reader feel how the protagonist feels, it's much more interesting that way.

There are also a lot of minor issues which need to be fixed, such as awkward grammar, sentences not flowing well, confusing "its" and "it's", typo's and dialogue that doesn't feel natural. Re-read and spellcheck your work and check if there are things that just sound wrong.

The difficult part of writing isn't imagining a story in your head, but translating that story in your head to text that makes others experience that same story. Your story definitely is interesting, but you still need to practice more on conveying that awesome story in your head to the readers.</spoiler>

>> No.8424311

[spoiler]New submission: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/The_Princess_Gospel</spoiler>

>> No.8427387


>> No.8427408

[spoiler]you guys know that most H megazine have a section to feature new VNs, usually with each completed with a few colored "manga" pages right?</spoiler>

>> No.8429813

Hmm... You thought it was cheesy? I only really used that as a narrative hook to get the viewer in. I suppouse I can get rid of it if you want. My intention was not to be 'emoish'. This been done before then?</spoiler>

>> No.8430114

My problem is that it's a whole lot of 'difficult' words saying absolutely nothing, and they happen to be mostly 'dark and edgy' words.
>rust (to indicate decay)
>sickly red rays
>bleed out
Most of those words don't actually say anything the way they're used, and the ones that do are still 'DARK SYMBOLISM OF MY TORMENTED SOUL'.</spoiler>

>> No.8432552


>> No.8432592

[spoiler]I kind of feel like doing this but feel like I won't finish anything in time and also the censored text is making it annoying to read everything even with ctrl + a</spoiler>

>> No.8432592,1 [INTERNAL] 

Incompetent Leader was incompetent. Meanwhile, Nocturnes is already releasing 2nd issue in a couple weeks with a team of smart editors and designers with /a/jp/ marketing that doesnt hurt project at all.

>> No.8432592,2 [INTERNAL] 

WHy did you bump this eyesore of a thread, nerd?

>> No.8432592,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's a nice thread, though I wish he hadn't chose a SOPA one.

Shame the project died.
