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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 573 KB, 320x240, rongasm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
83552 No.83552 [Reply] [Original]

Morning Mahjong exercise go!


>> No.83694
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>> No.83864
File: 16 KB, 679x92, 1204047289697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the hell I can't go out? isn't a one-han hand?

>> No.85641
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, 1204062539157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that intensional?

>> No.86046
File: 152 KB, 746x1064, 1204065611822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross posting from /a/ cause i know you guys in /jp/ want it too. Will be released later tonight.

>> No.86148
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>> No.86156
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>> No.86158
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>> No.86193
File: 40 KB, 79x210, 1204067062139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone care to translate what these stats mean? I know the first one is number of the played games and the ones with numbers positions finished. But the rest?

>> No.86203
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>> No.86546
File: 59 KB, 757x640, 1204070153346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this yesterday

>> No.86564
File: 69 KB, 758x626, 1204070281306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this was in the 4chan lobby, nearly pissed myself when he kanned his 3 dora into 8

>> No.86584
File: 62 KB, 736x634, 1204070470966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when my name was panus, i loled when i got this hand.

>> No.86588
File: 61 KB, 733x627, 1204070501451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the second hand of that same game, lols happened again

>> No.86629
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>> No.86684
File: 67 KB, 756x638, 1204071252409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i coulda hit shotacat and gotten 1st.

>> No.86689
File: 334 KB, 1882x492, 1204071300513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86692
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my friend's discard pile is made of massive lulz.

>> No.86703
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>> No.86749
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bumping with crossovers.

>> No.86766
File: 707 KB, 1024x768, 1204071863301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best final score I got in any Mahjong game, I wish this was in Tenhou.

>> No.83604

come and play, fuckers.

>> No.83635

we demand moar anons

>> No.83656

how does one play mahjong

>> No.83658

On that site*

>> No.83667

With mouse and awesome.

>> No.83709

I just found a complete Mahjong set on the attic, sadly no cool score sticks though, instead it has plastic chips.

>> No.83718

0:8, bah

>> No.83729

Sounds Chinese.

>> No.83744


yeah, it has flower and season tiles as well, can just play akagi version mahjong with it though.

>> No.87337
File: 171 KB, 1024x737, 1204075312520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's my biggest hand

>> No.83833

Chinese and Japanese Mahjong sets are exactly the same, if you want to use Japanese rules all you have to do is get rid of the flower tiles. Also, the "white dragon" usually has a blue rectangle in it instead of being completely white.

>> No.83873


Not if it's open.

>> No.83880


If you're playing in the top most room, you can't win on Tan Yao. Play the room second from the top.

>> No.83884


>> No.83910


>> No.83926


That's a valid hand. Looks buggy to me.

>> No.83945

care to explain what tan yao is? I've already declared wins with this kind of hand before, this is the first time I was unable to, and since I draw the tile the furiten doesn't aply

>> No.83954


aka All Simples, suit tiles from 2-8. I know for a fact that you can't win with it in the top most room. Like I said, second from the top you can.

>> No.83966

so tao yan = inside hand?
as I said before, I've already declared wins with that hand before, since it's worth 1-han which is the requeriment to declare a win

>> No.83986

Well, at least that explains why I'd have turns where I can't call reach for some "trivial" tile I need.
How do you get people to migrate rooms though? On most occasions, trying to do that creates rooms of one or two people waiting a long time for other people to join.

>> No.83979


But like I keep asking, which room are you playing in? The top one?

>> No.84009

top left, not the first time I've played in it

>> No.84015


You can't win with Inside Hand on the top left. Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that the previous times you won with that hand in that room, your hand was open and had no other han in it? Because that's impossible.

>> No.84042

yup, absolutely sure, I have a really shitty luck, so 50% of the time I go for this hand

>> No.84049


You probably accidentally had something else that gave you your han, then. Trust me, it's impossible to win with Inside Hand in the top left room! If you don't believe me, try and do it again and it won't work.

>> No.87715
File: 85 KB, 592x266, 1204078371095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAH I just lost while waiting in riichi with golden pairs for the second time today!

>> No.84088

Ok... but why not? the only requisite in that room is for your hand to be worth at least 1-han

>> No.84130


I don't know, I didn't create the website. I guess some players think that Inside Hand is too easy to get, so too many people just rush for that. That's why they give the option of having rooms with and without it.

>> No.84145

Don't leave when I start getting lucky...


>> No.84232

Dear god, i have never gotten raped this badly.

>> No.84283


you can't wih with an open inside hand on games in the first row. anon usually plays in that row for two reasons:

1. it is the first thing to click so people click it naturally
2. anon is a crybaby faggot who wants to make artificial power hands and therefore will only play in the top row

if you really campaign you might get 4 anons to play in the 2nd or 3rd rows, but i just play against japs

>> No.84295

Needs more bottom row 3-player games.

>> No.84398

Thank you SCDL for staying all the way in!

To Anoymous and jssjdjdd: I was just lucky. Why did you 2 ran?

>> No.88216
File: 223 KB, 734x626, 1204082839415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest hand. Too bad about half of this was doras...

>> No.84458

How the hell could I deal into a ron 3 times in a row...

>> No.84622

that game was ZAWA ZAWA

>> No.84625

What kind of difference is the 4th from the top?

>> No.88521
File: 315 KB, 985x1489, 1204086413972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85218

I was jssjdjdd. I had to leave for work. Now that I'm here, I might play again!
I had fun, even though I don't really know how to play.

>> No.85231


4th row is like the 3rd one (red fives) but with shorter time limits

>> No.85332



>> No.85428

Thldomde here. Sorry guys, my connection just crapped out so bad it won't let me rejoin the game I'm in.

>> No.85658

in b4 typo error

>> No.85654

I don't belive it

>> No.85700

Fuck yeah I barely know how to play Mahjong

I think I know all the numbers, and I just don't remember what east/south winds are.

>> No.85743


I don't think it was, but I was playing shit in that game, so I'm afraid to give a definite answer.

>> No.85826

c'mon just one to start a game

>> No.85853

need one more to the 2nd room

>> No.85877

I only play the first and third rooms, depending on if I feel like playing with red 5's or not. Anyone trying to win with nothing but an open tanyao is trash.

>> No.85869


>> No.85882

? When your connection craps out, you are signed in to the game automatically when you go back. Unless you're an unregisteredfag.

>> No.85910


lol i see people are still calling open kans when they already have a set of 3 in their hands

>> No.85917

Normally, yes. But sometimes if I'm reconnecting and it hiccups again, it throws me out of the game completely. I can log back in and watch my own game, though, or join another one.

>> No.85968

Whoever was orr in room three last game, good job.

Also, in all my two days of Mahjong, I still haven't dealed into a single ron.


>> No.85990

>Anyone trying to win with nothing but an open tanyao is trash.
QFT. People who do this are the worst kind of sub-human garbage dredged up from the bottom of the sea.

>> No.85984


is that a bad thing?

>> No.86012


Winning with 1000-2000 point hands isn't very fun, either way.

>> No.86025

And I just delt into a 1000 point ron to orr.


>> No.86035

It opens your hand unless already open and may benefit other players with some doras. So unless you're feeling really lucky or there's a reason for you to have all of those tiles...

>> No.86038

can't believe how lucky I was all the time

>> No.86040


Hrm, true.

>> No.86066


GG on that game.

>> No.86076

Yeah, I actually feel dirty any time I do this. Except when an opponent's exposed tiles indicate that his hand is going to be monstrous. Then a cheap hand becomes a method of escape. But when someone goes out on the 5th or 6th turn with a 1000 point hand, I just want to reach through the tubes and smack them.

>> No.86116

I honestly just go for a ron.

Chances are, I never get one anywhere near the 5th turn.

>> No.86123

I do that in last few rounds if i have a good lead.

>> No.86154

I tend to just stick to playing closed hands, trying to be adventurous has so far only led me to having 0-han hands.

>> No.86159


Just glad I didn't play into one of his hands, heh.

>> No.86168

I did... 3 times

>> No.86178


Yeah.. you weren't very lucky there.

>> No.86217

God why won't this game end
It sucks being at last with only 4k points

>> No.86227

The biggest I've ever seen was one of my own, a 10900 tsumo

>> No.86221

Has anyone here ever seen any monstrous hands, like a sanbaiman or yakuman. If not, then what's the biggest hand you've seen?

>> No.86238

I tsumo'd a non-dealer dai suu shi once.

>> No.86234


I saw a 24000 point hand this morning, biggest I've gotten is 18000.

>> No.86260

Fuck yeah, ended that game with 2200.

>> No.86273


I've got almost 200 played games on my Tenhou account, and I managed to get a Yakuman on the very first turn of the very first round off a ron that ended the game (-32,000 will put anyone under 0). Happened long ago and Tenhou only keeps a log of the last 100 games, so no killer screencap.

>> No.86331

Best hand I've managed is chi-toitsu, honitsu, dora 2. I was aiming for just a honitsu but my chi doubled itself in my draws, I didn't get a chance to pon my pairs, and everything fell into place.

>> No.86529

How/where do you register for tenhou anyway? I can't find any signup page.

>> No.86576


>> No.86604

The game ends after that, doesn't it?

>> No.86656

One thing I often see in the main lobby is green kanji after the name and different kinds of bars (from blue->white, full blue, red->white).

What does this indicate?

>> No.86693


Had a one-round game just now. See above link. I didn't even believe I was going to get daisangen. I was expecting shosangen and honitsu.

>> No.86717

>Nobody knows what Spunky is doing..

>> No.86721

wow nice. thats why 3-player is fun

>> No.86769

>Best final score I got in any Mahjong game, I wish this was in strip-jon


>> No.86776

>Best final score I got in any Mahjong game, I wish this was in Tinklebell

>> No.86836


>> No.87262

it also prevents you from drawing a tile you might actually use to get closer to winning, which is worse because of the limited number of draws. TILE ADVANTAGE

対戦数 number of matches
平均得点 average score
平均順位 average position
1位率 first place rate
2位率 second place rate
3位率 third place rate
4位率 fourth place rate
飛び率 - % of getting busted (under 0 points)
和了率 - % of winning your hand
放銃率 - % of getting ron'ed
副露率 - % of chi-ing/pon-ing

>> No.87317


hmm, why reach with this hand?

>> No.87331


>> No.87796

wait: that's an old screen isn't it?

>> No.87966

yes, from back in january

>> No.88008

someone explain what zawa zawa is

>> No.88266

what is the first thing on the list?

>> No.88396


sound of people talking in the background (despair)

>> No.88392

his/table wind I bet.

>> No.88398


>> No.88406

give me account bitch

>> No.88411

Is open riichi a special akagi mahjong rule?

>> No.88506

no, but it's not a standard rule

>> No.88525

do I hear eurobeat?

>> No.88536


The IOSYS sample?

>> No.88559

Which of Redalice's albums is this from?

>> No.88572


what am i watching?

>> No.88606

age for mahjong.

>> No.88661


about 15 minutes of ざわ・・・ ざわ・・・
