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8352748 No.8352748 [Reply] [Original]

Had any interesting dreams lately /jp/? Any erotic ones you'd care to share? (Not jacking off helps)

>> No.8352754

I had a dream I was playing in a DDR tournament that was taking place in the back of a moving truck. I got 6 Almosts on Max 300 due to the truck making hard turns while playing, but it was still a AA since my timing was good. Also, the notechart in the dream was frighteningly accurate. I've played that song too many times, it seems.

>> No.8352761

I had a dream that I was moving into a new apartment with a mysterious stranger who was apparently my friend and roommate. After unpacking and getting settled, we realized that we were both unemployed and had no reliable way to pay the rent. Our neighbor, overhearing our financial woes, calls us over with his deep, booming voice. We arrive at the neighboring apartment only to realize that it is occupied by a killer whale. He explains to us that he would be willing to help us pay rent in exchange for some favors. These favors included helping him live out one of his specific sexual fantasies involving bondage and blindfolds. We agreed and began to secure the killer whale to the ceiling using specially crafted bondage equipment. After he was suspended and blindfolded, my roommate pulled down his pants and approached the whale's tailhole, which was conveniently located at waist height. After pumping away for several minutes, simultaneously stimulating the whale's penis that was pressed between its own body and my roommate's chest, they both came, sending flurries of semen all over themselves and around the room. After a brief pause, collecting themselves from the afterglow, the killer whale, still wearing his black, semen-coated blindfold, gesturing at me with his fins, simply said, "Kiss me." So there I was, snowballing with a killer whale suspended from the ceiling in the neighboring apartment, while my throat was being invaded by warm, slippery whale tongue. As I explored the various textures of his tongue, teeth, and skin, I woke up.

>> No.8352763

Is it weird to return to the same place more than once in different dreams? I'm pretty sure it's some fictional world my mind created, but everything there is constant - the people, the locations of everything, and they remember me too

>> No.8352762

>Any erotic ones you'd care to share
I wish I did, but I can't resist the urge to fap.
/jp/ isn't helping.

>> No.8352792 [DELETED] 

I have my own fantasy/harem setting I go to in my dreams. I could probably fill half a dozen novels with the lame dream-adventures I've gone on for the past four or five years. I rarely lucid dream but everything's consistent and memorable, so it all feels pretty real. I guess my sleeping hours are a lot more interesting and important to me than my waking ones.

>> No.8352793

I jack off so that I don't have erotic dreams, they make me sad.

>> No.8352794

I had a dream C81 was happening next door to my house.
That one was a bit bizarre, to say the least.

>> No.8352856

Same, I've even had someone recognize me in dreams and call out to me while I didn't remember them.

Am I losing touch with reality, /jp/?

>> No.8352870

I had a dream that spiders the size of my head were coming out my toilet. The only way to kill them was with scolding hot water. Apparently spiders scream

>> No.8352871

I was screwing around with KOFXIII as Vice when suddenly my joystick turned phallic, i tried dooing some hoppity hoops when suddenly all hell broke loose into another transformation now into a jetplane flying 30000000mph around the earth a few laps, after a while i lost about a quarter of the speed so a hole leading straight into the hollow earth clearly manifested itself in one of the jesus lanes devoid of any water (cause of friction) sharks and other mammals lay burning dead along the tracks- a dramatic hero theme played before the plane came to a complete stop into some large city due to lack of energy bars. vice is pretty.
ver.code: physical amerifi

>> No.8352876
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alright this is a weird as HELL dream so bear wit me hear

i was in my bed in the basement and suddenly a fire started in the kicthen so i'm like holy HELL i gatta check whats happenin

so in the kitchen i noticed it was hard to walk and i had big shoes, i looked at my hands and it had gloves on


weird as HELL huh

>> No.8352919

Had one where I was on a bus that broke down on a random road not 25 miles away that was surrounded on all sides by a cornfield. We broke down for some reason then everyone started to run away from the road that was going downhill. Eventually I saw it was some biker looking guy just casually walking towards us with a gun in his hand.

I hid under the bus in an attempt to hide from him. He saw me, drug me out from under the bus, and shot me in the head. Apparently, that put me in a coma for 6 months instead of killing me, and my brain was pretty scrambled.

The dream ended with me relearning how to walk and talk.

>> No.8352957

School trip to USA with my junior high school
I meet Toshino Kyoko
Then I tried shopping in a Swedish import store for Finnish bear(lapin kulta) and Julmust, but I couldn't buy anything since they'd only accept the gold standard.

>> No.8353039

I had dreamt last night that I was back in high school being tormented by someone in my class. For some reason, I also had super strength. Some guy had taken my cheap ass MP3 player and started looking through it. Obviously, I didn't want him blurting out all the Japanese names of the music I was listening to at the time so I wrung his neck until he passed out. A teacher walked in and freaked out and I went home. On the way home I was walking with some people and they asked me how I managed to to make this rather large guy pass out. I told them I had strength and I proved it by cracking open a coconut which was on the ground open and handed pieces out.
That's all I remember from the first half. Personally, I'd say part was rather normal for me, I have violent dreams about people I used to know all the time, which is odd since I wasn't bullied or anything and high school was years ago.
I remember walking home (in the completely opposite direction) with the other people who had super powers. I remember one could throw fire, one who could manipulate wind and one which large breasts whose power I don't remember. There was one more with the power to rewrite events, emotions and the surroundings according to her will, but she went on ahead as she was rather shy.
As we turned the corner, we saw the one who went on ahead. She was sitting at a table writing in her book. I smiled at her as I walked past and waved off big tits. As I was carrying on. The usually shy girl called out to me and ran towards me with a nose bleed. I asked her why she had a nose bleed and she told me she saw me trip a flag. I asked her who I tripped this flag with and she looked the opposite direction and said "With me." I remember asking her why she would like me, but she would just grin and carry on walking slightly ahead of me. It was a really bizarre feeling having her say that to me and then there is another blank spot which I must have forgotten.

>> No.8353060

While walking along with her, I pointed up at the sky and told her to look. There were three contrails in the sky, all in a straight line and the sun was setting so it had a red glow to it. It really was amazing and so I commented on how beautiful it was. Soon after glowing white balls started gliding across the sky. Obviously I was shocked by it, but that only lasted for a few seconds since I realised she was abusing her powers just to amaze me. As soon as I called her out on it, once again, she just grinned, but this time she walked besides me and began to warp the entire scenery around us. We went from a quiet countryside walkway to a bustling city with a starry sky and flashing lights coming from the near by shops and arcades. At this point I remember getting really embarrassed since I thought I was too sweaty (I must have had my nose close to my pits in my sleep) from school to be in the city with such a cute girl which I commented on, so she used her power to clean me up. For some reason I jumped closer to her and linked arms with her and she told me I tripped another flag which embarrassed me, so I told her to stop saying that and she just replied with another grin.
While we walked along a guy began laughing at me and claimed I looked like a girl, linking arms with a pretty girl who is at least 3 inches taller than me. I was just going to ignore him, but the girl unlinked arms with me and instead held my hands. We carried on walking to a secluded area and she told me this is the end and she wanted to kiss me goodbye. We shared a very awkward kiss and she smiled at me one last time and then I woke up to the sound of my mother laughing downstairs.
I realised that my emotions had been manipulated through out my whole dream and I've felt kind of odd all day. The second half of the dream has been going though my head over and over.
I think someone invaded my dreams and took me out on a date.

>> No.8353266

Were you at some point in the dream aware of dreaming, but without taking action out of precaution?

>> No.8353344
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so you want me to tell you about my dreams huh

>> No.8353391

i was a little girl, probably 12 years old, living in the countryside, near the castle that would later be turned into a luxury hotel. my name was Gabriel. I've never been aware of the names of people in my longer dreams, despite having a clear sense of direction in them. i had another little sister and two older sisters in their teens. we lived with our parents. i was in my room and my parents called me down to get breakfast. i raced my twin sister there. my older ones were already eating. we talked, and i found out that our family had been invited to stay at the King's castle for one night. fucking stupid character limit, im gonna have to skip to the end. we found the King's chambers. he was standing next to a pit. he had a crown of thorns, and he had no face, only a ball of meat. sunbeams came from all over his body and under his purple and yellow cape. I can't remember what he told us, because I couldn't understand his language. my father got angry grabbed a polearm from a wall, and struck him right in the head. the King didn't flinch. the rest of my family turned around and tried to run away. we got dispersed. i ended up in a long hallway with my twin sister. i had to look down, because the decorations were too elaborate and they would excite my mind and wake me up. i looked towards a door and noticed two naked guys standing in a dark room. they were waiting for us. i turned right at the end of the hall, but my sister wasn't there with me anymore. i looked into one of the rooms. the candelabra inside was giving off blue light. a couple was in a bed. the man was naked, and sleeping. the woman was wearing some sort of sleepwear dress. she told me she was feeling "bothered" by the naked man "too" (As if she could tell what i was thinking), and asked me if i could help her calm down. i realized i was wearing some sort of transparent sleepwear with frills too, and climbed into the bed. i guess this was too much for my mind because i woke up. time is 4 pm

>> No.8353418

I had a rather odd dream, though it was a while back and I've forgotten a lot of it.

I was in the setting of the visual novel Kusari (http://vndb.org/v181)), except that I was Airi together with the rest of the Ro-kyu-bu team on the boat, Kishida was still the murderous rapist. I've forgotten most of the details of it now, except that at the end of it I was having to fight off against Kishida, me with some kind of short spear, and Kishida with his sword-like skewer.

It ended up with both of us landing blows on each other at the same time. I managed to stab my spear somewhat deeply into Kishida, but ended up getting run through completely. I collapsed to the ground and was just wondering whether or not I'd done enough to stop him before I woke up. It's not that it was a light blow, but Kishida is a goddamn tank.

>> No.8353447
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I was in a concrete room filled with green gas. A timer started counting down and I panicked. When it hit zero, I was lifted into the air and my arms, legs and head were removed from my body. My torso then caught fire and fell to the ground. This was all in third-person.

>> No.8353471

I had one last night that I was an assassin for some modern aged Ninja organization. They wanted me to assassinate my little sister. Who was actually a 10 year old version of my 34 year old sister. I was given a gun that shoots poison darts. I snuck in to her room after she went to sleep and shot her. I woke up in the middle of the room, after the deed was done and it was fresh in my mind. I realised the horror of what I had done. For some reason I had her sheets and she was sleeping uncovered and she was cold, I then tucked her back in to bed and gave her the antidote. Then set off to destroy the Organization that was controlling my mine and forced to do so such a terrible thing to my cute sister.

>> No.8353473

I had a dream that I was a reverse trap, in a fantastical steampunk world. Religion there was based on actual entities, where the benevolent spirits would actually protect you from the demonic ones. If you didn't pray or believe in any religion, you had to deal with the demonic spirits yourself, since nothing would protect you.

So anyway, there was this beautiful nun girl I fell in love with. No, I mean I *actually* fell in love with her, and even now I still like her despite the fact that she's a completely fictitious person from a dream I've only seen once. I don't know why I'm so fascinated with her. Anyway, she fell for my beautiful reverse trap features, which was awesome. It was supposed to be a loving yuri dream, at least that's the direction it was going. But no, instead her falling in love with me made the good spirits turn on her since I wasn't part of their religion and it was considered blasphemy or some shit. So because of me she became vulnerable to the dark spirits and was killed, her spirit taken away to the realms of hell. I'm still depressed over what happened. I can't believe my mind would fuck me over like this.

>> No.8353529
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It was also rather convenient because the other day I was trying to remember what my sister looked like when she was 10. I was wondering because its my dream to be the little girl and she would give me an idea of what I would look like as the little girl. And she wan cute as fuck.

Fucking Ninjas controlling me in my sleep. Well you fucks, I'm awake now and I'm angry.

>> No.8353569

>So because of me she became vulnerable to the dark spirits and was killed, her spirit taken away to the realms of hell
Best thing I've read all day here.

>> No.8354299

You should have killed the demons, John.

>> No.8354315

I would read and/or watch something based on this, preferably with an ending where you have to go save her from the demons.

>> No.8354321

Your mind can force feelings on you when you're dreaming sometimes. For example, in some dreams I've had I was convinced that I had no parents.

>> No.8354320

Must be nice to become the little girl in your dreams. I am jealous. But your love is weak. A stronger man would kill him self and share her fate. Or at least dive in to hell and rescue her. But if you actually believed in something, you would believe in hell, and she wouldn't have died to begin with.

>> No.8354349

I was awoken once because I had a phone call. The phone was put in to my hand and I answer it, but there was no one there. I said HELLO, no answer. I clicked the phone off, yelled angrly at my mother that there was no one there and went back to sleep. Later my friend that called asked me why I never answered the phone and left him on the line. I then recalled the events and the phone was never put in my hand, it was placed by my bed and I answered the thin air that was in my cuped hand. I dreamed the phone being in my hand. It was kinda cool.

>> No.8354361

Any chances you could make this story longer or add more details?

>> No.8354379

I had a bizarre dream earlier. Certain circumstances that lead to me waking up caused me to forget a lot of details much sooner than I usually do, but I was meleeing with guns, kinda like Musashi Gundoh.

>> No.8354383

I actually had a series of dreams in the same setting and was thinking of compiling them all into a single story, since there were some recurring characters (like the demon who killed my lovely nun).

Maybe one day, I'm too lazy for that now.

>> No.8354392

Wow, someone else who met his waifu the same way I did. Though I've actually seen her in at least one dream since then. I sometimes make her in games like Artificial Academy and such.

>> No.8354399


>> No.8354407

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8354412

Someones downs syndrome.

>> No.8354422
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I had a dream about Kiritsugu and Irisviel having consensual sex in the missionary position

from the perspective of Iri

help, /jp/. What does this mean?

>> No.8354427

it means you're GAY

>> No.8354440

Did you wake up with wood?
If yes, you're gay
If no, you're still gay

>> No.8354448

How did it feel?

>> No.8354449

No, I've only had a lucid dream once, but it ended up turning into a horrible nightmare.

>> No.8354442


but i was a girl in my dream

>> No.8354452

it felt like someone finally loved me

>> No.8354463

Thanks for linking to the guy posting about lucid dreams, newfag! Now it has a second chance to become a lucid dream thread and eventually a thread about drugs! As with every dream thread, ever.

>> No.8354468

I had a dream similar to this some time ago. I fucked up somehow and the demons took me away as a punishment (I remember crying at the trial) They lived underground, and abused me constantly. the lower ranked demons looked mostly humanoid, but the higher ranked ones were huge and had scales. i remember one of them looking like a obese crocodile that couldn't move very fast because he was so fat. we got tired of being abused and planned to escape. since the demons were so confident in themselves they didn't even keep us in cells, they just made us sleep in the corners of their huge dining hall where they had constant orgies and feasts, while they slept in the center or in their own chambers (if they they were high enough in the demon nobility ladder) the escape plan was somewhat elaborate, because it took us time to map the way to the exit to the surface, but it all depended on a distraction, a sacrifice of sorts. we needed to give the rest of the prisoners enough time to escape, but I failed. for some reason I couldn't hurt the demons, no matter how many times I stabbed them. i think it was a security device or incantation of some sort. for the same reason, those who run away couldn't climb the stairs. by the time the guards arrived (they looked like animals wearing egyptian clothes) the demon nobles had already torn down our barricades, and we had to surrender. i got on my knees and tried to beg.

bottom line is, if our dream universes were even remotely similar, your imaginary girlfriend must have had it tough.

>> No.8354474

Sometimes I'm having a good dream (setting doesn't matter, could be based on real life places or some fantasy world, erotic or full of battles and shit) but then it gets ruined by this recurring character who shows up and messes with whatever is going on (I get NTR'd, or get framed for something, or it kills my friends, or worse it turns them against me)

Could be a dude, or a loli, or a thing, it's always different. When things start going wrong in the dream I get this sensation that helps me realize that that enemy is up to something yet again

Sometimes I confront it once I realize what's going on ("...YOU!") but other times I try to act normal so that it doesn't notice that I have figured out anything

Explaining the situation to the other dream characters never works, they just think I'm crazy or the thing's already earned their trust

Its score against me is like 11 and 0, I can never win ;_;

>> No.8354482


>> No.8354492

Are you going to stand by and let it happen? Are you really that weak?

>> No.8354505

>bottom line is, if our dream universes were even remotely similar, your imaginary girlfriend must have had it tough.

I don't even want to think about it. I know it's just a dream, but it's actually depressing me. ;_;

>> No.8354501

I was in a hot bathtub with a blond woman on her 30s, me on one side and she in the other. She was beautiful and incredibly lewd. The bathtub was so small that our legs were on each others shoulders and my dick was almost touching her pussy. I was definitely not her lover and the the whole thing was very strange to me, but she seemed okay with it. We were talking for a long time, and I was about to explode the whole time, until I throw myself at her, and when the tip of my dick touched her pussy, I woke up.

>> No.8354504

On the contrary, ill help turn it in to a drug thread. I dont do drugs but I do hate newfags and morons and like to show them how easy it is to shit up a thread.

>> No.8354527

I had a dream 2 days ago some girl was giving me a blowjob; but I couldn't see her face since she was under the covers.

I've never had a blowjob but I can probably guess that the real thing is 1/10th as good as what I experienced in that dream. It didn't even feel anything like an orgasm it was just pure pleasure. It was like my dream decided to tap into my brain and turn the pleasure portion of it on full blast.

>> No.8354532

i woke up with painfully raging hard-on last 3 nights, that's weird because i masturbate like 4-6 times this days. or, that i think about it, it is exact reason why it's in pain, since it will be erect during that 1.5 or whatever hours sleep cycles regardless how many time i fapped during the day.

>> No.8354534

It was a guy

>> No.8354544

I could feel the boobs. but it could have been man boobs so you might still be right.

>> No.8354549

One time I dreamed I got in a threesome with two really lewd girls, then later found out it was recorded and turned into a porno, making me Internet famous overnight.

It sounds like a good dream, but it really wasn't.
