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8332990 No.8332990 [Reply] [Original]

Who should I go for first in Majikoi? Momoyo, Miyako, the first-year student with black hair (I forgot her name), or the blonde-haired girl who I haven't met yet?. Also, is the teacher's route good?

>> No.8332995

It doesn't matter

>> No.8333002

I know, but I can't decide.

>> No.8333010

Go for the girl with the lance.

Archery girls are always used up sluts, and Kendo ones are dikes that let the rest of the team use her, just like baseball girls.

>> No.8333037

Do Miyako last.
I'd do Chris and Yukie first since they're sort of from outside the main circle, then Wanko and Momoyo, and Miyako for the end. But I only played the prologue and a bit of one route.

>> No.8333041

My first choice heroine is the last one to be translated.

>> No.8333067

She's extremely generic. Not really trying to diss your tastes, but I don't understand why you wouldn't like one of the others more.

>> No.8333113

The most generic girls in Majikoi are equally Chris and Wanko, by a mile.
What the fuck are you smoking nigga.

>> No.8333134

Exactly, Wanko is the last character to be translated, right?

>> No.8333151

Isn't it Miyako?
Unless her route is already translated but for some reason omitted from the yandere translations website.

>> No.8333171
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>> No.8333181

Recent news:
Dec 30:
Wanko route TL: 73%

>> No.8333202

And Miyako's comes after that's finished.

>> No.8333205

Yes, he's currently translating Wanko's route, and there's still Miyako's after that. What's your point?

>> No.8333261

Oh, I get it. Thanks.

>> No.8333285

Only another two months before he finishes it. And then 5 months to get through Miyako's.

>> No.8333303

Yup, that's why I stopped playing Majikoi.
I couldn't do other girls' routes without being able to do Miyako's instantly afterwards.

>> No.8333343

Why the hell did they translate Wanko before Miyako when Miyako got like 4 times as many votes? Also, what is Majikoi S?

>> No.8333351

Saving the best for last.
I'm entirely fine with that.

>> No.8333377

I already know im gonna like the big sister the most.

>> No.8333453

I just hope she doesn't suddenly turn all girly and vulnerable in her route.
She doesn't, does she?

>> No.8333663

why is miyako so horny?

>> No.8333679

Only during sex.

Her route still sucks, though.

>> No.8333688

why does miyako make me so horny?

>> No.8333700

>Only during sex.
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8333741

Why does her route suck? She's a good character.

>> No.8333758

Half of it is dominated by some bullshit war between class F and class whatever and Momoyo is barely in it. It blows major ass.

>> No.8333768

Well, if you didn't exaggerate, then that really sucks.

>> No.8333798

I know. She doesn't even get any H scenes until the afterstory.

>> No.8333839

Don't listen to that guy. Momoyo's route is great - it's the only route where Yamato actually develops as a character instead of staying stagnant like he does in the other routes. It serves as a great conclusion for the first 75% of the game and leads very well into the true route.

It's retarded that TakaJun let some fucking poll decide the route order and translated hers third.

You want a bad route? Look at Chris'. Holy shit that was fucking terrible.

>> No.8333854

Do what I do and save the one you like best for last, (anticipated) least liked girl first.

My plan for Majikoi is:
- genki girl
- tsundere
- stalker
- butch oneesama or regular oneesama
- whichever one I didn't do last time

with sideroutes along the way.

>> No.8333876

Does the current patch lock you out of the untranslated parts like the Sharin FD one? Or do you just encounter the untranslated text if you continue on a path that's not finished yet?

>> No.8333889

Yeah, this is what I normally do. It also helps me complete a lot of games because I don't drop them thinking I'm done with I was looking forward to.

For Majikoi, I went:
Yukie -> Chris -> Miyako -> Wanko -> Momoyo. I wanted to do Wanko third but Chris' route was so bad I needed instant gratification, so I went with Miyako. Turns out it wasn't such a bad decision after all, because Wanko's route was surprisingly nice and she was cuter than expected.

>> No.8333891

Wait Majikoi has a true route?

>> No.8333893

Is "Majikoi" a romance VN game? I'm getting a little tired of the nukige genre and was hoping for some romance gameplay.

Sorry to be a bother, but is this functionally translated to english?

>> No.8333902

Dunno how romantic it is, but it's definitely not a nukige, although it seems there's a lot of sexual humor.

The translated routes are workable and translated at about the same level you'd expect of TakaJun, who IMO is like an Apple computer in that regard, i.e. great 95% of the time, but any fuckups that occur are major, to wit SWAN SONG.

>> No.8333905

Yeah it does. I forgot what it's called so I'll just call it the tree route. Lots of action, sex and YUUJOU.

>> No.8333907

Wait, which one is chris?
I hope you guys aren't talking about
>>8332990 the one in the middle because i like her.

>> No.8334276

Who's the true route heroine?
Don't forget to spoiler for the unwilling bystanders.

>> No.8334303

Momoyo + Miyako.
No one, it's a friendship route. Though if you stretch the definition of heroine a bit, you can fit a certain female character in there.

>> No.8334332

does the game have a crab route like the stupid animu?

>> No.8334333

Is Miyako being madly in love with Yamato resolved or ignored?

>> No.8334399

Huh? The only way that is ever going to be resolved is if Yamato reciprocates her feelings, which he does in her route.

So yeah, status quo.

>> No.8334404

I guess I just expected too much character development.
Never mind then, if it's like that then I'm reassured.
Waiting warmly for the finished patch.

>> No.8334925
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That feel when you're the male version of mayumayu.

>> No.8339127
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It does. It's brief and hilarious.

>> No.8339134 [DELETED] 
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Would you suck my dick for a mirrion dorrar Zunby?

>> No.8339150

>Still likes shitkoi.

>> No.8339152
File: 182 KB, 800x600, motherofgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And less cute.
And without DID.
And most definitely with a butt nowhere near that perfect.

>> No.8339160

I'd rather have KimiAru translated...

>> No.8342290

So how is the teacher route? do you have sex/go out with her?

>> No.8342297
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Holy shit shes hot, i hope her route is good.

>> No.8342306


Agreed 100%.

Dat ass in those CGs, man.

>> No.8342334

I hope this is from Majikoi S

>> No.8344005

Front page here we come.

>> No.8345435
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i fucking love christmas cake

>> No.8345455

Oh shit, im gonna fucking love this game.

>> No.8347805
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>> No.8347833

None of the routes is really good. Momo was especially disappointing (the 'war' was just silly and too long, no romantic development between protag and Momo, etc. pp.) Chris was still the best but her character is kind of boring. Dunno, the story is kind of generic but I still like it since most of the characters are not straight out of the Anime-Cliché-Factory.

>> No.8347837

Miyako got the most proxy votes. Eliminating proxies it was momoyo > Wanko > miyako

>> No.8347848


Which is perfectly understandable. The clingy childhood friend who was in love with the MC since the beginning is always the most boring heroine.

>> No.8347865
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Her route may be shit but Miyako is still awesome

>> No.8347870

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.8347876


Obviously not, otherwise the voting results would have been different.

>> No.8347928

my tastes > your tastes

>> No.8347946

Mayu is the best Majikoi.

>> No.8347960


>> No.8347963

I agree with you, Anon.

>> No.8348109

>true route is friendship route
Fucking gay.

>> No.8348121

Are you talking routes or characters?

>> No.8348136

The routes were actually somewhat disappointing. I can't be the only one who thought the prologue was the best part?

>> No.8348179

Characters, obviously.

>> No.8348201
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In that case, I have to agree.

I haven't played the non translated routes, however. Everyone keeps saying Miyako's route itself is bad. I hope it's not that disappointing.

>> No.8348216
File: 161 KB, 800x600, majiHG050500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not liking Chris

Gay as HELL dude.

>> No.8348221

This. She had one of the more interesting routes.

And the best H-scenes.

>> No.8348230

Doesn't change the fact that she's the worst character.

>> No.8348240

That would be Miyako.

>> No.8348246

What does this sign say?

>> No.8348254

Please cum inside me

>> No.8348261

I did a horrible thing.

>> No.8348282
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>> No.8348288


>> No.8348289
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Miyako a shit

>> No.8348290

I did a horrible thing, please cum inside me.

>> No.8348293

Which one is it?

>> No.8348309
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>> No.8350462
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>> No.8350477

I never understood the whole buzz about Miyako, obsessed heroines are a dime a dozen and her route was pretty underwhelming

>> No.8350550


You could say the same about all the girls. They're all based on certain character archetypes. Chris is a pretty generic (and, imo, not a particularly good example of one, either) tsundere, for example. By that logic, what makes any of them special?

I like Miyako, but because she's more of a trolldere, which aren't so common. She's obsessive, but humorous about the way she goes about it. Her antics made me laugh and were the highlight of the game for me.

>> No.8350561


>> No.8350582

>You could say the same about all the girls.
but I wasn't questioning her worth as a character, just the huge popularity she seems to have. It's precisely because you could say the same about all the girls that so much obsession towards Miyako by a whole lot of people felt weird

>> No.8350595 [DELETED] 


I guess. Across various boards, I see just as much obsession with Wanko and Momoyo, if not more for them.

Although I do think it's also because her route is the last to be translated, so her fans are more vocal.

>> No.8350602


I guess. Across various boards, I see just as much obsession with Wanko and Momoyo, if not more for them.

Although I do think it's also because her route is the last to be translated, so her fans are more vocal.


Trolldere, a subset of the ''dere'' family, is a combination of the words ''troll'' and ''dere''. It is used to describe someone who teases or pranks in a playful manner as a way to reach out to others

>> No.8350621
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Official character popularity poll

1. Yukie - 6192
2. Wanko - 5052
3. Miyako - 5037
4. Momoyo - 4405
5. Chris - 4341

>> No.8350624

So why not just call her a tease? Trolldere just sounds kinda... off.

>> No.8350633

Is English not your first language?
Tease has very different connotations.

>> No.8350656

Miyako is about just as good a character as Momoyo, a bit better than Yukie, and a lot better than Wanko or Chris.
But I think Miyako works much better than Momoyo as a heroine, and infinitely better in context of Majikoi in particular.
Also, even if "clingy childhood friend" describes her role, her personality is completely different than the usual mold.

>> No.8350698

It amounts to the same thing in the end. Trolling as in "to draw on as with a moving bait, entice, allure". Teasing is very much the same poking and pulling for a reaction.

>> No.8350737

but tease is a perfectly normal word and doesn't sound like edgy internet slang for those "in the know"

>> No.8350767


You could say that. I mean, you could use other words to describe yandere and tsundere as well, but it just doesn't sound as catchy and hipster.

>> No.8350899

My bone isn't with those, however. It's trolldere that makes me squirm.

>> No.8350914
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> Trolldere

>> No.8351806
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Ah, I just started playing this and love it so far. Still on the prologue. How much do my choices in the prologue affect my later progress by the way? They don't seem very significant so far...
If the Miyako route takes too long to be translated I may have to go and learn 100% fluent Japanese.

>> No.8352416

Personally I thought this was a very touching speech from Miyako about what kind of life she would want if she were to be resurrected, but then Yamato disagreed, goddamnit let me reciprocate this love already

>> No.8352433
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Captcha ate my pic

>> No.8352517
File: 165 KB, 540x600, Chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The German girl gets the least love? That's sad especially when her dere is so rewardingly sweet.

Her route was cool too. I must be the only one who liked her weaboo father.

>> No.8352542

She didn't appeal to me personally from her design, but the weaboo thing was pretty funny, and I have heard that her actual route is one of the best, most romantic ones.

>> No.8352545

You're not alone. I think she's got the best theme song as well! Her father is one of the best side-characters!

Choices in the prologue don't affect later in the game at all... but there's a hidden gay rape bad end to the prologue if you select all gay choices and give in. It's not really worth it.

>> No.8352554


>> No.8352573

>Gay rape
Committed by whom?

>> No.8352583

So Suguru is a pretty cool Otaku guy. I found him pretty funny, especially in the irony how he wishes he could be in a 2d wonderland which to me his already in.
Then he called my favourite girl a 3d.
I wish I could have challenged him to a duel right there.

>> No.8352585 [DELETED] 

Gay rapists.

>> No.8352586

I got the gay end on my first playthrough.
I don't know how to feel about it.

>> No.8352604
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So, not Captain or Moro then....

>> No.8352607

>Choosing to stare at the men in the track instead of glorious girls
>choosing to jump into Gakutos arms instead of Momoyos
You got what you deserve

>> No.8352624

I don't get the circlejerk for Momoyo. She's overpowered, aggressive, arrogant and a bully. I always wanted her to end up getting pulled from her high horse and getting her gang raped.

Her body houses disgusting tumors too.

>> No.8352642

Momoyo isnt that popular with fans is she? Besides, dominating her at the end of her route was surely enough to make up for he constant NTRing in the prologue.

>> No.8352679

I was just trying to be noncommittal, ok!
...at least that's what I was telling myself.
But you know, Moro was pretty cute...
You know, breaking bullies' legs by throwing them off roofs has its appeal.

>> No.8352720

I don't get it why everyone calls Chris tsundere. She isn't tsundere at all. The whole trouble with Yamato is entirely his fault for constantly forgetting stuff (sometimes you could think he does that on purpose). She's actually pretty forgiving, but the MC always manages to fuck it up.

Gen-san is the only true tsundere in the game. And he's awesome.

>> No.8354743


She does get pulled down at the end of the war in her route a bit.

In fact, all the girls have some character flaw that you sort of help them overcome in their individual route. I personally think it makes them better characters and a stronger game.

Let's face it, if they weren't cute girls, we'd probably hate most of them for certain reasons.

As you said, Momoyo is pretty much a bully. Wanko, as cute as she is, is basically an immature, air headed bimbo. Miyako is obsessive and clingy. Chris is annoying, gullible, preachy and pushy. And Yukie is so painfully awkward in social situations that if she were male and real, everyone would look upon her as the creepy outcast to be shunned or made fun of.

>> No.8355323

By some though-looking guy I don't remeber the game. Probably an antagonist in the true route. You should've seen him raping someone in a dark alley already... the bad end is him doing that to Yamato as he breaks down. I foud it a bit funny but some people might find it disturbing... it's very short and won't happen if you don't actually "give in to him"... so you can make the gay choices in the prologue and avoid the bad end.

>But you know, Moro was pretty cute...
Have you played Chris' route yet...? That one scene makes me want his side-route to be translated first...

Why no Gen-san route? Not even in Majikoi S... ;_;

>> No.8355351 [DELETED] 

In the end I like Moro a lot. Not only he's similar to me in reality, but also similar to me on /jp/.

>> No.8355357 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 797x593, moro20090929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end I like Moro a lot. Not only he's similar to me in reality, but also similar to me on /jp/.

>> No.8355381

>>Yukie is so painfully awkward in social situations that if she were male and real, everyone would look upon her as the creepy outcast to be shunned

That feeling when you also want to make 100 friends too and to cope with the difficulty you talk to a cell phone strap (AKA /jp/) as well.
