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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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830181 No.830181 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.830190

[X] You're the scariest.

>> No.830191

[x] You're the peachiest.

>> No.830192

New wallpaper get

>> No.830193
File: 88 KB, 844x725, 1213574047858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.830201

[x] You're the cutest! uguu~

>> No.830208

[x] You're the most submissive! *whip-CRACK*

>> No.830215
File: 64 KB, 700x467, 1213574201316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.830226

Fuck yeah S Pattern

>> No.830220

No, she's the fruitiest.

>> No.830227



>> No.830228

Did you mean the dragonest?

>> No.830238
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>> No.830240
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>> No.830241
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>> No.830254
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>> No.830260
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>> No.830283
File: 727 KB, 900x991, 1213574866628.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.830293
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>> No.830299
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>> No.830301
File: 275 KB, 1920x1200, 1213575057670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konata thread?

>> No.830320

lol WuT?

>> No.830328

I don't get it

>> No.830355
File: 379 KB, 500x500, 1213575623156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.830371

They're both masochists with long blue hair.

>> No.830375

That looks nothing like Thenshi whoever did it must be a crappy artist.

>> No.830387


>> No.830402
File: 204 KB, 753x1000, 1213576166037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.830434
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>> No.830445

I'm surprised there hasn't been more Konata+Tenshi hybrids or mash-ups lately.

>> No.830494

Because lucky star fans don't want to see their precious Konata covered in nasty welts and almost-bleeding lashes.

>> No.830542

Even though Konata is just as masochistic as Tenshi?

>> No.830560

Who says they wouldn't

>> No.830589

shes not

>> No.830592


>> No.830607


>> No.830615

Konata or Tenshi?

There's a pic of Konata being...treated harshly.

>> No.830627
File: 185 KB, 477x663, 1213579261178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi is one hell of a troll.
Look at this Yukari thinks shes torturing/rapeing her but what she doesn't know is that Tenshi is a masochistic and is enjoying the living shit out of this.

>> No.830633
File: 240 KB, 510x410, 1213579420889.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi is a hard core masochistic

>> No.830636
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>> No.830644

Konata has strange fetishes, that much is known. It's up to fanon to make it masochism.

My therapist tells me it's bad for me, but I still like seeing people horribly brutalized.

>> No.830646

I really need to get around to unlocking Tenshi.

God I suck.

>> No.830647
File: 240 KB, 510x410, 1213579575895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi is a hard core masochist

>> No.830668

If the touhou porning community was more hardcore, we would already have dozens of pictures of tenshi covered in nasty scars and welts in full view, oozing small amounts of blood. God, maybe I should take my medicine.

>> No.830673


If the LS porning community was more hardcore, we would already have dozens of pictures of Konata covered in nasty scars and welts in full view, oozing small amounts of blood. Oh wait, I already seen all that.

>> No.830679
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If your medicine is cyanide, then please do.

>> No.830683
File: 287 KB, 650x469, 1213580098043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.830690

Tenshi futa where?

>> No.830697
File: 354 KB, 787x656, 1213580273625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swr newfag hee, how do I unlock these new touhous?

>> No.830702

In your ass go look

>> No.830706


I already checked my ass.

>> No.830708

>Iku futa where?

>> No.830714

Here. Take a look.

>> No.830722

Just beat Story mode on any difficulty.

>> No.830732

Beat story mode. First time unlocks the characters for VS and Arcade mode, I think.

>> No.830760
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>> No.830795
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>> No.830803


>> No.830810

what if I suck too much to do that?

>> No.830813

Try and try and try and try again. I'm still stuck on fucking Iku.

>> No.830841

I don't fucking get it.

>> No.830846

wait until she gets close, graze through her static

>> No.830861

Will try. Thanks!

>> No.830920

1. Stay near her and graze when she release the spinning orbs. Attack in between. Like Alice's 2nd SC, easy to beat, but can get difficult quickly if you let her get the advantage.
2. Easiest spellcard. If you can't beat it without help, stop playing. Seriously.
3. Stay in the corner until she's closes in, graze through her to the other corner, slightly jump to make her waste an extra second of motion. Time your attack is key to surviving.
4. LOL, you're on your own. I lose at most 2 lives every time I face her final SC. The gaps are a bit small, the combined lightning can guard break you easily, and her orbs help cancel out the bullets you do send out in the little window you have to attack in. I would say, try to save up your good, invincible SCs for this card. You'll also need one for Tenshi's final card as well.

>> No.830950

Again, thanks.

>> No.830956
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1213583209467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should add, on that first card, graze AFTER she releases the orbs, otherwise they will home to your position and you'll either be in blockstun until crushed from teh barrage of them coming at you, or you'll get juggled.

>> No.830998

Iku's final card isn't that difficult if you beamspam, seriously.

Barrage like if you're Jesus Yamato and do the very minimum to dodge the electricity.

>> No.831230


You don't even need to beamspam. Just graze through her, and don't get trapped into a corner. When she pauses, let her have it until she cries Iku.

>> No.831329

Sauce on this doujin please

>> No.831527
File: 334 KB, 750x1000, 1213588858321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more SWR humor from wong
isnt it sad, komachi?

>> No.831537

you made me feel hot and bothered.

>> No.831541


Accurate portrayal of game is accurate.

>> No.831569


>> No.831575


>> No.831580


That can't be wong, the art is too good.

>> No.831589

MF/SS me your replays of this "minimal dodging" you speak of. You guys better be talking about Lunatic mode...

>> No.831701

check his site, dude

>> No.832601

Tenshi basically does things like cause shrine causing earthquakes for the lulz.

Does this make Tenshi an Anonymous?

>> No.832614

Tenshi seems to wreck shrines with quakes purely for the lulz.

...Does this mean Tenshi is anon?

(God, never try to type at 3AM, seriously. Brain doesn't fucking work)
