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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 300x410, mapleanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8273804 No.8273804 [Reply] [Original]

Maple Story is the official game of /jp/

>> No.8273806

at least the japanese servers thing was funny.

>> No.8273811

World of Warcraft is the official game of /jp/

>> No.8274076

no, that's /g/

>> No.8274192

Anyone knows a decent private server with working Demon Slayer and Mercedes thing? Just want to check them out, don't feel like grinding or hacking my way to the high levels.

>> No.8274203


>> No.8274209

I got my way to Tespia, but it's 1x and there's no Cody who'd level you up like always this edition.

>> No.8274361

maple a shit

>> No.8274487

Did Gaia shut down or something? Why are these Maple Story people here?

>> No.8274569


Because maplestory is playable now.

>> No.8274940

i don't know either. it's rather horrifying.

perhaps something was integrated to make it worth putting up with its popularity with preteens and self-proclaimed otaku types?

>> No.8275661

Maplestory is japanese game from japanese developer。
gaijin IP address not allowed

>> No.8276235

how much does a good VPN cost?

>> No.8276247

Maplestory is Korean, dumb faggot. Korean Maplestory gets all the updates first and then Japanese gets next, then Global/SEA and then Europe

>> No.8277988


>> No.8277995 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8277997

herpa derp, 4chan ate my text

>oh mang my merc is hot as HELL, i wanna do her in the asshole

>> No.8278008

She's cute.

>> No.8278029
File: 499 KB, 320x180, 1323986704067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really lewd wtH

>> No.8278066 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 225x410, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lewd as HELL, i could use some gel heh heh heh...but spits fine too

so anyways i spent some more money and upgraded my dual bow with a miraculas chaos scroll and an incredable chaos scroll

>> No.8278081

>Maple Story is the official game of /jp/

who picked such a shit game as our official?

>> No.8278085

who are you q...
oh the OP.
yeah fuck the OP.

>> No.8278098
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>> No.8278113
File: 90 KB, 246x246, 1323989598259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there lonely weeaboo girls in Maple Story?

I just want to drink enough that I can feel comfortable talking to people online and then meet a lonely weeaboo girl in an online game. I think having an online girlfriend would make me feel better.

>> No.8278198

yes there are.
they are all obnoxious.
try a not-weeb girl.
I totally had lots of fun with my maple girlfriend untill she NTR'ed me for niggerdick IRL

>> No.8278206

So, I heard /jp/ is playing on Windia server?

>> No.8278215
File: 21 KB, 170x241, GensokyoSDM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8278217

No, we're on Broa.

>> No.8278228 [DELETED] 

this is Toko posting as anon. pay no mind

>> No.8278235

this is merely Tokiko posting as anon. pay no mind

>> No.8278270

weeaboo? yes. Lonely? I don't know. girl? ...well the character is. who knows if the person behind it is. but I just found her at Orbis tower just now

>> No.8278273
File: 166 KB, 748x663, ChibiLODA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha ate my image>>8278270

>> No.8278282

Henesys is a really social area for you to try I suppose.
but beware-- they don't call them "hene hoes" for nothing.
plus they probably won't even acknowledge you if you aren't wearing some extravagant Cash Shop outfit

>> No.8278289

It's not worth it, man.

>> No.8278303 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 233x180, Screenshot (2011-12-22 at 09.36.10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Tokiko.

We're on Broa.

>> No.8278307
File: 18 KB, 231x107, FantasizeABM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be that way. look! someone is desperate enough to spend money on a megassenger looking for a BF! you could be her guy!

>> No.8278313


>untill she NTR'ed me for niggerdick IRL

Was she pretty? I can't imagine some fat weeaboo girl would do something like that.

>> No.8278321

I wish I could play with you guys but I'm in galicia and don't want to start over in a new world.

>> No.8278327
File: 158 KB, 429x414, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I make a female character in MS and pretend to be a girl, will people believe me? How long do you think I could keep up the charade?

I just want a little bit of attention and affection, you know. Maybe even a couple of guys I could tell about my day, and know that they're not ignoring me, that they're hanging on my every word....I think I'd like that. I dunno.

Oh god I'm so lonely /jp/ hold me please

>> No.8278331

You guys are fucking gay. One more step, past the line and you'll be making Gaiaonline accounts.

>> No.8278345

As long as you can keep up the act, anything is possible.

>> No.8278349

she wasn't a weeaboo girl. weeaboo girls are insufferable.
she's more of a medieval fanatic I guess.

there was a bit of a double standard going on afterward too. she started marrying a whole lot of other people on other characters, and then one day some other girl dared me to profess my love to her as a joke using a super megaphone. well, miss NTR saw it and flipped her shit and was distraught. I had to pull up several screenshots proving it was insincere and even then she sort of didn't believe me.

>> No.8278352

i just tried this game because you people kept talking about it. it's so fucking shitty. how can you stand it?

la tale is MUCH better, we should play that instead

>> No.8278353

You'd probably get people to believe you. One thing guys like to do is ask for pics though. You could probably get away with it on some of the younger/dumber crowds though. You could also try pulling the "I'm not really that pretty so I don't want to share my pic" card.

>> No.8278354 [DELETED] 

I have a female character but I'm female and maple-married with my boyfriend

>> No.8278362 [DELETED] 

"My camera's broken"
"I'm 14 and have no webcam, and my dad took my cell phone"

>> No.8278361

I know someone who did this.
I wasn't even mad when I find out.
just don't [ask to be or | allow being showered with] gifts. that's being a terrible person

>> No.8278366 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 247x208, Screenshot (2011-12-22 at 06.47.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys like me and my compnions?

>> No.8278375


Yeah, the main thing I'd be worried about is guys asking for pics or wanting to skype or whatever. I guess I could make it work for a while but eventually people will start to suspect something.

Fuck why can't it be 1999 again when there were no webcams and shit like this was easy.

>> No.8278390

Try searching for her username. E-stalk her.

>> No.8278387

I remember when I used to play MapleStory. It was rather fun before grinding and cash-whoring became the goal of the game. I guess it's been 5 years already...

I remember there was this one girl in this guild I joined. We did that "marrying" thing because I needed some mesos, but I ended up getting pretty close with her. Now that I think about it she was one hell of a catch, but one day I just suddenly and randomly quit playing. I was just too damn young to know any better. ;_;

Uh, what were we talking about again?

>> No.8278388 [DELETED] 

pretty nice
check mine out

>> No.8278393
File: 80 KB, 387x240, familiars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty nice
check mine

>> No.8278395 [DELETED] 

How come your Boars only have 1 vitality? Too lazy to commit?

>> No.8278397

Damn it man, it's been several years...

>> No.8278399

Don't underestimate the internet. You should give it a try.

>> No.8278403

I don't know... ;_; But maybe you're right. It's worth a try.

>> No.8278404

I tried hard as HELL to find more cards. I guess maybe I should just try to buy them off of someone. but that'd be a cheap as HELL move.

>> No.8278409

The real wtH never talks about Sudo directly or indirectly.

>> No.8278425
File: 34 KB, 303x464, weird_nexon_worker_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like I've been outed! guess I better commit Sudoku lol

>> No.8278470


Was she pretty? I can't imagine a shy, ugly weeaboo girl would NTR someone

>> No.8278493
File: 8 KB, 305x305, MagicSudoku_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.8278537
File: 9 KB, 305x305, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh HELL, what is this weird version of sudo I haven't seen before?
I'm sort of at a loss of what to do, but the word "magic" is sort of hinting to me. here's one number done at least.
this will sure be HELLa challenging. I should sleep now though/

>> No.8278589

Both my older and younger siblings love this game but I find it to be really really boring is something wrong with me /jp/

>> No.8278598

>guys asking for pics or wanting to skype or whatever

There goes what little desire I had to play this again.

>> No.8279514 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 236x130, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 03.36.40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8279517
File: 2 KB, 80x60, intoxicated-pig_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why no Intoxicated Pig

>> No.8280630

I tried. it never dropped.

>> No.8280847 [DELETED] 

But it does.

>> No.8280890

I'd be wasting time if I continued trying to get it.

>> No.8280895 [DELETED] 

Not like you're doing anything better with it.

>> No.8280906

sure I am. I'm training in places that are better suited for my level. additionally I am doing event quests.

>> No.8280952 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 374x15, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 11.29.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8280963

You know, all these years and I've never tried this.

Is it worth it assuming I have nothing better to do?

>> No.8280970 [DELETED] 

Even more worth it than it would be if you had something better to do!

In other words, try it! Come to Broa with us.

>> No.8280985

>come to Broa with us
hello there, Tokiko. promoting that HakureiShrine guild again huh?

>> No.8280993

are you new to MapleStory?
these things are never sincere. DDeexleesS isn't looking for that. he is only a victim of harassment at the hands of iGotSwag

>> No.8281021 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 135x128, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 11.54.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Tokiko

>> No.8281027

So, can i post spinners here?

>> No.8281089

qué lo es "spinner"?

>> No.8281795
File: 285 KB, 520x232, I_dont_have_many_people_in_my_buddy_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are you guys ready for the "log in during this small timeframe and receive free stuff" event that happens an hour from now?
I think I'm going to dual-computer this and make sure I get an AP reset scroll for my spearman since she used to be an HB mule and I had all kind of AP thrown into the HP stat, making her useless for combat.

>> No.8281925 [DELETED] 

The AP reset doesn't reset AP put into HP.

You also can't be logged in twice on the same account.

>> No.8281944


>> No.8281957

they are on different accounts actually.
and that HP/MP thing is a real shame.

>> No.8282111
File: 47 KB, 236x347, Maple0105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8282176 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 806x625, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 04.11.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I did a little bit better huh?

>> No.8282179

How the FUCK

>> No.8282181 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 806x625, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 04.12.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like all of them are good.

>> No.8282183


>> No.8282186 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 806x625, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 04.14.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coins are just too easy to get

>> No.8282190

How do you get so much?
Do you just run around killing every Rudolf you see?
That'd take too long...

>> No.8282198 [DELETED] 

I find that Rudolph spawns AREN'T random!

There ARE areas where Rudolphs are MORE LIKELY TO SPAWN. I don't have any official numbers, but I figure a Rudolph has a chance to spawn every 5 minutes or so. I've found a few areas where he has at least a 90% chance and I was able to farm rudolphs in that area for close to 2 hours before he stopped spawning altogether.

If you see a Rudolph, stick around that map after you kill him for ~10 minutes and see if another spawns. If he does, you have yourself a Rudolph Farm.

Just hope that nobody else finds it too or else you'll have competition.

>> No.8282604 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 806x625, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 06.23.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my prices bullshit? I'm not good at the market thing.

For reference, most of these rings give at least +3% in a stat.

>> No.8282702

those prices are so freaking bullshit it's not even funny.
20mil each probably.
It's really easy getting good potential by crafting on one character and then fusing the equips with alchemy on another character.
Most people aren't out looking for 3%. you'll need like 6% at least.

>> No.8282759
File: 37 KB, 251x471, 132543546512348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on 2 computers for the hot time but I fucked up and was logged onto the wrong character on one of them. Now I need a share name tag (which doesn't even exist in the game yet) to transfer the tiara to my Mercedes.


Dude, unless those are 9% stat earrings, then then yeah those prices are complete bullshit.

>> No.8282766 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 806x625, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 06.53.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any better?

>> No.8282802


Thats still pretty high but I'm comparing the prices to my world. 3% stat should be around 5 million. You should look around to see what other people are selling theirs for to get a rough idea of how much they're worth

>> No.8282808 [DELETED] 

Thing is, people are selling them for about that much.

I'm not saying they're getting sold for that much, but that's the kind of prices I see.

>> No.8282811

so i finally got my first hurricane type skill today, and i put the critical ring i got a while ago on my merc and i'm godly as HELL

>> No.8282866

i bet you're ass

>> No.8282869


Its more reliable to look at the one that are already sold rather than the ones that no one bought.
But maybe I'm wrong, I don't know prices in Broa.

>> No.8282889 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8282980
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Looks about average, maybe a bit above.

>> No.8283016

you faggots not know how to do the Silent Crusader quests?

>> No.8283027 [DELETED] 

i did it on my priest, but all my other rings (besides the 2% exp lol) are better or equivalent to the last 4 rings and it's boring as HELL so i just ignored it on my merc

>> No.8283036

i did it on my priest, but all my other rings are better or equivalent to the last 4 rings (besides the 2% exp lol) and it's boring as HELL so i just ignored it on my merc

>> No.8283039

Stop it guys, you're going to make me not want to play anymore.
I'll never get good items. ;_;

>> No.8283050

you forgot about the shoulderpad, scrub.

>> No.8283058

Why? For the rings? The best ring only give 2 att you know.
Both my Evo rings are lvl17 and the 2 bottom ones are 3 att
If you're talking about the shoulderpad, then I honestly don't think its worth it. It only gives 2 att, and it costs too much to make a decent one. I spent around 300mil to finally make a +3 shoulderpad.

>> No.8283063

i could just make one with 30 emblems from HELL mode on an alt with jewlery and scroll it with the legend coins

>> No.8283105

You can't scroll those.

>> No.8283164

Every time I see this thread I feel like I'm being trolled.

Is the janitor playing this or something? I suppose I should just be glad we don't have a "brony" mod like that one board.

>> No.8283202

Is there a way to do the bosses like horntail and shit without talking to anyone? I'm enjoying the game so far, but if it forces social shit I think I'll have to pass.

>> No.8283240

Only if you are strong enough to kill those bosses by yourself.

>> No.8283287 [DELETED] 

All it takes is a little dedication and some autism and you'll have top tier items in no time!

>> No.8283289

This game isn't good enough.

>> No.8283290 [DELETED] 

The whole point of Maple Story is the social aspect.

Partying with friends, bossing with friends, and showing off your sweet gear to friends.

>> No.8283339

Not entirely true. Whenever I party, I just do it with random people and never talk to them. I also boss by myself too since I'm strong enough to. I've been playing for a long time and most of my characters dont have guilds and an empty buddy list.

>> No.8283347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8283360

Can't join this because I'm not american. Fuck Nexon.

Actually maybe this just saved me from spending money on useless shit. Have fun I guess.

>> No.8283371 [DELETED] 


>> No.8283374 [DELETED] 


>> No.8283415

You must be doing something wrong. I'm BR and had no problems joining.

>> No.8283417

Scum of the Earth

>> No.8283426

mapleBR was cancelled and that's why you can play gMS

>> No.8283490

!sudo is the official game of /jp/

>> No.8283624 [DELETED] 



>> No.8284060
File: 102 KB, 186x208, mercedes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well today was fairly productive.
I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to though.
I just have too many characters to deal with I think!
Let's all make a big effort tomorrow!
good night Maplers.

>> No.8284259

For your information, ExtaliaMS has upgraded their private server to version 104, Legends patch. Mercedes is out, Demon Slayer still has to be.

>> No.8284278 [DELETED] 

You're signing off? I was just signing on!

I'm sorry but given the choice between:

1. A large, populated game server run by sly businessmen with an incompetent customer support team with the userbase being 70% insufferable children and foreigners and 15% hackers and a goal of making money

2. A small, underpopulated "server" run by hobbyist pirates who are likely either high school script kiddies or manchildren autists with wild temper tantrums and a tendency to flare up drama at any moment with a userbase made up ENTIRELY of edgy tryhard script kiddies, RPers who want to "get away from the official server," and nostalgiafags who don't even remember that what made the game fun for them in the first place was the friends they made (and COULD make NOW if they simply played with people on the official server)... ALL of which will only stay around for a month total AT BEST... and the host's goal is to "have fun" (a.k.a. be drama-causing moronic children/manchildren) and get e-prestige

I would definitely choose number one every fucking time.

The official servers have their problems but private servers are always worse, hands down, period.

>> No.8285368


I've never had problems with private servers except for the time a GM kept flirting with me and giving me free stuff. I want to be left alone while I do autistic grinding.

Also, where's a good place to train from levels 40-70? I'm playing as Mercedes if that makes a difference.

>> No.8285554
File: 136 KB, 800x600, Maple0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this then?

>> No.8285562

From about 40-50 I did copper drakes, then from 50-60 I went to dark drakes, then from 60-70 I went to jesters.

>> No.8285593

yeah this is a good idea. party quests give amazing exp nowadays, so go on ahead and throw in a few of those as well. Be cognizant of the 10-PQ limit per day.

>> No.8285695
File: 297 KB, 796x600, all i ever do is whine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8285700

Am I the only one who didn't get a tiara or anything else nexon promised besides a lousy robot shop that expires today from the hot time?

>> No.8285713



>> No.8285842

I think so.

>> No.8285945

Does anyone play on Bera?

>> No.8285968

You are now aware that he could actually have been born in 1999 and be posting on /jp/ right now.

>> No.8286006

Redirected someone else to gaia?
Are you on /a/?

>> No.8286009

>Playing anything from Nexon
>spending money on anything from Nexon

Their security is so fucking bad people can just pop right into their login servers and pull information from months ago and snag whatever they want from your account.

I can't even imagine playing something from Nexon anymore with no only how frequently it happens but the fact that in about a decade they've yet to fix it.

>> No.8286309

I was a victim of this.
I had a damn good password (15 characters, special characters all up in it) and I'm not a retard so there's no way I could have downloaded a keylogger, and I STILL ended up getting hacked.
They took all my chairs, all my rings, a cape and 99% of my mesos.
my so-called friends won't even help me out. "Why don't you just sell some of the stuff from the compensation package?"
Maybe because I haven't fucking received one, bitch.

>> No.8286943 [DELETED] 

It's good for you to use yourself, but otherwise it's worthless.

>> No.8286949 [DELETED] 

That's not even the person who posted the screenshot. The person who posted the screenshot is JulienLove.

>> No.8286958 [DELETED] 

Sometimes in real life you get mugged, no matter how good you are at kung fu.

>> No.8286966


I've been hacked twice now, and I really don't care too much.

>> No.8286973 [DELETED] 

I'm not really investing my life and soul into this game tbh. I spent $20 on it, but I've spent $20 on far worse things.

>> No.8287021

I do.

>> No.8287034

I think I have spent somewhere around 180 USD over the course of three years.
It's really much cheaper than Warcraft

>> No.8287039 [DELETED] 

I could have gotten by with just $10 USD but I caved and got another $10 for the large present packages

>> No.8287098

when you get to higher levels it basically becomes necessary to get a pet and pet equips.
for a while I was spending around $16 every 90 days.
I have gradually purchased permanent equips so I spend less these days

>> No.8287103 [DELETED] 

What server are you on?

A good number of the /jp/ers I'm playing with are going to start to drop off after the christmas event I think, and the only other people I know really irritate me with their incessant "XD"ing and role-playing in buddy chat

>> No.8287119

So I take it that no one on /jp/ is old school enough to play on Scania?

>> No.8287122 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 606x364, Screenshot (2011-12-24 at 05.04.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287128

I wish I was seeing this on /a/, and not /jp/.

Pretty pathetic when even /v/ will still laugh a Maple Story thread off the board, but here one remains.

>> No.8287129

I transferred out a few years ago when I started playing again. Too laggy, too many asswipes.

>> No.8287149

There are so many bad threads around that anything which isn't full of blatant attention-whoring or penises gets a pass these days.

>> No.8287335

My highest level character is in Scania, only level 99 though.
I play in Broa with the others now.

>> No.8288305

Windia. I've acquired a sizable number of mature colleagues, all of them mostly well over the age of 20.
pardon the abstruse autismally over-sophisticated sentence syntax

>> No.8288365 [DELETED] 

How? I can't seem to find anything but touhou RPers on broa

>> No.8288394

I don't know how the userbase is on Broa. Maybe somehow things are different in Windia? Funnily enough I've unintentionally found more touhou primary-fans than I expected.

>> No.8288504
File: 98 KB, 235x347, suckybowgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288604

Dude, 3 lined 9% total damage is amazing. If you dont want it then I suggest you sell it. Just the fact that its 3 lines alone can get you a decent price for it.

>> No.8288946

Don't you mean diction?

>> No.8288983 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 1030x793, Screenshot (2011-12-25 at 01.25.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288986 [DELETED] 

sorry, that wasn't meant to be a reply to your post I just clicked your post number to bring up quick reply

>> No.8289014

I'm not really into this whole game anymore, but I used to play that private server for a few weeks and I have to say I was impressed how things are handled there. Disregard the asslickers and elitist children playing high levels there, but the staff is surprisingly well organized and they've got decent coders to code all this new up to date shit faster than other servers and without many bugs.

The population of the server is usually like 1500 people online at the time I think.

So, in my expert opinion, if you want to check out the new jobs without having to grind the fuck out of you, I suggest you to check that server out.

Final verdict, 6/10.

>> No.8289077 [DELETED] 

I want a private server with exp rates at or below 3x and 6x for events

>> No.8289134

It's 6x or 8x, I don't remember.

>> No.8289141 [DELETED] 

You level too fast as it is in global maple with the amount of end-game content the game has.

Private server either has to have more end-game content or some sort of rebirth system or it's not worth even trying.

>> No.8289242

Honestly, rebirth system? It sucks ass, everyone is fucking pumped up doing rebirth after rebirth withing the matter of minutes. That's a retarded gameplay and you'll get bored of it within days.

>> No.8289565 [DELETED] 

bump for christmas mapling!

>> No.8291337

Any /jp/ers want to play on Europe version?
We can play all alone on empty Demethos server

>> No.8291362

Wouldn't it be better to play on full server? European servers were captures by south americans anyway and in language channels you can meet every language expect main one.

>> No.8291388

But we could become overlords of Demethos

And I thought most BRs went to global

>> No.8291428

How do I play with you?

>> No.8291545


I play here it has Legends and PVP

>> No.8291564


A pretty obvious troll, but to those oblivious, Total Damage % is considered the #1 line in the game, with the only thing "surpassing" it is Boss %, but only because Boss % is the same line but stronger.. and only for bosses.

>> No.8291713

>Players Online:2

Nigga, what?

>> No.8291724

its 205 not 2

>> No.8291729

No they didn't.

Trust me, I am one.

>> No.8291778

Nexon Europe has opened the ability to play on their european version to Brazilian players.

>> No.8291951 [DELETED] 


>> No.8292320 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 753x331, bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maple was pretty boring today. I pretty much just loitered around doing nothing.
