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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8270313 No.8270313 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans wake up
>/jp/ gets unbearable


>> No.8270320

you mean europe right

It "got shitty" at about 5 am in one part of the US and 2 am in the other.

>> No.8270322

It got shitty the moment you showed up.

>> No.8270326

Americans waking up at 3-5am?
But europe? It's 8-12 am in europe.

>> No.8270333


Euro here. It's 11:53 AM now. I got home a while ago and it's -8 celsius right now.

>> No.8270334

5 am is the time normal people wake up.

>> No.8270335

It's 3AM. a good chunk of us haven't even gone to sleep yet.

>> No.8270339

>normal people on /jp/

>> No.8270342



Found your problem

>> No.8270344

I am American and I like to wake up 2-4AM. It's different than staying awake from day into the night. You wake up and it's pitch black in your room and and silent outside. Everything is closed.

It's the best time to masturbate.

>> No.8270345

How does it feel to be garbage?

>> No.8270347

It's the best time to get some fresh air.

>> No.8270348
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Which state do you live in, van man?

>> No.8270349

>Australians get up
>cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt bloody cunt

>> No.8270350

Get out.

>> No.8270351

My window's always open. That's enough fresh air for me.

>> No.8270352
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Sleeping disorders.

That may be right in other boards but not here, I kinda agree that the quality of the posts change periodically but is not related to the flow of normals working days.
Better than summer though.

>> No.8270357


>How does it feel to be garbage?

How does it feel to be obedient sheep?

>> No.8270354
File: 209 KB, 600x600, sssssip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vastly prefer European /jp/. There really is a change in quality, and a lot less shitposting and shitthreads when the Americans are asleep.

>> No.8270353

>Wake up at 2-4 AM.
Americans are weird.

>> No.8270364

Nevada, currently.

>> No.8270365

5am here in the Midwest. Woke up 3 hours ago and have been playing Europe Universalis III since.

>> No.8270376

I like to wake up at those times. I don't wake up at those times all the time.

Right now I'm waking up at 6-8PM.

>> No.8270379
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American who never sleeps here. Suck it, Eurofags.

>> No.8270404
File: 10 KB, 252x190, American Eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5:00 am is the time adults who go to work between 6:00-7:00 wake. Why would an adult who's about to go to work at 6:00 be shitposting on /jp/? Yurop is the main source of worthless posters who are stupid. That's why it's the worst right when the yuros get home from school.

>> No.8271026


>> No.8271033

Nice bump faggot.

>> No.8271039
File: 405 KB, 900x900, a6961d909fe03048e964b0cf461cbc93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw OP's pic and expected a "which touhou would fuck" thread.

Everything went better than expected.

>> No.8271050
File: 28 KB, 320x304, 1316709472708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I leave when the americans get online. Most of the retarded posting is done in that timeframe.

People claim it's australia/asia/europe but there's literally only 1 or 2 shitty threads that get bumped by a single person and aren't deleted because the janitor is asleep.

Well, SOPA is about to be accepted anyway. Can't wait.

>> No.8271063
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, erushi_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy HELL y'all dont know watcha missin, /jp/ turns HELLa good once the EAST COAST of america wakes up

>> No.8271066

Tokiko is American. I think that says enough.

>> No.8271069


>> No.8271072

just how has the SOPA hearing been going, anyways?

and let's not kid ourselves. /jp/'ers hardly sleep at normal or regular hours.

>> No.8271107
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>> No.8271114

Most tripfags are american as well.

>> No.8271118

>people of /jp/ having normal sleep schedules
>insulting other countries' posters like a shitposter

I'm quoting my insight.

>> No.8271124

I can understand their need to be acknowliged at least on the internet.
Living in shitty depressing country like murikkka must be hard.

>> No.8271159
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1309626554394s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depressing country.
>The American Dream.
>Implying any other country has this.

Seriously though, one should not base a person's character based on where they're from, but from their own actions. It's dumb to just say everyone from a country is like that when it's not true.

>> No.8271174

The real pieces of shit are the Argentinians, have you ever met one online who isn't a compulsive retard?

>> No.8271179

that's where you're wrong though dumb shit. there is barely any trip users from this board from america compared to all the people from yuorpe

sudo and zun!bar are the only active american trip code users. the rest are from somewhere in yurope 100% of the time.

>> No.8271181

>Café dispute

>On September 20, 2004, the gaming public learned through GameSpot that Gabe Newell had a spaghetti fiasco at the star bucks they were holding the interview at. "It was just plain hard to watch" noted a patron watching newells display before running out of starbucks in his noodle infested trousers. Gamespot reporter (requested to remain un-named) claims that "It was all going well, Gabe was simply talking about Half life" but before the interview could have a quiet end, the interviewer asked Gabe about his personal life, and what games he plays with his chums. All could be heard from Mr. Newell at this point was stammering and a lot of "Well uh," and "No, you see..." until he finally dramatically burst into treats running out of the store, his pockets "Like an actual fountain of noodles and pasta sauce" claimed the janitor on scene. Ever since then anyone at Valve never lets anyone book private appointments with the head of the company, fearing another outburst. This blew over rather quickly, certain anonymous sites claimed to "Know that feel" and when it was finally all over Mr. Newell quoted "It's been a long time waiting, but it was worth the weight."

>> No.8271182

Why are people so defensive about this sort of thing? I figured /jp/ would at least be above it.

1) I don't give a fuck where you're from.
2) Nobody on /jp/ has a regular sleep schedule.
3) Go away.

>> No.8271205


and all those other spinoffs of the last 3



>> No.8271272
File: 24 KB, 695x567, madbulance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271327

/jp/ is actually the only board on 4chan where Americans seem to be somewhat clever.

>> No.8271334 [DELETED] 

When I saw a photo of Tokiko, I thought he was Brazilian. He has those Brazilian eyebrows and death stare.

>> No.8271349

Even the worst porter (Suigin) is from Argentina

>> No.8271354

Typical euro-peon.

Note his use of /a/v/b/ image macros.

>> No.8271359

That's chen honk honk

>> No.8271372

People who do nothing but complain about other people are pretty damn detrimental to board quality.

>> No.8271370

Angry anime girl, angry green haired anime girl

>> No.8271373

que te pasa gil?

>> No.8271379

Typical australiuur jealous of eurobros and ameribros trying to stir up hate by creating fake european and american posts.

>> No.8271377

then weirdo was the detrimental

>> No.8271384

You know me, love.

>> No.8271511
File: 16 KB, 222x281, 213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use a tripcode.
