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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 300x300, programming_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8268733 No.8268733 [Reply] [Original]

It's time.

How are your misadventures going?

>> No.8268739

Um... I know PHP.

Is that scripting or /prog/?

>> No.8268746

I can't stay concentrated long enough to get anything done

>> No.8268749

I'm making a 4chan userscript called 4um. It's going to drastically change the UI, making it look like a forum, complete with the changing the thumbnails to avatar positions, and that kawaii speech bubble thing that Gaia has. I'll have it auto-append signatures and avatars and have PGP signing built right in (I've already got RSA implemented). I'll also release a tool to create avatars, that will put the post count and join date in the picture so it doesn't trigger the duplicate image filter.

>> No.8268754

Odd, don't we have a board for this?

>> No.8268756

I want to be part of the /jp/ programming club.

>> No.8268757

I read the first couple of pages in Learning Python The Hard Way and I got really excited when I ran my first program but I gave up and haven't tried since then.

Why am I so lazy? ;_;

>> No.8268759

Good god, why?

>> No.8268762 [DELETED] 

Want me to help you test it out

>> No.8268760

Is that you, Woxxy?

>> No.8268765

Working on an android music player for playing SID, MOD, SC68, VGM, etc music/tracker files.

It works so far, I just have to clean up a load of stuff code-wise.

>> No.8268769

Just keep at it. Little by little. Are you a total beginner like me? If so picky up Headfirst C# and just get the first 2 chapters done as fast as you can, even if it takes days. Then after that you can learn at your own pace and just mess around with the exercises they give you, and learn one or two new things a day. That's what I'm doing now, and it's much better than forcing myself to read and read but not grasp anything.

Try Headfirst C# and do the above mentioned. I started with Python too and I made a simple text game, although I pretty much skipped reading everything except actually doing the assigments.

>> No.8268773

Can't I just use C for everything?
Why would I need to learn something else, like say perl?

>> No.8268782
File: 190 KB, 740x740, vomitchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to burn for that!

>> No.8268783

I'm guessing this guy is just trying to make people rage or something. None of this is true.

>> No.8268786

Luckily, you're a /jp/er, meaning that you'll never finish. /jp/ has once again 4chan by incapacitating the man who would unleash the greatest storm of faggotry that the internet has ever seen.

>> No.8268791

Linking on to what I said here

The player can be found here: https://github.com/lioncash/droidsound

Go nuts with it if you wish/care enough.

>> No.8268793

Sounds great.


>> No.8268792

A better way to make people rage would be to actually make it. It's possible. Probably be extremely popular on /soc/ and /b/.

>> No.8268795
File: 65 KB, 461x452, 1324404118851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8268814


doing this. on 27

>> No.8269717


This really helped me out.
Much better than learn python the hard way.

>> No.8269728
File: 202 KB, 1300x985, 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f5a514b48372e6a7067..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4chan X guys already make this joke, I'm afraid.

>> No.8269731

Last time I saw the programming thread, we made an IRC chat. I lurked in it, and I was pretty interested, until you decided you wanted to make a shmup game. I'm more interested in RPGs, so I haven't been in the IRC since then.
Besides, I have lots of shit to do on top of procrastinating on /jp/, so I'd never get any work finished, thinking about it.

>> No.8269739

im still trying to learn python3
i am stuck at for x in z
i don't understand it

>> No.8269747
File: 249 KB, 640x427, hasselback31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you drop NEET from the thread?

Regardless, I woke up today only hours after falling asleep and couldn't go back. That's when I learned that alcohol distrupts your sleep patterns. I was looking forward to sleeping all day too, and then waking up when my package got here. The package arrived at 9PM and I opened the knife and then tried making some hasselback potatoes. I couldn't remember the name at the time nor the recipe, so I stuffed them with butter, thyme, some parsley, coarse black pepper and then I sprinkled seasoned salt on them. I didn't cook them long enough. They look like grubs.

>> No.8269771
File: 305 KB, 574x598, 16709413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I've been at it for years but none of my projects seem to materialize. I'm both inefficient and overambitious I guess.

>> No.8269850
File: 1.40 MB, 1680x1182, c9184547ebce32bac6a733f8e30e0c55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based whitespace.

>> No.8269900

Oh man, I actually thought those WERE grubs from the thumbnail.

>> No.8271904

How's #jp-prog going?

>> No.8271937


RPGs are more work and require good story telling, art, and music to really work. A shooter is much easier because it lets us fuck with code while it not being too serious.

Maybe after that is done we can do an RPG though.
