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File: 145 KB, 200x470, George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8262896 No.8262896 [Reply] [Original]

So what ever happened about George being the demon king anyway, i thought something would come out of that. Also r07 really did shit with him and Jessica.

>> No.8262906
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george thread

>> No.8262910

George possibly set a lot of these events into motion.

It is very possible that Battler did write a letter to Shannon and that George, holding the envelope, decided to keep the letters from Shannon. If that is the case, it would be interesting to know what their conversation at the family conference would be like.

George and Shannon's story is one that gets told nearly once per episode and we get something different from it each time. Increasingly we become aware that he is more like Shannon's stalker than anything else.

Jessica gets a really short end of the stick. I want to see more with Jessica because I think there still is more there. Particularly, I think her closed room in Ep4 may have a bit more to it.

>> No.8262924

How can George not know that Shannon was faking it? i mean he was fucking stalking her, he would of found out right away.

>> No.8262926

Do you guys think rosas x-husband has anything to do with anything?

>> No.8262930

No, he is irrelevant.

>> No.8262942

So why the fuck did the family just stop caring about the riddle and why was it never used again?

>> No.8262947

Are you talking about the epitaph?

>> No.8262953

yeah. It just stopped being important..

>> No.8262959

George is a device used to slowly reveal that Shannon must be in an unstable condition, as she accepts the advances of a beta sociopath, even to the point of rushing into marriage with him.

>> No.8262970

yeah but how the fuck did George not notice that she was not fake.

>> No.8262972

The solving of it is pretty pivotal to what happens in the story. In at least some kakera late during the first night the parents solve the epitaph starting the murdering

>> No.8262975

It was solved in episode 7.

>> No.8262988


It was direly important to EP7, wherein it was finally answered. At no point does it fall by the wayside until EP8, where it's no longer meaningful.

>> No.8263019

Who else misses the epic trolling and twists from the early eps... its what made it fun.. then it became all mellow and boring.

>> No.8263023

There are no kakera, and all the stories Yasu wrote centered around her being the culprit as they were supposed to be clues to her heart. She didn't expect the epitaph to be solved, which is what likely what really happened in the one single "kakera" if you want to call it that. That's where the parents murdered.

>> No.8263058

George was a fat shut-in who stole letters. I'm sure he ate them all. For that sin the tile of demon king may very well be appropriate

>> No.8263068

So was he really a loser shut in? Any clues to this?

>> No.8263072

Why does it feel like umineko ep5-8 have no continuity at all. eps 1-4 felt like they had it with the meta and how they talked about what happened in past eps or what happened affect later eps. but 1-5 feels really random, its really ironic these were meant to be answer arcs.

>> No.8263073
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>> No.8263075

you need ot read them again, I think, there's a lot of continuity in them.

>> No.8263079

yeah but that doesn't mean hes a secret failure without a job and such staying in his room all day.

>> No.8263081
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it's pretty clear the writer lost control of his story, possibly after seeing the readers figuring out a lot of his tricks very early and obsessing on his story
it's not chance this is said by the character who is basically the writer's mouth

>> No.8263084

you know, evas husband was really shafted, it was just as bad as nanjo in development. remember when he let eva kill everybody and didnt even care in ep7? something was up with him.

>> No.8263091

remember when hideyoshi was suspicious

>> No.8263094

Im reading ep8 and im up to the part when kinzo gives the gold back to beato in the grand hall and every bodies happy and clapping. please tell me there will be trolling soon and everything goes wrong in a bit. its really boring.

>> No.8263101

there will be trolling soon and everything goes wrong in a bit

>> No.8263104

thank god.

>> No.8263117

I like how George knew about Shannon's issues, but still made the whole "let's have babies" comments anyway. Way to be an asshole, George.

Dude was the culprit all along. Probably even skull fucked Maria before killing her. Demon king? More like king of the pedos.

>> No.8263127
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And then that happened.

>> No.8263132

That would actually be a decent answer, guess we will have to wait for the booklet to finally clear all this up. Did he say the murderer would be revealed?

>> No.8263135

Wait so did he know she was yasu?

>> No.8263138

I like this image. It shows that George could have been a good culprit. He would not cry over being unable to have Shannon, his jealously could cause a "if I can't have her nobody can" conclusion. Too bad he was irrelevant.

>> No.8263145
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George is a kind and loving aniki and husbando! I won't permit the vulgar tale you're all so fond of!

>> No.8263146

He was suspicious from the first first twilight on, too, since from the get go he was the source of the first unconfirmed death (since he was the only one to examien Shannon's body).

>> No.8263148

shut up joji we're trying to have a discussion here

>> No.8263154

So maybe it was hideyoshi and George together?

>> No.8263155

And his corpse was never seen by Battler in the second twilight.

>> No.8263159

Go eat your letters, sea elephant

>> No.8263163
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>> No.8263164
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The role of Battler Ushiromiya shall now be played by George Ushiromiya.

>> No.8263167

I wish the murders and the locked romms still fucking mattered.

>> No.8263172

Well, when confirming Shannon's "death" he lies to George, and in a way he has everything to gain from George getting over Shannon (if only to please Eva), so I think he's an accomplice and George is not.

>> No.8263175

George tried to kill his family so he could use the gold to fund Shannon's sex change operation. It was truly a noble cause.

>> No.8263179

Somebody answer this.

>> No.8263181

Or maybe they were both trying to pull one over on Eva?

>> No.8263189

Most likely. Although I doubt he knew who Yasu actually was.

>> No.8263194

But then why mention the engagement ring? Thinking George proposed and Shannon accepted would only anger her more, while mentioning it to George brings him closure, but only if he's not in on the lie.

>> No.8263195

Wait, if he knew she was a he or a fake, why did he still go for her/him? what was the point?

>> No.8263198

it ended up that george isn't real

>> No.8263202
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If you're going to rape a maid, first check to make sure she doesn't have a dick. That makes the rape awkward.

>> No.8263205

Sage advice.

>> No.8263207

But they still matter. Is a jigsaw puzzle less interesting when you know what the complete picture's gonna look like?

Hell, since they turn out to be mystery-novels-within-the-novel, this guarantees they're solvable

>> No.8263208

To have sex? Because mentally unstable traps are his fetish? Cause he wanted to rape a maid? I don't know, the answers are limitless.

>> No.8263219
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>> No.8263230
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>> No.8263243


>> No.8263245

George is Hachijo after getting a sex change operation.

>> No.8263250

which slice should i pick from the cake?

>> No.8263259

the right one

>> No.8263260

On a scale from 1-10, how pissed would you be if it was revealed that George was the culprit?

>> No.8263264
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I've always hated fat Harry Potter

>> No.8263265

I think it would make the story 10x better because seeing George go pure evil would be cool. I just hope he makes one last ep to really end it all.

>> No.8263268
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Do you mean: Fat Lezard Valeth?

>> No.8263270

So who is writing ep 8 if yasu wrote ep 1 and 2 and battler i guess wrote 1-7? So did battler really just sit there and write all these books?

>> No.8263273

George wishes he could be as cool as Lezard.

>> No.8263277

>So did battler really just sit there and write all these books?

It seems when you are in a wheelchair you have a lot of free time

>> No.8263280

Wait, what if there is more than just one culprit?

>> No.8263282

I bet that author chick crippled him once he started getting some of his memories back to prevent him from escaping so he could continue churning out books. Misery: Umineko edition

>> No.8263287

In that one super long post-ep8 interview Ryukishi basically says there was a different accomplice (or accomplices) each time, plus in at least one case (ep3, apparently) someone got the culprit and took over the killings

>> No.8263296

Wait seriously? why couldn't he of fucking just explained that in ep8, or just make a REAL answer arc with each chapter being a answer to 1-4. I mean that what he fucking did with hurgashi and it was neat and made fucking sense.

>> No.8263302

Or you could just use your brain and come up with your own answers.

>> No.8263305

Is that the same interview where he said Shannon's tits were fake and that George might have hid Battler's letter?

>> No.8263310

Stop giving out answers in interviews, damn it.

>> No.8263312

Sorry stories like that are just a fucking waste of time, always were. And they are most of the time only made because the author has no clue how to fuck to end it.

>> No.8263318

You're just one of those people who needs an answer shoved down their throat.

>> No.8263372

Demon King? like in Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword?

>> No.8263408
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no problems having sex with a mentally unstable trap maid.

>> No.8263417

Mentally unstable? Yes, as "unstable" as an armed atomic bomb just dropped from a plane.

>> No.8263908

So anybody have a guide to the right answers ?

>> No.8265207

>fat harry potter
Why has this never occured to me?

>> No.8266222
File: 337 KB, 640x300, da true culprit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay close attention to EP7, ffs.

>> No.8266249


Uh, because that was really fucking obvious?

The "solution" for the first 4 EPs is that any of the family's adults can be convinced to murder (Other than Krauss and Natsuhi), simply for money. Each episode has a different set as the accomplice.

EP1: Eva and Hideyoshi
EP2: Rosa
EP3: No accomplice, so Shannon gets killed
EP4: Rudolf and Kyrie

>> No.8266257


You mean to individual murders and shit? You should have figured those out at least by the end of EP6.

I don't know if there's a writeup, but feel free to ask for anything specific, and I'll see if I can remember.

>> No.8266313


The one thing that I never was quite able to figure out was the episode 3. The theory that Kyrie wasn't really dead after the duell and thus proceded to kill the rest of them seemed to make sense... but wasn't it confirmed lateron that she did really die?

I'm confused.

>> No.8266320

Personality can die,
That is all you need to know about ep3.
Also it was written by a memory loss Battler so his memory is hazy as fuck.

>> No.8266984

I'm utterly baffled. How comes every instance of Italian in umineko was utterly perfect? Italian is far more difficult than English as far as grammar rules and subtle nuances go. Every other franchise butchered english, latin, german etc. But I couldn't find a single error in any umineko song. I'm happy and I wanted to tell you guys.

>> No.8267167

Dunno, still going through it. So far the yummiest George-relevant thing is that in that one case where he and Shannon were found dead in the same closed room Shannon killed him because he told her he wanted to have kids, not knowing she couldn't have any. So she killed him and killed herself next. Also PERSONALITIES are a possible workaround in many Shannon/Kanon cases (ie if Shannon can't kill George Kanon will handle that and vice versa).

>> No.8267240

Didn't find a better thread for this, so...

I'm playing EP8, Lambda vs. Bern duel just started. How long do these tedious magic fights last?

>> No.8267244

For me Beato will always be a women ;_;

>> No.8267248

protip: CTRL skips text

>> No.8267251

I'm generally a no-CTRL purist, but I'm seriously considering it right now. Gosh Ryukishi knows how to stretch the boring stuff.

>> No.8267274

Just started part 2 until it got to Ange/Beato's battle.

I'm one of the people that didn't really care about solving the mystery on my own and.... ow R07, ouch.

>> No.8267298
File: 342 KB, 640x480, fatisfat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another one

>> No.8267308

I bought both the boxes (1-4, 5-8) and I stopped reading at the start of 3. They've been sitting on my shelf for over a year now.
I'm not even running windows anymore, fuck.

>> No.8267325

I lol'd. Now go fix server.

>> No.8267353

What? Go read it, episode three ends amazing.

>> No.8267359

Really guys did you got offended by the whole goat thing? I mean it was clear as day that Ryu's hate is not directed at us (readers from the real world) but at the people and media at ''Umineko's world'' that transformed the Rokkenjima tragedy into a circus.

Well, if Rokkenjima incident had happened in real life i would be defending the fuck out of NOT opening the catbox and letting the dead rest, really.

Well if you are running mac OS you can still use the witch hunt patch to install the CD and the translation together.

>> No.8267385
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For me, Beato will always be a bitch.

>> No.8267478

>Really guys did you got offended by the whole goat thing? I mean it was clear as day that Ryu's hate is not directed at us (readers from the real world) but at the people and media at ''Umineko's world'' that transformed the Rokkenjima tragedy into a circus.
The people who can't into critical thinking didn't realize if he was saying his fans were shit, he was shit for making the story in the first place.

>> No.8267504

Trick ending reached.

I actually liked that one, apart from the magical fighting bullshit.

>> No.8267521

It's really hard to tell WHAT was written by Battler in Episode 8. I mean, did he write everything Ange did? In that case her entire arc is fiction. But what about the ??? then which seems to be told from her POV and reunites them... did he write that? Why?

Basically Umineko is a giant pile of metafiction and I have no idea what's real and what's fiction.

>> No.8267555

One thing about the Goats that was said that most people missed is that they wanted Rokenjima to be a tragedy. This goes directly against what the real life readers of Umineko want. Most people naturally want a happy ending.

>> No.8267778

My game stopped abruptly at the end of the rolling picture for the magic ending.

What's up with that...? Can this be solved somehow?

>> No.8267994

Ep8 happened in Ange head.
Do you really think a story where Ange solved riddles in a Halloween party can sell?

>> No.8268008

Speak for yourself, I wanted all the asshole parents to die horribly. The cousins are okay, but their deaths are acceptable collateral damage if the parents can die gruesomely enough.

Except Maria. That irritating piece of shit needs to be staked Vlad-style from the vagina and out of the mouth, and her disembodied head ought to be displayed at the shrine gates of Rokkenjima for all to see. She was more annoying than Jar Jar and Navi combined.

>> No.8268009

I'm actually rewatching the anime series after reading all 8 episodes and it's impressive how they frigging slap you in the face with clues to solve the mystery.

Specially that scene in the kitchen with Maria, Kanon, Gohda, Battler and that old lady that I always miss her name. That's a slap in the face right there.

>> No.8268027

I never watched the anime, but sounds interesting. Mind linking this scene from YouTube or something?

>> No.8268030


There's a picture going around somewhere that shows it to you. I don't have it myself, but some kind anon may have it around.

>> No.8268279


I found a youtube upload of it. Here:


Watch from there, onwards. That's one of the many slaps in the face you take without knowing.

>> No.8268295

Thank you, kind anon.

Maybe I should consider watching the anime for stuff like this. Definitely faster than actually reading eps 1-4.

>> No.8268344


You'd rather read the 4 episodes first before watching the anime. The anime removes alot of stuff that allows you to understand the actions of the characters, providing some background on everything. Sure, it is longer, but it's richer in content.

>> No.8268392

>"Right now, Beatrice is here"
>Camera Zooms over Kanon

>> No.8268402

>Beatrice is here right now.
>Kanon is right behind Maria

>> No.8268418

I suppose I wasn't clear about this, but I've read all the VNs before. I don't think I have the time and devotion for both a rereading of the originals and the anime, so I might as well go for the one that I've never experienced before.

>> No.8268421
File: 498 KB, 275x189, H8gmQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this thread I'm out of here

>> No.8268425

You still have no evidence that Kanon is Shannon is Beatrice, you goats.

>> No.8268430

Just sayin', but I think in terms of 'whoa how the fuck did I miss this'-ness, actually rereading the novel would be better. Of course the anime would take less time, but you'd be missing 90% of the fun.

>> No.8268445

Except Battler can't escape the closed room without that being true, so you're wrong.

>> No.8268454

The ceiling between the room and the hallway is raised so the two are connected, and he climbed over the wall.

>> No.8268463

No hidden passages.

>> No.8268483

So something you can see in plain sight by looking up is a hidden passage now?

>> No.8268492

Only way to enter and exit is through door, etc. Or at least I think it was like that, right?
I'm not the other anon, by the way.

>> No.8268497

There was a door in the ceiling.

>> No.8268527
File: 62 KB, 640x480, AndrewHussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow R07 is really a terrible VN writer who doesn't know how to handle his fanbase, and doesn't know how to hide his hints well.

Pictured here on the left is a VN writer who is much better in at keeping his cool and having elements of mystery in his stories

>> No.8268531

How stupid can you be? Is this is the average intelligence of an average R07 fanboy?
Shkanontrice is a fictional character created by Yasu for her mystery bottled letter.

>> No.8268614

Here's another slap in the face:


See who are in which place and think for a second. Notice where Shannon and Kanon are and where are the rest of the people, specially our detective, which is Battler in this case.

These hints are just thrown to you right in the open.

>> No.8268642

Wasn't there a nice pair of screenshots from the Banquet episodes that proved Rudolf and Kyrie's "corpses" moved after they were supposedly killed?

>> No.8268662


Right now rewatching the anime, so eventually I will find out about it.

>> No.8268731

Fucking Hideyoshi murdering everyone for fun

>> No.8268819

You know, the memory loss thing could be quite cool if it was foreshadowed more and played up right. But as it is, that's not really what he went with since Tohya is a "different person" to Battler and not trying to regain his memories. Having Battler in the present struggling to regain his memories, and witches invading his "Personal Reality" for the laugh is a pretty amusing premise. It'd be better if he was in a coma or something, though that's kinda cheesy, worked for Life on Mars.

Lambdadelta gave "Power" to Beatrice to be a "real witch" so she could actually get in his head and help remind him of what happened.

Shkannontrice could be an artifact of Battler's crappy memory. In reality, Shannon, Kanon and Yasu are seperate people. However, as part of her murder mysteries sent as the notes in the bottle, Yasu created the questionable backstory seen in #7 which took some liberties with the servants real backstory. Battler mistook this for fact, just as he mistook a lot of fiction for the fact of what happened on the Island.

>> No.8268834
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Good. Everything is going exactly according to plan.

>> No.8268847

Jessica got it worse since she has a lot more involvement that is never pursued again. Aside from dating one of her best friends male personalities she also helps give the family the impression that Kinzo is a bitter and angry old fool in the first episodes.

If there's a character whos' been wasted it's Jessica.

>> No.8268879

Except it says so in EP 8 that they are all fake identities.

>> No.8268960

'sup Yasu.

>> No.8268989


>> No.8269001

During the big stranger than fiction fight between the goats.

>> No.8269016

Jessica is Yasu who is Kanon who is Shannon who is Beatrice.

>> No.8269042

After it was confirmed that the real truth is shit not even worth reading.
There were no closed room murder or any mystery. The real culprit probably just shoot people on sight without any regard on hiding their intentions and got blew up by Yasu in the end.
The other eps were just fictional tales written to look like a mystery.

>> No.8269949

Question about ep7, guys. Yes, inb4 slowpoke.jpg

Why is it that Yasu said people wouldn't die if he came a year earlier or a year later?

>> No.8270073

That I would also like to know. Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.8270082

I wonder if it explains it in ep8, I've just finished the puzzles.

>> No.8270085

A year earlier, Yasu wouldn't have promised George he'd marry him; a year later, she'd given up Battler.
Him showing up the exact time she had to decide made her go wonkers.

>> No.8270100

Oh, I see. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8271322

The incident would have been laid to rest if the truth came out. Instead, everyone made crazy theories and all the other relatives of the deceased had to live without ever finding out what happened to the people the lost or whether they were murderers.

>> No.8271738

>The other eps were just fictional tales written to look like a mystery.
That the closed room only exist on paper doesn't make them any less interesting, especially since the fictional tales all are, on some level, descriptions of how Yasu or Battler perceived their family.

>> No.8272202
File: 542 KB, 640x480, 34questionsheruniverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really enjoyed episode 8, was expecting the worst considering all the hate, but maybe I'm just the type easily amused by magic tricks. Also, best tea party.
