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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.8250989[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm in a continuous process of organising my large library of images.

How do you organise your images? Do you sort them by character or series? This is mostly concerning h and e images.

>> No.8250994
File: 848 KB, 1285x891, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One folder for animated gifs. This is how I sort all of my folders.

>> No.8251001

I have a folder named "twowho" where I drop everything I pick up on /jp/

>> No.8251002
File: 36 KB, 213x133, Untitled-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like so, and on series that I have a bunch of pictures of I make a new folder and place them there.

>> No.8251003

I don't save images. I go on *booru/pixiv when I need something.

>> No.8251008
File: 227 KB, 650x962, Satori1006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only images I save are of Satori. I don't really organize them, though. They're numbered arbitrarily.

>> No.8251026

Do you want to cum inside of her too?

>> No.8251028


If that makes any sense. It works for me and it keeps everything organized. Japshit, wallpapers, and hentai are my only thoroughly organized folders.

>> No.8251037

I have a general porn folder, with subfolders for certain fetishes, and a different /e/ folder. Apart from that, I have a 'top' folder for images I find very good, regardless of SFW or not. I have series-specific folders only for Touhou and those that are very popular at the moment (Nanoha, Meguca etc). CG sets, doujins and h-manga go to a different folder.

As for how I sort them, I open them with ACDSee, hit F2, add a prefix indicating which folder it goes to (ec- for /e/, fj- for footjobs and the like). I like to split them into 1000-image folders and do them one by one, it kinda gets tiring when there's more than that.

>> No.8251040
File: 78 KB, 761x823, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to organize another 8000 images into my folder. I already have 13k done. It may look like a lot, but I just haven't gotten around do it, especially since a lot of them are already in folders, and a lot more are junk that can be quickly tossed.

I really hope nobody recognizes me.

>> No.8251043

I gave up trying to completely sort when I didn't know how to deal with images with multiple characters in them. I just toss them into general folders and then into series folders.

e.g. Magical Girl folder with subfolders for Nanoha, Touhou, Komugi(Mii included), etc. Crossover type deals just stay in the main folders.

>> No.8251044

What's in the Condoms and Pedo folders?

>> No.8251048
File: 91 KB, 645x773, 1298117579002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you lose your image collection.

>> No.8251053

Condoms is some porn/2chan stuff. Pedo is just pedobear meme and 4chan related stuff.

>> No.8251055

I recently lost all my hentai and had to start again, I feel like Sysyphus.

>> No.8251062

There was that 50gb torrent of doujinshi floating around a week or two ago.

>> No.8251065

That feel when you have it transferred over multiple hard drives as you updated computers, resulting in several collections, all backed up

That feel when you're still too lazy to merge them

I know your feel though, I lost all my 4chan images and old (probably 404'd) japanese site links between 2003 and early 2004 in a computer restoration problem.

>> No.8251073

Thanks for the information, but I'm too lazy to sort the doujinshis I like.

>> No.8251074

The bigger problem is how to actually go about separating them, not where to put them.
When you're sorting tens of thousands of images, this does not go quickly.

>> No.8251085


>> No.8251101

I thought I was the only one. I have 5 different folders that used to be my main image folders. They're like different chapters of my life. I can browse back to over 4 years ago and remember what was going on in my life at the time from the kind of images I was saving.

Not all of them are good memories...

>> No.8251106

>When you're sorting tens of thousands of images, this does not go quickly.

It actually does if you arse yourself to do it. Most of my images are touhou or things I collected with downthemall before I had a folder for them, so I have large swaths of images that are the same theme. You can probably just bandbox them and chuck them into folders by the dozens.

Either way, it doesn't take long to find an image I need to post, so it can't take that long to eyeball pictures and sort them. Just put in an afternoon's work.

>> No.8251117

Personally, I do 1000-2000 per day with my method in >>8251037. It helps if you give the folder a glance beforehand and take images that are grouped together and belong to the same folder, such as a doujin you saved from an /h/ thread.

>> No.8251135
File: 552 KB, 3074x1042, doujn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't collect a lot of H images, but I am trying to organize the thousands of H Manga that I have saved. I'm in the process of organizing them in the folders you see there on the left, when I finally move all of them there (I still have about 2k manga left to organize) I'll start cataloging them in that software you see on the right, which can tag them by author, score, genre, language, etc.

I'm probably take months doing this though, but it'll be god damn worth it.

>> No.8251149

>I can browse back to over 4 years ago and remember what was going on in my life at the time from the kind of images I was saving.

>Not all of them are good memories...

Now there's a feel I don't like. I still miss my 2003 stuff, but back a few years ago, I took a look at the 2004-5 folder... I thought I had been gradually dragged into lolicon via Fate's delicious ass, but I discovered that I was a couple orders more loliphile before 2005 than after.

>> No.8251177


I had the same problem. When I have pictures of 2 or 3 characters in them, whoever is the most prominent is the one who goes into that characters folder. For pictures that have characters where they're doing something together, like Flandre and Komeiji, they get put in the [Pairings]/Flandre x Komeiji/ folder. If it's a picture of a family or a general collection of the characters in a game, like Sakuya, China, Patchy, Remi and Flan or Chen, Ran, and Yukari, they just get dumped in whatever episodic folder they belong in. Since I seperate my Touhou folder by game.

>> No.8251181

>I can browse back to over 4 years ago and remember what was going on in my life at the time from the kind of images I was saving.
With my recent loss, the oldest image I could salvage had the Futaba timestamp of 126xxx, which is, like, 2010. I was really looking forward to browsing through all my stupid images when I am a bald 50-year old, but alas.

>> No.8251207
File: 141 KB, 918x1264, casper-and-windia-by-panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending a lot of time sorting images I've downloaded feels somewhat pointless, but if I must do so the one thing I find it useful is to rate images (1-5). ACDSee has this function, the program is expensive but you can find pirated version. I might worry about sorting the images I rated 4 or 5 into more specific folders but I probably leave things I rate 1-3 wherever they lie. Saves me a lot of time and helps focus on the pictures I really like.

I mostly sort by artist, assuming I like the artist enough to care. I only bother sorting by character for stuff like Touhou since there are about 90 of them.

>> No.8251209
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x902, 3886493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of stumped right now.
I utilize a simple category based folder system according to the theme of the picture right now, but recently I started using Pixiv downloader to download all the works of my favorite artists.
I could just copy pictures that fit the particular theme to their separate folders, but I'd rather find the solution that doesn't create duplicates while still allowing me to browse by artist OR theme.

>> No.8251226

Set up a personal local *booru.

>> No.8251259
File: 53 KB, 630x500, 187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8251266

I'm sorting based on series/franchise. If there was such a thing as Danbooru without desktop frontend, I'd probably use it.

>> No.8251268

Make that s/without/with/.

>> No.8251273
File: 20 KB, 254x221, shaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i organize them by characters or actions as HELL

>> No.8251275
File: 5 KB, 300x138, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started tagging my images a month or so ago with Picasa, got through a whole two folders before laziness won and I haven't continued since.

Picasa apparently has some facial recognition thing it runs for auto-tagging photos, it was kind of amusing to see what art it picked up as having human faces before I turned that off.

>> No.8251276

There are ways of tagging images, can't really think of a great one, though.

>> No.8251281

It would be easy to make a script that uses Gelbooru md5 or IQDB to autotag images.

>> No.8251298

I was wondering if such a thing existed, or could be made, when I started going through them. I am bad at computer though.

>> No.8251300

Yeah, I know. Desktop integration is usually lacking, though, so you end up being locked into one application (which is usually optimized for tagging images, not for viewing).

Nepomuk on Linux was kind of nice, but it comes with huge dependencies and KDE4 lock-in. Fucking KDE.

>> No.8251307

Getting information from Gelbooru would probably be simple (going by MD5 as the person above suggested), but I have no idea how to hook into Picasa's database. Does it store information in some standard format (e.g. sqlite)?

>> No.8251308
File: 413 KB, 1756x904, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never bother organizing the main folder, I just dump the images into "Old" when it gets too large to handle.

>> No.8251315

I think it attaches the tags into some kind of standard format, I noticed a small number of the images saved from 4chan or some other places had a ton of tags attached to them. Windows seems to be able to see the tags in the file properties too.

>> No.8251332
File: 46 KB, 799x600, ちんこ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more subfolders in these folders. Those .gif files are for UT99.

>> No.8251333

From a bit of Google, it appears that it stores tags as EXIF meta information for some image formats. Pretty stupid, considering that the MD5 hash will no longer match Gelbooru after it has been tagged.

>> No.8251348

Protip: If you're underage and don't want your parents finding your images, just use Truecrypt.

Hiding them like that is stupid and it's really easy to find with a single search.

>> No.8251415

I'm not exactly hiding them, I just thought it was a nice place to keep the images. I live alone.

>> No.8251498

I find that something like this works well for helping to tag your personal image collection: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/522163/

Or, just do what >>8251003 suggested.

>> No.8251545
File: 383 KB, 800x2400, Untitled-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some names just happen. I have no idea why I named more than one folder "Folder", and I don't know what I would rename them to now. Not that I would rename them.

>> No.8251559

Good luck trying to find that particularly fappable picture when you urgently need it.

>> No.8251598

Porn just gets tossed into the "garbage" folder. Garbage folder has separated folders for the animated and static images.

Touhou goes into "Touhou" golder.
Images are arranged by non-canon pairings.

Manga is separated by Month/Year, and if it's H or non-H.

I can easily find a needle in a haystack.

>> No.8251620
File: 330 KB, 1284x998, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can find a lot of images that stick out in my mind quite easily. It's really only a matter of remembering when I saved it and then sorting by date modified.

>> No.8251668
File: 376 KB, 1284x998, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that even gives me a bit of trouble are my flash files because I don't look at them very much anymore. I can usually remember atleast part of the file name and using a flash decompiler to go through them all usually lets me find what I'm looking for.

I wish there was a way to show all the folders expanded. I think I've got a pretty good setup going on here. As long as you save it in the correct place it's easy to find pretty much anything.
