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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8246890 No.8246890 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you reply to a thread and realize you made a mistake in your post and try to delete before anyone notices.
>Someone always replies to you before you can delete it.
>Red in the face with embarrassment.
>Close tab in shame
>Hope no one recognized it was you.

>> No.8246893

Duuude! You are fuckin Anonymous.

>> No.8246895
File: 489 KB, 400x300, 1205295641500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always hide the thread and never come back when that happens.

>> No.8246896

We're all judging you poorly for making a "greentext" metathread, Anonymous. Now every time you post you'll have to wonder if we somehow know who you are and that it was you who made this thread.

>> No.8246898

Don't listen to him. You're shame will always be in the archive. You can only atone for this by making better posts.

>> No.8246904

Anyone who makes greentext threads doesn't have a problem with embarrassing himself. He's probably an embarrassment of a human being to begin with.

>> No.8246907

I am so glad that mistyping the CAPTCHA has made me catch so many of my errors. That little bastard is helpful once in a while.

That said, I know how you feel. I haven't looked at 4-ch's DQN board for a while because I forgot it was a Kareha board and I tried to use [aa] tags in one of my posts. Maybe someone pointed it out. Oh god I hope nobody has pointed it out.

>> No.8246916
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I know that feel.
I usually just pretend I did it on purpose if anyone replies and then accuse them of being "mad" if they reply again.

>> No.8246935

But now everyone will know you do that!


>> No.8246971
File: 205 KB, 423x515, oh okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only joking, I don't really...

>> No.8247003

that feel when i post something and keep checking the thread to see if anyone replied, until it 404s
that feel when noone replies anyway

>> No.8247020
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*pat pat*

>> No.8247028

I swear moot extends that delete timer just a little bit more every month to fuck with us.

>> No.8247030

You should try typing in proper English, with punctuation and the proper letter cases. Seriously. Most Web users scan before they read, and if I scan someone's post and see someone type like you just did, I generally ignore it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.8247032

Everyone is laughing at you in the archive.

>> No.8247060

I'm far more likely to ignore posts like this.

>> No.8247073

That feel when the mods sometimes stalk people and laugh about them in IRC.

They know you were the guy who made the troll thread about what an alpha normalfag you are. They also know you were crying about your two inch penis and permavirginity in /adv/ an hour later.

>> No.8247090


>> No.8247091

That's really horrible. I recall a mod on /a/ saying they stalked the posts of people who claimed to be girls as well to try to find something to ban them for. It's an abuse of power.

>> No.8247095

But I was trying to be nice.


>> No.8247112

I don't see why this shocks people. It's how any system like this works, and of course people are going to use it like this. Do you think Google wastes their time implementing systems so that staff can't read your email?

> Moot is it true that you can see our IP address as we post on 4chan being an admin while logged in?
> yes, since day one. how do you think our ban system works? you are anonymous to other users, not us.
I just hope this doesn't apply to janitors.

>> No.8247118
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you need to attach pictures to get attention

>> No.8247127

AoC said it doesn't.
