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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 780x1170, 3dpd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8228536 No.8228536 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 3D so disgusting?

>> No.8228544

Why is OP such a fag?

>> No.8228545

Why is 3D so delicious?

>> No.8228562

3D is fine. I always thought people who had a preference for 2D had reasons other than looks. Like they just generally don't want a girlfriend who they'd perceptive as a burden.

>> No.8228563 [DELETED] 

Because we're currently at an awkward point in our evolution where 3D is finally beginning to wear thin, but we haven't yet invented some sort of artificial reality where we can have 2D perfection.

>> No.8228566

It only becomes delicious after it becomes 2D.

>> No.8228602


2D 3D is best 3D.

Too bad Japan doesn't realize that animating or even drawing the guy is a waste of time. No one cares about him.

>> No.8228607 [DELETED] 

What a fun idea.

>> No.8228624

what the fuck
2D girls arn't real
"3D" girls ARE. deal with it. men like you disgust me that are obsessed with anime girls and shit. get a real girl and go get married and love each other.

>> No.8228628

not even trying lol

>> No.8228641

what are you talking about? i'm just giving a woman's point of view on this subject because I see a lot of this stuff and it's disturbing to me...whats wrong with real girls?

>> No.8228642 [DELETED] 

Of course 2D girls are real. What are you talking about?

>> No.8228643

>on the internet
>on /jp/
Nice try.

>> No.8228650

i think you are ignorant to say that, even though it's an ongoing joke.
btw idk why it said OP on my posts. my fault

>> No.8228652

They're full of flaws and simply can't compare to 2D.

>> No.8228653

So uhh, why does it matter? Isn't it good having less men in the running?

>> No.8228656

you don't belong here.

>> No.8228657

Why do you care? You must be trolling.

>> No.8228660

The joke
your head

Ok, maybe you /are/ a woman.
But in that case, why are you on /jp/ which is, as you have undoubtedly noticed, full of sexist pigs?

>> No.8228662

Asspained women all over the place in this thread.

>> No.8228665

oh really? well sorry to burst your bubble but anime is animation. it's not real. the people who draw it make up the personalities. everyone has flaws and no one is perfect, maybe in animu, but you have to accept that. :|

and im not trolling idk this just bothers me because i see it a lot and i guess i wanted to know of you people are for real or not or just kind of joking...

>> No.8228666

They bleed a lot.

>> No.8228667

pigs are clean and intelligent creatures, please don't insult them.

>> No.8228669

>talking about animu in /jp/
>what board do you come from /soc/ or something

>> No.8228670


>> No.8228672

it's real.
get out now.

>> No.8228680

well i actually do like anime and i browse boards a lot but never post. ;D

>> No.8228674

>hey look at me i can troll /jp/

Go away, it's not funny, it's not rage inducing, and it's not contributing to the board. Stop shitposting without sage.

>> No.8228675
File: 415 KB, 1440x816, 1269980696772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is 3D so disgusting?

>> No.8228677

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.8228679

For many of the denizens of /jp/ this is sad but true.

>> No.8228682

That's the good kind of 3D, silly.

>> No.8228684

Oh look, dumb woman on /jp/ trying to argue them away from their 2D waifus like it means something.

Look, dumb cunt, say your words inspired them to divorce their 2D waifus. Say it got them not only attracted to "real girls", but specifically to you. What do you have to gain in this scenario? Nothing.

Go be an attention whore on tumblr or something.

>> No.8228687

>like anime

All you will find here is kigurumi and losers sexualizing touhoes.

>> No.8228688


>> No.8228690

someone sounds mad B)

>> No.8228694

why is sudo such a pig?
why is /jp/ always shitty?
why are females conditioned to believe otakus arent good enough for them?
why does the state exist?
why havent people found out that democracy is stupid?
why should i have to suffer from trade regulations with japan?
why is meido so hot?
why is Keynesianism still mainstream economics?
why is cirno's pussy so cold?

Answer the question yourself, life is better as a mystery.

>> No.8228695

You have unwittingly incited the rage of a thousand autistic manchildren.

>> No.8228697

oh well sorry i just associated this with anime kind of because i always see waifu threads... it would be cool if we did a japanese language thread :D

>> No.8228704

whats wrong with B)? haha i could use B3

>> No.8228707

> it would be cool if we did a japanese language thread
Yeah, those never happen on /jp/. Why don't you start one and see how it goes?

>> No.8228709

I'll suck your cocks, dudes! I can dress up like an anime if you want me to ^^

>> No.8228711

Trolls trolling troll trollops.

>> No.8228712

because i already know what would happen.

>おはよう みなーさん!元気ですか?

something like that

>> No.8228714

Emoticons in general. All of them will cause a steady stream of Get out now.

>> No.8228715

it'd 3dpiedelicious[as HELL] xD

>> No.8228716

IS cirno's pussy cold? How does /jp/ know?

>> No.8228722

It's cold when she wants it to be.

Which is all the time.

But that's unrelated.

So get out.

>> No.8228731

If you had been here for more than five minutes, you'd know that Japanese language threads are normal on /jp/.

>> No.8228732
File: 648 KB, 650x920, 9ddf81ad2941d40bd50901eda0a95f36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway i guess you guys arn't that bad. here's a cute seeu picture.

>> No.8228733 [DELETED] 

But seriously guys. I don't see how a single one of you doesn't have a girlfriend. I have 5 boyfriends myself and you guys can't even manage one? I mean it would not be hard to just find a girl to take you on as their 2nd or 3rd boyfriend you know.

>> No.8228737

but seriously guys. i don't see how a single one of you doesn't have a girlfriend. i have like 5 boyfriends myself and you guys can't even manage just one? i mean even if you are boyfriend material it would not be hard to just find a girl to take you on as their 2nd or 3rd boyfriend you know.

>> No.8228740

stop pretending to be me faggot. i'm not a slut you damn neckbeard

>> No.8228742

It isn't /jp/ is just full of frustrated disgusting fat asses that can't get any "3D" girl so they collectively go against it to make themselves feel better.

>> No.8228747

Speak for yourself, I honestly find them disgusting, habits, smell, looks.

>> No.8228748

i don't even get what you're trying to get at you imposter. its like you're trying to imply sexual liberation is a bad thing. you're just a misogynist loser. women deserve to have sex with as many men as they want just like men do

>> No.8228751
File: 40 KB, 469x359, tumblr_litkzaldnn1qghlk1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8228752

>i have like 5 boyfriends myself and you guys can't even manage just one?
Whoa, if we're talking girls here, then yeah, I'm a forever alone faggot who should gb2/r9k/. But as for boyfriends, you call 5 an accomplishment? I've sucked over 80 different cocks, dude, and at least half of them were those of temporary or long-term boyfriends.

>> No.8228755

thats the giveaway. i've never used the word misogynist because i'm not a hipster fuck. haters gon' hate. erryone wants to be me B3333333

>> No.8228761

i have 5 boyfriends. i can't even count the number of boyfriends i've had before ok so shut up

>> No.8228765

hey nerds, kitty's right you know :3 stawp hatin'! Maybe then you'll have a chance with me ;)

>> No.8228768

Yes ;_;

I want 5 erect cocks surrounding me while I suck them all ;_;

>> No.8228769

The differences between 3D and 2D are only existent in the material form.

That is to say, beyond the fact that 3D exists as a collection of molecules and atoms, both 2D and 3D girls exist as a collection of purely abstract forms.

Personalities themselves are just ideas. There's no physical form to their manifestation beyond collective brain activity which can easily be simulated.

In this abstraction exists the inherent differences 2D and 3D, and the subsequent acceptance of the superiority of 2D. The personality of every individual is decided by the sum of all matters of memories, impulses, desires and emotions specific to that individual. If we are able to create a being that has these traits that fulfill our personal desires to a higher degree (only nearer, never equaling to %100 because such levels are impossible) then we can cast off the need for 3D as a means of fulfillment because it be of a higher percentage of disappointment. With enough work we can recreate the effects of the physical manifestations of love--which is something that things like virtual realities and the likes are working towards.

The end results of all religious and spiritual views on love are those that require us to cast off our desire for matters of the flesh. Beyond that is only the existence of beings in their abstract forms. If anything, from both a philosophical and religious point of view, the desire for 2D females is of higher concept, because it allows us to cast off the restrictions of the material world almost instantaneously.

>> No.8228772

try to copy me now TROLL.

>> No.8228778

Disregard that i suck cocks

>> No.8228781

I'll suck any of you dudes' cocks.

>> No.8228782

right on. if you guys werent such misogynist sad fucks you'd have a chance. YES I USE THE WORD MISOGYNIST YOU FUCKING IMPOSTER DAMN

>> No.8228783


>> No.8228784

you a shit bitch

>> No.8228785

ya but you cant have sex with them and shit. :| AND I DONT WANNA HEAR ANY WEIRD PHILOSOPHICAL BULLSHIT

>> No.8228789

I am a smart intelligent lady. Why do you prefer imaginary characters who don't even think or feel over me? ;_;

>> No.8228790

/jp/ - a shit since '09

>> No.8228794

yeah and it also has bitches that try to copy me. omg can I be like the new boxxy but less gay?

>> No.8228793

i've sucked over a thousand cocks, dudes. why can't you guys get any? B3

>> No.8228795

Please do. /jp/ could do with a queen.

>> No.8228796

Her face doesn't combine with her body.

>> No.8228800

>mfw "kitty" is actually some loser neckbeard from /b/ trying to convince himself there are people that are even worse losers than he is

>> No.8228804

oh cool i have been nominated. i guess i'll have to take a bunch of weird pics for you guys huh. i want to wait until i get my hair done though, it looks pretty terribad right now.

>> No.8228805 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 350x329, IDontEven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this i dont even..

>> No.8228807

Oh man. I can't wait to link reddit to this thread.

>> No.8228813

okei XD

are you kawaii XD

>> No.8228815

all hail queen kitty of /jp/

>> No.8228816
File: 243 KB, 440x432, deal with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm actually a 20 yr old female that has a life and is going to college and has a steady relationship.
>B :3
> B :3
> B :3
> B3

>> No.8228817

I for one would like to see a 3d take pictures of herself and humiliate herself using her body to gain the attention of guys on the internet she doesn't even know. This would prove 2d's superiority/

>> No.8228818

Have daily "do you pretend to be a girl /jp/?" threads.

>I'm a gurl, suck cocks dudes

Totally legit.

I don't mind if this is two way trolling for a good show though. I just don't want any our newer idiots from offboard getting confused.

>> No.8228821

Wow, shut up nerd, don't talk about girls like that. Who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.8228825

>mfw thats a lie and you can't prove it isnt

>> No.8228826


>> No.8228830

why havent u posted ur pix yet? xd

>> No.8228833

Simple solution.

Post a timestamped pic of you sucking my cock dude

>> No.8228835

if you say it's a lie and i say it's the truth, who's to say either of us can prove it? this board is anonymous so anyone can say what they want and people believe it or not fuckface. i know who i am so i'm comfortable if anyone says otherwise. so suck dicks 8=========D-- - -- - yea

>> No.8228836

Give the lady her time. She said she has to fix her hair.

>> No.8228842

lol ill post a pic of me one day if i feel like it. but it wont be for like a while and it will be random. and it wont be nude.

>> No.8228839

i love shit

>> No.8228841
File: 15 KB, 267x181, 1317369088223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw i'm actually a 20 yr old female that has a life and is going to college and has a steady relationship.
>mfw your actually the lying bitch who stole my name :P

>> No.8228846

can't wait to see it ;D

>> No.8228847

>all sorts of stupid posts and logical fallacies

Are all women this stupid? I will admit my wife sometimes does dumb things, but not on this level of retardedness.

>> No.8228849

post a picture of your butt with no holes showing

>> No.8228851

>implying you can be the queen of anything without nudes

>> No.8228854

wat you sound like a chauvinist asshole therefore you do not matter

>> No.8228855

>My wife
Hold on there retard.

>> No.8228860

Why is this thread still being bumped? I mean, jesus christ people.

>> No.8228861

>it will be random
i hope it'll be so randum XDXDXDXD

>> No.8228863

Being a girl on the internet.

First you need to have an idea of what kind of girl you want to be. Once you've picked out the type of girl, go find a suitable picture. Depending on your audience this could take awhile to find something believable. (Personally, I suggest using Japanese and corean social networking sites.) Next hunt down some cam rips of your mark(or much easier to find, audio clips from any old girl) these are your trump card only to be used when pressed against the wall.

Depending on the girl you're going to be you'll either need to have a legit looking profile on all the social networking sites, or be ready to make one once the targets "convince" you to. Have instant messaging accounts made well in advance.

The big reveal usually isn't hard, just claim to be a girl, wade through the shitstorm and then drop a few of your collected pictures. You want to make them fight as hard as possible for every picture or detail they can pry from you to both reserve these precious resources and to draw out the interactions.

Remember the girl you grabbed from before? Be sure to continue picking up any new pictures she posts and keep them in your reserve. It is not hard to pull this off as the same person with the same guys for years.

>> No.8228870

This is by far the worst thread on /jp/. I'm not making it any better, but I just felt like saying it.

>> No.8228876
File: 53 KB, 695x796, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst board on 4chan

>> No.8228879

forgot my sage.

>> No.8228878

>My wife
I hope you meant "mai waifu" with that, ``faggot".

>> No.8228889

>better than reddit tier
Confirmed for shitty list.

>> No.8228897 [DELETED] 

Whoever made this hasn't actually been to most of those boards. Guessing he just visits two or three and made the image based on the others' topics alone.

>> No.8228899

This thread is absolutely crraaaaaaaazzyyyyyyyy

>> No.8229569

>Why is 3D so disgusting?
>99 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Oh, this, I gotta see.

... okay, wasn't that interesting.
