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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 327 KB, 1008x827, antismoking shitstorm incoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8219341 No.8219341 [Reply] [Original]

NEET/hikki thread.
What've you been up to? Nothing much, I'm sure.
How do you sustain your lifestyle? What's your preferred piss bottle? You know the drill, so let's drill.

>> No.8219344
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/jp/ - Deletion/General

>> No.8219351
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I love me a hikki thread, I just don't know what to say. All I do all day is drink, smoke and piss, while I browse /jp/. It's a simple, unfulfilling, but great lifestyle.

>> No.8219357

You're two steps ahead of me, all I do is sleep.

>> No.8219358
File: 265 KB, 600x849, sixtytwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's saturday, my drinking day.
I keep to myself pretty much every day of the week, but on saturdays I down two bottles of vodka and do whatever I fucking want to do as long as I don't have to leave my room. It took me the best part of eight minutes to write this post, so let me reward you with this pic.

>> No.8219363

Well, you're awake now right? What're you doing right now? How many hours a day do you sleep?
How do you afford this slothy, simple lifestyle?
I always get a hard-on when learning of my fellow /jp/sies' pasts.

>> No.8219383

Yeah, I'm awake right now but I'll be asleep in an hour or so. I sleep at least 15 hours a day. I afford it by living off my family and feeling terrible about it. I wish I could bother the government for money, but I'm too scared to leave my room to hassle them about it.

>> No.8219387

I also party on Satudays, I eat pringles, eat sunflower roasted seeds and drink vodka with redbull while I browse /jp/ and danmaku, is like I'm happy again, then the Sunday back to depression until the next Saturday.

>> No.8219399

OP, you forgot chubby.jpg

>> No.8219412
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Woke up at about 4pm today, I'd gotten my sleep schedule on a more "proper" setting lately, every now and again I'll try to fix it since I sometimes come down past midnight to find that someone had made me a meal while I was asleep. That always makes me feel worse than usual.

I'm now browsing /jp/ and pixiv at 1:30am while listening to fire bomber and dreading christmas. It's started snowing on the Wakamatsu station cam.
That's what I spent last christmas watching, it feels nostalgic.

>> No.8219419

Jobs arent's that bad you know. Even I have a job, collecting dairy in a factory full of Polish people. No interaction needed, and payday every monday so I can pay my mom and buy my alcohol and cigarettes.

>> No.8219425

That timezone means you're British, right?

>> No.8219427

That's right anon.

>> No.8219429

Ahh, yes, but getting the job requires interaction. I'm terrified of people. There's no way I could even try to get one without running away within three seconds of walking through the door.

Fear just takes over and I lose control. All I can do is run when I try to go outside. Actually, just leaving my room is pretty hard. My brother brings me meals to my door because he's afraid I'm going to starve to death. But it's safe in here, so I think I'll just stay in bed.

>> No.8219435



>> No.8219433
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Why don't you guys try to make the most out of your time as a NEET/hikki?

As soon as I wake up I run laps through the house for an hour or two, lift weights, and then do language studying or art for the rest of the day. Haven't left the house in mouths, but it feels good to improve your body and hone skills.

>> No.8219437

I'm too lazy and depressed to do that.

>> No.8219439 [DELETED] 

I'd rather do things that I find fun.

>> No.8219444

Listen, not trying to be a smart-ass, but I was in your position once.
All you have to do is send in an apllication on the internet, and with factory work they don't give a fuck, they hire fifty year old men to do stuff there, and you're probably younger, thus cheaper to them. Believe me, they'll be happy to hire you, and you don't have to speak a word while working. I hate my job, but it pays my bills and also makes me buy good quality alcohol, games and other shit.
So unless you're on autist bucks, it's a great choice that doesn't require any social input.

>> No.8219446

I imagine you have a severe fetish for cumming unside females' mouths.

>> No.8219447

Spent the day sober and looking for a new place to live. Still can't afford anywhere, and thinking that I've been drinking too much. Got some backlog out of the way and felt good for a few hours.

I think I'll be okay, as long as I find a place before I kill myself.

I also realized that I feel ronery, and have spent the last year or so lying to myself about it. I don't think I can make friends or anything, and I'm not even sure what I would do if I did, but at least it feels good to be honest with myself about it. Saying this might stir up a shitstorm too, so that's a plus

>> No.8219455


>I also realized that I feel ronery

That just means you need to play more visual novels.

>> No.8219458

I've been severely agoraphobic for five years. I've tried to "fix" myself and get a job in these five years many times. I'm not joking when I say I lose my shit and just end up running away. I've had a couple jobs in the past, and I lasted a few weeks maximum before I couldn't open the door to my room again. Working is completely out of my scope of capabilities, I can't even go for a walk outside without feeling like I'm in danger.

Honestly now, it's just better if I stay in here.

>> No.8219464


What kind of factory did you apply to?

I think I would be okay with doing this, but I have no idea what kind of factories I have to choose from.

>> No.8219466

I have a job, but I'm posting in this thread anyway.

>> No.8219485

I learned to quit smoking and drinking alcohol months ago, it was retardedly difficult but in the end the result is worth it and life has been 1000x better than before, even when being a NEET.
Life is better if it's healthier.
Other than that, my life is not much different from the rest of you.

>> No.8219483

That's actually what caused it. I'm not very good at escapism, I guess. Ronery might not be the best word, it's more like I'm jealous of the MCs I'm supposed to be inserting myself into. That's perfectly normal and sane, right?

You're right.

>> No.8219487

It's a factory where I have to ride around in a cart all day collecting dairy items via a voice-picking system. It's commen among polish people because it's easy, and they don;t ask questions. Which is exactly why it's great for NEET/hikki's. All you do is send in an application, they accept it, and voila. Enjoy putting cheese and milk in crates all day. Aleast you get paid every monday, which is nice. Lets me buy my alcohol, cigarettes and the occasional game.
Jobs are depressing, but my country just doesn't hand out autism bucks that easily, so I just have to work.

>> No.8219508

I study part time with the Open University in England. I don't have to go to any classes. The material gets sent straight to my door. All I have to do is study and complete assignments on time. One exam at the end of each course though. That's the only time you ever have to leave.

>> No.8219510


Why don't you just find some fat weeaboo girl?

I've actually considered this before. I mean, is it really that bad? Sure, she won't be pretty, but she's still a person that would care about you and if visual novels aren't doing the trick.

>> No.8219523 [DELETED] 

I'm going to be going back to school in January. ;_;

>> No.8219524

Not interested in dating. And not desperate enough to deal with the crazy that anyone willing to deal with my social stupidity would have.


>> No.8219549

Can I get student loans for doing something like online college?

I think I would like to spend the next 6 years riding off student loans, doing the bare minimum for some stupid online class, and blowing all of my money on alcohol and dolls. Once I run out of student loan money or graduate then I'll just kill myself, but I think it would be a good couple years before that happens.

>> No.8219561

Online colleges usually means you are a part time student so not really entitled to student loans (not sure how it works in America) . Decent online colleges will have their own financial support system in place for students though.

>> No.8219777

I started working out again recently. Last time it lasted for about a week and a half. Maybe I'll stick through with it a bit longer this time, maybe not. I also started learning more Japanese so I can read manga and VNs, only 1800 kanji to go and I'm already getting lazy about it.

>> No.8222205
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I like my room, it's like my own little world. I have a bed to sleep in and a computer which acts as a gateway to the rest of the universe.
I feel like I'm in a hub world with the choice of going anywhere I want, whenever I want. I just can't physically leave the hub world except to defecate

>> No.8222234

Is it just me or does your room feel eerie and dead whenever you don't have a computer or internet on. It's like a window to the world has been closed. I think as far as my brain is concerned I'm communicating with all of you in the same space, but when that's closed off I suddenly realize how alone I am.

It's like going from a color tv to black and white.

>> No.8222247

The silence is deafening, I need my PCs fans to keep me sane.

>> No.8222266

I like to keep my computer on, and always have some music playing as well.
The realisation usually comes when I pop out to my balcony for a cigarette. There I stand, alone, overlooking a grey city under a grey sky, taking drags of my cigarette and taking comfort in the thought that as soon as I sit back down behind my computer, I'll be distracted from this horrible world oncemore.

>> No.8222356
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Tewi a man

>> No.8222466

I wish. With so much free time on my hands, I could learned a lot of useful and interesting things. Everyday when I go to sleep, I promise myself that the next day won't be like the last. But instead of keeping the promise, I mindlessly browse the internet and play games all day.

Most people with free time have at least one thing they're good at. People read books, people educate themselves, people study. Me, I'm not good at anything. There isn't a single thing I can do better than anyone. I feel so alone in this.

>> No.8222473

I don't mind when the internet goes out because I've got games to occupy myself with, but if the power goes out then the boredom is almost unbearable.
It's almost scary how dependent on electricity and computers I've become in the last 12 years.

>> No.8222497
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I just realized were halfway through december, even though halloween feels like last week.

Why does time fly by so fast? I'll never be able to finish all my videogames and VNs at this rate.

What will you do for new year's /jp/?

>> No.8222535

Try NTR, it might be good for you.

>> No.8222545

How did you quit drinking? I do it every night because I have easy access to free booze. Some mornings are terrible.

>> No.8222557

>but getting the job requires interaction

>factory full of Polish people. No interaction needed

Retarded is the new Hipskki?

>> No.8222594

I live with my folks so that's how I sustain my current life style. I sleep 10-12 hours a day, when I'm up I browse the internet, chat on IRC, play some video games and watch anime. That's pretty much what I do every day, I've started to go out jogging every other day as I've not been sleeping well and I heard exercise can help.

Tried to get some work about two months ago at a local hotel, the guy said he was happy with me on the trial and he'd ring me soon and that they'd especially be needing a lot more help around Christmas. He still hasn't called ;_;

>> No.8222599

Being retarded is nothing new.

>> No.8222608

Claiming to be a Hikki to get attention on a Sunday isn't either, right?

>> No.8222652
File: 171 KB, 1200x853, 58a11f90b1755f9473f19d7c8a2af8e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ex-NEET here.
Feels bad dude ;_;, but I have to eat and I'm not ready for Gensokyo yet... don't worry, I still have no life whatsoever out of my shitty work!

>> No.8222698

Stop using that gensokyo meme.

>> No.8222706

>I sleep 10-12 hours a day
>I've started to go out jogging every other day as I've not been sleeping well and I heard exercise can help.

sleeping that long shows that you are unhealthy

>> No.8222717
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No ;_;

>> No.8222726

I don't argue with that, I lack any drive so when I wake up I just lie there and drift in and out of sleep for a couple hours until I can drag myself out of bed.

>> No.8222751

NEET for an uncertain amount of years here. I've been offered a job and I'll probably be starting soon. Hold me, /jp/ for I am afraid of drifting away from my waifu.

>> No.8222756

hikki in the military here.

I thought maybe this new lifestyle would change me but as soon as I'm done with work, I go right back to not existing.

>> No.8222769

Face it, anon. Gensokyo doesn't exist, and when you die you'll just return to nothing. Just like how it was before you were born.

>> No.8222777

Quit trying to put labels on everything you tool.

>> No.8222786
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You're mad because you're just gonna get carted away~

>> No.8222815

I usually pee in those long mountain dew bottles.

I don't even drink that swill, but I refrigerate them along with the bottles filled with my urine, so one day one of my friends will be in for a rude awakening when he picks the wrong bottle.

>> No.8222821

>What've you been up to? Nothing much, I'm sure.

Wow, I lol'd

>> No.8222838
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>one of my friends

>> No.8222842
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I was a hikki from 13-15 (left the house about 3-4 times during those years, always when my parents forced me to, always to go to a doctor or psychiatrist). Was home schooled. Left home at 16, went outside a few times a week but only to buy groceries, usually around midnight. I spent the other 90% of my time online playing vidya and talking to people.
I had a job for 1 year but I hated it so I got 'fired on purpose' if you know what I mean.

Now I'm not a hikki, I don't go out every day and some days I hate going out but most days are completely fine. I'm also in continuing education classes, basically you don't get a degree but you learn whatever you want to and are only forced to interact with others if you want to (and sometimes I do want to because I've changed since I was too terrified to leave the house 10 years ago). It makes life slightly more fulfilling.

Speaking of which, as an atheist I don't believe life has any meaning despite the lies society tells us- although it's so ingrained that most people cannot be happy unless they conform to society's ideas to some extent. My personal belief is that every individual should strive to be as fulfilled and happy as they possibly can, no matter what method, unless they harm others by doing so.

If never leaving the house and or not contributing to society and doing whatever else you do while doing (or rather, not doing) those things makes you happy, you have every right to do it. But make sure that it actually is making you happy, and is not just a daily routine of delusionally lying to yourself that you trapped yourself inside.

>> No.8222845

>hikki in the military here.
That's cute.

>> No.8222996

Coming up soon:
Hikki nightclubs!
Hikki social networks!
NEET University courses!

>> No.8223012

>'fired on purpose'
No, I don't know what you mean.

>continuing education classes
Sounds like something I've always wanted to do. I would like to know more about that.

Also, where are you from?

>> No.8223016


you made a joke but aside from the first one, i could see all three others actually working if they were implemented and ran correctly...

>> No.8223027

I think I hate this, but I'm not sure. It's hard to say, I've been on my computer for 90% of my day every day for the past 6 years, I can't even imagine what I'd be doing without it. Probably sleeping and/or drinking myself into a coma. It's probably some sort of addiction but it's not like slapping a label like that on it is going to change anything anyway.

>> No.8223078


USA, you can take them at colleges, or if you can't leave the house many colleges offer them on the internet, etc. They usually cost a lot is the catch, some of them can count for college credit, others don't. My advice is only pick something you're very interested in learning if you can afford this.

Fired on purpose = too apathetic to quit but started doing such a terrible job because I was so depressed and broken that they had to fire me.

>> No.8223124

> Jobs4NEETs.com

>> No.8223128
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my digestive condition has spontaneously resolved itself after six soul-crushing months, so things are looking up at least (for now)
I'm ready to move on again

>> No.8223193

Lately I've been pretty much getting high and watching bobobo, once a week or so I put in job applications, I don't really care about getting a job that much, I do it just to feel productive, they reject me 95% of the time at interviews anyway, they can tell I'm socially retarded, if I do hired I always quit after 2 weeks anyway, usually I'll just blow the paycheck on weed and my hobbies and go right back to zero.

>> No.8223195

Besides playing video games on my PSP and smoking, nothing much. At least I found a challenging game to keep me distracted from soul-crushing loneliness, which is a plus.

>> No.8223200

Most of people who spend the majority of their time in front of the computer at least have something to show for it. One guy tried to create an eroge with his neighbor, another learned a programming language, yet another one began writing music. I know comparing myself to others isn't going to do shit, but still. Feels bad knowing there's no one else to blame but me.

>> No.8223206

One guy tried to create an eroge with his neighbor

You mean Saito from NHK?

>> No.8223216

Yes, at least he tried to do something.

>> No.8223232

I've just taken the test for my local university (like that SAT American thing). I'm rather smart, at least academically, so chances are I'll study there next year. Sorry. (I'm not sure whether people will bully me, though, I look weird and stuff)

>> No.8223238

Only because he lied himself into a corner. He'd never have done it otherwise, he's just as unproductive as all of us.

>> No.8223259

Playing eroge sounds like an accomplishment to me.

>> No.8223268


Today I did a bunch of shit no one cares about, just like the rest of you.

Delete the thread now.

>> No.8223292
File: 335 KB, 700x888, im just disappointed in you now..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got out of bed with the wrong foot this morning.

>> No.8223300


Go back to your board.

>> No.8223305

Take it easy.

>> No.8223309

No. Go back to bed and try again Mr. Bad Mood.

>> No.8223322


Why don't you go back to /a/ with your hippie friends? And enjoy the harmony and happiness all day long while you post your epic reaction images, greentext and unfunny memes?

>> No.8223330

Why would you want to take the only place in the world where I feel like I belong?

I agree about the epic reaction images though.

>> No.8223331
File: 14 KB, 225x281, 2090_recipe_cupcake_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A homemade strawberry cupcake always cheers me up.

>> No.8223333

Fuck this pity party.

>> No.8223347

Hey, I like these threads for their funny anecdotes about people who live the same lifestyle I do.
I just skip the "woe is me" lifestories, cause I couldn't really care less.

What's wrong with you man? Take it easy.

>> No.8223348

Have to go to work tonight to check on something. After that I intend on playing Tribes and Tribes 2.

>> No.8223344
File: 102 KB, 400x400, 13092977174179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a NEET isn't a fucking status symbol. It just means your a lazy, pathetic leech on society's ass.

I'm a NEET and I feel like shit every goddamn day because unlike some people I was instilled with a sense of fucking responsibility. And don't give me that garbage about being "above" society, you're a fucking failure who can't contribute shit and your life is worth less then a starving nigger in the Congo. 95% of the world is smarter than you but you're living in a dream world where the dipshits that you see on TV are the norm. You're nothing but self-glorified emo faggots.

>> No.8223355

I'm aware of all this and I've come to accept it. If you disagree that's fine, but I think your sort of mentality would be better off on /adv/ or /r9k/.

>> No.8223362


It's shit just like you.

>> No.8223365

Not to worry, I'm in the same boat. Worse, I've tried to do any number of those things that you mentioned before, failed every time, and ended up wasting more time rather than being in any way productive with it. Feels kinda bad knowing that I can't even manage to do anything slightly productive even after putting my mind to it.

>> No.8223371

Stop making me more hungry. Please.
I-It's not like I don't like them or anything, though!

>> No.8223377
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To be honest I'm content with this lifestyle. On the bright side, I can do what I love without shit like school or work to distract me.

>> No.8223385


The only funny anecdotes where the ones made by /prog/ and VIPPERS pretending to be autistic NEETs.

>> No.8223398

/prog/ and vippers don't use this shit hole

>> No.8223399

But most /prog/riders and VIPPERs _are_ autistic NEETs.

>> No.8223406

Plenty of them do. /jp/ has the strongest association with the text boards of all the image boards. I myself mostly lurk /prog/, but I hop on /jp/ every now and then because it's faster and quite fun.

>> No.8223407

Yes, and?
At least I'm not getting in anyone else's way living this parasitic lifestyle, I figure both they and I are better off that way.

>> No.8223411

It's the same userbase.

>> No.8223428

>>8223398 >>8223399
We do, and also use spoiler tags.

A lot of us old-time w4ch users like to pretend that it's not a part of 4chan.

>> No.8223432

Not really. /prog/ doesn't even like /jp/, probably for shitting up the board.

>> No.8223439

Aren't they the ones who keep shitting up our board? With SICP and alike?

>> No.8223442

Fuck off Steam group.

>> No.8223445

>95% of the world is smarter than you but you're living in a dream world where the dipshits that you see on TV are the norm. You're nothing but self-glorified emo faggots.

This is simply not true.

Have you even seen the average person?

>> No.8223452

Nah, /jp/ went to /prog/ and brought back memes that don't make any sense here. The most hilllarious one was when /jp/ started doing the "NO EXCEPTIONS" thing on /jp/ even though that harms an image board way more than it does a text board.

>> No.8223479

I'm actually not a NEET, I'm in fact still in my senior year high school and have some friends, 3 of them are coming over in 2 weeks and we're watching a soccer game. Nobody knows I spend 5 hours/day on Touhou, Touhou doujins, /jp/ and fapping to lolis.

>> No.8223481

If everyone is so stupid, why does everyone have much better education than most people here?

>> No.8223492

threads like these make me feel better...

I leech of my single mother btw.

>> No.8223500

The whole spoilered "/prog/" thing is quite recent. It's only been around a couple of years or so.
> us old-time w4ch users

Aren't you 20 or something?

>> No.8223503

Higher education is really more about work ethic than actual education.

>> No.8223512

good point

>> No.8223611

>Thinks that a piece of paper makes an educated, well-read, person.

This guy has the right idea. The reason were on /jp/ and similar places is that we lack said work ethic and diligence.

>> No.8223633

Hey, I went through higher education. Managed to go to a college, cripple out due to social anxiety, go to another college to finish my course - this one had about 8 people in the class and I came out with good grades, I then went to university and had my anxiety act up more than ever, resulting in me not having left the house in years, can't even attempt to get autismbux it's that bad.

I doubt most of /jp/ flunked out of education at whatever point due to not being bright enough to handle it.

>> No.8223648

I'm drunk like usual. I think I'm grab a few benzos soon.

Nothing's better than blacking out and doing stupid things.

>> No.8223655

I love checking my internet history the next day to find out what I've been up to.

>> No.8223683

There's probably a reasonably large portion of /jp/ that's doing fine in university/graduated. I suspect they don't show it often out of respect.

>> No.8223709

If only I didn't order useless stuff every single time.

>> No.8223770


Since when did NEET become something cool?

>> No.8223782

What were you expecting?

>> No.8223793
File: 58 KB, 372x526, seiyiku_by_chancake-d46zp2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly, the reason I couldn't complete college or high school was due to events that happened to me as a child and teenager that completely failed to distill any kind of work ethic or discipline in me but did give me a long list of phobias, paranoias, depression, etc.

I am the product of my environment, but as an adult I realize that can't be helped and you can in fact fight who you are and try to change. So even though I may never complete college or high school, I still do the best I can every day, and if that looks pathetic to some people then whatever. I drew a shorter straw than them. There will always be someone better than you and someone worse than you, so just try to live the best you can within your current ability and always try to improve yourself every day. Never compare yourself to others, only look at your own progress.

>> No.8223795

They just want to be like their anime characters.

>> No.8223802

implying he got out of bed

>> No.8223816

ITT: the mentally impaired try and rationalize their failures rather than just admit that they're stupid and autistic

Newsflash--the only people who need shit like "work ethic" are the ones who don't have enough ability to succeed without it. The fact that you try and claim that your lack of it is why you're a failure is proof that you aren't as smart or talented as you think you are.

>> No.8223821

That's stupid and you're stupid.

>> No.8223823


>> No.8223833






>> No.8223853

so, I'm 30, neet since almost ever, I have serious problems into relationships, even on internet...but I can't bear anymore to talk about how I feel or shit like that.
long ago, before my world started to collapse, I was stronger. people trusted me, even if we was worlds afar. lately, I feel like a year ago, when I quitted smoking. like...doing something because you're used to, not because you want it.
whatever. why should I even spellcheck this thing?
I don't know if I will change or not. I don't like anymore to live like this.

>> No.8223856


>> No.8223863

Stop, retard.

>> No.8223874


>> No.8223878

pointing it out to this people makes your endorphines ballin, eh?

>> No.8223884

Why do /jp/ers bitch about circlejerks and clique shit , only to go and make threads like these?

>> No.8223893

Threads like this is part of why people bitch.

>> No.8223903

I see only one bitching.

>> No.8223905
File: 209 KB, 600x600, sssssip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all should sip some tea and take it easy.

>> No.8223908

That's also stupid, and you're still stupid.

>> No.8223910

Because you're on /jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.8223917


you're mom can be taken easily.

>> No.8223918

Wake up at 7 am in the morning, make sure the kitchen is ready for Mom before she goes to work, feed/water the dog and make sure he gets out to relieve himself, have a fruit smoothie and supplements for breakfast, take dog for a nice walk around the neighborhood after Mom's gone, come home and putz around the house until it's time to fix lunch, go online and surf for a while, play some video games, get dinner ready for Mom and myself for when she gets home, feed/let the dog out, have a nice dinner and watch game shows, do evening kitchen chores/take out the trash, make sure everyone's tucked in for the night, then write in my journal or read until it's time for bed at around 10 pm.

Still on Celexa 40 mg, tried to cut down to 20 but I went near-homicidal within a single day of the reduced dosage :/. Hoping to find some work for the Christmas season.

>> No.8223922



>> No.8223928



>> No.8223933

Are there any stalkers on /jp/? I'd like to hear of your adventures.

>> No.8223931

Interesting story

>> No.8223940

I agree that wasn't a very interesting story at all.
But whatever, this thread is beyond redemption now. I'll try again another time.
Enjoy pissing eachother off tonight guys, I'm off to bed nobody cares

>> No.8223937
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Incontinent autistics forcing their NEET LEGIUN XD shit like the ones in this thread are what's ruining the board. Consider yourselves all reported.

>> No.8223942

No money for quality tea. ;_;

>> No.8223949



>> No.8223956



>> No.8223957
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at least put some effort into it

>> No.8223951

I woke up today, took a shower, had a bowel movement. The I browsed the Internet and had another bowel movement and shower. And here I am now. Feels good being a NEET, you know? I don't have to worry about anything.

>> No.8223962



>> No.8223961

Sleeping, browsing /jp/, sleeping some more, and visiting one or two other websites. No disgusting shit like pissing in bottles and floorshiting yet.

>> No.8223966

Why would you shit on the floor or piss in bottles? You only do that when you have people over

>> No.8223967

I struck a deal a few years ago with my parents where I can order about $20-$30 of tea every month because that was about how much they'd spend on soda for the month. As you can imagine, I drink a lot of tea now.

>> No.8223969

If you're wondering why I had 2 bowel movements, it's because I eat healthy. Veggies, fruits, moderate amount of meats and dairy. My hips are well rounded.

>> No.8224000

Well, I'm not a full-fledged stalker but I've followed people around a couple times for fun so this might interest you. Best moments were when I followed a scenester girl around for two weeks, her life was rather interesting. She used light-medium makeup mostly (heavier when in social gatherings), trendy clothes and tight jeans. She looked rather bad in her work clothes (loose pants and a generic t-shirt). She spent many a minute, sometimes hours, walking around aimlessly, always lonesome, barely talking to those she recognized. She worked as a clerk at a rather big dept. store so I could follow her there everyday without looking too suspicious, since I lived nearby. She didn't look in my general direction at all, so I guess she never noticed that I was always there. Crowds are the best place to not be seem. She had a boyfriend, another scenester, that seemed rather nice to her. He was a bit perverted though, touching her down there in public places. She always pretended to refuse it, but her face showed delight. She was also pretty interesting in her toilet routines. She seemed to have fixed hours for peeing and pooping, the former was 9:00 AM, 12:00AM, 3:00PM, 6:00PM and 9:00PM, the latter was 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM (If you're curious I just got in the male toilet/her garden and used the wall to listen to it. I did use a convenient tree near her house once, though). There's still her house and her social gatherings I can talk about, if you want to hear.

>> No.8224007

I was living a nice NEET life until my dad lost his job.

I had to find a part time job at a supermarket. Being a cashier requires surprisingly little social skills, though. You probably don't even need vocal cords to do the job, just a recorder with the phrases "hello" "that'll be XX dollars and YY cents" and "thank you, have a nice day" on infinite loop.

It's kinda nice being able to buy things that cost several hundred dollars on whim, but I miss my sedentary life.

>> No.8224016

>>8223648 here
I'm already starting to lose control. Now I have to keep myself from taking more of those bloody pills so that I don't end up doing anything over the top.

>> No.8224026

I'm jealous of you people that can drink beer. I can't stand bitter things so I can't even drown myself in alcohol (unless I want to buy expensive as fuck mixed drinks)

>> No.8224037
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Don't mix alcohol with benzos. You have a shitty doctor if he didn't say anything about that.

>> No.8224044

If that's true, you've successfully made me envious.

>> No.8224065

Stalking is pretty interesting. Do go on. I tried it a few times, but my anxiety (not from the stalking, just from generally being a failure) always got the better of me. Or I wouldn't be able to see the mark once they got home, and lost interest.

If you ever get some money try buying stupidly expensive liquor until you find one you like, then downshift to the cheaper version of that. Viola, you now have a taste for alcohol and after a year or so should be able to drink just about anything if you have to.

>> No.8224070

It's not that hard. Just look normal, dress like a common person, and kind of walk around. Try to stay near crowds, despite what japanese media might tell you hiding behind telephone poles is no good, draws too much attention and getting caught is the smallest of your problems (cops etc). Blend in, buy some things, pretend you've got somewhere in mind to go, try to act resolute and confident. If you don't look obviously out of place, chances are the target won't notice anything. Know when to back down, too. If you aren't sure of something, stay on the safe side. If the target is going down somewhere alone, I just try to see if I can get a nice view from a side road. If I can't, I give up. Well, just some random tips that I've remembered.

>> No.8224080

I want to hear

>> No.8224136

Well, her home was one of these suburban houses you'd find in those movies. Small, rather plain on the outside, nothing worth noting, reddish-brown walls, red roof, small garden full of grass. Two floors, plus an attic that could be considered the third. First one, there was the entrance with a sofa and a TV, a nice blue carpet too, beige walls (most of the inside walls were beige, assume so unless otherwise said). She often sat there to watch talk shows and those things girls like. She watched MTV a lot too. Behind this medium-sized living room/entrance, there was a small dining room with a connected kitchen, just a counter between them, if you know what I mean. She ate mostly junk food, those things you just heat and eat. Behind that, there's something that looked like a hallway (no windows there), and a door that was always closed when I looked, windows with curtains, no idea what's there, maybe they just throw things there. Next to the mysterious door, there's a small bathroom, with no bath. Best one to listen. Upstairs, bedrooms. small one that belonged to her, big one that belonged to her parents. Didn't pay much attention to her papa and mama, he had a beard and she had huge hips I guess. Another bathroom next to her room, this one is hard to pry without climbing the nearby tree that is conveniently placed near her window (not the toilet's, her room's). Her room was rather girlish, pink walls, lots of stuffed toys mainly lions and bears, band posters (can't really remember any specifically, couldn't get a good view of most and not a single one ever released a touhou album), a fluffy bed with white decorations, and a generic wardrobe. Unfortunately, I couldn't pry inside her wardrobe as climbing the tree with her in the bedroom would be too dangerous. Oh, I saw a couple books thrown around, vampire diaries was the name IIRC. Well that's about it for her house.

>> No.8224171

I know it's not a good idea but the thing is, it helps me forget my problems, even if for a while.

I really don't give a shit about the long term effects.

>> No.8224174

Now for her friend. Now, these were really weird. I only got to see two of them closely, normally I avoid those situations because friends see stalkers better than the stalked herself most times, but the place was good (shopping center) and it was broad daylight on a crowded street, and her friends got all the attention for themselves (they're quite the odd bunch) so I could stare all I wanted. They were all really unique. One of them was a glasses-wearing guy full of warts, he looked quite, eh, nerdy if I might make use of the word, he had black hair, a ecklace with a 'star with satan' pendant if you know what I mean, and a checkered t-shirt, a plain gray jacket, tight jeans, and two different colours and kinds of socks, one green and short the other red and long. He also carried a purple backpack and weared a pink cap, all in all he looked rather exotic. The other person with them on this day was female, or at least had some things that looked like breasts. She (?) had a silver hair, a piercing on her mouth, a spiked dog collar, a black iron maiden t-shirt, tight jeans (what's up with these jeans anyway, some kind of code?) and black spiked bracelets, she looked like a goth. She had short hair and a masculine voice, so it could actually be a feminine guy, I don't know. Anyway, they walked around, window shopped, talked a bit, bought some food (all they bought was that really), and went home. Well, that's about it, I think. It's been a while so it's all I can remember.

>> No.8224184

I'm anxious too, but I feel really powerful when I'm stalking someone. Kind of like an all-knowing god, you understand. As if I have no reason to feel anxious, and my curiosity is all these mortals deserve. Maybe this is not healthy, but it keeps me going just fine.

>> No.8224185

How do you chose your stalkees? And how old was she? Also, were you into her? She sounds average as fuck.

>> No.8224202

can you do up a list of all the sorts of people you've stalked, and maybe a why? this is interesting.

>> No.8224219

Like I said, I'm not a proper stalker. I just happened to notice her in her work (dept. store near my house, I go there sometimes), her face when concentrated looked intense, so I kind of naturally followed her until home, curious to know more about this person. Next day I woke up early, and kind of had nothing to doe , so I went there. She seemed to be in her early twenties. I wasn't really into her, I just felt like finding out more about how "normal" girls did their things.
Once again, I just happened to do this a couple times, I'm no expert on this. Off the top of my head, besides this girl there was also a high-middle class university student that I kinda followed around for a few days, not even a week though, she didn't interest me too much. I just enjoy to look at people doing their things, it satisfies my curiosity. I guess I'm just a born voyeur.

>> No.8224221

Seconding this.

Also, maybe some advice, and general observations you've made while doing this, for the budding entrepreneurs among us.

>> No.8224239

I've already got everything I can out here, I'm afraid. Chances are any real stalker would be more useful here. I just have fun kind of following people around without they really noticing me, I'm not stalker. I've done this since I was in high school, all my crushes have been thoroughly examined and discarded. I even caught one of the maidens I dreamed about doing lewd things in my school. Kept quiet about it like the shy boy I was, though.

>> No.8224246

Oh well. Any tips of the trade for blending in? Other than you know, wearing a sweatband and carrying around a large camera?

>> No.8224285 [DELETED] 

If I started stalking someone I'd choose some average girl with bad social skills. Maybe some librarian with bad social skills.

I don't want to hurt them in any way, just observe their daily doings without attracting attention to myself. How would I go about doing this?

>> No.8224290 [DELETED] 

Been getting "the talks" lately. The real ones, not the usual pestering to go out and get a job.

Put frankly, anyone have advice for being homeless or living in like a van? I know there are a hundred sites about, and I've read some of them. But it would be nice to hear it firsthand by people who understand being as socially competent as CWC.

>> No.8224301

That's only if you want to be jailed, you know. I've never brought a camera (like I said I'm no real stalker), nor anything bulky, I was always as light as I could be for maximum mobility. And see >>8224070

That's pretty much what I did (this girl was really lonesome, sometimes she spent entire afternoons in a reverie). What I did was just keeping a low profile and quietly observing her actions. If she's really introverted maybe you won't even need to be so careful. Looking at them inside their houses might be hard, though. Just think about someone investigating your bedroom and you'll understand, I think. It shouldn't be too hard, but since she likely will avoid crowds you'll have a hard time finding cover and blending in. Try to look as plain as possible and avoid meeting her without looking too artificial or creepy, I guess.

>> No.8224341

If I started stalking someone I'd choose a quiet and reserved girl who spends most of her time alone. Maybe a librarian would be a good target.

I really don't want to cause her any harm, just observe her life.

I think I deleted my previous post for some unknown reason. Sorry about that.

>> No.8224415

I just tried pissing in a wine bottle. Turns out it's harder that you'd think.

Tomorrow I'm going to have to clean this fucking mess. But that's tomorrow and now is now.

Life would be a lot easier if the government handed out free benzos and opiates to the masses. At least then everyone would have a shot at happiness.

>> No.8224512
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I accidentally drank out of a pee bottle and spent the last twenty minutes trying to puke it all out. Please tell my I'm not the only one whose done this.

Urine is sterile so there's really no reason to worry about it but it's still embarrassing as hell.

>> No.8224536

i piss in arizona green tea cans, i have had so many on my desk once i drank from a piss filled one by mistake.

>> No.8224600




>> No.8225687


Actually, isn't it wonderful? How she will never know about how much information concerning her little insignificant life some stranger she never actually met have? How even now she's walking around while you reveal these things to a bunch of bored guys in random places of the world?

To me, that's the beauty.

>> No.8225750
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Any christmas plans?

>> No.8225983

I'll be staying at home. Maybe I'll visit my mom, but that's the most I'll do.

>> No.8226086

I'll probably make a good christmas meal and get a nice expensive bottle of liquor in to treat myself.

What about New Year?

>> No.8226122

It comes out sterile, but it doesn't stay that way for any amount of time.

>> No.8226124

It's so hard being a NEAT when you have to go to work and class...

>> No.8226172

OP's image, why is it so incredibly sexy?
It looks like Tewi stayed up until 5am smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee just to do lewd things with you.
