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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8186944 No.8186944 [Reply] [Original]

What made you a weak person?

For me, it was growing up being told that I was weak, that I needed to be protected and being isolated from other children. I never had much exposure to other people's opinions and lifestyles. I was trapped in my mother's warped little fantasy world.

>> No.8186949

I blame my mother as well, but I try to not think about the details. What's done is done, I'm a failure and nothing is going to change that. I just like to take comfort in knowing it wasn't my fault.

>> No.8186962

I don't consider myself a weak person.

>> No.8186970

ahh subjectivity, how pointless it makes the world be

>> No.8186979

I myself.

>> No.8186983
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I'm broken inside, I had family issues, forced me to mature too fast and developed more intelligence before time, neglected other kids becuse they were happier and dumber than me so I could roll around in my own misery, as time passed by they reached my level and I no longer felt smarter but the loneliness was the same or even worse, grown as socially dysfunctional teenager with no friends.

Now I'm 20 and my family no longer talks to me, no friends, no gf, nothing, and if it couldn't be worse I'm starting to lose taste and pleasure in the videogames, manga, comics and anime that used to give colour to my life, waiting for a emotional outbreak strong enough to kill myself.

I don't consider myself weak, other people by this time would have killed themselves already, stronger ones would go through the bullshit and be happy.

I just feel like I should had never been born.

>> No.8186985
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I'm weak in social skills, but who here isn't. As for the cause, I think that would be, being sheltered and neglected as a young child.

>> No.8186990

You sound like you need a good hard cock in your life, dude.

>> No.8187010

I want to hug Madotsuki and make her my pet!

>> No.8187068

I'm not sure. But I'm no longer weak so it doesn't matter.

>> No.8187104



>> No.8187256

I'm not sure but I think that my lifestyle totally suck 'cause I don't have any friend who share my interests. Even on-line.
Sad but I live in the city where difficult to find a person who'll share my interests.
And all of this makes me weak.

>> No.8187272

Maybe it is my fault?

I don't have deranged, overprotective parents, I wasn't neglected, I've been this way since I can recall.

Maybe people are born weak.

>> No.8187277

OP here. Still wondering.

>> No.8187285
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used to have some people that one could consider friends but then all out of a sudden they started avoiding me and stopped talking with me all together I grew up without friends and now even the people I used to be in contact with for the last 4 years turned their back on me. Now I'm 22 and friendless online or in real life. It's been one month since my last conversation with anyone outside my family and before that it was 6 months.

Recently I got a general invite to a party everyone from the course got but I'll probably won't go since I always end up regreting going to parties.

>> No.8187286

too apathetic to become strong.

>> No.8187301


>friendless online

how come?

>> No.8187304

I myself. I've only kept failing at whatever I try.
I'm also extremely stupid, so I finished school with low grades and dropped out of university.
Having a conversation with normal people is impossible for me.
I just have no idea what to talk about with them and if they start talking, I only nod or say one or two words for a response.

>> No.8187327

Not that anon, but how do people make friends online?
I only go to 4chan and unless I want to befriend a tripfag (haha, no), I don't really see a way.
I do play some online games, but the people I've seen playing there are casual normals, so I wouldn't get along with them.

>> No.8187336

Sometimes, they guys at /v/ befriend each other through Steam accounts.

>> No.8187342

I would recommend getting yourself into some obscure Japanese fighting game community, not many normals play those. At least that's what worked for me.

>> No.8187358


like >>8187327 said

attempts socialising with people using games pretty much failed for me

I don't know, it seems it's too late for me anyways, people already have their circles of friends and no one is accepting new applications.

>> No.8187362


but what if you suck at fighting games? I mean I can barelly even pull of most of the moves in the original Mortal Kombat games so various Street Fighters are out of the question

>> No.8187364
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My mother also overprotected me, but I think that maybe it was that I didn't have a father to teach me how to deal with a lot of shit, like jokes, dates with girls, etc, every thing that a teenager needs to know.

I'm weak too because I'm too sensible at things. I get depressed too easily, and I'm scared of a lot of normal things, like getting a job, or do things that I don't actually want to do. Just like >>8186983 I'm waiting for the right time to kill myself. I gave myself 6 months. If my life is still shit, I will do it.

A funny thing, >>8186983 is that I'm losing the taste that I once had in videogames and anime, too. It really makes you suicidal; I mean, if you can't enjoy anything, what's left? nothing. Shit sucks, good luck with that, bro.

>> No.8187366

That is exactly me (I'm 20 too), except I'm juuust a little 'ahead' of you.
I already lost interest in everything some years ago; I just keep playing/reading because of some ghost association. It's the only thing I know, it's comfortable, it's free, and it distracts me. It also requires no human interaction.
I'm also past that emotional outburst that made me think about suicide actively (as opposed to 'I don't want to live anymore'). For better or worse, my family 'helped' me through that ('saved' in the nick of time, I've to say) and now I'm already past... everything. I couldn't die when I actually cared, so now it's pointless to think about it.

I want to stress the family issues. Yes, I was weird since the day I was born, but my mother surely didn't help much. For 9 years, it went like this:
-Her mother compulsively does little things that irritate mine, like leaving a mug out of place, disagreeing on something, etc.
-This builds up over two to four days
-Eventually my mother's 'stress' fills up and she starts a maniac-paranoid rampage involving screaming, insulting, foaming at the mouth, kicking things, suicide threats, waking up half of the building, etc. that went on from two to six hours.
-She falls asleep, then I fall asleep when I stop crying.
-Only the next day all is fine, like nothing happened, she even laughs and talks about her day when she comes back.
Rinse, repeat.
And thus was my soul grinded to dust.

>> No.8187369

I don't blame others become I'm not a faggot.

>> No.8187372

I don't like blaming others for my own incompetence.

>> No.8187373 [DELETED] 

Taking all the blame is like taking all the credit. Most of the time it doesn't make sense.

Of course, if it really is all yours, have at it.

>> No.8187375

Being born premature. A lot of premmies are intellectually retarded, instead I'm socially retarded.

>> No.8187379

>used to have some people that one could consider friends but then all out of a sudden they started avoiding me and stopped talking with me
This is what happened recently to me. I don't understand why. I wasn't even showing that I like anime and manga. I was acting perfectly normal.

>> No.8187381

I have no idea. Some people add me and we play together, but we never really talk, nor do I know much about them.

For instance, I was invited to play a game earlier and instead of turning him down, even though I didn't want to play, I went in so I didn't seem rude. Let me say that the only reason he befriended me was because we both used HLDJ to play sound clips over the mic. We never spoke to eachother directly today. The most communication we had was him telling me to play Moskau ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQAKRw6mToA )over the mic and then him playing laughs when the "ha ha ha ha ha" part came and then him playing yells when then "hey!" part came on. I left when it changed to a map I didn't like.

In my experience, most friends made online are more or less like this, atleast for me. Just like real life, some people just have a hard time making friends.

>> No.8187384

I never really understand the mindset I see so often here. I consider myself with absolutely no direction or aim in life. I've become a social recluse, lost almost every friend, and become extremely distant from family. There was never any conflict between us, I simply didn't feel comfortable around people, even them. But I still find myself completely happy. My days are filled with completely pointless pleasure chasing, through books/eroge/tv/etc, but I'd never want to trade it away for anything. My parents were a bit strange, but I don't think they did anything that "broke" me. I just ended up different, with a different mindset and life goal than most people. I'm fine with it. In fact, recently I've been trying to get more in shape/healthy, to try my best to prolong my life even more, even though most people would try and tell me that my life is depressing and without point. Maybe it's all about your own view?

>> No.8187389

Actually, this is the exact sound clip I converted for use on HLDJ.


Starting at 57 seconds, if the link doesn't work.

>> No.8187392

>Maybe it's all about your own view?
That's it, it's all about one's point of view. It's just that nowadays society have bad norms and morals.

>> No.8187399
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I'm a pretty strong person with a good upbringing, education, physical/mental/spiritual status. I just can't find a decent job in my field anywhere and I'm a nervous wreck when I try to talk to people.

>> No.8187404

The degree was significantly less than in your case, but I had something less severe going on with me. My mother and I would get in gigantic arguments because I would fail to do something, fuck something up and get lectures, I would act passive-aggressive about it, and sometimes these would blow up into arguments that would go until 4 AM in the morning and sometimes continue as soon as we woke up. But the day after that, everything would be normal and friendly again.

But this was only every few weeks and only for a few years during the most stressful period of my mother's life, and even then many months out of the year everything was just fine. Whenever my parents ask me about it these days (sort of apologetically) I say even though it wasn't pleasant really things were just fine and no, it didn't affect me much. But that's not really true, right now it's all shelved away into the mostly-forgotten past with everything else, but at the time it was truly eating away at me, I'll spare the details.

Why I'm a fuck-up, on the other hand, has nothing to do with any of that, it was well-established before this whole series of events got off the ground. It's not crushing apathy or inability to make or talk to friends, I look and probably am solidly normalfag in that regard. I'm just an addict and a failure, that's all.

>> No.8187686

I suck too but it's worth putting the effort in learning it. Forget about Street Fighters, not to mention it's bad game, it's not weeaboo enough and normals play it. Get into Arcana Heart 3 or wait one more month for PC release of Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code. Or pick some poverty of your choice from mizuumi.net and then absorb information from the wikis there of respective games, grind in practice mode and challenge people on IRC, generally if you don't act like a dick they can be helpful.

>> No.8187713

Not wanting to rely on anyone, not wanting any help from anyone, you have to learn more things the hard way

>> No.8187723

That's not chubby Flandre.

>> No.8187735
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Is anyone else here just physically weak?

I was not born with a strong constitution.
When you never leave your home, you quickly lose interest in the outside world.

>> No.8187772

I am curious about kill
I want to stab someone with a knife, just to see how it is
Is that a bad thing? I mean, there's no problem kill someone bad right?

>> No.8187777

We all feel like that from time to time. It's either teen angst or something you should see a therapist for.

>> No.8187797
File: 55 KB, 394x644, Noda93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a weak person cuz im skinny as HELL
my mind is strong tho after chillin at /b/ all them years ago xD

>> No.8187805

I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but I swear that I used to be a lot stronger a few years ago. I had to stop doing yard work for the first time this year. I think my asthma has gotten worse too.

>> No.8187803

Are you really that fucking stupid? Humans weren't born in cities, every single day for years and years we fought and killed to rise to the level of success where people don't even HAVE to kill anything to survive. There is absolutely nothing unnatural about wanting to kill something. You're only told otherwise because killing someone almost always means that someone loses money.

>> No.8187816

Alcholist dad caused my parents' divorce and due to fucked up legal problems and blind social workers, I ended up with my father for 1 year (before they figured out he actually was alcoholic, the dumb fucks). This was when I entered primary school and my family problems caused a lot of bullying.

After 5 years of depression I ended up in a psychiatric ward for 3 months and when I got back, all my former friends started avoiding me. After even worse 3 years in middle school I got into a good high school with great grades, but quit after few weeks. Never had any real social life since.

>> No.8187821


I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.8187822

An overprotective mother, years of bullying and more recently the belief that being weak and running away from any situation that makes you even slightly uncomfortable is an ok thing to do. And why shouldn't it be, really?

>> No.8187828
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lol...random as HELL...

>> No.8187832

It should, and it is.

>> No.8187850

If I'm weak it's my own fault. I could blame it on the fuckers who've shit on me over the years but what's the point of that? To make myself feel better? I do that by trying to take pride in the fact that I have suffered and overcome. I'm lucky because my hobbies are still very interesting to me. I think I have struck a good balance between all the things I love so I don't get bored with them.

I'm not one for exacting revenge but there's this one fucker who did me a dirty wrong that I'm going to find someday and own super hard.

That gives me strength.

>> No.8187856
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After my parents got divorced I got beaten by my step-father about twice a month and everybody thought it was me who started the fights.

After 6th grade I moved to my father's and got bullied all the time at school. I had meetings with psychiatrists but they were b-shit imo, didn't help at all. There's been lot of problems with my father too, he's alcoholic.

I don't like my parents, and I'm still hating my step-father, but I pretend to get along with him when mum and half-siblings are in the same room.

>> No.8187897

Fuck off.

>> No.8187899

>this one fucker
I'm here on /jp/, the fuck are you gonna do nerd?

>> No.8187905

>someday and own super hard.
Epic. Epic for the win /b/rother.

>> No.8187901
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my mother breastfeeding me into my teens

>> No.8187915

I'm working on overcoming my weaknesses rather than wasting time self loathing. You should probably do the same.

>> No.8187918

same mad faggot

>> No.8187928

Define 'weak'.

>> No.8187929

But self-loathing is a lot easier!

Take it easy.

>> No.8187932

/jp/ confirmed for weak moe

>> No.8187938

that assholish water spell.

>> No.8187944

You're all 'worthless' conformist idiots who believe in magical moral fairies. You can all turn to dust and die.

>> No.8187957

I remember googling "nihilism" when I was 14 too.

>> No.8187958

>join martial arts school
>no longer weak

It takes some dedication, but it''s not that hard to change, faggots. All you guys need is a little confidence.

>> No.8187960


You're nothin'. You're just mad because you conform to society's standards of "weak" and "worthless." As if you must.

The magical moral fairy doesn't exist, little homosexual.

>> No.8187964

fapping kills gains

>> No.8187969

all I need is a little care, yes, I don't.
If I can speak for myself it doesn't bring any health risk issues to me.

>> No.8187967

I don't "conform" to anything. I don't even know what society's "standards" are. I just live the life I want and take it easy.

>> No.8187972

The meat grinder known more commonly as American High School.

Not that I consder myself weak, just alienated and enstranged.

>> No.8187976

>Fuck off.
Did you steal my juice boxes every day of second grade? No? Then shut the fuck up.

>I'm here on /jp/, the fuck are you gonna do nerd?
Oh shit, it's you. I'm waiting. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

>Epic. Epic for the win /b/rother.
Epic for the get, /b/roheim. Epic for the get!!!!!111111!!!! XD So RANDUM.

>> No.8187978

>urr durr let's all be friends and make justice

>> No.8187982


You're conforming to your own standards, little homosexual. Don't you see? I have the power. The magical moral fairy doesn't exist.

>> No.8187983

Was high school really so bad?

Middle school was the worst for me, high school was fantastic, comparatively.

>> No.8187993

I wonder if anyone on /jp/ has any legitimate hopes and dreams for the future?

>> No.8187989


Who are you quoting?

>> No.8187990


The educational system right now is absolute garbage whether or not the people who use it are faggotry jones saga.

>> No.8187997

Yes, I hope and dream of someday being a NEET.

>> No.8187995


You know, you guys stuck in this cycle of self loathing, you sorta remind me of that swamp in lord of the rings, where all the dead try and pull you under. That's what you guys are like, pathetic fools that want to drag everyone else with them down into eternal suffering. You are the wasted potential, you are the "could have been".

Don't become like this. Don't let the world drag you under, stand tall, face forward. If there is a meaning to life it's to overcome fear. Now is the time for action.

>> No.8188001

This is why single parents shouldn't be allowed to exist, especially single mothers. Are you aware that almost all of serial killers were raised by single mothers?

>> No.8188006

I don't really know if I'm a week person or not. My shit tolerance before freaking out is much higher than a normal person since I had to always get myself out of my own problems. I never feel lonely, so I don't have such a great need for emotional relief.

It's like everything is reversed. I get weak if I'm around people or if I'm regular human situations, but I am what they would consider strong in their own circles.

>> No.8188009

>pathetic fools that want to drag everyone else with them
Your way of thinking is weird. I start feeling better when I notice that I'm actually pretty well-off.

>> No.8188014

... You lost me.
I don't recall ever mentioning the condition of the system, just whether high school was bad.

>> No.8188015
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Middle Child Syndrome

Only BOSSU understands my suffering. She's my 2D clone.

>> No.8188021

Both were equally shit to me.

College is paradise comparatively but the damage is long since done and I trust no one. I keep everyone at arm's length or further away.

>> No.8188030

I have a weird feeling that a crazy amount of /jp/ers are middle children, including me and you. But I've got pretty decent siblings, I feel bad for those who don't.

>> No.8188038


My way of thinking is weird? Why? Because I'm always looking to improve? Your way of thinking is fear based, I can smell it. "I'm scared of this" "I'm scared that will happen". Without fear you cannot be "scared". Whatever worst case scenario you can think of becomes just a scenario without fear. Fear is the root of all evil. Jealousy, lying, manipulation, isolation. All of it is because of fear. This is the one thing we must all face sooner or later, we might aswell start now.

>> No.8188045

I was also isolated by an overprotective single mother, am a middle child, was bullied, and really bad luck with girls.

>> No.8188042

you almost sound as if you've read too much Dune

>> No.8188046

I'm only technically a middle child. She's only a half sister and was raised apart from my sister and I, and she's much younger than me. I always considered myself the youngest.

>> No.8188048

Not dying alone would be nice, but looking at the current state of things...

>> No.8188052

I'm the oldest of 3, we're all about 7 years apart. It's strange how easily my brother makes friends and has girlfriends, he's into that whole dying your hair black and straightening thing. My sister who is the youngest is good at pretty much everything she does. It's like everything about us is reversed, even physically. She just has this glow about her like flowers will grow up around her. She's on soccer teams and is popular and what not. She exudes positive energy while I pump out negative energy, it's weird how different siblings can be.

I wish I were one of the younger ones so I could have an excuse.

>> No.8188056

Tell me normalfag, what is it you are overcoming, and how exactly are you overcoming it?

Cite sources please.

>> No.8188057

The reason for social disorders is a bad/no communication with your father.
If you blame you mother, it means you only don't get close to people and are incapable of having a good relation with others, but doesn't affect social skills.

>> No.8188055

I did martial arts for a few years.
It didn't help the least bit.
In fact, it may have made everything worse, since I was awful at it and messed up every group exercise. I eventually started skipping training and quit completely when I broke my arm falling down some stairs.

>> No.8188060


Except this applys to reality. It's not something you just dismiss because "oh you read it somewhere". This is a realisation I've reached through life experience, years of mental torture and solitude. You don't understand the impact behind these words because you haven't come to realisation, so you can sit back and make half ass coments comfortably behind your monitor. It's like being given the answer to a math problem without knowing the working. It is a personal journey.

>> No.8188067

>Communicating with a dead father.

Yeah... no.

>> No.8188076

Did you read that in Pop Psychology and Pseudoscience For Dummies?

>> No.8188080

Acting without fear is stupid bravado. Acting despite fear is courage. Don't discard fear.

>> No.8188081

I wish I could share my welcoming community of friends, they might be the only thing keeping me going. But advertising on 4chan...

>> No.8188087

I was a sickly kid, so I did not really participate in sports or anything in school and as a result I developed a "scrawny nerd" physique. As for mentally weak, I have a genetic predisposition to clinical depression and was a loner as a kid so it's to be expected. But I think I've overcome it, more or less. In society's eyes, I'm "successful", if not particularly outgoing.
The trick is to not sit around all day feeling sorry for yourself!

Fear really is a mind-killer, though.

Middle children really have nothing to whine about. They have none of the duties of the eldest child and are always the parents' favored child in an argument.
It doesn't surprise me that you'd blame being a worthless piece of shit on your parents -and- siblings, though, my brother the middle child is the same way.

>> No.8188089


Exactly. Thank you for correcting me.

>> No.8188092

>Acting without fear is stupid bravado. Acting despite fear is courage. Don't discard fear.
This is some gangster ass Yoda shit. +1

>> No.8188098
File: 24 KB, 200x315, JEFF_S_FEE-L1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every /jp/er should add this book to their self-help repertoire.

>> No.8188108

>Written by a woman.

Somehow, I am very skeptical.

>> No.8188109

I help myself just fine, thanks. Those books didn't do fuckall for my mom, that's for sure.

>> No.8188119
File: 462 KB, 545x404, Reimu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez, why fuck do you people try to generalize everyone own particular story, is not like you can avoid the misery by understanding it.

>Reimu.gif must be Reimu doing something.

>> No.8188120

Did she died?

>> No.8188136

>my brother the middle child is the same way
Don't even fucking get me started, my middle brother is a bottomless pit of whining when he doesn't even have anything to whine about. Comes from years of DSS and his dad's side of the family babying him into thinking he's a fucking holocaust survivor. And just like the holocaust it never happened. I on the other hand was actually old enough to be put in the middle of the bullshit while he just sat at home playing gameboy games.

>> No.8188142

She's died.

>> No.8188154

Living is a science. Only when you notice why you do the things you do, can you influence yourself.

>> No.8188195

My dad is a kuudere busy with work all time
My mother is a airhead really young and annoying, if i shout with her, she starts to cry
both divorced, i am living with my dad for 4 year (bad choice, my mother just bought a PS3 to her)
my parents are fine, i rarelly talk to them (more about money, travels, more money)
All I have is one friend that I meet on /jp/, I think one is all what i need, meet new people are scare anyway
I don't want a girlfriend, neither a work, I told to my parents i don't decided yet what do, but i am lying, i just don't want to do something
I am a lazy and a weak person, that's why i am on /jp/

>> No.8188199

Where the fuck are you from?

>> No.8188204

No, in Development Psychology. It's a basic principle of Attachment Theory. Of course I watered it down, but the essence is the same.

>> No.8188212

does it even matter?
my english can't be that bad...

>> No.8188225

Yes it is.

>> No.8188230

It's passable, considering what we let native speakers get away with.

>> No.8188244

No, it's not. You can understand everything he says, after all, which is more than I can say for a lot of the idiots here.
My guess is he is Russian -- I've seen Russians make similar mistakes.

>> No.8188315
File: 50 KB, 367x392, 1322913526352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me, it was growing up being told that I was weak

Same for me on that but that made the difference for me.

People called me "weaky" becouse I lost to one guy at fight once (2 years older guy thought) and that just made me angry: I never got physically angry or showed it but I kept telling myself that they would stop calling me weak after I would become stronger than them. I trained like hell when I was younger and did got into fight again against 2 guys at same time and beated them both. After that they started calling me by one other name, which was a lot better with me, but I won't be telling that one,

>> No.8188335

Personally, I think I'm strong. It's just stupid people that can't understand selfishness. Not that there aren't practicality problems everywhere...

>> No.8188969
File: 203 KB, 600x600, 03d24da8cd13ee80af884c4f0da1b30c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I thought the only book /jp/ needs is SICP. Have you read yours today?

>> No.8188979

I think it's neat how you can make an educated guess where people are from by extrapolating from the errors in their English.

I would have guessed he was Czech, not Russian though.

>> No.8189077

Hey now, I am Czech and my English isn't that bad.

>> No.8189198

In second grade I got a scholarship to go to a private school. All the other students were extremely rich, and I was poor enough to get on food-stamps. I was bullied a lot and had no friends, and my scholarship didn't cover high school, so I went to public school after eight grade. All the kids their thought that I thought that I was better than them and bullied me even worse, including physical violence. When I was 16, my mother was snooping through my things and found my journal and found out that I was a sexual deviant, so my family sent me to a mental hospital where they kept me for 3 months. They made me do terrible things. One of the therapies was for me to masturbate while telling them fantasies of adults, and then after I came, I had to continue through the pain to tell them fantasies about children. The idea was that I would associate fantasizing about kids with pain. Eventually I lost all sexual energy and just stopped caring about life and they released me. My family let me stay with them again, if they made me leave whenever kids were there, but they didn't really like me anymore.

I don't really have any motivation or willpower to do anything now (not that I used to have much). The only reason I am going to this community college now is because I can get student loans and have a place to live and things to eat. I am about to fail 2 classes and I have no clear plan for what I am going to do when this gravy train ends.

>> No.8189230

Being a completely bland person in every way.

>> No.8189239

I blame the JEWS

>> No.8189249

Whats up Bananamatic

>> No.8189258

What a fucked up hospital. I'm surprised they didn't chemically castrate you outright.

>> No.8189272

Who is that and why are you mistaking me for him?

>> No.8189274


More like fucking torture. What country are you in where they do that shit?

>> No.8189295

That's called `masturbation satiation' and is standard psychiatric practice. It is recorded or watched so that they can know the patient is doing it right. http://www.health.am/sex/more/pedophilia_satiation/

>> No.8189310

Yeah, but if your English weren't as good, you'd probably type like him.

I'm not being judgmental; English is a terrible language to learn. But people who come from the Slavic languages tend to write their English a certain way. If I learned Czech, I bet you could tell my first language was English.

>> No.8189312

that's what happens when you're a pedophile. just be happy you aren't in jail.

>> No.8189328

Sounds like 'murrika.

>> No.8189334

>and found my journal and found out that I was a sexual deviant
What exactly was in there? Just.. fantasies or pictures? If any of it was 3D, you got what you deserved.

>> No.8189351

The link is to an article hosted by the Armenian Medical Network. I know Armenia kind of sounds like America, but try to keep up.

As far as I know, America deals with pedophiles through ostracization and (sometimes) expensive medication.

>> No.8189363

The US, specifically Texas.

Yes, I suppose that it is.

It was just a inane, unorganized recordings of my feelings over the years. I would write down the names of girls that I liked, dreams, both sexual and non-sexual, that I had. No images, but sometimes graphic descriptions. There was also a large amount of teenage angst towards my parents that they were probably very displeased about and contributed to the decision to send me away.

>> No.8189397

Not him, but that link I posted was just first link I found. Have another: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/511807 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1311423/pdf/jaba00106-0067.pdf))

>> No.8189398

They also do that type of treatment in America.


>> No.8189409

Texas. Fucking Texas.

New Jersey here; don't ask, don't tell. What's it like living in such a right-winged state?

>> No.8189424


I stand corrected, Anon. Thank you for the correction, but I'd be happier if I weren't so fucking disgusted.

>> No.8189478


>> No.8189483

So did it work, or do you still fantasize about kids? I know you said you lost all sexual energy, but every once in awhile you've got to imagine something stimulating.

>> No.8189506

The Jews ruined my life also.

>> No.8189510

Eh, I think what you mean, people here tend to do that. But that's only because they aren't immersed in the language, after some time it would start to sound dumb even to their ears. Same applies vice versa, I believe if there existed suitable amount of entertainment media in Czech and you consumed it you would be doing fine after a while.

>> No.8189517

No, not at all. At the time I was very depressed, thinking that I wouldn't ever get out of there. I think that that contributed to impotency more than anything. I started having sexual thoughts again a few days after I was home.

It might have worked better if I had cared about cooperating. I was angry that my parents had sent me there where I was told that I was a bad person everyday and never really tried to make it work.

>> No.8189515

Drop it Goyim.

>> No.8189553

Well damn, I'm sorry that happened to you. It blows my mind that anybody thinks it's justifiable to force somebody to masturbate in front of you to condition them into thinking how you do. Even that word, "appropriate" has so much wrong with it.

Thanks for answering my question though.

>> No.8189568

So uh... Does this masturbation thing work?

I'd like to drop a couple of fetishes

>> No.8189576

I assure you I am a trained doctor. If you are living in the Seattle area I'd be happy to do a consultation with you.

Bring lotion.

>> No.8189676

Got adopted away at the age of five because my dad couldn't be arsed to raise more than one of his kids properly.
The old guy who adopted me was a complete nutjob who did all sorts of undescribable shit to me, including poisoning my food for the hell of it and covering me with bugs.
My new big brother was pretty much a wannabe alpha who used me as a punching bag to let out his frustrations (yes, that kind of frustration too) on.

A few years later, I met this guy at school who was a total bro, always willing to help others. After he got an injury, I started to come over to his place to help him (his parents had died in a huge fire), and I actually felt genuinely happy for once.
However, a year or so later, there was a huge incident at my school, and by the time I had gotten out of the hospital, he had gotten a girlfriend and moved to London.

>> No.8189683
File: 291 KB, 1200x800, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every fucking sob story in this thread
/jp/ - Dick Measuring

>> No.8189685

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8189686

which manga is this

>> No.8189687

Noticed by the bug section.

>> No.8189694
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Mirai Nikki - 03 [7CD62ECF].mkv_snapshot_04.16_[2011.12.05_15.57.06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this guy, /jp/.

>> No.8191276


>I'm not one for exacting revenge but there's this one fucker who did me a dirty wrong that I'm going to find someday and own super hard.

>I'm not one for exacting revenge

>but there's this one fucker who did me a dirty wrong that I'm going to find someday and own super hard.

Pick one.

>> No.8191592

OP here. I was surprised when I checked the thread today that it didn't 404. Interesting to read everyone else's responses.

I just wanted to share something else... after all, it's not like I have anywhere else to share it.

My computer's near a mirror, and I was looking at myself as I was typing. I was thinking tonight... that I have an adult body now, that I look like an adult instead of a teenager with a babyface... and that I'm still in the same shitty situation.

It feels something like deja vu. I am sitting in the same room I grew up in. I'm sitting here as an adult NEET. I remember sitting in this room when I was 13, playing roguelikes and Doom and watching shitty 80's anime. Now I'm an adult, and I'm basically doing the same thing... playing Elona, Touhou and watching shitty 00's anime.

Like most or all of you, I'm stuck in a rut I don't know how to get out of.

>> No.8191605

It is because I have a terrible opinion of myself and I am afraid of failure, I succeed at everything I try but I never try anything because I know I will fail. I am not a physically weak person or small person by numbers but I think I am always the smallest person in a room. I think other people's hand are massive and that mine are tiny.

>> No.8191867

Are you really prepared to get out of that though? You'd have to give up anime.
