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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 288 KB, 1024x768, Shinjuku_at_Night,_Tokyo,_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8181142 No.8181142 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/

I've been on a business trip to Japan and stayed in Tokyo for 10 days at four different hotels.

I had a two days off and 6 evenings for myself to explore.

I gotta say that I was both disillusioned and occasionally amused. But as a whole I experienced my trip there as rather depressing to be honest. The streets and subways are insanely crowded, everybody 2nd person is wearing those portable facemasks (which is terrifying) and parts of the city looked really rundown. There's this huge contrast between the skyscrapers and the impoverished areas. Most of the time I was alone I felt lost because I couldn't understand a fucking thing those signs said.

I did visit lots of "street markets" where all sorts of stuff was sold. I'm not very much into anime, but I did recognize lots of Miku and K-On stuff as well as the usual "what the fuck japan" items you see posted around here a lot. They sell DVDs, magazines, figurines, plush things and to my surprise the place was not just crowded by nerdy asian guys but also a lot of non-landwhale girls.

I've seen some insanely hot chicks and some of them were actually wearing this thigh-high sock/skirt combination (like the one Miku has) and once I've actually seen a woman wearing this typical "japanese maid" outfit. The fashion sense there is really fucked up sometimes, but I'm never complaining about seeing lots of skin. Turns out half of the japanese schoolgirls wear jeans or pantyhoses under their skirt. I've also been to a karaoke club and it was simply hilarious.

I also noticed how many english words were on advertisements and signs and most of them didn't make any sense at all.

I don't want to make this too long, but the tl;dr version is that Japan is pretty cool sometimes but it's not a place where I'd like to live, at least not Tokyo from what I've seen.

And short question, how many of you have ever actually been to Japan?

>> No.8181147

I have, but do you see me blog about it on /jp/?

No. Also 3 days wasn't enough to go through all of akiba. I didn't even make it to mandarake.

>> No.8181150

Just thought I'd share my experience.

>> No.8181153

If you go to Akiba, you really should blog about it. There are a lot of people who would be interested. Same goes for if you manage to hit up Comiket or anything like it.

>> No.8181168

I figured this was more like a >>>/trv/

To be honest, this sounds really generic, and somewhat close to what I would expect from Tokyo.

I don't know why people think it's some kind of really different/magical/amazing place when in reality it's just as much a city as any other in the world.

Wouldn't stop me from living there, though...

>> No.8181177


Never been there, but I want to go someday. I wouldn't choose Tokyo as a place to live, though.

>> No.8181171

Come to Kyoto.

>> No.8181179

All I can say is it is overwhelming. I couldn't imagine how a normal would be able to handle the culture shock. You see all types of people in toranoana, alot of them look like normals, bringing their girlfriends into the used H doujin places and stuff.

>> No.8181187

I've been. I found the contrast between new and old beautiful.

>> No.8181191

Not him, I was at the C77. Not much to tell if you ever seen a single anime with episode about it. Only in reality it has 10x more people, HUGE LINES to everyone popular, and occasional photosession of cosplay with various degrees of want, although it was miles better than anything posted in /cgl/.

>> No.8181197

>bringing their girlfriends into the used H doujin places and stuff.

God I wish I had a girlfriend like that (or any girlfriend)

>> No.8181204

It's not all it's cracked up to be.

>> No.8181212

Not OP, but Kyoto also has way too many people (although obviously it isn't as bad as, say, Tokyo or Osaka). Naha is much less crowded and more peaceful.

>> No.8181220

>everybody 2nd person is wearing those portable facemasks
The people that wear them have a cold or think they have a cold, I admit it's a bit odd but in such a crowded place, it's better to help stop spreading germs than to not.

Did you notice all the beer vending machines (mainly in hotels and other buildings) and all the cigarette vending machines, we could use em here in Canada.

When I went there, I saw quite a few things that I regret getting, such as some extreme fetish capsule toys I saw at an arcade.

>> No.8181238

>I saw quite a few things that I regret getting

I'm sitting on about $150 worth of loli doujin. No regrets, though.

>> No.8181261

The fuck?
Just what did you do in Akiba that you need 3days?
Did you waste your time queuing for stuff like this?
It took me half a day to go through all the shop.
The most important shop that you cant miss in Akihabara is White Canvas. Just look for the sign with ホフキャソ.

>> No.8181259

I would love to know a lay-out of the streets, any "hidden" shops, places of interest they don't usually show, etc. etc. if you found any. Planning to go there in a year and a half, already laying out my street maps and look-for list.

Any places that struck your fancy or had a wider/rarer selection than most?

>> No.8181266
File: 369 KB, 1078x808, 2011-11-05 15.37.51_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic.

>> No.8181277

>everybody 2nd person is wearing those portable facemasks
They also wear them to avoid getting germs from other people.
So half of people wear them as a result.
The first idea of wearing a mask comes from manners. They think it's bad manners if you don't wear a mask when you have a cold.

>> No.8181274

I think you mean ホワキャン.

>> No.8181284

My eyes are shot right now... did he mess up on the last character? I can't really tell the difference...

>> No.8181282

Buy plushies and figurines
Sell on Ebay

>> No.8181287

second one. not him by the way.

>> No.8181288

Yes, and the second as well. What I'm wondering is how he managed to type it without realizing it was wrong... Writing is one thing, but on a computer it's rather hard to make a visual error.

>> No.8181292

Maybe he actually read it wrongly and never knew how to type it properly in the first place?

>> No.8181303
File: 145 KB, 720x720, 1320111826314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish people that were sick in public in America would wear face masks, but no, they don't give a damn about anyone else.
Common cold? fuck covering your mouth, strep throat? Time to go grocery shopping,
chest cold? I hear they have a sale at the mall.
If i weren't forced to be in contact with the public I'd never go outside.

>> No.8181305 [DELETED] 

How do you get that much shit through customs? Don't they make you pay a tax?

>> No.8181309

Ah, now I see.
What village do you live in where they don't make throat lozenges, or at least have the decency to cough into their elbows? Hell, people in NYC love getting sick because sick days are always freebies, especially in offices.

>> No.8181315 [DELETED] 

The last one is different too.

>> No.8181320 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, SuBaHiBij01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ in Tokyo

>> No.8181321
File: 356 KB, 1200x800, hatsune-miku-car2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First thing I'd visit, and pay millions to drive.

>> No.8181323

why mikufags open their wallets so easily?

>> No.8181326 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 308x310, Edo+Boys+EdoBoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm pretty sure this /jp/ in Tokyo

>> No.8181336
File: 390 KB, 213x222, 1322677862001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would love to ride around tokyo with some /jp/ers blasting that at full volume

>> No.8181338 [DELETED] 

>OP here, I'm judging an entire country off a cheap business trip I had, though I didn't really do anything anyways

>> No.8181339
File: 58 KB, 240x320, 1321140313005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very related.

>> No.8181340

How can you talk Daiteikoku like that when you post such a cool pic?

>> No.8181361

I've only been to Okinawa, OP. I have the option to go to Gunma, but I really like Okinawa.
I imagine Okinawa is different from Tokyo, though. Also, the planes are loud and scary sometimes. I was in Ginowan and later in Okinawa City, I have fun there.

>> No.8181362

and yes.

Plan to head there in a bout a year, on a working holiday visa, should be.. interesting!

>> No.8181366

>working holiday visa
Sometimes I wish I was Canadian.

>> No.8181370

You better do it and record it Anon.

>> No.8181369


Sure has its perks sometimes. god awful cold though. i think after my trip and a few more years here , im moving down south, to a place i can motorbike all year round.

>> No.8181376


Like the entire trip? Just blog about it? Hadn't really considered doing that.

>> No.8181379

good luck finding a job because you'll never find one, other than english teacher and get paid minimum wage.

>> No.8181384 [DELETED] 

It's funny because I work at Mc donalds.

Pretty fitting,no?

>> No.8181385

No, no one will probably care about your entire trip.

>> No.8181386


ill be bringing plenty enough money to relax. just work so i leave with less of a deficit :P

this is only gonna be for 6 months, maybe longer if i find something worthwhile. not to concerned about what kind of work i will be doing.

>> No.8181390

> :P
Get. the. fuck. out.

>> No.8181391


>> No.8181392


oh you mean the ride. well if i find a nice RX7 while im there im not holding back.

>> No.8181403

Mah nigga.

>> No.8181405

>I gotta say that I was both disillusioned
You're silly for having any expectations at all. It's just another country.

You don't go to America expecting it to be New York and Hollywood everywhere.
You don't go to New Zealand expecting Lord of the Rings everywhere
You don't go to Canada expecting everyone to say ABOOT

>> No.8181419

Fuck you I say aboot all the time.

>> No.8181425

isn't this gensokyo. only Alice gives orders around here.

>> No.8181435


am very sick of people thinking,

ohh yay im gonna be an otaku yayy dream world lalala

get over yourself. its gonna be hell.

>> No.8181441

No, I'm pretty sure plenty of people have perfectly fun trips to Tokyo. Planning fun trips to hell is harder.

>> No.8181446


when people go their thinking its gonna be heaven, its gonna seem like hell to them. thats what im getting at

>> No.8181462

I disagree. I got everything I expected and more.
Granted, I didn't go expecting all the Japan cliches the west has ever cranked out....

>> No.8181480

>a lot of non-landwhale girls
Of course! Japanese fujoshi aren't fat like Americunts!

>> No.8181481

really? i can honestly say i know from self- experience, just what i have heard from other that have went

>> No.8181485

Its the ideal place to live if you have money. i remember buying lunch from a vending machine, spent my entire time chilling at my apartment drinking beer. Buying shit from amazon and have it delivered the next day. When I felt like seeing some maids I'd bike to Akihabara. But that all ended when I realized there were no jobs expect being a stupid english teacher.

>> No.8181498

I guess If I want to live the Gaijin dream I have to be a shitty english teacher

>> No.8181502

Did you made any friends?

>> No.8181516

There's always WWOOF.

>> No.8181525
File: 270 KB, 1020x1764, 1201285946890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think typical /jp/ dwellers are cut out for agricultural work.

>> No.8181528


He said it was a business trip so he probably went by himself

>> No.8181529

time to masturbate again.

>> No.8181537

It's not all farming. There are some who offer jobs waiting in organic restaurants.

>> No.8181558

You'd be surprised.
People are surprisingly adaptable.
When I was doing similar work during the summer the overall soreness and fatigue lasted for the first 3 days or so, days where exceptional amounts of labor was done excluded, and I'm in no where near decent shape.

>> No.8181566
File: 42 KB, 500x846, 1232267764473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that Japan is facing a crisis in agriculture. The average farmer is 66 years old.

Perhaps /jp/ could attend agricultural college?

>> No.8181573

I had not considered this....

>> No.8181575

Only if I get to be the little girl.

>> No.8181583

>When I was doing similar work during the summer the overall soreness and fatigue lasted for the first 3 days or so
I concur. The first three days are hell, but once you get past the heat and learn to drink enough water that you constantly have to pee, it's not too terrible.

What were you doing?

>> No.8181650

A lot of different things.
General grounds works with other stuff mixed in would probably the most concise way to describe it.
The worst days were probably when the only chain saw they had broke, and we needed to saw down several trees, as well as whenever digging of any sort was involved.
