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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8142993 No.8142993 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have an old fashioned JRPG General shall we?

-What JRPG are you currently playing?

-What upcoming JRPG do you look forward to?

>> No.8143005

I was playing FFXIII before Skyward Sword came out.
It's a really challenging game. Not because it's hard, but because it's boring, linear and slow.
I wonder if I'll ever finish it, now that there are so many JRPG's just about to be released.

Waiting for Tales of the Abyss to come out tomorrow. I never played it before as it didn't come out here on the PS2, so yeah, looking forward to another Tales adventure.

>> No.8143003
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>> No.8143007


>> No.8143010

I am gonna give you one hint.


>> No.8143014
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I'll play along
I'm playing Brandish: Dark Revenant, a psp remake of a snes roguelike (made by Falcom)
It's a fun little game; it's not super difficult, but it's good to play in quick bursts. And it requires no Japanese to play (all the puzzles are straightforward and there's barely any dialogue), although it makes me question why it wasn't localized.

I'm looking forward to Graces F, Shining Blade, Meruru, and Mk2, none of which seem all that amazing

>> No.8143072

Just started playing Trails in the Sky I hope it's good after all the positive things I've heard about it.

>> No.8143079

>>8143014 I'm playing Brandish: Dark Revenant
Enjoy fapping at every female npc.

>> No.8143127

MW3 outsold Ni no Kuni. lol


>> No.8143144

started Tactics Ogre: LUCT recently.

i'm having a hard time because i keep thinking i'm missing important things.

>> No.8143189
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I find the Wizardry series to be hilareous when discussing JRPGs and WRPGs. And the series itself is older than both of terms. In the west we have had roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons, and it is kind of hard to get any more "western" than that. Then though, we get a whole bunch of attempts to put D&D and similair ideas into a streamlined concept suitable for digital games. As a result we got stuff along the lines of Eye of the Beholder and similair games. These games were navigated through menus with skills and options, and of course simple attacks etc. If not entirely turn based, then it was most likely using "psuedo-realtime", as with cool down on actions and character turns, like that of many Final Fantasy games. But in the end, these games, adapted from D&D and the like, are still to this day for most part classified as classic WRPGs, based on some of the most "western" games we have, Pen&Paper D&D. Then though, we naturally get lots of games inspired by these (for your information, theapanese were very inspired by these western games.) such as the series mentioned, Wizardry, among other things. This series was made by Sir-Tech Software, and was in essence inspired from the many games inspired from D&D. And naturally this series is still held as western, just like the games before it, and came to be held in high regard as one of the more notable western games/game series. And later works its way up as one of the renowned RPGs made in Western history, granting it a WPRG status.

>> No.8143198

Then though, much later. Japanese developers, copying practically the entire concept of Wizardry, down to the very mechanics, and we get result such as the Class of Heroes series for an example. What I find funny though, is that when people take a look at Class of Heroes for instance, despite basically being a direct port of one of the most classic western RPGs ever made, people still go "HURR JPRGs AWFUL! DURR WRPG >>> JRPG!!1!". And that's just ironic, if anything. Truly to differ between "JRPGs" and "WRPGs" is incredibly overrated and pointless.

>> No.8143269

Zelda Skyward Sword general?

>> No.8143270


wanting Neptunia Mk2
I dont care what you think

>> No.8143277

If you're not paying attention, you are. Horrible, awesome things.

>> No.8143552

Currently playing Fate/Extra. Looking forward to nothing in particular. P4 Vita, I guess, but that's a ways from now.

>> No.8144094

Playing Fate/Extra
Caster is so moe~

>> No.8144112

I downloaded Meikyuu Cross Blood after watching a stream. Need to get around to starting it.

>> No.8146136

Any idea what it has in common with the TRPG aside from the setting? Do you build stuff in between encounters?

The inner /tg/ resident in me bugs me for some answers. Also, it would be awesome if the translation of the actual TRPGs could finally be started some time next year.

>> No.8146177

please stop making threads with "general" in the subject. this is /v/ behavior and serves absolutely zero purpose as an identifier.

>> No.8146184

Isn't the idea to condense threads of relatively the same concept?

>> No.8146200

>>And that's just ironic, if anything. Truly to differ between "JRPGs" and "WRPGs" is incredibly overrated and pointless.

Yeah pretty much if you know about Wizardry. Most RPG fans aren't that hardcore though. Thus you can safely ignore the ones who are so into the whole East vs West distinction thing for some odd reason.

>> No.8146205

Current JRPG: None. It was Disgaea 4 until Skyrim

JRPG I'm Hype For: The Witch and the Hundred Soldiers

>> No.8146207
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Call it a megathread then. Or a discussion. Or even just leave the topic thread blank.

>> No.8146211

So its just the word that bothers you and not what it is/does?

>> No.8146209

But this also isn't SA or pooshlmer

>> No.8146224
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It doesn't bother me that much. I was just helping him out. I think that condensing threads is great.

Would /jp/ be worse if it learned a few lessons from Something Awful, the world's most mature and troll-free webforum?

>> No.8146228

Just started 7th dragon 2020

Didn't know anything about this until the thread earlier

So far instead of a silent protagonist you get a silent party, with RPG maker combat

>> No.8146376
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Playing Eternal Sonata at the moment. Viola is my waifu.

>> No.8146389
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>>Just started playing Trails in the Sky I hope it's good after all the positive things I've heard about it.

I'm sure you'll like it. Starts out sorta slow, but it turns into one of those really enjoyable RPGs that you'll remember for a long time, like Grandia 1 or Skies of Arcadia and such.

>> No.8146393
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>like Grandia 1

You just convinced me to play Trails. I hope that it can convey even half the feeling of joyous ADVENTURE that Grandia did.

>> No.8146400

I know one thing for sure: You're going to be downloading the OST in no time. Shit's neck to neck with the YS I & II OST in my opinion.

>> No.8146407

TiTS LE on sale at Amazon for $20, standard edition for $15. More importantly pick up Ys Felghana if you've never played it.

>> No.8146903

>although it makes me question why it wasn't localized.
This bothered me alot.

>> No.8146927
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Nier on my 360.

God damnit the game is beautiful and the combat is nice. I love it.

>> No.8146929

Off to /v/ you go.

>> No.8146936
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Playing some c80 rpgs while waiting for the ones that come out at c81.

>> No.8148285

the point is that it's a completely useless descriptor that people only feel like they need to use because of stupid /v/ memes. unless the topic is something very specific like "how do I get the troll head in the witcher 2?" everyone is going to automatically assume that the topic is general in nature. if you had just made a thread saying "let's talk about jrpgs" then everyone would still know perfectly well what to talk about.

>> No.8148941

About to start the Lufia series but I was wondering if I should I play Lufia then Lufia II or Lufia II then Lufia.

>> No.8148959
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Fossil Fighters Champions.

New Game Plus as the little girl.

>> No.8148961


Lufia 2 is is the prequal to the first game so it'd make sense to play it first. That said it has improved gameplay compared to the first game so going back might take getting used to.

>> No.8148962

Contemplating suicide now I know that Suikoden series is officially dead.

>> No.8148968

Why? Because the PSP one isn't like the old ones?

>> No.8148970

Huh? The new game looks pretty promising.

>> No.8149046

It's been some days since I've booted my PS2 due to Skyrim, but I'm going through Digital Devil Saga, 10+ hours in.
The battles feel kind of meh, consisting on a first try to see the enemy's attributes, and then a second one already prepared to repel/absorb elements for immunity/extra turns.
The last time I played I was stuck on a boss with ridiculous damage output and defense.
The setting is kind of ridiculous. 'We live in a world the size of New York(?) and we must kick each other's asses'. But some foreshadowing suggests there's more to it than that.
But overall, Shouji Meguro's music makes it more than enjoyable.
Oh God, I just remembered this.

>> No.8149062

More like because the original team in charge of Suikoden is disbanded. Now, I'm afraid this series will become another Final Fantasy.

>> No.8149102

I'd say Lufia 1, it is alot more fulfilling to find out all the cameos and homages placed in Lufia 2, than to get that whole experience in reverse.
It's also a lovely game.

>> No.8149184
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>Class of Heroes series
I really wish the sequels were ported because they have the most absurd shit I've ever seen, like th job classes idol, maid/butler, tsundere, sentai etc and character relationship charts along with really high character customization that even lets you make traps

>> No.8149378
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I liked class of heroes because the Feliper were a catgirl race, and for some reason the dwarves were also catgirls (just a bit more furry).

>> No.8149383

>Lufia 2

>> No.8149739



Got names? I can't find them in wikipedia or google

>> No.8149944

So i'm not paying $40 for Persona 3 and other RPGs that are possibly good, how hard is it to burn PS2 games?

I'll need to get a fat and get a chip hard-moded, right? but isn't there a swap magic disc that i could use on a Slim which I actually have and then put the PS2 game in?

>> No.8149949

It's $30 for the psp
Or you could emulate the psp version

>> No.8149952

I have hacked psp 1000 and i could iso it but eh. all i got in my room is ubuntu, a psp, and a slim ps2 with a good hand of JRPG's but i can't justify touching any of that. :|

can i also burn PS1 games maybe easier onto a cd and play them on a slim or something?

>> No.8149950

The PS2 emulator is pretty much flawless if your pc is decent

>> No.8149953


same dude here. and yeah i plan to get windows 7 if i get money, i live in usa so economy is really tough and it's hard to get a job which will even give you full part time, u no?

>> No.8149968

Looks like /v/ is finally winning out here.

>> No.8149983


Got a ps2 slim with a chip (matrix) so you don't need a "fat ps2" if you plan to play burned games.

>> No.8149986

It depends on the game. Some play great at even x4 native resolution, while others drop to around 40fps on native.

I was playing Front Mission 4 on it just fine yesterday, but I noticed that during actual gameplay my core temps were around 60 (celcius) which is fine, but during simple item screens a few jumped up to 80 fucking degrees. I'll never understand emulation.

>> No.8150018
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Darkmoon master race.

>> No.8150538


>> No.8150549

I like it

>> No.8153433


>> No.8153538
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Just finished FFT: War of the Lions. I started it back on PSX way back when and never got around to finishing it, and it's finally over. Probably could've racked up a lot more gameplay time by doing errands and shit, but I was playing mostly just to finish what I started back in the 90's.

Man, that ending. Not sure how I feel about it. It was nice to not have an "And they lived happily ever after" end, but it didn't give me any of the closure I was hoping for. Still, overall a great game, end boss was easy as fuck.

End felt kind of rushed. Otherwise a fantastic game. Used Agrias from the moment she was a playable party member. Can't help but wonder what happened to her in the game, as she was never mentioned in the epilogue.

Not sure what I'll play next....

>> No.8153556
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neptunia and devil survivor

>> No.8153576
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Replaying Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden.

So good.

>> No.8153591
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Yuri Lowell thread.
Post some Yuri.

>> No.8153645
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Replaying Summon Night, on DS this time.
Looking forward to nothing in particular.

>> No.8153680

I waish they would just finish srwa already. f and f final might be coming soon too.

>> No.8153703
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Tactics is one of my all-time favorites. And yeah, the ending really does kind of leave you hanging. Left me wanting more, at least.

>> No.8153705

I'm play Skyrim because JRPGs are ass

>> No.8153717

I've been playing Persona 4 a bit. I was planning on waiting for the PSV version but Chie is too moe so I couldn't help myself.

>> No.8153840


>utterly terrible story
>no characters develop
>worst story ive ever seen in videogame history

The game literally jumps the shark in the final third.

None of what happens before it, chopin clips or char interaction is relevant.

Gameplay is still incredibly fun though

>> No.8154821

Not really playing anything right now and looking forward to FFX remake for PSV

>> No.8154832

(Soul Nomad)

Gig needs to kick /a/'s (or /c/'s, I forget which) ass for repeatedly using 'candy-ass.' That word like... BELONGS to him.

>> No.8154868

playing hexys force
it's alright
but goddamn sting games activate my maximum autism with breakable items and hidden items in every corner

>> No.8155568

>said that story sucks twice
dat Sakuraba OST though

>> No.8155594

Does it get better? I tried playing it after OG 1 and 2 (which I loved) but everything just felt kind of slow and clunky. Not as flashy.

>> No.8155617
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not that guy, but I recommend SRW J if you liked the OGs. It's been translated about a year ago, too.

Pic greatly related

>> No.8155653
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>>End felt kind of rushed. Can't help but wonder what happened to her in the game, as she was never mentioned in the epilogue.

Go back to Zeltennia Castle (like right before you go for the final battle) for an extra scene that was added in the PSP version. They pretty much threw that in to clear up some of the ambiguity.

>> No.8155658

If you want flashy from SRW you should play OGs, Alpha 3, and Z series.

>> No.8155666

The problem is that Western Wizardry games evolved, while Japanese Wizardry games (and their descendants, like Elminage and Class of Heroes) stayed rooted to circa-1986 concepts. Wizardry 8 is an absolute masterpiece that I dearly wish somebody, anybody would examine and build upon. But instead we get endless step-based games that would be possible on Apple II. Though to be fair, this is true of modern Western-developed Wizardry-style games too. Everybody sucks.

>> No.8156621

Wizardry is still mostly Wizardry.
And while we have done other RPGs, so have they.
