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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8102342 No.8102342 [Reply] [Original]

Besides /jp/ what board do you go on most in 4chan?

>> No.8102361


>> No.8102364

/jp/ is pretty bad, for quite a number of reasons. They supposedly are "untrollable" (according to themselves) and attack trolls by flaunting their untrollableness. the problem with their sarcastic posting is that it's shitposting on itself. They're also too paranoid about outsiders, often accusing each other of coming from another board. And that's the other thing, when arguing with someone from /jp/ over the quality of their board, they fall back to "it wasn't someone from /jp/, other people come to shit post here", "that blog post you linked to? it wasn't someone from /jp/, it was from /v/". They fail to realize, or don't want to admit, that all those shit posts are their own people.
The board itself is hard to browse if you have no interest in touhou. It's not really a matter of "their powerlevel is so high we're like narutards to them xD". For me, and for a lot of other people I bet, the deal breaker is the touhou shit. It's simply not acceptable that if I want to discuss eroges and doujin games I have to browse through pages and pages of that shit.

>> No.8102368

> They supposedly are "untrollable" (according to themselves)
I don't remember anyone ever saying this, except maybe /b/tards who tried to raid us just to realize that we don't care about japan,nukes and tsunamis

>> No.8102371
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>> No.8102379
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>> No.8102380

Just /jp/, /tg/, and /v/, really

>> No.8102383

/v/ because I like videogames.
Too bad they either talk about the same games all the time or about /soc/ and /r9k/ crap.
It can be quite funny sometimes though

>> No.8102386
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Formerly /x/, but it somehow got _worse_ than just being /b/ with ghosts.

>> No.8102389

suck my cock dude

>> No.8102393

I try browsing other boards once in a while to broaden my horizons and to avoid fixating on /jp/ so much.
But the amount of greentext faggotry and meme spamming is really untolerable. I realize there's good posters on the other boards, but I still don't know if it's worth it to wade through 290 replies of canned "is suffering" "of the years all years" "in charge of" shit for those 10 interesting ones.
/jp/ also has its fair share of shitty catchphrases but they're less frequent.

>> No.8102397
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That one place which /jp/ thinks of a parasite.

And that also one place where /jp/ thinks of a parasite.

>> No.8102400

I agree. Maybe it's because I'm too used to mailing lists and newsgroups, but this `greentext' fad annoys me and it's never going to die. It just ruins discussions when every one of them devolves into `greentext' spam.

>> No.8102401

I used to visit /k/, /a/, and /jp/.

Now it's just /jp/.

>> No.8102403

/a/, sometimes /d/.

>> No.8102404

Various textboards.

>> No.8102407


>> No.8102409

>/jp/ also has its fair share of shitty catchphrases but they're less frequent.

/jp/- Creativ shitposting

>But the amount of greentext faggotry and meme spamming is really untolerable. I realize there's good posters on the other boards, but I still don't know if it's worth it to wade through 290 replies of canned "is suffering" "of the years all years" "in charge of" shit for those 10 interesting ones

I only despise greentexting on /jp/, because on other boards it's normal to use them.
This is also why I don't use sage on other boards, each board has its own little do's and don'ts

>> No.8102422

/u/ and /a/

>> No.8102423

> each board has its own little do's and don'ts
But it just so happens /jp/'s are the correct ones.

Oh come on, you know I'm right.

>> No.8102433

No, not really.
The userbase makes the most rules, and not some rule by moot which says how quoting is used correctly.
Just imagine that we would have to follow the rule
"All things otaku welcome!"

It would be horrible

>> No.8102434

with "greentext faggotry" I didn't mean all greentext on principle. I meant literally faggotry done using greentext like misquoting posts to make them look retarded to help your points, useless reaction faces captions and things like that.
..which is still ok, I guess, but just because it's common it doesn't mean I have to like it.

>> No.8102437
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/v/ once in a while if they are talking about video games

>> No.8102443

Best Saten of 2011.

>> No.8102449

Eh, well I'm all for communities evolving and adapting. It's what makes 4chan interesting. However stupid things like catchphrase replies and greentext flamewars and so on are just contentless and detract from discussion.
Plus many other boards don't *get* image board culture. I know that people are free to use things however they like, but we've had the, "SAGE FOR FAGGOTRY," "Excuse me, but..." conversation far too many times now.

>> No.8102455
File: 38 KB, 184x184, Cirno - Akarin -S3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to... /jp/...? - (The rest is just part of my job... The only board with a special place in my heart is you /jp/...!)

Well... At least that is it for 4chan I guess, I've been going a bit more to my country chan (BRAZIL!!!) and Ylilauta ( They're pretty e/b/in, lol...) lately though...

>> No.8102456
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My favourite boards other than /jp/ are /pol/, /int/, /y/ and /cm/.

I also like combinations of all these boards. Pic related.

>> No.8102473

/d/, /tg/. I don't really post on them much though, just look.

>> No.8102481

/g/, except I'm currently banned from it for "report system abuse".

>> No.8102488


I agree! I wish I still had my O HA NA folder

>> No.8102493

What happened to your O HA NA folder?

>> No.8102512

/jp/ and /sci/ are the only boards I go to. I spend most of my time here though

>> No.8102516

I dont even browse any other boards nowadays. I dont see what they have to offer.

>> No.8102546

/fa/ and /jp/

>> No.8102557 [DELETED] 

the only good users on /jp/ only visit /jp/, but browse reddit and sa. they both have good discussion, but you can only get your daily dose of touhou here. the rest of 4chan is SHIT that's why i only visit /jp/, reddit, and sa

>> No.8102560

/a/, I visit /sp/ when divegrass is on, and sometimes I look at /g/ or /ck/ like once a month.

>> No.8102563


What does this board have to offer thats right nothing you fucking hipster fagot

>> No.8102567

Everyone here visits /v/ it's how they catch wind of our memes and where all the shitposters come from.

I don't even like this board it just feels like part of my jobs

>> No.8102575

Mainly /jp/ and /m/.

>> No.8102578

/v/ and /k/, though I don't spend much time outside of Starcraft threads on /v/.

>> No.8102585

/a/ is full of spoilers so I don't frequent there, but I visit /v/ quite often in order to PRAISE THE SUN

>> No.8102597


>> No.8102606


I went on /v/ during the last MLG. Threads were getting maxed out in less than 30 minutes. There was a ton of copy/paste spamming as well.

>> No.8102619



>> No.8102624

It offers rare and nice conversations when frustrated people like you aint around complaining about everything.

>> No.8102633

/v/ for League of Legends threads. /a/ if an anime I'm watching has aired recently.

>> No.8102641

/sci/ mostly, only for math threads,

>> No.8102649

/toy/: I'm a big figure/statue collector.
/an/: I like animals and plants.
/co/: I like western comics and animation

I mostly just come to /jp/ for Touhou and VN.

>> No.8102652

/an/ and /d/.

But the latter board is a wreck right now.

>> No.8102663

/a/, /g/, /m/ and /v/ occasionally.

>> No.8102672

nothing really, just /d/ and /gif/ once in a while for faps

>> No.8102674

/cm/, /y/, and /fa/, but my favorite is /z/.

>> No.8102677

/ck/, because learning how to cook is an important skill for little girls.

>> No.8102679
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/b/ cuz it's random as HELL '-'

>> No.8102682

/h/ when I'm feeling horny.
/a/ to see what anime is popular once in a while.

>> No.8102687

what the HELL is wrong with you? browsing /b/ in 2011? jesus, christ. there is about 5 other better boards with actual random humor and not just inane random posts.

>> No.8102690
File: 20 KB, 100x100, Dojima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore.


>> No.8102697

/a/, after the weekly episode of my favorite anime of the season airs. Sometimes, you can find actual discussion there.

>> No.8102740

/a/ because I watch anime too, and rarely /g/ because they're silly. But /jp/ has been my home since the split.

>> No.8102746

/a/ and /soc/

>> No.8102763

/a/, /co/, /mu/, /r9k/, occasionally /tv/. i don't even know why I am here most of the time. I'm normally here for music but that only pops ups very occasionally these days.

>> No.8102786

Really? Brazil eh? What a shame...

just /jp/, but some times /u/ and /tg/.
And obviously another imageboards.

>> No.8102804

7chan - A place for oldfags.

>> No.8102821

7chan a place for lost souls

>> No.8102828

/a/ /c/ /x/ /co/ /fa/ /u/ /h/

>> No.8102835

/a/ when I'm looking to talk about a certain episode
/v/ during E3
