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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8101788 No.8101788 [Reply] [Original]

Ghost Board Synchronization API, Draft 1

This document describes an API for synchronizing local posts ("ghost posts") between archivers.

0. Structure of existing data
Ghost posts are written to both board and board_local tables, and have a subnum greater than 0.
The subnum field is described as an int(10) unsigned.

1. Identification of post source
Beginning from implementation of the API, ghost posts shall be written to the board table with a modified subnum, containing the next subnum on the archiver where the post was made, and the identifier of the archiver where the ghost post originated from.

The archive identifier will be the high two digits of the subnum field, and the local next subnum.
Therefore, a ghost in reply to >>12345,67 on archiver with id 01 will have subnum field 01000068.

The archive id is determined by consensus among archivers and should be unique per archiver.
A suggested id ordering is chronological:
00 jparchive.dyndns.org
01 archive.foolz.us
02 fuuka.warosu.org
03 fuuka.bwaka.net

Since there are no ghost posts with subnums greater than 999999, the presence of non-zero digits in the high two digits may be taken to show that the ghost post was made with an API-compliant archiver.
Archivers may choose to implement the display of API-compliant ghost posts in any manner. For example, a ghost post with num=12345 and subnum=4000026 could be shown to the user as >>12345,26-Short, where Short is a short name corresponding to the archive with id 04.


>> No.8101789

2. Synchronization API
Archivers shall make available one endpoint for reading its local ghost posts. This endpoint is:
where <UNIX_TIMESTAMP> is the number of seconds since UTC Jan 1 1970 00:00:00.

The archiver shall return, upon a HTTP GET request to this endpoint, a JSON array of post objects corresponding to ghost posts made locally since <UNIX_TIMESTAMP_SINCE> until <UNIX_TIMESTAMP_UNTIL> unless <UNIX_TIMESTAMP_UNTIL> is not specified, in which case the archiver shall return a JSON array of post objects made locally since <UNIX_TIME_SINCE> until the present.
Post objects should be serialized directly from their MySQL representation, with columns mapping to object keys and row values mapping to their corresponding object values.

If an archiver chooses not to honor a synchronization call, it should respond with a JSON array of a single object with a single key of "ERROR" with corresponding value describing why the call was not honored.

3. Other
This is a draft document, and as such the author welcomes suggestions and alterations to this document.

>> No.8101792
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>> No.8101795

Foolz doesn't need lings because no one uses the other retarded archive. Seriously easymodo redirects to foolz. Just use it and stop bitching

>> No.8101794

Why does /jp/ have so many archives?

>> No.8101807

If you're going to attention whore for your archive you should leave your name and trip on.

>> No.8101812

Get out warosu devs.

>> No.8101825

Largest player on the block never goes for shared standards. It's why Microsoft loves its proprietary formats.

>> No.8101829

I'll never understand ghost posting instead of posting on the actual board.

>> No.8101837

So you can bitch about being banned.

Or talk about /jp/ radio.

>> No.8101839

1. Change archive identifiers to GUIDs.
>Since there are no ghost posts with subnums greater than 999999, the presence of non-zero digits in the high two digits may be taken to show that the ghost post was made with an API-compliant archiver.
This is making the assumption that there will never be that many ghost posts. The idiots who wrote non-Y2K-compliant software made the same mistake.

2. I suggest CSV for post data as it is easier and more efficient to parse. Add a ghost-sync-meta request for obtaining the column names and types.

>> No.8101875

1. The archive identifiers are int(2) so they can be shoved into the existing subnum field.

Yes, I am making the assumption that there will never be that many ghost posts. Eksopl did too when he made the subnum a int(10) field. I think it's a safe assumption to make, given that the highest subnum so far is >>2538432,1173.

2. A post object keys would provide the data described by such a ghost-sync-meta request, but I suppose CSV is much easier to use. I would support changing the draft to use CSV instead of JSON.

>> No.8101960

Ten thousand /jp/ers would need to post a hundred times each in a single thread to get to that point.

I think we're safe.

>> No.8101965

It's better to plan for far higher numbers if you have the ability however.

>> No.8102108

You mean ten /jp/ers posting a hundred thousand times in a single thread.

>> No.8102251

>web api using csv
Go back to 1998 with your CSV bullshit ``please''

>> No.8102286

Just make an extra database field, you retards. This is more stupid that stringifying.

>> No.8102375


>> No.8102419

You don't need to sync anything, archives can't be synched effectively anyway. There will be stuff like posts popping out of nowhere, missing posts, replies that quote unsynched posts, etc.

You just need to expose the replies to a particular thread as JSONP. A userscript or a built-in javascript will then fetch the replies from each archive when a thread is displayed, client side.

>> No.8102712

Bwaka admin here, Finished improvements for /jp/'s database.

Search should be much faster than it used to be, now has a back-up system, and i'll adding better search features in a while.

On the topic of sharing ghost boards, I suppose it could be done, It doesn't seem too difficult and the ghost databases are alot easier to handle than the larger main databases.

>> No.8102734

Only a fool would need an archive other than foolz!

>> No.8102861

Typical foolz zealot humour.

>> No.8103083

Ghost posts are made to both {board} and {board}_local, and the {board}_local contains incomplete data (only the num, subnum, parent, and timestamp).

Nice work to fuuka. What changes did you make specifically?

>> No.8103117

Excellent question.

It's 4 times the usual waste of bandwidth.

>> No.8103141

Circlejerking attentionwhores are worse than tripfags from /a/. I'm sticking to Foolz.

>> No.8103151

Enjoy your circlejerking attentionwhores then.

>> No.8103155

I've always wondered, how do I comment on a Request For Comments? Does it even matter? I mean, it's been published already...

>> No.8103243

You can easily fix that though. insert ghost posts into their own table complete and just share thread IDs between the main and local.

That keeps the data independant from the main tables, not sure how that would be performance wise.

>> No.8104456

fuck you faggot, I worked all day on that joke.

>> No.8104532

This is an interesting way to make it Someone Else's Problem. Maybe a good approach.

>> No.8104584

Nothing wrong with offloading as much work as possible to the client.

>> No.8105291

Anyone up for writing such a script?

That would reduce the endpoint specification to something like /{board}/thread/{parent}/json/{UNIX_TIMESTAMP}.

>> No.8105756

I WISH I was still in 1998. Back when the Internet was mostly usable and websites weren't the overbloated AJAX-stuffed-turkey monstrosities they are now.

Posts are stored as relational data. CSV is a standard way of exchanging relational data. There does not need to be anything more complex.

Except when the client is a netbook.


>> No.8105766

Any netbook which can't handle a XHR and a DOM insertion or two should be thrown out a window.

>> No.8105977

And you don't need a timestamp, just send every ghost reply for a given thread. It will be easier and more efficient to cache, server side.

>> No.8106008

>CSV is a standard way of exchanging relational data for the web.
And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

I've yet to see a web API providing data only or primarily in CSV.

>> No.8106093

Why does it use a pull model, when a push model would be more efficient and faster, given the small numbers of ghost posts made at any given time?

>> No.8106110
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>Give random people write access to the database
