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8092745 No.8092745 [Reply] [Original]

To the mentally ill:
How has life been treating you recently?

>> No.8092747


>> No.8092749

It's not bad. I have my good days and masdgwae7 uircqwerqwxdrqw54325555555555

>> No.8092750
File: 134 KB, 500x500, 1299639081454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is okay.
But then again with the pills i am on i dont care about anything.

>> No.8092755

suck my dick, vato.

fucking esse.

>> No.8092756

For me the depression and anxiety are bearable but recentlly I have been feeling... lost. I don't know how to better describe it. It's not depersonalization (that subsided with the change of meds), just feeling out of place. "I tried everything and I'm out of ideas now. I know that things are going to end badly yet I don't really care" describes it best. I also think my memory is failing. I think and feel that it should be late August or the beginning of September and definitely not November. Where did the last 2 months go?

>> No.8092777

I can't talk about myself, since I'm mentally stable, but my poor, psychotic mother has it hard ;_;

>> No.8092801

what are they? I would like those too.

>> No.8092818

I hate going to therapy. I have to because otherwise they'll stop giving me money and I would starve.
I started going to therapy when I was 15 or 16 and have been to so many different therapists since then. I really don't see how talking about it should help. I'll still be hideous, pathetic and stupid no matter how much we talk about it.

>> No.8092828

Does Pedophilia count as a mental disease?

>> No.8092830

You don't go to Penn State do you?

>> No.8092839
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1320844370142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like shit.

I keep saying that I hate it, so I guess life's mad at me.

>> No.8092843
File: 52 KB, 800x562, 96ab6fcf7b2a6211f8ec6d0e280c7bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're replying too, but in my experience medication is not the answer. Not caring about anything may sound good, but it really isn't. Everything is just meh. Which is arguable better than wanting to kill yourself but still.
Or maybe I have not been getting the right stuff.

>> No.8092844

No, and how is that related to pedophila? Are they saying it isn't or something?

>> No.8092847
File: 21 KB, 400x300, allie_outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been lame as HELL recently...

>> No.8092853

I don't seek treatment, thank you.

>> No.8092881

I wouldn't say I'm mentally ill. I don't want to claim something when I'm not officially diagnosed.

But my depression is mostly gone since I found 4chan and my panic disorder is under control. All of that without meds. So I'm doing fairly well I guess.

>> No.8092948


These drugs make me feel like SHIT.

>> No.8092951

May I ask where OP's image is from?

>> No.8092952


by http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=187034

>> No.8092957

Just was not diagnosed.

So, pretty fucking cool.
Oh, and I'm looking forward to the happy pills they just gave me.

>> No.8092966

The only real difference between now and before being diagnosed is me doing what I want, when I want.

I know how that goes. Does it all seem like it is going to end soon and by doing so everything will work itself out?

>> No.8092980

I'm probably technically not mentally ill, but I am currently NEETing due to several medical conditions.

Most of the time it's pretty okay. But I can get sudden anxiety attacks and the like, and recently that has gotten a bit worse. I had a bad one the other day, and I can still feel the effects of it somewhat. It's very draining, I feel uneasy and nothing feels fun or worthwhile.

I try to stay off the computer, make my own food or sweets or do other stuff, since that usually doesn't trigger any anxiety attacks. I'm actually most prone to getting when on the internet, I am mostly fine on /jp/ though.

>> No.8092985

Thank you~

>> No.8092999

Still feeling like shit. The positive effects of the Agomelatine should come in a week or two.

Yesterday I went out. Sometimes the (mild) need/feeling arises. I took a bus and got down near a small 'library'. I bought a funny book about the Ig Nobel prizes for $5. I decided to go back home walking, and in the way I stopped at a plaza. I tried reading the book, but every 30 seconds or so I can't help looking around and checking the people around me. The plaza was quite crowded, so I must have seen about 200 people.
Most were old hags. 5% or less were young women. 0% of those were wearing a skirt. Also, 0% of those had the look of somebody I could relate with. They were all laughing, smiling, or with that look of 'having to go someplace to do their important things'. I got back home more depressed than when I went out.

>> No.8093008

It's been treating me pretty good. It's actually nice having your brides, sisters, and daughters as split personalities. I hate having to deal with the PTSD though, as it kind of freaks me out having those intense flashbacks.

Also having Asperger's Syndrome on top of that for me at least makes it easier to cope with those things. People also for some reason either relate to me or feel intimidated when I mention that I have it. I guess I'm just in the right area for this sort of thing, as practically everyone in the county has some sort of mental illness.

>> No.8093010

I have been through something scarily similar so I can relate.

What I recommend you do is get a notebook and start writing in it at the end of the day. It's important that you write it in a physical notebook, doing it on the computer is no good. Write down what you did that day, what the weather was like etc. and what you felt about it. This really helped me. I still do it even today.

>> No.8093019

Good I suppose. Ive had Insomnia for...uhh.. 3-4 days now. Ive lost count. I did succeed to take a 30 min nap after an hour of rolling in bed but then Modern Warfare 3 came to ps3 in mail gloriously late and I was like "HOREY SHIT" And started to play the campaing which has been so far awesome as hell. I also havent been abusing my pills lately which is good. Im stalking some apartment across the street, but thats a different story.

>> No.8093038

Nobody cares about your shitty lives, go blog on /soc/.

>> No.8093043

Just started Prozac a week ago, hope it helps soon.

>> No.8093055

Normal spotted.

>> No.8093299
File: 102 KB, 553x474, IMG_003436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pathetic story for you guys.

I posted some weeks ago about me falling asleep on the floor of unknown toilets due to stressing talks with a local student psychiatrist about an inability to focus, tiredness and me generally being slow in the head. I figured I had a good chance at getting some Autism Bucks.
After speaking with her for a few weeks she sent me along to a proper doctor. Things were looking bright on the Disability Bux-front, but as I spoke to him his expression started to get more and more terrified, and soon he sent me on an emergency ride to the Adult Psychiatric division in another town. I was feeling real anxious by then. There I had to talk to two psychiatrist as they stared at me silently and intently, and after three hours they put me in a genuine mental hospital.

Like a "No sharp items allowed"-kind of mental hospital. People were waggling around biting their nails in the corridors and there were coded locks at every exit with scary, red, gleaming digits. I spent two days there, scared as fuck, and when I told the wardens that "I only came for concentration problems" and that the place was too hardcore for my issues, they then replied "Don't worry, it's for the best."

The second day the head psychiatrist came to see me. She invited me into a tiny room with four other doctors, and she bluntly said that she didn't think I had any issues, accused me of deliberately wasting their time and also implied that I am a closet homosexual, all while the other doctors were silently nodding their heads. After enduring the most humiliating five minutes for years they told me I could leave. I gathered my things superhumanly fast, powered by embarrassment and confusion, and left the place in a horrible daze.

I then ran into a toilet, vomited, and fell asleep on the floor yet again.

>> No.8093315

That's a wonderful story anon, but you forgot to add the spaghetti.

>> No.8093330

There more often I read such stories there more I start to believe that therapists are full of shit and are merely scamming the shit out of people with no real regards to their health.
I want to become one too

>> No.8093351


They are.

was-forced-to-go-to-therapist-from-9-to-18-fag speaking.

>> No.8093354

The best part about it is knowing that you're manipulating another persons life of their own accord.

You have the power of god to decide a person's fate as long as they put all their trust into you.

>> No.8093361

I stopped taking antidepressants a few months back and picked up drinking instead. Despite that my life has been surprisingly good lately. I mean, I'm as NEET as ever but I actually enjoy doing some things.

I kind of wish I felt like shit just so that I could justify my hikikomori life.

>> No.8093367

Good god.

>> No.8093368

Why do you even need to justify anything?
Who cares what other people think as long as you are happy

>> No.8093383

I don't know what's worse, that image or that text.
Easier said than done, I guess

>> No.8093622

I've been to those as well, but it was a whole "Nothing even remotely dangerous such as shoestring, gloves, hats, etc." It felt like a sleep in preschool with the only real difference was that we would watch T.V. instead of color.

>> No.8094192

lol what a faggot why dont you just kill yourself

>> No.8094424

That's some messed up shit. Wow.

>> No.8094431

Same as always. I play a lot of video games and watch a lot of anime to escape reality.

>> No.8094457

They really just told you were gay and all that shit like it was nothing? why did they think you were gay?

>> No.8094458

Today I managed to have a phone conversation with my ISP, which I'm quite proud of. I screwed up a lot of intonation and mixed up a few idioms, but I guess that's because I was trying to sound `cool' or whatever.
Seeing a new psychiatrist on Monday. Not sure how to act. I guess I'll just wing it.

>> No.8094459

I wonder if they did that on purpose to scare you from trying again.

In my book you aren't mentally ill unless you can't hold a conversation online or off. Having a hard time in social settings is just the way you are, it's not an "illness" that needs to be '"fixed."

>> No.8094470

Do you guys think a diagnosis might become a self-fulfilling prophecy?

I noticed I've been much more awkward ever since I was told I might have aspergers.

>> No.8094481

>>There more often I read such stories there more I start to believe that therapists are full of shit and are merely scamming the shit out of people with no real regards to their health.

You'll find incompetence in every field of work, but I think a therapist/shrink can probably get away with being crappy more than say, a doctor due to the nature of the business.

>> No.8094485

It kind of like self-diagnosing oneself from one of those disease databases. Once you are aware of the disease symptoms you might subconsciously fulfill some of them.

>> No.8094503
File: 896 KB, 1463x1003, 1315040051575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember the laws of creation

what you give out you get back (since everything is energy your thoughts count aswell)

life can't be that bad

>> No.8094514

Shit. The last few months have tested my gangster in nearly every way.

I'm ready to smoke a bunch of crack and go wilding.

>> No.8094651

If you go to the therapist's and you just stare at your feet the entire time, do you still get money? I don't want to have to talk to one.

>> No.8095207

I feel both angry with the self-important way they made themselves feel by stepping on all your pride, and sickened that a modern-day psychiatric institution follows teachings that have literally come straight out of the dark ages.

Make a formal complaint out of it. What the hell was the name of that place anyway? It deserves to be named and shamed.
