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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 802 KB, 707x1000, lewd yuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8087740 No.8087740 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you wearing a diaper right now?

>> No.8087742

because i'm not a manchild

>> No.8087746

Fuck, I AM a manchild and I still wouldn't do it.

>> No.8087751

I am only interested in diapers if people actually use them.

When I live on my own one day I will try it out. I would go about my day with a piss and shit filled diaper. Then after a full day of pissing and shitting into it I will use my days worth of content to masturbate with.

>> No.8087755

> 「ロリアキ」
Why don't you post as anon, I really doubt anyone cares who you are and it would improve the quality of the board.

>> No.8087764

Because he thinks he's a unique snowflake. Just ignore/filter those heathens.

>> No.8087763

I love to watch how you keep sinking more down and down. At this rate you'll be soon on same level with japanese otaku.

>> No.8087766

The world is my diaper is why.

>> No.8087768

Bitching about it doesn't help.

>> No.8087774

Refusing to change it does not help either.

>> No.8087785

Then you probably should have complained back in 2009 when I was still fence sitting.

>> No.8087793

being a name fag is still fence sitting

>> No.8087801

Meh. Autofill has spoken.

>> No.8087814
File: 95 KB, 415x337, Marisapukeloop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this shit again, I don't care about what you need to get a bonner but this shit is disgusting to no extent and doesn't belong here, Otaku culture doesn't mean you can post anything while it contains a touhou/vocaloid/anime character doing it, get that shit back to the hellhole from where it came from, diapers are a couple steps from being as disgusting as furries.

>> No.8087838

I had put on a diaper nd I already had a small glass of water, but it made me need to pee..alot. So it started to flow out as my diaper inflated and got saggy.I checked for some wet spots but there were none. soon some pee started to come out unexpectedly and made a small wet spot. I then contined to pee and all of a sudden, unexpectly thick, creamy, soft, messy poop completely filled my diaper. I sqaushed around for a bit, and then I use this poop as the ultimate masturbation aid. no I am still sitting in my poop, squishing it as I type.

>> No.8087848
File: 766 KB, 800x1118, taito guardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? If anything, diapers are the most appropriate solution to all anime-watching, touhou-playing, VN-reading hikikomori NEETs who don't have the time to go to the bathroom and end up shitting on the floor or pissing in an empty bottle. Diapers are very related to Otaku Culture as much as shitting, pissing, and masturbating is. I suspect you don't browse /jp/ at all and are just some expat /a/ troll who has come to share his unwanted opinions on what he thinks otaku is supposed to be.

>> No.8087865

This is a base human decency, as in shit like diseases are caused by this behavior.

rather than write a page long post, lets keet it at

Don't tell us. keep your shit to yourself

>> No.8087871
File: 165 KB, 592x600, 1319512385422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, you disgust me, not in a trollish way but in a human one, I can ignore that diaper shit you wrote and that image, but the simple fact that you post this and expect people to accept it as a normal thing makes me think you are fucking retarded, not retarded like "I can't understand simple logic", those have the pardon of being born like that, but the kind that would wear that shit just for the abnormal pleasure of watching the repulsion face that people would make at it.

Kill yourself, no seriously, get a gun or buy a rope and go hang yourself from a tree, and please in this case wear a diaper because when you die you release your sphincter, that will give a little help to the poor wretch who'll have to clean your dead body.

>> No.8087878

Wow, you do hate diapers, don't you?
They just another human fetish, there's worse things like being a furry, take it easy!

>> No.8087885

I soon began to tense up as I tried to hold my poop and Leah noticed and said allowed so that everyone heard that baby Bev was going to do her first poopie in her dee dee's soon I turned very red and began to cry in total humiliation when I let out a loud fart and my bottom exploded into my diapers and soon a thick flow of warm gooey mushy poop began to flow into my thick diapers and Leah began to chant baby bev is pooping in her diapers and many of the others their are began to chant. I would stop pooping and then a stream of my hot pee pee would flow into my diapers and then the flow of poop would start again soon the poop spread up my back and front and the warm pee added to my mess and their I sat sobbing on Leah's lap with all the others laughing and Mommy reminding me that babies like me do not use the bathroom any more but use their diapers. After I was done it felt horrible sitting in a very messy and soaked diapers and soon every one could smeel my poopie diaper. Mommy ordered me to crawl to my nursery where Leah would change me with every one watching.

>> No.8087884

Being a furry doesn't cause problems like septic filth does.

Well...maybe it does, they're sluts so STDs are common, but that's at least contained between them

>> No.8087890

This was about a week ago, I had gone out that day and bought a pack of Depends Maximum Protection diapers. I came home and without alerting my parents, diapered myself in the basement. After I had it on I spent about 20 minutes just rubbing my cock through the ultra soft material :) Then feeling the urge growing and growing, I knelt down and with the diaper on under my shorts pushed a huge softball sized firm bulge into my diaper!! I then got up and walked over to my couch where i sat down right in it :) Now let me tell you, this one was kinda stinky and after watching the episode of Suits on USA, I walked upstairs. I almost got caught though when my mom called me into the kitchen, however with a diaper full of poop i pretended not to hear her and just went right up to the bathroom to clean up. I spent some time feeling my mess through my diaper (by this time i had a boner that could have ripped right through my diaper). But then i sat down it again and wiggled around just to savor the feeling and finally went into clean up :)

>> No.8087894

I am a helper at my church's bible school. I was helping last night and was enjoying myself. I was wearing a bambino diaper. I felt really bad during the craft section. I was relaxing when the boy named adam asked if he go to the bathroom. I left and took him with me and I stood outside and waited. I really needed to go then so I just let it all out into my diaper. The other kids came in and went to the bathroom. I said I'll be back and left to go get a drink. I went in another boys bathroom and changed mys elf and came back out and helped out with the games and the rest of the nigh. It was good.

>> No.8087892
File: 236 KB, 391x550, 1320725567723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize people doesn't read that when they notice what it is after 3 words?

You are not only disgusting but also genuinely dumb.

>> No.8087917

You know you're just getting trolled, right.

>> No.8087918

You post reaction images.

>> No.8087924

It may be /b/ level, but you can't get much shittier than...you get the idea

>> No.8087934

I am wearing one, OP.
It's one of the new molicares which are white and a lot less thick.

Most people who like diapers don't like to do anything more than wet them, if even that.

>> No.8087943

Me and a few hundred thousand others beg to differ ^_^

>> No.8087944

No, anon. You are the shitposter.

>> No.8087950

From all the people I've seen and the others I was able to ask personally there's two things I am pretty sure are true.

1) Most diaper fetishists have liked diapers long before it was a sexual thing for them.
2) Most diaper fetishists don't like shit

I've noticed the people who do like shit tend to be a bit insane and Gaia like as well.

>> No.8087954

What, you mean infants?

>> No.8087964

Nope, actual full grown, sane, non-Gaia attending people who happen to like to use diapers as they made for; to be pooped and peed in.

>> No.8087967

hundreds of thousands is an exaggeration.

Make sure to stay far away from us please, you might as well be 200 lb rats with how much filth that is.

>> No.8087981

Its not like we keep it around after we are done using them, that is just silly.

>> No.8088145

What brand do you wear?
