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8031114 No.8031114 [Reply] [Original]

So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 8/10 but then that epilogue came. The dialogue was heartwrenching enough, the music does not help at all! ;_;

Bumped to freaking 9.5/10

>> No.8031118

Was going to give it 8.5/10, but 7/10 because LOLplotholes.

>> No.8031120

I could never finish it because of the atrocious writing towards the end.

>> No.8031125


>> No.8031126


>> No.8031137

1.5 difference for just the ending?
ahahah oh wow

>> No.8031139

It's late, I'm braindead, it takes me like 40 seconds to type in the damn verification.
I don't wanna think, gimmie name.

>> No.8031144

It was the rage across this entire site when it came out like, 10 months ago? G-Senjou no Maou.

>> No.8031146
File: 29 KB, 450x600, PC98_HDI_この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO_ノーカット版.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 8/10 but then that epilogue came. The dialogue was heartwrenching enough, the music does not help at all! ;_;

Bumped to freaking 10/10

>> No.8031156

Ah yes, I vaguely remember, thanks.

These verifications are not for the sleep deprived.

>> No.8031188

sage for kusoge

>> No.8031272

What were the plotholes? I don't remember any, though last time I played was last Christmas. I also didn't bother with any of the alternate routes.

>> No.8031276

you're still mad people like Yu-no? It's ok dude, just move on

>> No.8031278
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So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 8/10 but then that epilogue came. The dialogue was heartwrenching enough, the music does not help at all! ;_;

Bumped to freaking 9.5/10

>> No.8031280

You are Maou in every other route except for the true route.
Typical babies first vn, I rate this game 5/10 but at least the epilogue is pretty good, so I can bump it to 6/10.
Average but not a masterpiece like everyone said.

>> No.8031282


Do you not get it? You are not Maou in any route. Kyousuke is psychotic but he's a nice guy.

>> No.8031286

You just fell into a plot hole.
Why does Maou suddenly stop rampaging?

>> No.8031288

no,other than true ending main character is maou at the same time.Even the writer confirmed this.

>> No.8031291

Maou could have still be rampaging but the moment the story goes off to the side characters, the focus was no longer on Maou and Haru.

>> No.8031294

Because Kyousuke stop following Gonzo and bring his mother to live with him.

>> No.8031295
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>> No.8031298
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>> No.8031299

Why is Gonzo still alive at the end of Tsubaki's route?

>> No.8031308

How would you know? The moment he gets involved with a girl he breaks things off with Gonzo and they don't talk anymore. If his not involved with Gonzo anymore why would Maou bother with him at all?
Also there would be no need to feign being Kyousuke as he wouldn't have a prominent position in the mafia anymore.
Do you have a source for this?

>> No.8031316

>>8031280 You are Maou in every other route except for the true route.
I knew that the whole Maou plotline was stupid, but I never thought it could get even worst.

Still a decent game though.

>> No.8031348

/jp/ isn't your bloody blog, post your shitty impressions there, not here.

>> No.8031349
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So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 8/10 but then that epilogue came. The dialogue was heartwrenching enough, the music does not help at all! ;_;

Bumped to freaking 10/10

>> No.8031351

So did it actually have a good story?
I dropped it after the little sister ntr.
All the pissing didn't help either.

>> No.8031362

>>8031351 little sister ntr
Why would you do this?

>> No.8031390

In Shiritori's route, they still live in the same house, surely Maou would have raided the city centre. There's no way they wouldn't have caught wind of it.

>> No.8031423

It wasn't netorare you fucking retard.

>> No.8031424


Maou's main target was Kyouske, NOT Gonzou/Haru/Whoever the fuck you think it is. Haru and Big G is just Maou trying to kill 3 birds with one stone.

Maou wants to kill his faggot brother for basically betraying him and following Big G around like his bitch. In any other route, he let's Kyousuke off the hook because he sees that his faggot brother isn't really that much of a faggot now that he found love and gained some humanity back (Basically he reversed hollowed)

In the true end, Kyousuke stays with Big G and wants to bone Haru. That's fucking crossing the line for faggotry TWICE.

>> No.8031513
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So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 8/10 but then that epilogue came. The dialogue was heartwrenching enough, the music does not help at all! ;_;

Bumped to freaking 9.5/10

>> No.8031529

You're disregarding Gonzo and their father.

>> No.8031533
File: 44 KB, 325x450, Sharin_no_Kuni_2005_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 9/10 but then that epilogue came. The game was pretty good all the way through and the Epilogue doesn't make any real difference.

Bumped to freaking 9/10

>> No.8031543

Nacchan's and the big sister's endings were shit.
Painful sex and "lol I can't be bothered to write any more"

>> No.8031541
File: 36 KB, 256x327, Aiyoku no Eustia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 9/10 but then that epilogue came. The plot was retarded enough, the cliche does not help at all! ;_;

Dragged down to freaking 5/10

>> No.8031552

Natsumi's ending was fine in my opinion, at the very least I didn't particularly think any character's story was terrible like Shiratori from G-sen.

>> No.8031558
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So I finally finished a playthrough of this.

was gonna give it an 8/10 but then that epilogue came. The dialogue was pure copy pasta, the music does not help at all! ;_;

Bumped to freaking 5/10

>> No.8031562

Never understood the problem with Eustia's ending.
Sure it's surprisingly fucked up, not something you'd think August would make, but it made sense in context.

>> No.8031564

Chapter 5 is shit.
It was supposed to be the climax of the game instead we get Caim being hetare.

>> No.8031568

Half of it. the other half he was fine.
Everything Lucius said made sense, but he was being too rational.

>> No.8031573
File: 154 KB, 500x523, youdisappointscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are Maou in every other route except for the true route.

I've seen this 9999 times. Even though it's already been said to death. Is this because of retards or newfags ? Maybe it is a combination of both. Yes, you are Maou in every route except for the true route. No, you might want to call this by 9000 different names, but a plothole isn't one of them.

Simply put, it is only a plothole if there is some kind of inconsistency WITHIN a single route. The assumption that every different route has to agree with each other is only a trope many VNs decide to follow. There is no law written by some kind of almighty God that it has to be the case. A story, from its start to finish, only has to be consistent with itself. Another route is already another story. UNLESS you're playing some kind of VN that specifically declares the mechanics of parallel worlds and that its routes come from one original timeline like Steins; gate.

Let's wait until the next retard calls his idiocy a 'plothole'.

>> No.8031577

my problems were the protagonist who becames the exact opposite of what he was during the whole game and what he spent like 30 hours talking down to, and
betrayals and personalities turnabouts that happened so fast they couldn't keep one ounce of credibility
without considering shit like "My brother doesn't recognize me because my father rearranged my face's bone structure by hitting me too often."

>> No.8031578

Caim was stuck between 2 shitty places.
The fact that he didn't know what to do was pretty understandable.
It wasn't about good vs evil.

>> No.8031580

>at the very least I didn't particularly think any character's story was terrible like Shiratori from G-sen.
I'll give you that one. The bad end was hot though.

>> No.8031583

You're not Maou in every other route because he liked playing with his prey, and Haru leaves after you go on another route, and he follows her to play some more first, following by her actually killing him.

>> No.8031588

Can you summarize it?

>> No.8031599 [DELETED] 

I know, but the way it was done he was obviously written out to for the rest of chars to shine.
It's shitty writing. You really can't expect me to believe that he fell depressed from 1 fallacious argument from Lucius. It's shitty writing.

It could've been done properly.

>> No.8031605

You force Mizuha to give you a blowjob and not use her hands, she eventually dies somehow and you end up having sex with Tokita. Immediately after, Tokita tries to kill you but you manage to shoot her before she can knife you; turns out she is still alive and proceeds to kill you while your guard is down. BAD END.

>> No.8031611

What a bitch!

>> No.8031628

>and he follows her to play some more first, following by her actually killing him.
Where did you get that from?

>> No.8031630

I know, but the way it was done he was obviously written out for the rest of the characters to shine.
You really can't expect me to believe that he fell depressed from 1 fallacious argument from Lucius. It's shitty writing.

It could've been done properly.

>> No.8032447 [DELETED] 

>Maou's main target was Kyouske

Stopped reading there for being so wrong. Try actually playing the game and paying attention next time.

>You're not Maou in every other route because he liked playing with his prey, and Haru leaves after you go on another route, and he follows her to play some more first, following by her actually killing him.

No, Maou's habit of playing with his pray was not established until chapter 5, thus it does not apply to the routes prior. Everything that was established in chapter 5(which is practically everything specific regarding Maou) doesn't apply to the rest of the routes. Otherwise if you were going by chapter 5, you would know that Haru wasn't his main target and him following Haru to give priority to her would in fact, be a plot hole.

Anyway, yeah, Kyousuke is intended to be the Maou in the other routes. That's not a plothole though. It's just some weirdoes who have a problem with it for some reason trying to pass it off as objectively bad writing when it's not. If you want to point out objectively bad writing in G Senjou, there are other examples you can point to that actually count you, not this one. Like the complete lack of subtle in trying to mislead the audience to believe in a certain something and then completely turning around which just makes the readers even more suspicious of it, and makes the moment where it's revealed more like "wow I can't believe they still went through with it"

>> No.8032454

>Maou's main target was Kyouske

Stopped reading there for being so wrong. Try actually playing the game and paying attention next time.

>You're not Maou in every other route because he liked playing with his prey, and Haru leaves after you go on another route, and he follows her to play some more first, following by her actually killing him.

No, Maou's habit of playing with his pray was not established until chapter 5, thus it does not apply to the routes prior. Everything that was established in chapter 5(which is practically everything specific regarding Maou) doesn't apply to the rest of the routes. Otherwise if you were going by chapter 5, you would know that Haru wasn't his main target and him following Haru to give priority to her would in fact, be a plot hole.

Anyway, yeah, Kyousuke is intended to be the Maou in the other routes. That's not a plothole though. It's just some weirdoes who have a problem with it for some reason trying to pass it off as objectively bad writing when it's not. If you want to point out objectively bad writing in G Senjou, there are other examples you can point to that actually count, not this one. Like the complete lack of subtlety in trying to mislead the audience to believe in a certain something and then completely turning around which just makes the readers even more suspicious of it, and makes the moment where it's revealed more like "wow I can't believe they still went through with it"

>> No.8032926 [SPOILER] 
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