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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 358x64, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7993338 No.7993338 [Reply] [Original]

Why post in the thread you're deleting?

Please don't ban me

>> No.7993344

suck meidick dude

>> No.7993350

Meido is starting to get high off his own attention.

He should be more like AoC was and regard moderating /jp/ as a grim autistic duty

>> No.7993352

Why does the Meido delete on topic threads like the one I posted, but leave up 3D pig disgusting lewd gay cock threads. I think our Meido is an imposter and has a 3D pig disgusting agenda.

/jp/ is not about gays and diaper wearers. Please clean up the board properly.

>> No.7993360

Me eating Varenyky now. So... How do u do OP?

>> No.7993361

Why post a metathread?

>> No.7993362

people get drunk on power over time, specially when their job is taking out the trash

>> No.7993365

Janitors aren't mods, it's probably a mod from another board trying to cause arguments.

>> No.7993371

Why should great imageboard like this need moderation? Its great without it. GTFO, Meido, or, whenever.

>> No.7993375


>> No.7993373

I'm pretty sure he got promoted to mod

>> No.7993381
File: 179 KB, 500x500, sakuya_autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol y the HELL u make thread? it was locked 4 a reason xD
shitposters ganna shitpost!

>> No.7993382

cause pigs are cute inside. And your shits aren't.

>> No.7993389

Meido is a janitor., and mods are mods. What the fuck is that mod doing?

>> No.7993390

pigfuckers can fuck pigs all they want as long as they don't post about their pigfuckery in /jp/

>> No.7993394


>> No.7993397
File: 281 KB, 840x600, kawaii_desu_ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true at all. he constantly bans my bro, king of /jp/ and he does nothing but spam 3ds on /jp/. this meido mod is that guy from /mu/ who did the thread ban for 'trollplay". my reasoning it since he banned another thread for "trollplay" yesterday. so the "meido" is actually a mod from /mu/.

>> No.7993402

Then he isn't a meido anymore. What's so hard to understand?

>> No.7993403

just stick on some other stuff. Do not think about mods ETC. They want you to think about them.

>> No.7993401

Further evidence needed

>> No.7993417

well then stop treating it like he's two people

>> No.7993423

The mod didn't delete the thread though. Not sure what you mean.

>> No.7993430

The OP was asking to be banned, eventually meido appeared and agreed, 2 seconds after the post was made, the thread dissappeared (I was lucky enough to caught a glimpse).

>> No.7993440


>> No.7993445

Doesn't look deleted to me though, only change is the OP image is gone.

>> No.7993464

We should get rid of meido. Self reporting /jp/ is the best /jp/

>> No.7993477

It's still here: >>7991976

>> No.7993490

You mean a mod appeared. Meido can't ban.

>> No.7993889

Holy shit, now we have shitposter nods? And looking at all the shit threads every where, can't be saved, I mean Mon themsevles are the shitposters and agree with the outsiders/retardation.

>> No.7993909

meido is a mod now
how do people not know this?

>> No.7993923

Because it's contradictory. "meido" has always referred to /jp/'s janitor. If they no longer are a janitor, either through quitting (AoC) or from being promoted (what you're claiming here), then they're technically not the meido.

>> No.7993928

If meido can ban, then it's not my meido anymore.

>> No.7993942

/jp/ hasn't even been /jp/.

>> No.7993954

that's deep, i only use it as a naming reference so people know who i'm talking about
