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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 167 KB, 1280x720, [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes - 03 [1280x720 H264 OGG] [BE6CE832].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2011.10.09_19.29.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7973564 No.7973564 [Reply] [Original]

i think i have a problem
all i want to talk about or think about lately is how much i hate slut elly barton and i just want to talk about how much of a slut she is

just going to get this out of the way first:
Nero is indeed a slut, but not as much as a slut as Herc

>> No.7973572

I think you are looking for /a/

You are welcome

>> No.7973575
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, milkyholmessuperattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not true!

>> No.7973583
File: 480 KB, 900x675, 1295128027120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bitch not a slut, get your facts straight ffs!

>> No.7973585
File: 168 KB, 1278x723, greenxgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elly being a slut is just a silly meme. She's really a pure and tender young lady.

>> No.7973587
File: 85 KB, 800x848, 1295639459413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u sure 'bout that ?

>> No.7973588

No, she is a slut.

>> No.7973593
File: 195 KB, 1280x1024, milky_holmes_idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so mean to Elly? Is it just because she's an easy target as she's too weak to voice any objections herself and will just let you abuse her?

>> No.7973603

How about you shut the fuck up and stop making all these god damn shitty threads here?

>> No.7973606

I'll never stop until the world knows about how much of a slut Herc is

>> No.7973607
File: 727 KB, 2000x1300, Nero - Milky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right!

>> No.7973608

Woah buddy, what's eating you?

>> No.7973614

Nobody cares. Everyone who watched the fucking show knows that.

>> No.7973641
File: 1.17 MB, 981x802, G4fuckyear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anime isn't Japanese culture

>> No.7973659

My name is Howie-sama-a 23-year-old construction worker living in a quiet city in northern Washington. Everyday after

work, I go to the gym. I alternate between a cardio workout and a lifting routine, for maximum bodypower. I am 6'3", and

weigh 190 lbs. I am an amateur boxer, but THAT day would forever change my view of fighting.

My waifu is Nero Yuzurizaki from Milky Holmes.

I always bring my Nero Dakimura to the gym with me, as well as a plush Nero, and keep them with me as I workout. I've

always set my Dakimura and plushie near me when I worked out, and looked at them for confidence and inspiration. When I

was doing a really heavy set and thought I couldn't take it, I looked at Nero-her charming tongue, her yellow and plaid

hat, her beautifiul eyes and hair. This would invigorate me and allow me to do anything in that gym. Every there knew

not to fuck with me OR my waifu. The first few days I went there, some "tough" guys tried to give me a hard time and

take the plushie from me when I was doing a heavy bag workout on my cardio rotation day. They were saying "What is this,

a fucking annie-may toy? What are you a little kid, or just a fag?" This guy's name, I don't remember. I looked at him,

glaring. "If you touch my Nero one more time, I'm going to fucking kick your ass so hard you won't be able to walk for

several months, bitch."
"Ooh, tough guy. I'm real scared." He laughed, nudging his friend, a particularly weak looking, tanned nobody with

spiked hair, who laughed with him."Oh wait, no I'm not. Fag."He howled.

I walked up to him, shifted all of my weight to one foot, and twisted my body as I threw a right hook-I hit him so hard,

six of his teeth when flying out of his head, and his nose began gushing blood. I could feel his jaw and cheek bones


>> No.7973661

He was just lucky I was wearing gloves that day.

I looked at the other little faggot, who was shaking, trying to help his friend, before looking up at me in terror. "You

wanna talk shit about my waifu too, bitch?" I said angrily, the blood from his fallen friend coating my Grant training


He shook his head. I kicked him in stomach. "It's too bad that your friend and I were sparring and he happened to refuse

to wear his gear, huh?" I said threateningly. He just nodded.

Many people saw that in the gym that day, and were shaken by it. No one said anything, and soon, people were respectful

of my waifu and simply kept their distance and regarded my plush and dakimura as though they were precious workout gear.

I guess I could accept that-after all, they did help me to become strong.

It was a cold, fall day, and I was feeling pretty good-I had just finished up my workout with a few 1200 lbs leg presses

and a few 700 lb deadlifts. I took a shower and bagged up my stuff, and began heading home, my dakimura in hand, my

plushie tucked safely into a clean pocket of my dufflebag, my waifu's lovely head popping out. I had a really cute Nero cellphone strapped attached to my bag-well, six of them, one for each zipper.

>> No.7973666

It was that day I met him.

A man was standing in front of the gym, looking at me with heinous eyes through his stupid, black-rimmed plastic

glasses. I mean, I don't have a problem with glasses, but those were for stupid hipster faggots who try too hard. He was

dressed in a gray flannel suit, brown oxfords, and a was holding a dakimura of his own-a Hercule Barton dakimura.

"Nice day, isn't it?" He said nonchalantly. He was a tall guy-almost 7 feet, but he seemed sort of skinny.
"Yeah I guess." I said. I didn't want to talk about our waifus, because, as a fan of Milky Holmes, everyone knew that

Elly was a slut, and not a respectable waifu like Nero.

I began passed him, but he stopped me. I turned my head as he began speaking. "It's too bad that it has to be ruined for

me, by seeing that shitty Nero dakimura and plushie. I mean, why is Nero such a bitch anyway?" He grinned, turning his

head to me, many of his teeth replaced with silver implants.
My eyes went red and I threw a quick left straight, brushing his glasses and knocking them off. He backed off quickly,

jumping back. I almost ran, ready to fuck this bitch up, but his eyes were filled with bloodlust-and I didn't want to

get any blood or spit on my precious Nero products.

>> No.7973671

"How dare you...You...You fucking...Elly is just a stupid slut." I snarled.
He smiled. "No, Nero is a bitch and Elly is pure. My waifu is better than yours, gymrat." He laughed. "But not here.

We'll settle this somewhere else." He walked up to me-it took all of my self control not to punch him so hard his cheeks

temple touched his shoulder. Thankfully, my waifu was there with me, giving me mental strength.

He handed me a white, glossy business card, with a simple golden "MH" on it, an address and date near the bottom in pink


"What the fuck is this?" I asked.
"An invitation to the Milky Holmes Waifu tournmanet held 3 days from now. It will prove, once and for all, which Milky

Holmes girl is truly the best. Though, it's obviously Elly." He said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Fine. I'll kick your ass then." I said, turning to leave.

>> No.7973674

actually fuck it

>> No.7973678
File: 9 KB, 135x115, 1253125296572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973806

>He was dressed in a gray flannel suit, brown oxfords, and a was holding a dakimura of his own-a Hercule Barton dakimura.

Then I lost it.

>> No.7973864

What a beautiful story

>> No.7974190
File: 302 KB, 1277x721, milky_holmes_in_jail_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell did I just read?
