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File: 175 KB, 780x850, 1212928277039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
792047 No.792047 [Reply] [Original]

The title says it all.

West Coast Hostan

>> No.792130
East Coast

>> No.792168 EU It's time to duel!

>> No.792203
File: 82 KB, 408x194, 1213041773495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the proper way to play Komachi?

>> No.792219

ggs. Now I remember why Yukari needs to be nerfed.
Impossible to block her air-teleport, and there's no recovery after it.
You can't block ground attacks in the air. Normally not a big deal, but Yukari is fucking invincible thanks to that.

>> No.792226

don't bother, she sucks

>> No.792241

Funny, I usually cheer with glee when I see a teleport-spamming Yukari, 'cause it's not that hard to beat.

Use your head a bit more.

>> No.792243


>> No.792247

Needs moar hostin

>> No.792255

Huh? The teleport is easily punished if you're expecting it, which you know, because I got punished plenty. Yukari is fine just the way she is. Anyways, GG. I'd play more, but the FFXI update came out a few minutes ago and I wanted to try it out.

>> No.792256

GG, Hong.

>> No.792288


>> No.792302

Casual Iku/Reisen/randoms

>> No.792309 ec

>> No.792334

GGs Bench.

>> No.792339

Do you guys have any rules here? Like, are there any cards/characters that we aren't allowed to use?

>> No.792345

Can't use spellcards, ever.

>> No.792349


Can't use Reimu.

>> No.792356

Random only.

>> No.792366

Only Reisen allowed, only system cards, snow stage only, weather on.

>> No.792378

No Items.
Final Destination.

>> No.792386

East Coast>>792130
GGs, anon.

>> No.792393


>> No.792404


>> No.792411


>> No.792419

Gee Gee

>> No.792423

great game

>> No.792425


>> No.792431


>> No.792432

good game

>> No.792435



>> No.792436

I want to play, I want to play

>> No.792507

No Dogs Allowed

>> No.792520


>> No.792526

pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant

>> No.792531

ggs anon!

>> No.792540

GG I need to play more did a lot of stupid mistakes do to nerves

>> No.792564


You're on the right path! As far as the nerves go, I rarely play sober.

Also, if you like Tenshi, work on getting her B rocks into your corner pressure because you can keep someone completely locked down like that. 5aaB 2b j2b, etcetera.

>> No.792607

GGs, Zakeri. Gotta go, food's here.

>> No.792617

ahh, I see. Well, GG jetm.

>> No.792703

Hosts please?

>> No.792852

no host for you

>> No.792865


>> No.792893
File: 90 KB, 700x800, 1213046850529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
792893 EU
I'm as drunk as 2 zuns and I was shit at this when I was sober. Bring it the hell on you sugoii bakas.

>> No.792904

>sugoii bakas
ano sumimasen baka neko!!!

>> No.792920

ggs Ass. What was with that lag at the end?

>> No.792927

GG, too bad I wasn't able to do much...

>> No.792931


>> No.792953

Beats me, but it was getting annoying.

>> No.792960

GGs but loading times and weather lag makes it unbearable

>> No.792973


>> No.792977

Lol, not really GGs. The scrub rushdown character vs. the laggy projectile character is probably the worst match-up possible.

>> No.793064

Not advice at all.

I'm no expert at this, but I have improved a bit with Komachi over the past day or so. Generally, Komachi's game is arena control, and you can see this from her slow-moving projectiles and position-swapping attacks.

I highly recommend the 236 alternate card for Komachi, since the B version spawns behind the opponent and travels towards you, and at maximum distances, 236B will instantly hit them unless they block. If it doesn't hit, you can switch places with them for crossup, or launch another one. You can also crossup with 623B/C and then switch places.

Approaching, Komachi's generally coming in from the air, mostly because j.2A is not very punishable due to range, and that j.5A leads into dial-A combo very well. On the ground, your best bet is probably to launch some slow wisps and 236 alternates while you run in with something like D6B.

I'd say most of your damage will come from dial-As and 5AA 5B 6C midscreen. Most of her other attacks bind the opponent down in an attempt to land her slow attacks that cause the most damage.

For spellcards, the blue wisps and the 1-cost purple wisps cards are really good, and so is her 4-cost card that strikes a purple blast onto the opponent's head. The rest of your deck is probably going to be counter hit cards, 236 alternate cards, and anything else you deem important or suitable for your style.

Take this as you will. As I said, I am no expert on this, but I do want to improve, myself.

>> No.793123

Youmu and Yuyuko, I'm guessing?

>> No.793133
File: 46 KB, 400x440, 1213048624684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Coast Rehostan

>> No.793151


>> No.793157

2B 5A > Youmu

I think he's talking Youmu vs. Patchi, which is indeed a mismatch.

>> No.793159


>> No.793234

GGs, Candide.

>> No.793249 EU

>> No.793257
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1213049666692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs it took me about 8 matches to stop trying to play like street fighter. I look forward to a rematch when I'm in a more reasonable state.

>> No.793285

This is for the most part, good advice. You should also always pop out two 5C wisps after a knockdown against the opponent. You'll want to HJC after the first wisp to give them better coverage. This will allow you to approach from the air where one of two things will happen. A) The opponent runs through the wisps, in which case you 22B while standing in front of the wisps, or B) The opponent jumps and tries to fly over them. At this point, you should fly into them while still on the wisp. If they try to attack you, they get hit by the first wisp and bounced onto the second. If the enemy falls down next to you, pull out a 623B next to them. Forces them to go on the defensive, which is usually advantageous to you. The most important thing about Komachi is that a charged 6A will combo into just about any of your spellcards, even the life swap and life halve cards.

>> No.793337


>> No.793339

gg. I hate all of those fake outs Reisen has, but you put them to great use.

>> No.793343

I've given up on trying the life manipulation cards because 6[A] at maximum distance is incredibly hard to land, and even when I do it, I'm not fast enough at activating the spellcard.

How do you find time to land that thing charged? I only use 6[A] for guard crushing against cornered opponents who block high.

I also realize I completely left out the other wisps. 214 is really good for forcing the opponent to approach, and you should have 5Cs out almost all the time, as said above.

Something else that's been bothering me. How does a Komachi handle super armor weather? The blind spot with her dial-A combo makes it nearly impossible to match up against someone else in a dial-A war.

>> No.793355

>How does a Komachi handle super armor weather?

Very Badly. Her damage is horrible compared to anyone else, and her dial A is far too slow. Your best bet is to either run away until it ends or j.2A over and over. Either way you are probably screwed.

>> No.793372

There's always the Scythe Spin skillcard

>> No.793382

Oh, great. I was trying 623 at close range to try and match up, but it didn't really work out well. I guess j.2A it is.

>> No.793395

True, but in that case everyone else still beats Komachi in projectile power. Also, you'd have to get rid of your wisp fountain in order to get Breath of Dying, which IMO is a bad tradeoff.

>> No.793406

So true. Forget I even suggested it.

>> No.793407

Eh, I prefer the fountain, but the 623 alternate works decently in no melee weather. I try to use it offensively, and as a result, I suck at using it, so I gave up and stuck to the fountain for 22B crossups.

>> No.793415


>> No.793418


>> No.793421
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 1213051298463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
All-Around Amateur (Status: maintaining)
Weather ON

Special Note: I think I'm going to mess around with characters I barely play with, so don't expect much.

>> No.793422
File: 52 KB, 545x451, 1213051301933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd give up almost anything for a Breath of the Dying. Especially if it's perfect and ethereal. I dunno about putting it in a scythe, though...

>> No.793427

Hosting for a couple more. No flakes please.

>> No.793448

Hosting ON, Canada. Mainly Yukari/Reisen/Iku.

>> No.793457

I see. Still hosting.

>> No.793453

Ah the cabel got unplugged

>> No.793497
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>> No.793513

Attempting to improve Komachi. I'll use some other characters from time to time, too.

>> No.793527


>> No.793539


>> No.793567

What's the last option in the controls config?

>> No.793576


>> No.793579

No, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.793600

save: left=yes, right = no

>> No.793619

No, it's not.

>> No.793623

Actually according to the statistics I'm far more intelligent than you are. Show some respect.

>> No.793645

Don't worry, the definition of "last" won't be on your third grade vocab test, so you're probably fine, but I'd still skip recess to study if I were you.

>> No.793693


>> No.793717

derp derp
It's asking if you want to use a and b or b and c for cards alongside the 'a and b' keys.
left is yes, right is no

>> No.793720

GG, Noir. I've learned Aya's easy to pick up, but Komachi's is a pain. Iku just takes patience, and Alice... even though I won the series, don't think I'll be adding her to my roster...

>> No.793738


>> No.793751

It says you're an idiot.

>> No.793771

ggs. My food is here, though.

>> No.793781

Good Game. Hope you got what you needed from the Komachi matches.

I didn't expect to beat anyone using Sakuya of all people...

>> No.793805

Thank you.

>> No.793815
File: 121 KB, 513x717, 1213054878861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not paying attention to this thread at all but watch some of these if you want to see good komachis.


This one is particularly good.

>> No.793858
File: 51 KB, 439x600, 1213055305603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast, Day 2 Remilia. I think I'm getting pretty good with her now. If you're really good, I might use Reimu.

>> No.793867
File: 183 KB, 473x271, 1213055372160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here take this.

>> No.793894

needs more hosts

>> No.793895

Hosting, East Coast

>> No.793921

Sorry, I have to go.


>> No.793928

That shit's really lame. Block a 5A in the corner and your opponent can hit you with a guaranteed spell card.

>> No.793935


>> No.793937

GGs Char.

>> No.793938
File: 133 KB, 400x521, 1213056173676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please need a guide how to config the network gaming!

>> No.793943

Update to 1.02. Copy an ip and port, then go to the fifth option and choose the default option until it lets you into the game.

>> No.793957

I was watching. That's the power of Remi's 236C alt combo. If you're blocking high, guaranteed guard crusher. If you're blocking low, you're going to lose about 4-4.9 orbs. It's best guard low and super jump out, or pray you have a quicker counter attack, during Remi's delay.

>> No.793998

Wait, Spell cards on guard crush? My mind is blown. Even though its so simple I never thought of that.

>> No.794048


>> No.794078

Been having problems hosting games...
Average- Random player

Tell me if you can't connect

>> No.794086

Not working.

>> No.794091

I can't connect.

>> No.794104

Any idea what could be causing this?

>> No.794106

Router, firewall, or unknown problem. Take your pick.

>> No.794110

Haha, no really I'm serious.

>> No.794119

..You don't quite seem to understand how Remilia works. He stands over you when you're downed and jabs, giving you NO OPTION BUT TO BLOCK, and from a high-blocked 5A, like I said, guaranteed spell card. Even if you low-block, it takes away all but maybe half an orb, so you can only high-jump out of it, and from there you don't have any orbs to go anywhere, so he can sit there at the bottom and put more corner pressure on you, since Remilia 1. has awesome anti-air and 2. will always be able to hit you first on the ground because she has pretty much the fastest jab in the game. From what I saw of it, there's no way to get out of it unless the aggressor makes a mistake. There might be a creative solution like there was to Reimu's blockstring, but right now, it seems rather ridiculous.

>> No.794127
trying this one

>> No.794132

You forgot the port number, but I'm guessing it is 10800, right?

>> No.794136

The trolls love the SWR threads, eh?

>> No.794134

yes sorry

>> No.794142

192.168.x.x is never a valid IP. Go to www.whatismyip.com ro something

>> No.794144


>> No.794149

God damn it wasn't sarcasm.

Canada West, Low-Intermediate Youmu
Will play Youmu mixed with random

>> No.794148

AHAHAHAHA way to be a retard Jetm

>> No.794157

that's the 1st IP I tried...
guess I'm doomed to wait for hosters

>> No.794169

What combo are you talking about? I must learn it.

>> No.794176

I believe it's just dial-A -> alt 236C combo, but there might be something in between. You'd have to ask Magister to know for sure.

>> No.794178


GGs Abba

>> No.794180

ggs chen. Fuck super armor.

>> No.794182

i had this dillema before. finally able to port foward and works now. can u access your router config?

>> No.794191 east coast.

>> No.794231

Alt? That key doesn't do anything on my game.

>> No.794272

Lol, is SWR your first fighter? You know some comparatively impressively combos, but have no fuckin clue what you're doing with your spacing, mind games, or even blocking. Doing the same thing over and over is the worst possible thing you could do, particularly against either of the characters I used, as they both can punish you for it easily.

>> No.794275

well, sorry for playing casually.

>> No.794280


>> No.794323

I'm just saying, even casuals wouldn't usually have such an odd mix of skills. I mean, heck, you'd expect it to be the other way around, with you not memorizing combos but knowing from experience some of the other stuff I mentioned if you were a typical casual. Don't get so offended by it, it wasn't supposed to be an insult.

>> No.794377

GGs Bench, I fell off my chair which ended that last game

>> No.794379

Good games Rabbit, I at least beat your Youmou at the very end.

>> No.794381

What is with you and falling off chairs?

>> No.794384

Yeah you could read me really well, good games man

>> No.794387


It instantly kills you opponent if you hit it just right.

>> No.794398

This chair is precariously placed.
This chair. This chair. This chair...

>> No.794410
US West - powerlevel mildly high.

>> No.794432

Surprise Patchy win on my part.

>> No.794429


>> No.794494

Eh? Creative solution? What are you talking about? You mean jumping block at the instant j.6A so I can't continue the string effectively?

Also, if you block low against Vampire Claw in the corner, I'll most likely see it and crush you high. Thing is, the high crush ender is REALLY slow, so if you've got a fast jab, you can hit me out of it.

>> No.794901


>> No.794937

Hosting ON, Canada. Low-Intermediate Yukari/Reisen/Iku.

>> No.794992

Wait, there's a way to jump and block at the same time? I thought Tasofro had intentionally made you completely vulnerable for about 10 frames after jumping just to screw with people who jumped on reaction after the opponent attacked them quickly.
>>if you've got a fast jab
No, thats you. Remilia. I play Marisa and Suika, remember?
Also, can you tell me exactly what combo you use to go from 5A -> guaranteed spell card on high block? My speculation on it being unescapable was just that, since I wasn't watching what exactly you did the couple times you did it. Also, why can't we change from high to low block mid blockstring, again? Cause that REALLY gives a huge advantage to the characters that can do something like that.

>> No.794997

forcing remilia to choose between vampire claw and demon lord walk is really frustrating. she can either have midscreen dominance and no corner game at all, or a marginal corner game and the worst movement in the game.

>> No.795008

>change from high to low block mid blockstring

Uh, you can.

>> No.795031

I never understood that about Remilia.
The only character in the game with actual wings is the only one who can't fly?

>> No.795033 [SPOILER] 
File: 322 KB, 700x700, 1213066386297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for you tourneyfags. I'm trying to learn remi's mid screen combo that is supposed to do 2.8k damage.

5AAA 236B 2A 5C 623C

The 5C gives them the blue invulnerability circle if I let it hit for full and it only does 2350 if I cancel it into the 623 in time. Where am I supposed to be getting that extra 400 damage from?

>> No.795037


>> No.795066

As a note, Marisa and Remi's jabs are both the same speed.

>> No.795082

The wiki has pretty terrible information on combos. They all tend to work on at least some of the characters, but the damage and other things aren't necessarily accurate.

>> No.795119

Bullshit. Marisa has to be the slowest character in the game.

Ok, you're probably right, her jab isn't as slow as I expected, it's just I had it mentally classified as SHITTY AS HELL because her 5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA combo is the worst in the game. Seriously. Fuckin impossible to link it to anything, and it does 1650 damage.

>> No.795178


>> No.795179

What the hell. I can't beat Suika. It makes me weep.

>> No.795190


Don't feel bad, no one can. Suika is a best.

>> No.795195

Wrong, faggot. I can't beat his Suika all of a sudden.

>> No.795206


>> No.795219

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.795226

someone normal host

>> No.795243


>> No.795248

Is anyone willing to host a beginner game? I've basically just started playing SWR.

>> No.795269
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Special Note: Disregard the earlier special note. I've had enough Reaper, Puppets, and Enema action for one day.

>> No.795266

Yeah, Marisa has shit for midscreen.

Dial-A-Combo does link into every spellcard but Orreries and Really Big Spark, though. Dial-A-Combo to Final Spark does 4.4k.

>> No.795267

You're doing it wrong. Oh so wrong.

ITT: Alice vs Suika tips.

>> No.795271

gg's. You really need to do more with Youmu than charge, j.A. It just encourages me to turtle all match, which is no fun for anymore.

>> No.795276

Fastball! Thousands of them.

>> No.795275

This is amazing, and it surprised me in a bunch of ways. I see absolutely no dial-A combos, a heavy use of 6C and j.6A, neither of which I considered for comboing, groundslam combos, a couple of cards I wouldn't have ever considered for my own deck, absence of counter hit cards, presence of bombs and using them effectively, a lot of stuff. I will watch all of these videos and absorb strategy and combos from it. Thanks for the post.

>> No.795281

Reisen would like to have a word with you about shitty damage and priority.

>> No.795286

anyone at all?

>> No.795284

I know, but being from West Coast I was getting commands dropped. Couldn't for the life of me hit with a 623B when you'd jump at a charge.

>> No.795291

But airdash -> elbow is all Youmu is good for..
I thought it was agreed that Marisa is vying with Patchy for 3rd worst in the game? I mean, really, Reisen isn't that much worse than Marisa, and she's certainly faster for everything except dash attacks and projectiles if they stand directly horizontally in front of you instead of, uh, jumping or something.

>> No.795296

Pick up one of the scrub characters to get a feel for the game without getting horribly discouraged by your lack of wins. I mean really, Aya and Youmu win by default against a fourth of the cast.

>> No.795294


Where are you from?

>> No.795303


>> No.795297

Very well: hosting beginner remilia.
Midwest/Great Plains.

>> No.795301


Is Patchy really that bad? I've had decent success with her on netplay and I don't even spam 5C.

>> No.795314

No dice.

>> No.795322


>> No.795316

if the other IP I posted isn't working, try this (although I read earlier in this thread that such IPs are invalid,):

>> No.795320


>> No.795323

What? Marisa being low tier is news to me. I mean I don't see ANYONE maining her on /jp/, but I thought it was agreed her 6C and spellcards alone pushed her into decency. I don't feel handicapped using her, unlike Reisen, Komachi, and Patchouli.

>> No.795324

If it makes any difference, I'm in KC, not in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.795325

It doesn't work because that is your local IP, not your global IP that people can actually connect to. Almost everyone's router IP is 192.168.X.1 these days, save a few different models.

>> No.795334

That won't work either.
Your previous one was probably correct, you might just need to either update SWR to 1.02, or just Portforward/open the 10800 port.

>> No.795336

Thanks for the clarification.
In that case, I checked whatismyip.com and my global IP should be the following:

>> No.795337

1. Download new patch 1.02
2. whatismyip.org
3. 'IP:Port' from the first option.

If problems continue, Google 'port forwarding'

>> No.795338


marisa seems solidly middle-tier to me. her 6C shuts down a lot of characters but she lost a lot of her invincibility/graze frames.

>> No.795341

As far as I know, only one person mains her. I use her as a secondary, sort of.

>> No.795347

already patched, but didn't notice the IP:port option (if it isn't the default). I'll check and report back.

>> No.795353

'Your IP:Port number when you click the first option in network'

>> No.795350

Graze attacks in general are nerfed in this game. Fuckin bullshit compared to LaMP.

>> No.795361

checked the site, and it still gave me the IP (and the standard SWR port is 10800, amirite?)

>> No.795370

Bench is the only one I know maining her. You and I both B-string her. If there's a worst feature to her, it's Ray Line not being grazable anymore. Unlike that bitch Aya's...

>> No.795368

Way too slow to deal with the high-tier characters. She has some decent match-ups, but she'll have more trouble than anyone else dealing with good corner pressure. High-level Patchy play will likely degrade into running away and spamming projectiles and taking advantage of any hits, or any relent in the chase, giving her a chance to use a longer lasting projectile to cover for her while she goes in for some pressure. Other than that kind of situation though, she'll largely only be able to compete by playing extremely defensively, and I can't see her getting very far in high-level tournaments, particularly considering how extremely good some of the high-tier (however ill-defined they currently are) characters are, giving her essentially no good options. Also, if she's playing defensively, she'll have a lack of chances to use her saw skill-card that would give her quite a boost. Basically all of her moves are extremely telegraphed, too. The only reason she's not outright worse than Marisa is that she actually has combos and decent pressure of her own.

>> No.795373

She seems heavily flawed to me. In theory, she should have the best projectiles to make up for her shitty melee. But that isn't the case. Many characters will out-gun her in a ranged fight, without having the gimped melee penalty. She's got a lot of sub-par supers as well.

>> No.795374


Still doesn't work.

>> No.795375

Try it with 07500

>> No.795381
File: 175 KB, 600x469, 1213069552750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WC preferred, weather on

>> No.795383

trying now.

>> No.795384

All they need to do to make Patchy strong is to make her tornados hit physically and maybe a few tweaks to speed/damage.
Learn to use her alt broom attacks. The spin attack is huge and has great defensive priorities. The vernier covers most of the screen and grazes, and combos into 2.A or the spinbroom automatically.

>> No.795391

set to

>> No.795396

Nope. It's port forwarding tiem for you, my friend.

>> No.795398


Doesn't work.

>> No.795399


Portforwarding. Google it, do it, and it should be solved.

>> No.795401

6C is far less useful at higher-level play. I virtually never hit Magister with it, for example, unless he does something laggy (stupid) like 22B or pulling out a skill card. Her spell cards are decent, but they don't make up for her ability to do normal damage. 1650 damage off a 5A. 2/3 of virtually any other character's, and half of Tenshi's. Her 5A is essentially only useful for linking into her spell cards, but it's exceedingly rare to actually hit with it in the first place. I have NEVER hit Magister with Marisa's 5A. Seriously. That plus her projectiles are slow and predictable, and her broom ride was nerfed awfully, I don't see how she could possibly be mid-tier.

>> No.795402

Damn, still? Can anyone help on how to access my router, though? I lost the link I usually use for such awhile ago.

>> No.795406

Shit sucks when you do it on reflex, then remember it doesn't graze :awesome:

>> No.795411


You DO realize Marisa's bnb does 3200 damage WITHOUT using a spellcard, right?

>> No.795413

I've seen it used (and ate it a few times myself...). Does it work in mid-air?

>> No.795426

The opinion of a single person who may or may not be good at the game.

>> No.795427

Spinbroom does work in midair and almost vacuum juggles anything it hits for deceptively high damage.

>> No.795463

Ok then, now that that's out of the way:
Beginner Remilia, Midwest (still in KC, mind you) hosting :

>> No.795468

Corner BnB, and she has no corner pressure to land it with. Plus, she can actually do 3500, not 3200 (even though that strengthens your argument, not mine). I haven't gotten around to adding the new combo on the wiki yet..
5AAA 5B 5C 8 j.5C 66 j.5C 214C
You have to use double-tap dashes instead of holding D and a direction so that you don't use spirit orbs. 5B should only hit once.
Oh and, please, don't argue that her 5AAAA combo can lead into 6D A 623B. It's a goddamn 1 frame link. I REALLY doubt any one is gonna be able to pull that off consistently, or even half the time. I spent half an hour practicing it and only once got it twice in a row, and averaged maybe a 10% success rate.

>> No.795484

New thread.

>> No.795492

Is there a way to consistently make 5c hit once? This is much tougher for 300 more damage.
Yeah, 6da is bullshit. Only gotten it once.
